package cgl.iotcloud.core.transport; import cgl.iotcloud.core.msg.MessageContext; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * Contains a set of channels belonging to a particular group. The channels are * distributed across the available brokers. A Channel group consumes or produces messages from or * to a single logical queue. */ public class ChannelGroup { private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChannelGroup.class); /** * Name of the group, this name is a unique combination of sensor group and channel name */ private String name; /** * Keep track of the channels for a broker host */ protected Map<BrokerHost, List<Channel>> brokerHostToProducerChannelMap = new HashMap<BrokerHost, List<Channel>>(); protected Map<BrokerHost, List<Channel>> brokerHostToConsumerChannelMap = new HashMap<BrokerHost, List<Channel>>(); /** * The available brokers */ private List<BrokerHost> brokerHosts; /** * The index is used to pick the next broker available */ private int consumerIndex = 0; private int producerIndex = 0; private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); /** * These are the queues we put the messages coming from the channels. The actual message consumers or * senders use these queues */ protected Map<BrokerHost, BlockingQueue<MessageContext>> consumerQueues = new HashMap<BrokerHost, BlockingQueue<MessageContext>>(); protected Map<BrokerHost, BlockingQueue<MessageContext>> producerQueues = new HashMap<BrokerHost, BlockingQueue<MessageContext>>(); protected AbstractTransport transport; protected Map<BrokerHost, Manageable> consumers = new HashMap<BrokerHost, Manageable>(); protected Map<BrokerHost, Manageable> producers = new HashMap<BrokerHost, Manageable>(); protected Map<BrokerHost, ConsumingWorker> consumingWorkers = new HashMap<BrokerHost, ConsumingWorker>(); protected boolean run; protected String prefix; protected int brokerIndex; public ChannelGroup(String name, String prefix, List<BrokerHost> brokerHosts, AbstractTransport transport, int initialBrokerIndex) { = name; this.brokerHosts = brokerHosts; this.transport = transport; this.prefix = prefix; this.brokerIndex = initialBrokerIndex; for (BrokerHost brokerHost : brokerHosts) { brokerHostToConsumerChannelMap.put(brokerHost, new ArrayList<Channel>()); brokerHostToProducerChannelMap.put(brokerHost, new ArrayList<Channel>()); consumerQueues.put(brokerHost, new ArrayBlockingQueue<MessageContext>(1024)); producerQueues.put(brokerHost, new ArrayBlockingQueue<MessageContext>(1024)); } = true; } public BrokerHost addChannel(Channel channel) { lock.lock(); try { // add the channel and return the broker host Manageable manageable; if (channel.getDirection() == Direction.OUT) { BrokerHost host = brokerHosts.get(brokerIndex); List<Channel> producerChannels = brokerHostToProducerChannelMap.get(host); BlockingQueue<MessageContext> channelOutQueue = producerQueues.get(host); if (!producers.containsKey(host)) { manageable = transport.registerProducer(host, prefix, channel.getProperties(), producerQueues.get(host)); producers.put(host, manageable); manageable.start(); } // now register the channel with the brokers map // check weather you have a sender consumer for this host channel.setOutQueue(channelOutQueue); producerChannels.add(channel); producerChannels.add(new Channel("", Direction.OUT));"Registering channel {} with group {} and host {}", channel.getName(), name, host.toString()); incrementProducerIndex(); return host; } else if (channel.getDirection() == Direction.IN) { BrokerHost host = brokerHosts.get(brokerIndex); List<Channel> consumerChannels = brokerHostToConsumerChannelMap.get(host); if (!consumers.containsKey(host)) { BlockingQueue<MessageContext> channelInQueue = consumerQueues.get(host); manageable = transport.registerConsumer(host, prefix, channel.getProperties(), channelInQueue); consumers.put(host, manageable); ConsumingWorker worker; if (channel.isGrouped()) { worker = new ConsumingWorker(consumerChannels, channelInQueue); } else { worker = new ConsumingWorker(consumerChannels, channelInQueue, true); } Thread thread = new Thread(worker); thread.start(); manageable.start(); consumingWorkers.put(host, worker); } // now register the channel with the brokers map // check weather you have a sender consumer for this host consumerChannels.add(channel);"Registering channel {} with group {} and host {}", channel.getName(), name, host.toString()); incrementConsumerIndex(); return host; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return null; } public void removeChannel(Channel channel) { lock.lock(); try { if (channel.getDirection() == Direction.OUT) { BrokerHost registeredHost = null; for (Map.Entry<BrokerHost, List<Channel>> e : brokerHostToProducerChannelMap.entrySet()) { List<Channel> channels = e.getValue(); Iterator<Channel> channelIterator = channels.iterator(); while (channelIterator.hasNext()) { Channel c =; if (c.equals(channel)) { registeredHost = e.getKey(); channelIterator.remove(); // if there are no more channels remove the producer if (channels.size() == 0) { Manageable producer = producers.remove(registeredHost); producer.stop(); } break; } } if (registeredHost != null) { break; } } } else if (channel.getDirection() == Direction.IN) { BrokerHost registeredHost = null; for (Map.Entry<BrokerHost, List<Channel>> e : brokerHostToConsumerChannelMap.entrySet()) { List<Channel> channels = e.getValue(); Iterator<Channel> channelIterator = channels.iterator(); while (channelIterator.hasNext()) { Channel c =; if (c.equals(channel)) { registeredHost = e.getKey(); channelIterator.remove(); // if there are no more channels remove the producer if (channels.size() == 0) { ConsumingWorker worker = consumingWorkers.remove(registeredHost); worker.stop(); Manageable consumer = consumers.remove(registeredHost); consumer.stop(); } break; } } if (registeredHost != null) { break; } } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private void incrementConsumerIndex() { if (consumerIndex == brokerHosts.size() - 1) { consumerIndex = 0; } else { consumerIndex++; } } private void incrementProducerIndex() { if (producerIndex == brokerHosts.size() - 1) { producerIndex = 0; } else { producerIndex++; } } public BrokerHost getHostForChannel(Channel channel) { BrokerHost registeredHost = null; lock.lock(); try { if (channel.getDirection() == Direction.OUT) { for (Map.Entry<BrokerHost, List<Channel>> e : brokerHostToProducerChannelMap.entrySet()) { List<Channel> channels = e.getValue(); Iterator<Channel> channelIterator = channels.iterator(); while (channelIterator.hasNext()) { Channel c =; if (c.equals(channel)) { registeredHost = e.getKey(); break; } } if (registeredHost != null) { break; } } } else if (channel.getDirection() == Direction.IN) { for (Map.Entry<BrokerHost, List<Channel>> e : brokerHostToConsumerChannelMap.entrySet()) { List<Channel> channels = e.getValue(); Iterator<Channel> channelIterator = channels.iterator(); while (channelIterator.hasNext()) { Channel c =; if (c.equals(channel)) { registeredHost = e.getKey(); break; } } if (registeredHost != null) { break; } } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return registeredHost; } public void start() { for (Manageable manageable : consumers.values()) { manageable.start(); } for (Manageable manageable : producers.values()) { manageable.start(); } } public void stop() { for (Manageable manageable : consumers.values()) { manageable.stop(); } for (Manageable manageable : producers.values()) { manageable.stop(); } } }