/* * Copyright 2012-2015 Sergey Ignatov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.intellij.erlang.inspection; import com.intellij.codeInspection.ProblemsHolder; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import org.intellij.erlang.bif.ErlangOperatorTable; import org.intellij.erlang.psi.*; import org.intellij.erlang.psi.impl.ErlangPsiImplUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.Set; public class ErlangIllegalGuardInspection extends ErlangInspectionBase { private static final String ERROR = "Illegal guard expression"; //Source: http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/erlang.html private static final Set<String> BIFS_ALLOWED_IN_GUARDS = ContainerUtil.immutableSet( "abs/1", "bit_size/1", "binary_part/3", "byte_size/1", "binary_part/2", "element/2", "float/1", "hd/1", "is_atom/1", "is_binary/1", "is_bitstring/1", "is_boolean/1", "is_float/1", "is_function/1", "is_function/2", "is_integer/1", "is_list/1", "is_map/1", "is_number/1", "is_pid/1", "is_port/1", "is_record/2", "is_record/3", "is_reference/1", "is_tuple/1", "length/1", "map_size/1", "node/1", "node/0", "round/1", "self/0", "size/1", "tl/1", "trunc/1", "tuple_size/1"); @Override protected void checkFile(@NotNull ErlangFile file, @NotNull ProblemsHolder holder) { for (ErlangFunction function : file.getFunctions()) { for (ErlangFunctionClause clause : function.getFunctionClauseList()) { ErlangClauseGuard guard = clause.getClauseGuard(); if (guard != null) { guard.accept(new GuardInspector(holder)); } ErlangClauseBody clauseBody = clause.getClauseBody(); if (clauseBody != null) { clauseBody.accept(new GuardDetector(holder)); } } } } private class GuardDetector extends ErlangRecursiveVisitor { private final ProblemsHolder myHolder; public GuardDetector(ProblemsHolder holder) { this.myHolder = holder; } @Override public void visitClauseGuard(@NotNull ErlangClauseGuard o) { ErlangGuard guard = o.getGuard(); if (guard != null) { guard.accept(new GuardInspector(myHolder)); } } @Override public void visitGuard(@NotNull ErlangGuard o) { o.accept(new GuardInspector(myHolder)); } } private class GuardInspector extends ErlangRecursiveVisitor { private final ProblemsHolder myHolder; public GuardInspector(ProblemsHolder holder) { this.myHolder = holder; } @Override public void visitAssignmentExpression(@NotNull ErlangAssignmentExpression o) { registerProblem(myHolder, o, ERROR); } @Override public void visitCaseExpression(@NotNull ErlangCaseExpression o) { registerProblem(myHolder, o, ERROR); } @Override public void visitReceiveExpression(@NotNull ErlangReceiveExpression o) { registerProblem(myHolder, o, ERROR); } @Override public void visitTryExpression(@NotNull ErlangTryExpression o) { registerProblem(myHolder, o, ERROR); } @Override public void visitListComprehension(@NotNull ErlangListComprehension o) { registerProblem(myHolder, o, ERROR); } @Override public void visitBeginEndExpression(@NotNull ErlangBeginEndExpression o) { registerProblem(myHolder, o, ERROR); } @Override public void visitSendExpression(@NotNull ErlangSendExpression o) { registerProblem(myHolder, o, ERROR); } @Override public void visitListOpExpression(@NotNull ErlangListOpExpression o) { registerProblem(myHolder, o, ERROR); } @Override public void visitCatchExpression(@NotNull ErlangCatchExpression o) { registerProblem(myHolder, o, ERROR); } @Override public void visitFunExpression(@NotNull ErlangFunExpression o) { registerProblem(myHolder, o, ERROR); } @Override public void visitAnonymousCallExpression(@NotNull ErlangAnonymousCallExpression o) { registerProblem(myHolder, o, ERROR); } @Override public void visitIfExpression(@NotNull ErlangIfExpression o) { registerProblem(myHolder, o, ERROR); } @Override public void visitGenericFunctionCallExpression(@NotNull ErlangGenericFunctionCallExpression o) { registerProblem(myHolder, o, ERROR); } @Override public void visitGlobalFunctionCallExpression(@NotNull ErlangGlobalFunctionCallExpression o) { String moduleName = ErlangPsiImplUtil.getName(o.getModuleRef().getQAtom()); ErlangFunctionCallExpression function = o.getFunctionCallExpression(); String functionName = function.getName(); int functionArity = function.getArgumentList().getExpressionList().size(); String functionPresentation = ErlangPsiImplUtil.createFunctionPresentation(functionName, functionArity); if (!"erlang".equals(moduleName)) { registerProblem(myHolder, o, ERROR); } else if (!BIFS_ALLOWED_IN_GUARDS.contains(functionPresentation) && !ErlangOperatorTable.canBeInvokedAsFunction(moduleName, functionPresentation)) { registerProblem(myHolder, function, ERROR); } else { function.getArgumentList().accept(this); } } @Override public void visitFunctionCallExpression(@NotNull ErlangFunctionCallExpression o) { if (o.getQAtom().getMacros() != null) { return; } String functionName = o.getName(); int functionArity = o.getArgumentList().getExpressionList().size(); String functionPresentation = ErlangPsiImplUtil.createFunctionPresentation(functionName, functionArity); if (((ErlangFile) o.getContainingFile()).getFunction(functionName, functionArity) != null) { registerProblem(myHolder, o, "Call to local/imported function " + functionPresentation + " is illegal in guard"); } else if (!BIFS_ALLOWED_IN_GUARDS.contains(functionPresentation)) { registerProblem(myHolder, o, ERROR); } else { o.getArgumentList().accept(this); } } } }