/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.samples.apps.iosched.sync; import android.content.ContentProviderOperation; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.OperationApplicationException; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.google.samples.apps.iosched.io.*; import com.google.samples.apps.iosched.io.map.model.Tile; import com.google.samples.apps.iosched.provider.ScheduleContract; import com.google.samples.apps.iosched.util.AccountUtils; import com.google.samples.apps.iosched.util.IOUtils; import com.google.samples.apps.iosched.util.MapUtils; import com.google.gson.JsonParser; import com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader; import java.io.*; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import com.larvalabs.svgandroid.SVG; import com.larvalabs.svgandroid.SVGBuilder; import com.larvalabs.svgandroid.SVGParseException; import com.turbomanage.httpclient.BasicHttpClient; import com.turbomanage.httpclient.ConsoleRequestLogger; import com.turbomanage.httpclient.HttpResponse; import com.turbomanage.httpclient.RequestLogger; import static com.google.samples.apps.iosched.util.LogUtils.*; /** * Helper class that parses conference data and imports them into the app's * Content Provider. */ public class ConferenceDataHandler { private static final String TAG = makeLogTag(SyncHelper.class); // Shared settings_prefs key under which we store the timestamp that corresponds to // the data we currently have in our content provider. private static final String SP_KEY_DATA_TIMESTAMP = "data_timestamp"; // symbolic timestamp to use when we are missing timestamp data (which means our data is // really old or nonexistent) private static final String DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP = "Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT"; private static final String DATA_KEY_ROOMS = "rooms"; private static final String DATA_KEY_BLOCKS = "blocks"; private static final String DATA_KEY_CARDS = "cards"; private static final String DATA_KEY_TAGS = "tags"; private static final String DATA_KEY_SPEAKERS = "speakers"; private static final String DATA_KEY_SESSIONS = "sessions"; private static final String DATA_KEY_SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS = "search_suggestions"; private static final String DATA_KEY_MAP = "map"; private static final String DATA_KEY_HASHTAGS = "hashtags"; private static final String DATA_KEY_VIDEOS = "video_library"; private static final String[] DATA_KEYS_IN_ORDER = { DATA_KEY_ROOMS, DATA_KEY_BLOCKS, DATA_KEY_CARDS, DATA_KEY_TAGS, DATA_KEY_SPEAKERS, DATA_KEY_SESSIONS, DATA_KEY_SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS, DATA_KEY_MAP, DATA_KEY_HASHTAGS, DATA_KEY_VIDEOS }; Context mContext = null; // Handlers for each entity type: RoomsHandler mRoomsHandler = null; BlocksHandler mBlocksHandler = null; CardHandler mCardHandler = null; TagsHandler mTagsHandler = null; SpeakersHandler mSpeakersHandler = null; SessionsHandler mSessionsHandler = null; SearchSuggestHandler mSearchSuggestHandler = null; MapPropertyHandler mMapPropertyHandler = null; HashtagsHandler mHashtagsHandler = null; VideosHandler mVideosHandler = null; // Convenience map that maps the key name to its corresponding handler (e.g. // "blocks" to mBlocksHandler (to avoid very tedious if-elses) HashMap<String, JSONHandler> mHandlerForKey = new HashMap<String, JSONHandler>(); // Tally of total content provider operations we carried out (for statistical purposes) private int mContentProviderOperationsDone = 0; public ConferenceDataHandler(Context ctx) { mContext = ctx; } /** * Parses the conference data in the given objects and imports the data into the * content provider. The format of the data is documented at https://code.google.com/p/iosched. * * @param dataBodies The collection of JSON objects to parse and import. * @param dataTimestamp The timestamp of the data. This should be in RFC1123 format. * @param downloadsAllowed Whether or not we are supposed to download data from the internet if needed. * @throws IOException If there is a problem parsing the data. */ public void applyConferenceData(String[] dataBodies, String dataTimestamp, boolean downloadsAllowed) throws IOException { LOGD(TAG, "Applying data from " + dataBodies.length + " files, timestamp " + dataTimestamp); // create handlers for each data type mHandlerForKey.put(DATA_KEY_ROOMS, mRoomsHandler = new RoomsHandler(mContext)); mHandlerForKey.put(DATA_KEY_BLOCKS, mBlocksHandler = new BlocksHandler(mContext)); mHandlerForKey.put(DATA_KEY_TAGS, mTagsHandler = new TagsHandler(mContext)); mHandlerForKey.put(DATA_KEY_SPEAKERS, mSpeakersHandler = new SpeakersHandler(mContext)); mHandlerForKey.put(DATA_KEY_SESSIONS, mSessionsHandler = new SessionsHandler(mContext)); mHandlerForKey.put(DATA_KEY_SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS, mSearchSuggestHandler = new SearchSuggestHandler(mContext)); mHandlerForKey.put(DATA_KEY_MAP, mMapPropertyHandler = new MapPropertyHandler(mContext)); mHandlerForKey.put(DATA_KEY_HASHTAGS, mHashtagsHandler = new HashtagsHandler(mContext)); mHandlerForKey.put(DATA_KEY_VIDEOS, mVideosHandler = new VideosHandler(mContext)); mHandlerForKey.put(DATA_KEY_CARDS, mCardHandler = new CardHandler(mContext)); // process the jsons. This will call each of the handlers when appropriate to deal // with the objects we see in the data. LOGD(TAG, "Processing " + dataBodies.length + " JSON objects."); for (int i = 0; i < dataBodies.length; i++) { LOGD(TAG, "Processing json object #" + (i + 1) + " of " + dataBodies.length); processDataBody(dataBodies[i]); } // the sessions handler needs to know the tag and speaker maps to process sessions mSessionsHandler.setTagMap(mTagsHandler.getTagMap()); mSessionsHandler.setSpeakerMap(mSpeakersHandler.getSpeakerMap()); // produce the necessary content provider operations ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> batch = new ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation>(); for (String key : DATA_KEYS_IN_ORDER) { LOGI(TAG, "Building content provider operations for: " + key); mHandlerForKey.get(key).makeContentProviderOperations(batch); LOGI(TAG, "Content provider operations so far: " + batch.size()); } LOGD(TAG, "Total content provider operations: " + batch.size()); // download or process local map tile overlay files (SVG files) LOGD(TAG, "Processing map overlay files"); processMapOverlayFiles(mMapPropertyHandler.getTileOverlays(), downloadsAllowed); // finally, push the changes into the Content Provider LOGI(TAG, "Applying " + batch.size() + " content provider operations."); try { int operations = batch.size(); if (operations > 0) { mContext.getContentResolver().applyBatch(ScheduleContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, batch); } LOGD(TAG, "Successfully applied " + operations + " content provider operations."); mContentProviderOperationsDone += operations; } catch (RemoteException ex) { LOGE(TAG, "RemoteException while applying content provider operations."); throw new RuntimeException("Error executing content provider batch operation", ex); } catch (OperationApplicationException ex) { LOGE(TAG, "OperationApplicationException while applying content provider operations."); throw new RuntimeException("Error executing content provider batch operation", ex); } // notify all top-level paths LOGD(TAG, "Notifying changes on all top-level paths on Content Resolver."); ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver(); for (String path : ScheduleContract.TOP_LEVEL_PATHS) { Uri uri = ScheduleContract.BASE_CONTENT_URI.buildUpon().appendPath(path).build(); resolver.notifyChange(uri, null); } // update our data timestamp setDataTimestamp(dataTimestamp); LOGD(TAG, "Done applying conference data."); } public int getContentProviderOperationsDone() { return mContentProviderOperationsDone; } /** * Processes a conference data body and calls the appropriate data type handlers * to process each of the objects represented therein. * * @param dataBody The body of data to process * @throws IOException If there is an error parsing the data. */ private void processDataBody(String dataBody) throws IOException { JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new StringReader(dataBody)); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); try { reader.setLenient(true); // To err is human // the whole file is a single JSON object reader.beginObject(); while (reader.hasNext()) { // the key is "rooms", "speakers", "tracks", etc. String key = reader.nextName(); if (mHandlerForKey.containsKey(key)) { LOGD(TAG, "Processing key in conference data json: " + key); // pass the value to the corresponding handler mHandlerForKey.get(key).process(parser.parse(reader)); } else { LOGW(TAG, "Skipping unknown key in conference data json: " + key); reader.skipValue(); } } reader.endObject(); } finally { reader.close(); } } /** * Synchronise the map overlay files either from the local assets (if available) or from a remote url. * * @param collection Set of tiles containing a local filename and remote url. * @throws IOException */ private void processMapOverlayFiles(Collection<Tile> collection, boolean downloadAllowed) throws IOException, SVGParseException { // clear the tile cache on disk if any tiles have been updated boolean shouldClearCache = false; // keep track of used files, unused files are removed ArrayList<String> usedTiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (Tile tile : collection) { final String filename = tile.filename; final String url = tile.url; usedTiles.add(filename); if (!MapUtils.hasTile(mContext, filename)) { shouldClearCache = true; // copy or download the tile if it is not stored yet if (MapUtils.hasTileAsset(mContext, filename)) { // file already exists as an asset, copy it MapUtils.copyTileAsset(mContext, filename); } else if (downloadAllowed && !TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) { try { // download the file only if downloads are allowed and url is not empty File tileFile = MapUtils.getTileFile(mContext, filename); BasicHttpClient httpClient = new BasicHttpClient(); httpClient.setRequestLogger(mQuietLogger); IOUtils.authorizeHttpClient(mContext, httpClient); HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.get(url, null); IOUtils.writeToFile(httpResponse.getBody(), tileFile); // ensure the file is valid SVG InputStream is = new FileInputStream(tileFile); SVG svg = new SVGBuilder().readFromInputStream(is).build(); is.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGE(TAG, "FAILED downloading map overlay tile "+url+ ": " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } catch (SVGParseException ex) { LOGE(TAG, "FAILED parsing map overlay tile "+url+ ": " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } else { LOGD(TAG, "Skipping download of map overlay tile" + " (since downloadsAllowed=false)"); } } } if (shouldClearCache) { MapUtils.clearDiskCache(mContext); } MapUtils.removeUnusedTiles(mContext, usedTiles); } // Returns the timestamp of the data we have in the content provider. public String getDataTimestamp() { return PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(mContext).getString( SP_KEY_DATA_TIMESTAMP, DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP); } // Sets the timestamp of the data we have in the content provider. public void setDataTimestamp(String timestamp) { LOGD(TAG, "Setting data timestamp to: " + timestamp); PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(mContext).edit().putString( SP_KEY_DATA_TIMESTAMP, timestamp).commit(); } // Reset the timestamp of the data we have in the content provider public static void resetDataTimestamp(final Context context) { LOGD(TAG, "Resetting data timestamp to default (to invalidate our synced data)"); PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).edit().remove( SP_KEY_DATA_TIMESTAMP).commit(); } /** * A type of ConsoleRequestLogger that does not log requests and responses. */ private RequestLogger mQuietLogger = new ConsoleRequestLogger(){ @Override public void logRequest(HttpURLConnection uc, Object content) throws IOException { } @Override public void logResponse(HttpResponse res) { } }; }