package; import java.util.ListResourceBundle; public final class apt extends java.util.ListResourceBundle { protected final Object[][] getContents() { return new Object[][] { { "apt.err.BadDeclaration", "Bad declaration created for annotation type {0}" }, { "apt.err.CantFindClass", "Could not find class file for {0}" }, { "apt.err.DeclarationCreation", "Could not create declaration for annotation type {0}" }, { "apt.err.Messager", "{0}" }, { "apt.err.error", "error: " }, { "apt.err.unsupported.source.version", "Source release {0} is not supported; use release 5 or earlier" }, { "", "Target release {0} is not supported; use release 5 or earlier" }, { "apt.misc.Problem", "Problem encountered during annotation processing; \nsee stacktrace below for more information." }, { "apt.misc.SunMiscService", "Error finding annotation processor factories; \ncheck META-INF/services information." }, { "apt.msg.bug", "An exception has occurred in apt ({0}). Please file a bug at the Java Developer Connection ( after checking the Bug Parade for duplicates. Include your program and the following diagnostic in your report. Thank you." }, { "apt.msg.usage.footer", "See javac -help for information on javac options." }, { "apt.msg.usage.header", "Usage: {0} <apt and javac options> <source files>\nwhere apt options include:" }, { "apt.msg.usage.nonstandard.footer", "These options are non-standard and subject to change without notice, \nas is the format of their output." }, { "apt.note.Messager", "{0}" }, { "apt.opt.A", "Options to pass to annotation processors" }, { "apt.opt.XClassesAsDecls", "Treat both class and source files as declarations to process" }, { "apt.opt.XListAnnotationTypes", "List found annotation types" }, { "apt.opt.XListDeclarations", "List specified and included declarations" }, { "apt.opt.XPrintAptRounds", "Print information about initial and recursive apt rounds" }, { "apt.opt.XPrintFactoryInfo", "Print information about which annotations a factory is asked to process" }, { "apt.opt.arg.class", "<class>" }, { "", "Specify where to place processor and javac generated class files" }, { "apt.opt.classpath", "Specify where to find user class files and annotation processor factories" }, { "apt.opt.d", "Specify where to place processor and javac generated class files" }, { "apt.opt.factory", "Name of AnnotationProcessorFactory to use; bypasses default discovery process" }, { "apt.opt.factorypath", "Specify where to find annotation processor factories" }, { "", "Print a synopsis of standard options; use javac -help for more options" }, { "apt.opt.nocompile", "Do not compile source files to class files" }, { "apt.opt.print", "Print out textual representation of specified types" }, { "apt.opt.proc.flag", "[key[=value]]" }, { "apt.opt.s", "Specify where to place processor generated source files" }, { "apt.opt.version", "Version information" }, { "apt.warn.AnnotationsWithoutProcessors", "Annotation types without processors: {0}" }, { "apt.warn.BadFactory", "Bad annotation processor factory: {0} " }, { "apt.warn.BadParentDirectory", "Failed to create some parent directory of {0} " }, { "apt.warn.CorrespondingClassFile", "A class file corresponding to source file ''{0}'' has already been created." }, { "apt.warn.CorrespondingSourceFile", "A source file corresponding to class file ''{0}'' has already been created." }, { "apt.warn.FactoryCantInstantiate", "Could not instantiate an instance of factory ''{0}''." }, { "apt.warn.FactoryNotFound", "Specified AnnotationProcessorFactory, ''{0}'', not found on search path." }, { "apt.warn.FactoryWrongType", "Specified factory, ''{0}'', is not an AnnotationProcessorFactory." }, { "apt.warn.FileReopening", "Attempt to create ''{0}'' multiple times" }, { "apt.warn.IllegalFileName", "Cannot create file for illegal name ''{0}''." }, { "apt.warn.MalformedSupportedString", "Malformed string for annotation support, ''{0}'', returned by factory." }, { "apt.warn.Messager", "{0}" }, { "apt.warn.NoAnnotationProcessors", "No annotation processors found but annotations present." }, { "apt.warn.NoNewFilesAfterRound", "Cannot create file ''{0}'' after a round has ended." }, { "apt.warn.NullProcessor", "Factory {0} returned null for an annotation processor." }, { "apt.warn.warning", "warning: " }, }; } }