/* * * Created on August 3, 2002, 9:01 PM * * Stores a repeat rule object for * manipulation by the expand events methods. * */ package org.infoglue.calendar.util; /** * * @author sfg * RFC 2445 * */ import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; /** * @hibernate.class * table="ICALREPEATRULES" * dynamic-update="false" * dynamic-insert="false" * * @hibernate.discriminator * column="class" */ public class RepeatRules { private String id; /** * * @hibernate.id * generator-class="uuid.hex" * column="ID" * * @hibernate.column * name="ID" * sql-type="VARCHAR(255)" * */ public String getId() { return this.id; } public void setId(String id) { this.id = id; } private String uid; /** * * @hibernate.property * column="UID" * * @hibernate.column * name="uid" * sql-type="VARCHAR(255)" * */ public String getUid() { return uid; } public void setUid(String uid) { this.uid = uid; } int interval = 0; /** * * @hibernate.property * column="INTERVAL" * * @hibernate.column * name="uid" * sql-type="INTEGER" * */ public int getInterval() { return interval; } public void setInterval(int interval) { this.interval = interval; } int dateRepeatUnit = Calendar.DATE; /** * * @hibernate.property * column="DATEREPEATUNIT" * * @hibernate.column * name="dateRepeatUnit" * sql-type="INTEGER" * */ public int getDateRepeatUnit() { return dateRepeatUnit; } public void setDateRepeatUnit(int dateRepeatUnit) { this.dateRepeatUnit = dateRepeatUnit; } String frequency = null; /** * * @hibernate.property * column="FREQUENCY" * * @hibernate.column * name="frequency" * sql-type="VARCHAR(255)" * */ public String getFrequency() { return frequency; } public void setFrequency(String frequency) { this.frequency = frequency; } String repeatUntil = null; /** * * @hibernate.property * column="REPEATUNTIL" * * @hibernate.column * name="repeatUntil" * sql-type="VARCHAR(255)" * */ public String getRepeatUntil() { return repeatUntil; } public void setRepeatUntil(String repeatUntil) { this.repeatUntil = repeatUntil; } String repeatByDay = null; /** * * @hibernate.property * column="REPEATBYDAY" * * @hibernate.column * name="repeatByDay" * sql-type="VARCHAR(255)" * */ public String getRepeatByDay() { return repeatByDay; } public void setRepeatByDay(String repeatByDay) { this.repeatByDay = repeatByDay; } String repeatByMonth = null; /** * * @hibernate.property * column="REPEATBYMONTH" * * @hibernate.column * name="repeatByMonth" * sql-type="VARCHAR(255)" * */ public String getRepeatByMonth() { return repeatByMonth; } public void setRepeatByMonth(String repeatByMonth) { this.repeatByMonth = repeatByMonth; } String repeatBySecond = null; /** * * @hibernate.property * column="REPEATBYSECOND" * * @hibernate.column * name="repeatBySecond" * sql-type="VARCHAR(255)" * */ public String getRepeatBySecond() { return repeatBySecond; } public void setRepeatBySecond(String repeatBySecond) { this.repeatBySecond = repeatBySecond; } String repeatByMinute = null; /** * * @hibernate.property * column="REPEATBYMINUTE" * * @hibernate.column * name="repeatByMinute" * sql-type="VARCHAR(255)" * */ public String getRepeatByMinute() { return repeatByMinute; } public void setRepeatByMinute(String repeatByMinute) { this.repeatByMinute = repeatByMinute; } String repeatByHour = null; /** * * @hibernate.property * column="REPEATBYHOUR" * * @hibernate.column * name="repeatByHour" * sql-type="VARCHAR(255)" * */ public String getRepeatByHour() { return repeatByHour; } public void setRepeatByHour(String repeatByHour) { this.repeatByHour = repeatByHour; } String repeatByMonthDay = null; /** * * @hibernate.property * column="REPEATBYMONTHDAY" * * @hibernate.column * name="repeatByMonthDay" * sql-type="VARCHAR(255)" * */ public String getRepeatByMonthDay() { return repeatByMonthDay; } public void setRepeatByMonthDay(String repeatByMonthDay) { this.repeatByMonthDay = repeatByMonthDay; } String repeatByYearDay = null; /** * * @hibernate.property * column="REPEATBYYEARDAY" * * @hibernate.column * name="repeatByYearDay" * sql-type="VARCHAR(255)" * */ public String getRepeatByYearDay() { return repeatByYearDay; } public void setRepeatByYearDay(String repeatByYearDay) { this.repeatByYearDay = repeatByYearDay; } String repeatByWeekNo = null; /** * * @hibernate.property * column="REPEATBYWEEKNO" * * @hibernate.column * name="repeatByWeekNo" * sql-type="VARCHAR(255)" * */ public String getRepeatByWeekNo() { return repeatByWeekNo; } public void setRepeatByWeekNo(String repeatByWeekNo) { this.repeatByWeekNo = repeatByWeekNo; } // Altered to Integer as was using -1 to represent null while -1 was a valid value!!! Integer repeatBySetPos = null; /** * * @hibernate.property * column="REPEATBYSETPOS" * * @hibernate.column * name="repeatBySetPos" * sql-type="INTEGER" * */ public Integer getRepeatBySetPos() { return repeatBySetPos; } public void setRepeatBySetPos(Integer repeatBySetPos) { this.repeatBySetPos = repeatBySetPos; } int repeatUntilCount = 99999999; /** * * @hibernate.property * column="REPEATUNTILCOUNT" * * @hibernate.column * name="repeatUntilCount" * sql-type="INTEGER" * */ public int getRepeatUntilCount() { return repeatUntilCount; } public void setRepeatUntilCount(int repeatUntilCount) { this.repeatUntilCount = repeatUntilCount; } Date repeatUntilDate = null; /** * * @hibernate.property * column="REPEATUNTILDATE" * * @hibernate.column * name="repeatUntilDate" * sql-type="DATE" * */ public Date getRepeatUntilDate() { return repeatUntilDate; } public void setRepeatUntilDate(Date repeatUntilDate) { this.repeatUntilDate = repeatUntilDate; } private SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); public RepeatRules() { } public void parseRepeatRules (String rRule) { int startPoint = -1; int ii = 0; while (rRule != null && ii < 10) { ii++; String thisRule = null; startPoint = rRule.indexOf(";"); if (startPoint != -1) { thisRule = rRule.substring(0,startPoint); rRule = rRule.substring(startPoint + 1); } else { thisRule = rRule; rRule = null; } // Now evaluate the parameter.. // This is a weird one! Evolution-EndDate? if (thisRule.startsWith("X-EVOLUTION-ENDDATE=")) { startPoint = thisRule.indexOf(":"); String newRule = thisRule.substring(0,startPoint); String evoEndDate = newRule.substring(20); thisRule = thisRule.substring(startPoint +1); } if (thisRule.startsWith("FREQ=")) { frequency = thisRule.substring(5); } else if (thisRule.startsWith("INTERVAL=")) { try{ Long Lint = (new Long(thisRule.substring(9))); interval = Lint.intValue(); } catch (Exception e){ System.err.println("INTERVAL Parse Error on " + thisRule + e); } } else if (thisRule.startsWith("UNTIL=")) { repeatUntil = thisRule; if (repeatUntil != null) { repeatUntil = repeatUntil.substring(6); //UNTIL=20020919 //UNTIL=20020919T000000 if (repeatUntil.length() == 8) { repeatUntil = repeatUntil + "235959"; } try { if (repeatUntil.charAt(8) == 'T') { repeatUntil = repeatUntil.substring(0,8) + repeatUntil.substring(9); } /* * When frequency is more than one day and UNTIL time = 000000 * time must be adjusted to 235959 */ if ((dateRepeatUnit != Calendar.HOUR) && (dateRepeatUnit != Calendar.MINUTE) && (dateRepeatUnit != Calendar.SECOND)) { if (repeatUntil.substring(8).equals("000000")) { repeatUntil = repeatUntil.substring(0,8) + "235959"; } } repeatUntilDate = dateFormatter.parse(repeatUntil); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Exception getting RepeatUntilDate" +e); System.err.println("Exception for date string" +thisRule); repeatUntilDate = null; } } } else if (thisRule.startsWith("BYDAY=")) { // Example: MO,TU,TH,FR repeatByDay = thisRule.substring(6); } else if (thisRule.startsWith("BYMONTH=")) { // Example: 1 or 11 or 12 // Comma delim list potentially. repeatByMonth = thisRule.substring(8); } else if (thisRule.startsWith("BYSECOND=")) { // Example: 1 or 11 or 12 // Comma delim list potentially. repeatBySecond = thisRule.substring(9); } else if (thisRule.startsWith("BYMINUTE=")) { // Example: 1 or 11 or 12 // Comma delim list potentially. repeatByMinute = thisRule.substring(9); } else if (thisRule.startsWith("BYHOUR=")) { // Example: 1 or 11 or 12 // Comma delim list potentially. repeatByHour = thisRule.substring(7); } else if (thisRule.startsWith("BYMONTHDAY=")) { // Example: 1,11,12 // Comma delim list potentially. repeatByMonthDay = thisRule.substring(11); } else if (thisRule.startsWith("BYYEARDAY=")) { // Example: -50 50th last day of year. // Comma delim list potentially. repeatByYearDay = thisRule.substring(10); } else if (thisRule.startsWith("BYWEEKNO=")) { // Example: 50 50th week of year. // Comma delim list potentially. repeatByWeekNo = thisRule.substring(9); } /* The BYSETPOS rule part specifies a COMMA character (US-ASCII decimal 44) separated list of values which corresponds to the nth occurrence within the set of events specified by the rule. Valid values are 1 to 366 or -366 to -1. It MUST only be used in conjunction with another BYxxx rule part. For example "the last work day of the month" could be represented as: RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR;BYSETPOS=-1 */ else if (thisRule.startsWith("BYSETPOS=")) { //repeatBySetPos = new Integer(thisRule.substring(9)).intValue(); // No need to create an object, use static method repeatBySetPos = new Integer(thisRule.substring(9)); } else if (thisRule.startsWith("COUNT=")) { // Single integer. try{ //repeatUntilCount = new Integer(thisRule.substring(6)).intValue(); // No need to create an object, use static method repeatUntilCount = Integer.parseInt(thisRule.substring(6)); } catch(Exception e){ System.err.println("BYSETPOS= Parse Error on " + thisRule + e); } } } // Now settle the dateRepeatUnit! if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("YEARLY")) { dateRepeatUnit = Calendar.YEAR; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("MONTHLY")) { dateRepeatUnit = Calendar.MONTH; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("WEEKLY")) { dateRepeatUnit = Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("DAILY")) { dateRepeatUnit = Calendar.DATE; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("HOURLY")) { dateRepeatUnit = Calendar.HOUR; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("MINUTELY")) { dateRepeatUnit = Calendar.MINUTE; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("SECONDLY")) { dateRepeatUnit = Calendar.SECOND; } else { System.err.println("RepeatRules =- No Matching rule for frequency " +frequency); } } }