package kea.vocab; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Vector; import kea.stemmers.SpanishStemmerSB; import kea.stemmers.Stemmer; import kea.stopwords.Stopwords; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.StmtIterator; /** * Builds an index with the content of the controlled vocabulary. * Accepts vocabularies as rdf files (SKOS format) and in plain text format: * vocabulary_name.en (with "ID TERM" per line) - descriptors & non-descriptors * vocabulary_name.use (with "ID_NON-DESCR \t ID_DESCRIPTOR" per line) * vocabulary_name.rel (with "ID \t RELATED_ID1 RELATED_ID2 ... " per line) * See KEA's homepage for more details. * @author Olena Medelyan */ public class VocabularyJena extends Vocabulary { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** Location of the rdf version of the controlled vocabulary * it needs to be in the SKOS format! */ public static File SKOS; /** Location of the vocabulary's *.en file * containing all terms of the vocabularies and their ids.*/ public static File EN; /** Location of the vocabulary's *.use file * containing ids of non-descriptor with the corresponding ids of descriptors.*/ public static File USE; /** Location of the vocabulary's *.rel file * containing semantically related terms for each descriptor in the vocabulary.*/ public static File REL; // if the type of the semantic relation will be required later // this could be a file containing // this information // public static File RT; /** * Boolean describing which vocabulary format has been chosen: * true if SKOS, false if text. */ private boolean useSkos; /** <i>Vocabulary</i> index */ private HashMap<String,String> VocabularyEN = null; /** <i>Vocabulary</i> reverse index */ private HashMap<String,String> VocabularyENrev = null; /** <i>Vocabulary</i> non-descriptors - descriptors list */ private HashMap<String,String> VocabularyUSE = null; /** <i>Vocabulary</i> related terms */ private HashMap<String,Vector<String>> VocabularyREL = null; private HashMap<String,String> VocabularyRT = null; /** The document language */ private String m_language; /** The default stemmer to be used */ private Stemmer m_Stemmer; /** The list of stop words to be used */ private Stopwords m_Stopwords; /** Vocabulary constructor. * * Given the name of the vocabulary and the format it first checks whether * the VOCABULARIES directory contains the specified files: * - vocabularyName.rdf if skos format is selected * - or a set of 3 flat files starting with vocabularyName and with extensions * .en (id term) * .use (non-descriptor \t descriptor) * .rel (id \t related_id1 related_id2 ...) * If the required files exist, the vocabulary index is built. * * @param vocabularyName The name of the vocabulary file (before extension). * @param vocabularyFormat The format of the vocabulary (skos or text). * */ public VocabularyJena(String vocabularyName, String vocabularyFormat, String documentLanguage) { super(documentLanguage); if (vocabularyFormat.equals("skos")) { SKOS = new File("VOCABULARIES/" + vocabularyName + ".rdf"); if (!SKOS.exists()){ System.err.println("File VOCABULARIES/" + vocabularyName + ".rdf does not exist."); System.exit(1); } useSkos = true; } else if (vocabularyFormat.equals("text")) { EN = new File("VOCABULARIES/" + vocabularyName + ".en"); USE = new File("VOCABULARIES/" + vocabularyName + ".use"); REL = new File("VOCABULARIES/" + vocabularyName + ".rel"); // RT = new File("VOCABULARIES/" + vocabularyName + ".pairs.p1"); if (!EN.exists()) { System.err.println("File VOCABULARIES/" + vocabularyName + ".en does not exist."); System.exit(1); } if (!USE.exists()) { System.err.println("File VOCABULARIES/" + vocabularyName + ".list.use does not exist."); System.exit(1); } if (!REL.exists()) { System.err.println("File VOCABULARIES/" + vocabularyName + ".rel.p1 does not exist."); System.exit(1); } // if (!RT.exists()) { // System.err.println("File VOCABULARIES/" + vocabularyName + ".pairs.p1 does not exist."); // System.exit(1); // } } } /** * Starts initialization of the vocabulary. * */ public void initialize() { System.err.println("-- Loading the Index..."); if (useSkos) { try { buildSKOS(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } else { try { build(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } } /** * Set the Stemmer value. * @param newStemmer The new Stemmer value. */ public void setStemmer(Stemmer newStemmer) { this.m_Stemmer = newStemmer; } /** * Set the M_Stopwords value. * @param newM_Stopwords The new M_Stopwords value. */ public void setStopwords(Stopwords newM_Stopwords) { this.m_Stopwords = newM_Stopwords; } /** * Builds the vocabulary indexes from SKOS file. */ public void