package; /* * Copyright (C) 2015 InterMine * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. See the LICENSE file for more * information or * */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; /** * @author Daria Komkova <Daria_Komkova @> */ public class GeneSearchResultDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<GenesList> { public static final String RELEVANCE_FIELD = "relevance"; public static final String FIELDS_FIELD = "fields"; public static final String PRIMARY_ID_FIELD = "primaryIdentifier"; public static final String SECONDARY_ID_FIELD = "secondaryIdentifier"; public static final String ORGANISM_NAME_FIELD = ""; public static final String SYMBOL_FIELD = "symbol"; public static final String NAME_FIELD = "name"; public static final String LOCATION_START_FIELD = "chromosomeLocation.start"; public static final String LOCATION_END_FIELD = "chromosomeLocation.end"; public static final String ORGANISM_SHORT_NAME_FIELD = "organism.shortName"; public static final String SEQUENCE_ONTOLOGY_TERM_FIELD = ""; @Override public GenesList deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { GenesList genesList = new GenesList(); JsonObject jsonObject = (JsonObject) json; JsonObject facets = getJsonObject("facets", jsonObject); genesList.setResultsCount(getResultsCount(facets)); if (null != facets) { JsonArray results = jsonObject.get("results").getAsJsonArray(); if (0 < results.size()) { for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { Gene gene = parseGeneObject(results.get(i)); genesList.add(gene); } } } return genesList; } protected Gene parseGeneObject(JsonElement json) { JsonObject jsonObject = (JsonObject) json; JsonObject fields = jsonObject.get(FIELDS_FIELD).getAsJsonObject(); String name = getStringValue(NAME_FIELD, fields); String symbol = getStringValue(SYMBOL_FIELD, fields); String primaryId = getStringValue(PRIMARY_ID_FIELD, fields); String organismName = getStringValue(ORGANISM_NAME_FIELD, fields); String locationStart = getStringValue(LOCATION_START_FIELD, fields); String locationEnd = getStringValue(LOCATION_END_FIELD, fields); String organismShortName = getStringValue(ORGANISM_SHORT_NAME_FIELD, fields); String ontologyTerm = getStringValue(SEQUENCE_ONTOLOGY_TERM_FIELD, fields); String secondaryId = getStringValue(SECONDARY_ID_FIELD, fields); double relevance = jsonObject.get(RELEVANCE_FIELD).getAsDouble(); Gene gene = new Gene(); gene.setPrimaryDBId(primaryId); gene.setSymbol(symbol); gene.setName(name); gene.setRelevance(relevance); gene.setOrganismName(organismName); gene.setOrganismShortName(organismShortName); gene.setLocationStart(locationStart); gene.setLocationEnd(locationEnd); gene.setSecondaryIdentifier(secondaryId); gene.setOntologyTerm(ontologyTerm); return gene; } protected String getStringValue(String key, JsonObject jsonObj) { JsonElement item = jsonObj.get(key); if (null != item) { return item.getAsString(); } return Strs.EMPTY_STRING; } protected JsonObject getJsonObject(String key, JsonObject jsonObj) { JsonElement item = jsonObj.get(key); if (null != item) { return item.getAsJsonObject(); } return null; } private int getResultsCount(JsonObject obj) { JsonObject category = getJsonObject("Category", obj); if (null != category) { JsonElement resultsCount = category.get("Gene"); if (null != resultsCount) { return resultsCount.getAsInt(); } } return 0; } }