package org.eclipse.iee.editor.core.container; import java.util.Hashtable; import org.eclipse.iee.editor.core.pad.Pad; import org.eclipse.iee.editor.core.pad.common.text.IEditorLocation; import org.eclipse.iee.editor.core.pad.common.ui.IMenuContributor; import org.eclipse.iee.editor.core.pad.common.ui.SelectionModel; import org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager; import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewerExtension5; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Position; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISourceViewer; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CaretEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CaretListener; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.ST; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.VerifyKeyListener; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu; import; public class UserInteractionManager { private final ISourceViewer fSourceViewer; private final ContainerManager fContainerManager; private Hashtable<Integer, Integer> fKeyActionMap = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer>(); public UserInteractionManager(ContainerManager containerManager) { fContainerManager = containerManager; fSourceViewer = containerManager.getSourceViewer(); fContainerManager.selectEditor(null); initListeners(); createKeyBindings(); } public void moveCaretTo(int offset) { fContainerManager.selectEditor(null); fContainerManager.activateEditor(null); ITextViewerExtension5 ext5 = getExt5(); fSourceViewer.getTextWidget().setCaretOffset(ext5.modelOffset2WidgetOffset(offset)); } private ITextViewerExtension5 getExt5() { return (ITextViewerExtension5) fSourceViewer; } public void focusOnMainEditor() { fSourceViewer.getTextWidget().forceFocus(); } public void updateCaretSelection() { } protected void initListeners() { /* 1) Disallow modification within Container's text region */ final StyledText textWidget = fSourceViewer.getTextWidget(); textWidget.addVerifyListener(new VerifyListener() { @Override public void verifyText(VerifyEvent e) { int start = getExt5().widgetOffset2ModelOffset(e.start); int end = getExt5().widgetOffset2ModelOffset(e.end); Container atStart = fContainerManager .getContainerHavingOffset(start); Container atEnd = fContainerManager .getContainerHavingOffset(end); /* Text replaced */ if ((atStart != null && start != atStart.getPosition() .getOffset()) || (atEnd != null && e.end != atEnd.getPosition() .getOffset())) { e.doit = false; return; } /* XXX Visibility */ // fContainerManager.updateContainerVisibility(false); } }); textWidget.addVerifyKeyListener(new VerifyKeyListener () { @Override public void verifyKey(VerifyEvent e) { Optional<IEditorLocation> position = fContainerManager.getCursonPosition(); int action = getAction(e); if (position.isPresent()) { if (!position.get().getEditor().handleKey(e)) { if (action == SWT.NULL && e.character != 0) { IEditorLocation replace = fContainerManager.getSelectionModel().replace(String.valueOf(e.character)); fContainerManager.setCursorPosition(replace); } else { doAction(action); } } e.doit = false; } else { if (action == SWT.NULL) { if (e.character == SWT.DEL) { action = ST.DELETE_NEXT; } } if (action != SWT.NULL) { int caretOffset = getExt5().widgetOffset2ModelOffset(textWidget.getCaretOffset()); switch (action) { case ST.COLUMN_PREVIOUS: case ST.SELECT_COLUMN_PREVIOUS: e.doit = caretPositionChange(caretOffset, false); break; case ST.COLUMN_NEXT: case ST.SELECT_COLUMN_NEXT: e.doit = caretPositionChange(caretOffset, true); break; case ST.DELETE_NEXT: Container container = fContainerManager .getContainerHavingOffset(caretOffset); if (container != null) { container.destroy(); } case ST.DELETE_PREVIOUS: Container prevContainer = fContainerManager .getContainerHavingOffset(caretOffset - 1); if (prevContainer != null) { prevContainer.destroy(); } } } } } }); /* * If caret is inside Container's text region, moving it to the end of * line */ textWidget.addCaretListener(new CaretListener() { @Override public void caretMoved(CaretEvent e) { Point selection = fSourceViewer.getSelectedRange(); if (selection.y == 0) { int caretOffset = getExt5().widgetOffset2ModelOffset(e.caretOffset); Container container = fContainerManager .getContainerHavingOffset(caretOffset); if (container != null) { Position position = container.getPosition(); if (caretOffset != position.getOffset()) { /* Move caret to the Pad's border */ textWidget.setCaretOffset(getExt5().modelOffset2WidgetOffset(position.getOffset() + position.getLength())); fContainerManager.selectEditor(null); } } } } }); textWidget.addMenuDetectListener(new MenuDetectListener() { @Override public void menuDetected(MenuDetectEvent e) { Point control = textWidget.toControl(e.x, e.y); Optional<ITextEditor<?>> editor = fContainerManager.getEditorAt(control.x, control.y); while (editor.isPresent() && !(editor.get() instanceof IMenuContributor)) { editor = editor.get().getParent(); } if (editor.isPresent()) { MenuManager menuManager = new MenuManager(); Menu menu = menuManager.createContextMenu(textWidget); ((IMenuContributor) editor.get()).contribute(menuManager); menuManager.update(false); menu.setLocation(e.x, e.y); menu.setVisible(true); e.doit = false; } } }); textWidget.addFocusListener(new FocusListener() { @Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { } @Override public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { fContainerManager.activateEditor(null); } }); } private boolean caretPositionChange(int x, boolean caretMovesForward) { Point selection = fSourceViewer.getSelectedRange(); if (selection.y == 0) { Container container = fContainerManager.getContainerHavingOffset(caretMovesForward ? x : x - 1); if (container != null) { Position position = container.getPosition(); if (caretMovesForward) { Pad<?, ?> pad = container.getPad(); Optional<IEditorLocation> start = pad.getStart(); fContainerManager.activateEditor(pad); if (start.isPresent()) { fContainerManager.setCursorPosition(start.get()); } else { fSourceViewer.getTextWidget().setCaretOffset(getExt5().modelOffset2WidgetOffset(position.getOffset() + position.getLength())); } } else { Pad<?, ?> pad = container.getPad(); Optional<IEditorLocation> end = pad.getEnd(); fContainerManager.activateEditor(pad); if (end.isPresent()) { fContainerManager.setCursorPosition(end.get()); } else { fSourceViewer.getTextWidget().setCaretOffset(getExt5().modelOffset2WidgetOffset(position.getOffset())); } } return false; } } return true; } private int getAction(KeyEvent event) { int action; if (event.keyCode!= 0) { // special key pressed (e.g., F1) action = getKeyBinding(event.keyCode | event.stateMask); } else { // character key pressed action = getKeyBinding(event.character | event.stateMask); if (action == SWT.NULL) { if ((event.stateMask & SWT.CTRL) != 0 && event.character <= 31) { // get the character from the CTRL+char sequence, the control // key subtracts 64 from the value of the key that it modifies int c = event.character + 64; action = getKeyBinding(c | event.stateMask); } } } return action; } private int getKeyBinding(int key) { Integer action = (Integer) fKeyActionMap.get(new Integer(key)); return action == null ? SWT.NULL : action.intValue(); } /** * Creates default key bindings. */ void createKeyBindings() { int nextKey = fContainerManager.isMirrored() ? SWT.ARROW_LEFT : SWT.ARROW_RIGHT; int previousKey = fContainerManager.isMirrored() ? SWT.ARROW_RIGHT : SWT.ARROW_LEFT; // Navigation setKeyBinding(SWT.ARROW_UP, ST.LINE_UP); setKeyBinding(SWT.ARROW_DOWN, ST.LINE_DOWN); setKeyBinding(SWT.HOME, ST.LINE_START); setKeyBinding(SWT.END, ST.LINE_END); setKeyBinding(SWT.HOME | SWT.MOD1, ST.TEXT_START); setKeyBinding(SWT.END | SWT.MOD1, ST.TEXT_END); setKeyBinding(nextKey | SWT.MOD1, ST.WORD_NEXT); setKeyBinding(previousKey | SWT.MOD1, ST.WORD_PREVIOUS); setKeyBinding(SWT.PAGE_UP, ST.PAGE_UP); setKeyBinding(SWT.PAGE_DOWN, ST.PAGE_DOWN); setKeyBinding(SWT.PAGE_UP | SWT.MOD1, ST.WINDOW_START); setKeyBinding(SWT.PAGE_DOWN | SWT.MOD1, ST.WINDOW_END); setKeyBinding(nextKey, ST.COLUMN_NEXT); setKeyBinding(previousKey, ST.COLUMN_PREVIOUS); // Selection setKeyBinding(SWT.ARROW_UP | SWT.MOD2, ST.SELECT_LINE_UP); setKeyBinding(SWT.ARROW_DOWN | SWT.MOD2, ST.SELECT_LINE_DOWN); setKeyBinding(SWT.HOME | SWT.MOD2, ST.SELECT_LINE_START); setKeyBinding(SWT.END | SWT.MOD2, ST.SELECT_LINE_END); setKeyBinding(SWT.HOME | SWT.MOD1 | SWT.MOD2, ST.SELECT_TEXT_START); setKeyBinding(SWT.END | SWT.MOD1 | SWT.MOD2, ST.SELECT_TEXT_END); setKeyBinding(nextKey | SWT.MOD1 | SWT.MOD2, ST.SELECT_WORD_NEXT); setKeyBinding(previousKey | SWT.MOD1 | SWT.MOD2, ST.SELECT_WORD_PREVIOUS); setKeyBinding(SWT.PAGE_UP | SWT.MOD2, ST.SELECT_PAGE_UP); setKeyBinding(SWT.PAGE_DOWN | SWT.MOD2, ST.SELECT_PAGE_DOWN); setKeyBinding(SWT.PAGE_UP | SWT.MOD1 | SWT.MOD2, ST.SELECT_WINDOW_START); setKeyBinding(SWT.PAGE_DOWN | SWT.MOD1 | SWT.MOD2, ST.SELECT_WINDOW_END); setKeyBinding(nextKey | SWT.MOD2, ST.SELECT_COLUMN_NEXT); setKeyBinding(previousKey | SWT.MOD2, ST.SELECT_COLUMN_PREVIOUS); // Modification // Cut, Copy, Paste setKeyBinding('X' | SWT.MOD1, ST.CUT); setKeyBinding('C' | SWT.MOD1, ST.COPY); setKeyBinding('V' | SWT.MOD1, ST.PASTE); // Cut, Copy, Paste Wordstar style setKeyBinding(SWT.DEL | SWT.MOD2, ST.CUT); setKeyBinding(SWT.INSERT | SWT.MOD1, ST.COPY); setKeyBinding(SWT.INSERT | SWT.MOD2, ST.PASTE); setKeyBinding(SWT.BS | SWT.MOD2, ST.DELETE_PREVIOUS); setKeyBinding(SWT.BS, ST.DELETE_PREVIOUS); setKeyBinding(SWT.DEL, ST.DELETE_NEXT); setKeyBinding(SWT.BS | SWT.MOD1, ST.DELETE_WORD_PREVIOUS); setKeyBinding(SWT.DEL | SWT.MOD1, ST.DELETE_WORD_NEXT); // Miscellaneous setKeyBinding(SWT.INSERT, ST.TOGGLE_OVERWRITE); } public void setKeyBinding(int key, int action) { int modifierValue = key & SWT.MODIFIER_MASK; char keyChar = (char)(key & SWT.KEY_MASK); if (Character.isLetter(keyChar)) { char ch = Character.toUpperCase(keyChar); int newKey = ch | modifierValue; if (action == SWT.NULL) { fKeyActionMap.remove(new Integer(newKey)); } else { fKeyActionMap.put(new Integer(newKey), new Integer(action)); } ch = Character.toLowerCase(keyChar); newKey = ch | modifierValue; if (action == SWT.NULL) { fKeyActionMap.remove(new Integer(newKey)); } else { fKeyActionMap.put(new Integer(newKey), new Integer(action)); } } else { if (action == SWT.NULL) { fKeyActionMap.remove(new Integer(key)); } else { fKeyActionMap.put(new Integer(key), new Integer(action)); } } } private void doAction(int action) { switch (action) { case ST.DELETE_PREVIOUS: doDeletePrevious(); break; case ST.DELETE_NEXT: doDeleteNext(); break; case ST.COLUMN_NEXT: doColumnNext(false); break; case ST.SELECT_COLUMN_NEXT: doColumnNext(true); break; case ST.COLUMN_PREVIOUS: doColumnPrevious(false); break; case ST.SELECT_COLUMN_PREVIOUS: doColumnPrevious(true); break; default: break; } } private void doColumnNext(boolean selection) { Optional<IEditorLocation> position = getCursonPosition(); Optional<IEditorLocation> next = position.get().getNext(); if (next.isPresent()) { if (!selection) { fContainerManager.setCursorPosition(next.get()); } else { fContainerManager.setSelectionEnd(next.get()); } } else if (!selection) { ITextEditor<?> editor = getPad(position.get()); if (editor != null) { ((Pad) editor).moveCaretToContainerTail(); } } } private ITextEditor<?> getPad(IEditorLocation position) { ITextEditor<?> editor = position.getEditor(); while (editor != null && !(editor instanceof Pad)) { editor = editor.getParent().isPresent() ? editor.getParent().get() : null; } return editor; } private void doColumnPrevious(boolean selection) { Optional<IEditorLocation> position = getCursonPosition(); Optional<IEditorLocation> previous = position.get().getPrevious(); if (previous.isPresent()) { if (!selection) { fContainerManager.setCursorPosition(previous.get()); } else { fContainerManager.setSelectionEnd(previous.get()); } } else if (!selection) { ITextEditor<?> editor = getPad(position.get()); if (editor != null) { ((Pad) editor).moveCaretToCurrentPad(); } } } private void doDeletePrevious() { SelectionModel selectionModel = fContainerManager.getSelectionModel(); if (selectionModel.isEmpty()) { Optional<IEditorLocation> start = getCursonPosition(); Optional<IEditorLocation> previous = start.get().getPrevious(); if (previous.isPresent()) { fContainerManager.setCursorPosition(new SelectionModel(previous.get(), start.get()).replace("")); } } else { fContainerManager.setCursorPosition(selectionModel.replace("")); } } private void doDeleteNext() { SelectionModel selectionModel = fContainerManager.getSelectionModel(); if (selectionModel.isEmpty()) { Optional<IEditorLocation> start = getCursonPosition(); Optional<IEditorLocation> next = start.get().getNext(); if (next.isPresent()) { fContainerManager.setCursorPosition(new SelectionModel(start.get(), next.get()).replace("")); } } else { fContainerManager.setCursorPosition(selectionModel.replace("")); } } private Optional<IEditorLocation> getCursonPosition() { return fContainerManager.getCursonPosition(); } }