buildSKOS() throws Exception { System.err.println("-- Building the Vocabulary index from SKOS file"); VocabularyEN = new HashMap<String,String>(); VocabularyENrev = new HashMap<String,String>(); VocabularyUSE = new HashMap<String,String>(); VocabularyREL = new HashMap<String,Vector<String>>(); VocabularyRT = new HashMap<String,String>(); // create an empty model Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); try { InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(SKOS),"UTF-8"), ""); StmtIterator iter; Statement stmt; Property relation; Resource concept; RDFNode value; int count = 1; // Iterating over all statements in the SKOS file iter = model.listStatements(); while (iter.hasNext()) { stmt = iter.nextStatement(); // id of the concept (Resource), e.g. "c_4828" concept = stmt.getSubject(); String id = concept.getURI(); // relation or Property of the concept, e.g. "narrower" relation = stmt.getPredicate(); String rel = relation.getLocalName(); // value of the property, e.g. c_4828 has narrower term "c_4829" value = stmt.getObject(); String val = value.toString(); //System.out.println("Concept " + concept); //System.out.println("Relation " + rel); //System.out.println("Value " + val); if (rel.equals("prefLabel")) { String descriptor; if (val.contains("@")) { String[] val_components = val.split("@"); // System.err.println(val_components[1] + " " + m_language); if (val_components[1].equals(m_language)) { // System.err.println("Yes"); descriptor = val_components[0]; } else { continue; } } else { descriptor = val; } String avterm = pseudoPhrase(descriptor); if (avterm.equals("")) { avterm = descriptor; } // System.out.println(descriptor + " ==> " + avterm); if (avterm.length() > 1) { VocabularyEN.put(avterm, id); VocabularyENrev.put(id,descriptor); } // fill here the index hash // id => descriptor //if (id.equals("")) { // System.out.println("Descriptor " + descriptor + " (" + id + ")"); //} } else if (rel.equals("altLabel") || (rel.equals("hiddenLabel"))) { String non_descriptor; if (val.contains("@")) { String[] val_components = val.split("@"); // System.err.println(val_components[1] + " " + m_language); if (val_components[1].equals(m_language)) { // System.err.println("Yes"); non_descriptor = val_components[0]; } else { continue; } } else { non_descriptor = val; } // System.out.println("Descriptor " + non_descriptor); // first add the non_descriptor to the index hash // then fill here non-descriptor hash // id => id_non_descriptor addNonDescriptor (count, id, non_descriptor); count++; //System.out.println("Descriptor " + VocabularyENrev.get(id) + " with id (" + id + ")" + // " has a non-descriptor " + non_descriptor + " (" + id_non_descriptor + ")"); } else if (rel.equals("broader") || rel.equals("narrower") || rel.equals("composite") || rel.equals("compositeOf") || rel.equals("hasTopConcept") || rel.equals("related")) { String id_related = val; // System.out.println("Descriptor " + VocabularyENrev.get(id) + " with id " + id + // " has a " + rel + " term " + VocabularyENrev.get(id_related) + " with id (" + id_related + ")"); // fill here semantic relations hash // id => id_related if (VocabularyREL.get(id) == null) { Vector rt = new Vector(); rt.add(id_related); VocabularyREL.put(id,rt); } else { Vector rt = (Vector)VocabularyREL.get(id); rt.add(id_related); } VocabularyRT.put(id + "-" + id_related,rel); if (rel.equals("related")) { VocabularyRT.put(id_related + "-" + id,rel); } // VocabularyRT.put("id-id_related","1"); // VocabularyRT.put("id_related-id","1"); } } // Some statistics: // System.out.println(VocabularyEN.size() + " terms in total"); // System.out.println(VocabularyUSE.size() + " non-descriptors"); // System.out.println(VocabularyREL.size() + " terms have related terms"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void addNonDescriptor (int count, String id_descriptor, String non_descriptor) { // id => id_non_descriptor String id_non_descriptor = "d_" + count; count++; String avterm = pseudoPhrase(non_descriptor); if (avterm.length() > 2) { VocabularyEN.put(avterm, id_non_descriptor); VocabularyENrev.put(id_non_descriptor,non_descriptor); } VocabularyUSE.put(id_non_descriptor,id_descriptor); } public String remove (String[] words, int i) { String result = ""; for (int j = 0; j < words.length; j++) { if ((j != i) && (!m_Stopwords.isStopword(words[j]))) { result = result + words[j]; if ((j+1) != words.length) { result = result + " "; } } } return result; } /** * Builds the vocabulary index from the text files. */ public void build() throws Exception { System.err.println("-- Building the Vocabulary index"); VocabularyEN = new HashMap<String,String>(); VocabularyENrev = new