package crmdna.mail2; import com.googlecode.objectify.cmd.Query; import crmdna.client.Client; import crmdna.common.Utils; import crmdna.common.api.APIException; import crmdna.common.api.APIResponse.Status; import; import crmdna.sequence.Sequence; import crmdna.sequence.Sequence.SequenceType; import crmdna.user.User; import crmdna.user.User.ClientLevelPrivilege; import crmdna.user.User.GroupLevelPrivilege; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import static crmdna.common.AssertUtils.ensure; import static crmdna.common.AssertUtils.ensureNotNull; import static crmdna.common.OfyService.ofy; public class MailContent { public static MailContentProp create(String client, String displayName, long groupId, String subject, String body, String login) { Client.ensureValid(client); User.ensureValidUser(client, login); ensureNotNull(displayName, "displayName is null"); ensure(!displayName.isEmpty(), "displayName is empty"); ensureNotNull(subject, "subject is null"); ensureNotNull(body, "body is null"); ensure(!subject.isEmpty(), "subject is empty"); ensure(!body.isEmpty(), "body is empty"); if (groupId != 0) { Group.safeGet(client, groupId); } else { // client specific email User.ensureClientLevelPrivilege(client, login, ClientLevelPrivilege.UPDATE_MAIL_CONTENT); } String name = Utils.removeSpaceUnderscoreBracketAndHyphen(displayName.toLowerCase()); int count = ofy(client).load().type(MailContentEntity.class).filter("name", name) .filter("groupId", groupId).count(); if (count != 0) { throw new APIException("There is another MailContent with the same name for group [" + groupId + "]").status(Status.ERROR_RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS); } MailContentEntity entity = new MailContentEntity(); entity.mailContentId = Sequence.getNext(client, SequenceType.MAIL_CONTENT); entity.body = body; entity.subject = subject; entity.displayName = displayName; = name; entity.owner = login.toLowerCase(); entity.updatedMS = new Date().getTime(); entity.groupId = groupId; ofy(client).save().entity(entity).now(); return entity.toProp(); } public static MailContentEntity safeGet(String client, long mailContentId) { Client.ensureValid(client); MailContentEntity entity = ofy(client).load().type(MailContentEntity.class).id(mailContentId).now(); if (null == entity) throw new APIException().status(Status.ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND).message( "Mail content id [" + mailContentId + "] not found for client [" + client + "]"); return entity; } public static MailContentEntity getByName(String client, String name, long groupId) { Client.ensureValid(client); ensureNotNull(name, "name is null"); name = Utils.removeSpaceUnderscoreBracketAndHyphen(name.toLowerCase()); List<MailContentEntity> entities = ofy(client).load().type(MailContentEntity.class).filter("name", name) .filter("groupId", groupId).list(); if (entities.isEmpty()) return null; if (entities.size() > 1) { RuntimeException ex = new RuntimeException("Alert: There are [" + entities.size() + "] MailContent entities with name [" + name + "] for group [" + groupId + "]"); Utils.sendAlertEmailToDevTeam(client, ex, null, "unknown"); } return entities.get(0); } public static List<MailContentEntity> query(String client, String owner, Long startMS, Long endMS, String login) { Client.ensureValid(client); User.ensureValidUser(client, login); Query<MailContentEntity> q = ofy(client).load().type(MailContentEntity.class); if (owner != null) q = q.filter("owner", owner); if (startMS != null) q = q.filter("updatedMS >=", startMS); if (endMS != null) q = q.filter("updatedMS <=", endMS); q = q.order("-updatedMS"); List<MailContentEntity> entities = q.list(); return entities; } public static MailContentProp update(String client, long mailContentId, String newDisplayName, String newSubject, String newBody, boolean allowIfMailSent, String login) { Client.ensureValid(client); User.ensureValidUser(client, login); int numEmailsAlreadySent = ofy(client).load().type(SentMailEntity.class).filter("mailContentId", mailContentId) .count(); MailContentEntity entity = safeGet(client, mailContentId); if (!entity.owner.equalsIgnoreCase(login)) { if (!entity.owner.equalsIgnoreCase(login)) { if (entity.groupId != 0) User.ensureGroupLevelPrivilege(client, entity.groupId, login, GroupLevelPrivilege.UPDATE_MAIL_CONTENT); else { User.ensureClientLevelPrivilege(client, login, ClientLevelPrivilege.UPDATE_MAIL_CONTENT); } } } if (newDisplayName != null) { ensure(!newDisplayName.isEmpty(), "newDisplayName is empty"); String newName = Utils.removeSpaceUnderscoreBracketAndHyphen(newDisplayName.toLowerCase()); if (!newName.equals( { int count = ofy(client).load().type(MailContentEntity.class).filter("name", newName) .filter("groupId", entity.groupId).count(); if (count != 0) throw new APIException("There is another MailContent with the same name") .status(Status.ERROR_RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS); } entity.displayName = newDisplayName; = newName; } if (newSubject != null) { if (!allowIfMailSent && (numEmailsAlreadySent != 0)) throw new APIException().status(Status.ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED).message( "Subject cannot be updated as [" + numEmailsAlreadySent + "] email(s) have already gone out with this content. " + " Please create new Mail Content (rather than updating)"); ensure(!newSubject.isEmpty(), "newSubject is empty"); entity.subject = newSubject; } if (newBody != null) { if (!allowIfMailSent && (numEmailsAlreadySent != 0)) throw new APIException().status(Status.ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED).message( "Mail content cannot be updated as [" + numEmailsAlreadySent + "] email(s) have already gone out with this content. " + " Please create new Mail Content (rather than updating)"); ensure(!newBody.isEmpty(), "newBody is empty"); entity.body = newBody; } ofy(client).save().entity(entity); return entity.toProp(); } public static void delete(String client, long mailContentId, String login) { Client.ensureValid(client); User.ensureValidUser(client, login); int numEmailsAlreadySent = ofy(client).load().type(SentMailEntity.class).filter("mailContentId", mailContentId) .count(); if (numEmailsAlreadySent != 0) throw new APIException().status(Status.ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED).message( "Content cannot be deleted as [" + numEmailsAlreadySent + "] email(s) have already gone out with this content."); MailContentEntity entity = safeGet(client, mailContentId); if (!entity.owner.equalsIgnoreCase(login)) { if (entity.groupId != 0) User.ensureGroupLevelPrivilege(client, entity.groupId, login, GroupLevelPrivilege.UPDATE_MAIL_CONTENT); else { User.ensureClientLevelPrivilege(client, login, ClientLevelPrivilege.UPDATE_MAIL_CONTENT); } } ofy(client).delete().entity(entity).now(); } public enum ReservedMailContentName { RESERVED_EMAIL_VERIFICATION, RESERVED_PASSWORD_CHANGE, RESERVED_PASSWORD_RESET, RESERVED_REGISTRATION_CONFIRMATION, RESERVED_SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE } }