package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.document.NumericField; import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.MultiFieldQueryParser; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.Version; import org.infoglue.deliver.util.Timer; /** * @author Mattias Bogeblad * * This authorization module can be used by all Authorization modules that cannot provide advanced paging/search directly from the source but * wants a search enabled / paged experience anyway. Works on cached data and the update interval can be decided by using the normal extra security settings (parameter name 'indexTimeout'). */ public abstract class BasicIndexedAuthorizationModule implements AuthorizationModule { private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TestAuthorizationModule.class.getName()); private static Directory idx = null; private static long idxCreatedDateTime = 0L; public abstract List<InfoGlueRole> getAllRoles() throws Exception; public abstract List<InfoGlueGroup> getAllGroups() throws Exception; public abstract List<InfoGluePrincipal> getAllUsers(boolean populateRolesAndGroups) throws Exception; /** * Call this method directly if you have a threaded implementation which syncs and caches the users on a regular basis. * * @throws Exception */ public synchronized void reIndex() throws Exception { Directory newIndex = new RAMDirectory();"creating index...."); createIndex(newIndex); idx = newIndex; idxCreatedDateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } private synchronized void validateIndex() throws Exception { long indexTimeout = 30000; if(getExtraProperties() != null) { String indexTimeoutFromProperties = (String)getExtraProperties().get("indexTimeout"); if(indexTimeoutFromProperties != null && !indexTimeoutFromProperties.equals("")) { try { indexTimeout = Long.parseLong(indexTimeoutFromProperties); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error parsing indexTimeout from the extra settings. Using default. Message:" + e.getMessage()); } } } long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - idxCreatedDateTime; if(idx == null || diff > indexTimeout) { reIndex(); } } /** * This method is used to fetch all users part of the named role. */ public List<InfoGluePrincipal> getRoleUsers(String roleName) throws Exception { return getRoleUsers(roleName, null, 1000000, null, null, null); } /** * This method is used to fetch all users part of the named group. */ public List<InfoGluePrincipal> getGroupUsers(String groupName) throws Exception { return getGroupUsers(groupName, null, 1000000, null, null, null); } /** * This method is used to fetch all or a subset of sorted users either filtered on a text or not. * If the index is not created or older than set interval the index is created. */ public List<InfoGluePrincipal> getFilteredUsers(Integer offset, Integer limit, String sortProperty, String direction, String searchString, boolean populateRolesAndGroups) throws Exception { if(logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"offset: " + offset);"limit: " + limit);"sortProperty: " + sortProperty);"direction: " + direction);"searchString: " + searchString);"populateRolesAndGroups: " + populateRolesAndGroups); } validateIndex(); List<InfoGluePrincipal> users = new ArrayList<InfoGluePrincipal>(); try { List<Document> docs; if(searchString == null || searchString.equals("")) docs = queryDocuments(offset, limit, sortProperty, direction); else docs = queryDocuments(offset, limit, sortProperty, direction, searchString);"docs:" + docs.size()); for(Document doc : docs) { String userName = doc.get("userName"); InfoGluePrincipal user = new InfoGluePrincipal(userName, doc.get("userName"), doc.get("firstName"), doc.get("lastName"), doc.get("email"), doc.get("source"), true, new Date(), new ArrayList(), new ArrayList(), new HashMap(), false, this); users.add(user); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Error getting filtered users:" + e.getMessage(), e); } return users; } /** * A method returning the number of users matching a roleName and also contains searched text */ public Integer getRoleUserCount(String roleName, String searchString) throws Exception { return getRoleUsers(roleName, null, 1000000, null, null, searchString).size(); } /** * A method returning the number of users not matching a roleName and also contains searched text */ public Integer getRoleUserInvertedCount(String roleName, String searchString) throws Exception { List<InfoGluePrincipal> allUsers = getFilteredUsers(null, 1000000, null, null, searchString, false); List<InfoGluePrincipal> assignedUsers = getRoleUsers(roleName, null, 1000000, null, null, searchString); List<InfoGluePrincipal> newAllUsers = new ArrayList<InfoGluePrincipal>(); newAllUsers.addAll(allUsers); newAllUsers.removeAll(assignedUsers); return newAllUsers.size(); } /** * A method returning the number of users matching a groupName and also contains searched text */ public Integer getGroupUserCount(String groupName, String searchString) throws Exception { return getGroupUsers(groupName, null, 1000000, null, null, searchString).size(); } /** * A method returning the number of users not matching a groupName and also contains searched text */ public Integer getGroupUserInvertedCount(String groupName, String searchString) throws Exception { List<InfoGluePrincipal> allUsers = getFilteredUsers(null, 1000000, null, null, searchString, false); List<InfoGluePrincipal> assignedUsers = getGroupUsers(groupName, null, 1000000, null, null, searchString); List<InfoGluePrincipal> newAllUsers = new ArrayList<InfoGluePrincipal>(); newAllUsers.addAll(allUsers); newAllUsers.removeAll(assignedUsers); return newAllUsers.size(); } /** * A method returning the all/subset of sorted users part of stated role and optionally contains searched text */ public List<InfoGluePrincipal> getRoleUsers(String roleName, Integer offset, Integer limit, String sortProperty, String direction, String searchString) throws Exception { List<InfoGluePrincipal> users = new ArrayList<InfoGluePrincipal>(); try { validateIndex(); List<Document> docs = getDocuments("roles", roleName, offset, limit, sortProperty, direction, searchString);"docs:" + docs.size()); for(Document doc : docs) { String userName = doc.get("userName"); InfoGluePrincipal user = new InfoGluePrincipal(userName, doc.get("userName"), doc.get("firstName"), doc.get("lastName"), doc.get("email"), doc.get("source"), true, new Date(), new ArrayList(), new ArrayList(), new HashMap(), false, this); users.add(user); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error getting roleUsers:" + e.getMessage(), e); } return users; } /** * A method returning the all/subset of sorted users not part of stated role and optionally contains searched text */ public List<InfoGluePrincipal> getRoleUsersInverted(String roleName, Integer offset, Integer limit, String sortProperty, String direction, String searchString) throws Exception { List<InfoGluePrincipal> allUsers = getFilteredUsers(null, 1000000, sortProperty, direction, searchString, false); List<InfoGluePrincipal> assignedUsers = getRoleUsers(roleName, null, 1000000, null, null, searchString); List<InfoGluePrincipal> newAllUsers = new ArrayList<InfoGluePrincipal>(); newAllUsers.addAll(allUsers); newAllUsers.removeAll(assignedUsers); return newAllUsers; } /** * A method returning the all/subset of sorted users part of stated group and optionally contains searched text */ public List<InfoGluePrincipal> getGroupUsers(String groupName, Integer offset, Integer limit, String sortProperty, String direction, String searchString) throws Exception { List<InfoGluePrincipal> users = new ArrayList<InfoGluePrincipal>(); try { validateIndex(); List<Document> docs = getDocuments("groups", groupName, offset, limit, sortProperty, direction, searchString);"docs:" + docs.size()); for(Document doc : docs) { String userName = doc.get("userName"); InfoGluePrincipal user = new InfoGluePrincipal(userName, doc.get("userName"), doc.get("firstName"), doc.get("lastName"), doc.get("email"), doc.get("source"), true, new Date(), new ArrayList(), new ArrayList(), new HashMap(), false, this); users.add(user); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error getting groupUsers: " + e.getMessage(), e); } return users; } /** * A method returning the all/subset of sorted users not part of stated group and optionally contains searched text */ public List<InfoGluePrincipal> getGroupUsersInverted(String groupName, Integer offset, Integer limit, String sortProperty, String direction, String searchString) throws Exception { List<InfoGluePrincipal> allUsers = getFilteredUsers(null, null, sortProperty, direction, searchString, false); List<InfoGluePrincipal> assignedUsers = getGroupUsers(groupName, null, 1000000, null, null, searchString); List<InfoGluePrincipal> newAllUsers = new ArrayList<InfoGluePrincipal>(); newAllUsers.addAll(allUsers); newAllUsers.removeAll(assignedUsers); return newAllUsers; } /** * This method returns the number of users in the system (optionally filtered by text search). * A basic implementation just barely implementing the feature. Should be done better. */ public Integer getRoleCount(String searchString) throws Exception { return getRoles().size(); } /** * This method returns the number of users in the system (optionally filtered by text search). * A basic implementation just barely implementing the feature. Should be done better. */ public Integer getGroupCount(String searchString) throws Exception { return getGroups().size(); } /** * This method returns the number of users in the system (optionally filtered by text search). */ public Integer getUserCount(String searchString) throws Exception { List<Document> docs = null; if(searchString == null || searchString.equals("")) docs = queryDocuments(0, 1000000, "userName", "asc"); else docs = queryDocuments(0, 1000000, "userName", "asc", searchString); return docs.size(); } /** * This method creates the index by indexing all users. */ private Directory createIndex(Directory directory) throws CorruptIndexException, LockObtainFailedException, IOException, Exception { StandardAnalyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_34); IndexWriterConfig config = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_34, analyzer); IndexWriter iw = new IndexWriter(directory, config); addDocuments(iw, getAllUsers(true)); iw.optimize(); iw.close(); return idx; } /** * This method adds all users to the. */ private void addDocuments(IndexWriter iw, List<InfoGluePrincipal> users) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException {"Indexing users:" + users.size()); Timer t = new Timer(); for (InfoGluePrincipal user : users) { Document doc = new Document(); // Add user String contentToIndex = "" + user.getName() + " " + user.getFirstName() + " " + user.getLastName() + " " + user.getEmail() + " " + user.getSource(); doc.add(new Field("contents", new StringReader(contentToIndex))); doc.add(new Field("userName", user.getName(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED)); doc.add(new Field("firstName", user.getFirstName(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED)); doc.add(new Field("lastName", user.getLastName(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED)); doc.add(new Field("email", user.getEmail(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED)); doc.add(new Field("source", user.getSource(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED)); doc.add(new NumericField("lastModified", Field.Store.YES, true).setLongValue(user.getModifiedDateTime().getTime())); for(InfoGlueRole role : user.getRoles()) { if(!role.getName().equals("anonymous"))"role:" + role.getName()); doc.add(new Field("roles", new StringReader("" + role.getName()))); } for(InfoGlueGroup group : user.getGroups()) { if(!group.getName().equals("anonymous"))"group:" + group.getName()); doc.add(new Field("groups", new StringReader("" + group.getName()))); } iw.addDocument(doc); } if(logger.isInfoEnabled()) t.printElapsedTime("Indexing users took"); } /** * Getting the index searcher */ private IndexSearcher getIndexSearcher() throws Exception { IndexReader reader =, true); return new IndexSearcher(reader); } /** * A query api for getting all users sorted and paged */ public List<Document> queryDocuments(Integer offset, Integer limit, String sortProperty, String direction) throws Exception { IndexSearcher searcher = getIndexSearcher(); List<Document> docs = new ArrayList<Document>(); if(offset == null) offset = 0; if(limit == null) limit = 10; if(sortProperty == null) sortProperty = "userName"; boolean reverse = false; if(direction != null && direction.equalsIgnoreCase("desc")) reverse = true; SortField sf = new SortField(sortProperty, SortField.STRING, reverse); Query query = new MatchAllDocsQuery(); TopFieldDocs topDocs =, (Filter) null, 1000000, new Sort(sf));"offset:" + offset);"limit:" + limit);"topDocs.totalHits:" + topDocs.totalHits); int start = offset; int end = offset+limit; if(end > topDocs.totalHits) end = topDocs.totalHits;"start:" + start);"end:" + end); for(int i=start; i<end; i++) { ScoreDoc scoreDoc = topDocs.scoreDocs[i]; Document doc = searcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc); docs.add(doc); } searcher.close(); return docs; } /** * A query api for getting all users sorted and paged filtered on search text */ public List<Document> queryDocuments(Integer offset, Integer limit, String sortProperty, String direction, String searchText) throws Exception { StandardAnalyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_34); IndexSearcher searcher = getIndexSearcher(); List<Document> docs = new ArrayList<Document>(); if(offset == null) offset = 0; if(limit == null) limit = 10; if(sortProperty == null) sortProperty = "userName"; boolean reverse = false; if(direction != null && direction.equalsIgnoreCase("desc")) reverse = true; SortField sf = new SortField(sortProperty, SortField.STRING, reverse);"searchText:" + searchText); Query query = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_34, "contents", analyzer).parse(searchText+"*"); TopFieldDocs topDocs =, (Filter) null, 1000000, new Sort(sf));"offset:" + offset);"limit:" + limit);"topDocs.totalHits:" + topDocs.totalHits); int start = offset; int end = offset+limit; if(end > topDocs.totalHits) end = topDocs.totalHits;"start:" + start);"end:" + end); for(int i=start; i<end; i++) { ScoreDoc scoreDoc = topDocs.scoreDocs[i]; Document doc = searcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc); docs.add(doc); } searcher.close(); return docs; } /** * A query api for getting user docs found by role or group mainly sorted and paged and optinally filtered on search text */ public List<Document> getDocuments(String field, String entityName, Integer offset, Integer limit, String sortProperty, String direction, String searchText) throws Exception { StandardAnalyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_34); IndexSearcher searcher = getIndexSearcher(); List<Document> docs = new ArrayList<Document>(); if(offset == null) offset = 0; if(limit == null) limit = 10; if(sortProperty == null) sortProperty = "userName"; boolean reverse = false; if(direction != null && direction.equalsIgnoreCase("desc")) reverse = true; SortField sf = new SortField(sortProperty, SortField.STRING, reverse);"searchText:" + searchText); Query query = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_34, field, analyzer).parse(entityName); if(searchText != null && !searchText.equals("")) { MultiFieldQueryParser mfqp = new MultiFieldQueryParser(Version.LUCENE_34, new String[]{field, "contents"}, analyzer); mfqp.setDefaultOperator(MultiFieldQueryParser.AND_OPERATOR); query = mfqp.parse(entityName + " " + searchText + "*"); }"query" + query); TopFieldDocs topDocs =, (Filter) null, 1000000, new Sort(sf));"offset:" + offset);"limit:" + limit);"topDocs.totalHits:" + topDocs.totalHits); int start = offset; int end = offset+limit; if(end > topDocs.totalHits) end = topDocs.totalHits;"start:" + start);"end:" + end); for(int i=start; i<end; i++) { ScoreDoc scoreDoc = topDocs.scoreDocs[i]; Document doc = searcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc); docs.add(doc); } searcher.close(); return docs; } }