HashMap<String,String>(); String readline; String term; String avterm; String id; try { InputStreamReader is = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(EN)); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(is); while((readline=br.readLine()) != null) { int i = readline.indexOf(' '); term = readline.substring(i+1); avterm = pseudoPhrase(term); if (avterm.length() > 2) { id = readline.substring(0,i); VocabularyEN.put(avterm, id); VocabularyENrev.put(id,term); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Builds the vocabulary index with descriptors/non-descriptors relations. */ public void buildUSE() throws Exception { if (!useSkos) { VocabularyUSE = new HashMap<String,String>(); String readline; String[] entry; try { InputStreamReader is = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(USE)); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(is); while((readline=br.readLine()) != null) { entry = readline.split("\t"); // if more than one descriptors for // one non-descriptors are used, ignore it! // probably just related terms (cf. latest edition of Agrovoc) if ((entry[1].indexOf(" ")) == -1) { VocabularyUSE.put(entry[0],entry[1]); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Builds the vocabulary index with semantically related terms. */ public void buildREL() throws Exception { if (!useSkos) { System.err.println("-- Building the Vocabulary index with related pairs"); VocabularyREL = new HashMap(); String readline; String[] entry; try { InputStreamReader is = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(REL)); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(is); while((readline=br.readLine()) != null) { entry = readline.split("\t"); String[] temp = entry[1].split(" "); Vector<String> rt = new Vector<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { rt.add(temp[i]); } VocabularyREL.put(entry[0],rt); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void buildRT() throws Exception { } // Might be useful later, when the kind of relation is important // or wether two terms are related or not // public void buildRT() throws Exception { // // VocabularyRT = new HashMap(); // // String[] entry; // String readline; // try { // InputStreamReader is2 = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(RT)); // BufferedReader br2 = new BufferedReader(is2); // while((readline=br2.readLine()) != null) { // entry = split(readline,"\t"); // String pair = entry[0] + "-" + entry[1]; // VocabularyRT.put(pair,"1"); // // } // } catch (Exception e) { // System.err.println("You need to put the .pairs file into KEA directory"); // } // // } // /** * Checks whether a normalized version of a phrase (pseudo phrase) * is a valid vocabulary term. * * @param phrase * @return true if phrase is in the vocabulary */ public boolean containsEntry(String phrase) { return VocabularyEN.containsKey(phrase); } /** * Given a phrase returns its id in the vocabulary. * @param phrase * @return id of the phrase in the vocabulary index */ public String getID(String phrase) { String pseudo = pseudoPhrase(phrase); String id = null; if (pseudo != null) { id = (String)VocabularyEN.get(pseudo); if (VocabularyUSE.containsKey(id)) { id = (String)VocabularyUSE.get(id); } } return id; } /** * Given id, gets the original version of vocabulary term. * @param id * @return original version of the vocabulary term */ public String getOrig(String id) { return (String)VocabularyENrev.get(id); } /** * Given id of the non-descriptor returs the id of the corresponding descriptor * @param id of the non-descriptor * @return id of the descriptor */ public String getDescriptor(String id) { return (String)VocabularyUSE.get(id); } /** * Given id of a term returns the list with ids of terms related to this term. * @param id * @return a vector with ids related to the input id */ public Vector<String> getRelated(String id) { return VocabularyREL.get(id); } /** * Given an ID of a term gets the list of all IDs of terms * that are semantically related to the given term * with a specific relation * @param id, relation * @return a vector with ids related to the input id by a specified relation */ public Vector<String> getRelated (String id, String relation) { Vector<String> related = new Vector<String>(); Vector<String> all_related = (Vector<String>)VocabularyREL.get(id); if (all_related != null) { for (int d = 0; d < all_related.size(); d++) { String rel_id = (String)all_related.elementAt(d); String rel = (String)VocabularyRT.get(id + "-" + rel_id); if (rel != null) { if (rel.equals(relation)) { related.add(rel_id); } } else { System.err.println("Problem with " + getOrig(id) + " and " + getOrig(rel_id)); } } } return related; } }