package org.hibernate.examples.mapping.queries; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.hibernate.examples.AbstractJpaTest; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.Query; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; /** * org.hibernate.examples.mapping.queries.JpaQueryTest * * @author 배성혁 * @since 2013. 12. 3. 오후 8:11 */ @Slf4j @Transactional public class JpaQueryTest extends AbstractJpaTest { @PersistenceContext EntityManager em; @Test public void simpleQueries() throws Exception { String hypothesisName = Hypothesis.class.getName(); assertQuery(em, 4, em.createQuery("select h from Hypothesis h")); assertQuery(em, 4, em.createQuery("select h from " + hypothesisName + " h")); assertQuery(em, 1, em.createQuery("select h from Helicopter h")); // assertQuery(em, 5, em.createQuery("select o from java.lang.Object o")); } @Test public void testConstantParameterQueries() throws Exception { Query query = em.createQuery("select h from Hypothesis h where h.description = 'stuff works'"); assertQuery(em, 1, query); } @Test public void testParametricQueries() throws Exception { Query query = em .createQuery("select h from Hypothesis h where h.description = :myParam") .setParameter("myParam", "stuff works"); assertQuery(em, 1, query); } //@QueryHints({ @QueryHint(name = "org.hibernate.cacheable", value = "true") }) private void assertQuery(final EntityManager em, final int expectedSize, final Query testedQuery) { assertThat(testedQuery.getResultList()).as("Query failed").hasSize(expectedSize); em.clear(); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { em.getEntityManagerFactory().getCache().evict(Hypothesis.class); em.getEntityManagerFactory().getCache().evict(Helicopter.class); log.debug("예제용 데이터 추가"); Hypothesis socrates = new Hypothesis(); socrates.setId("13"); socrates.setDescription("There are more than two dimensions over the shadows we see out of the cave"); socrates.setPosition(1); em.persist(socrates); Hypothesis peano = new Hypothesis(); peano.setId("14"); peano.setDescription("Peano's curve and then Hilbert's space filling curve proof the connection from mono-dimensional to bi-dimensional space"); peano.setPosition(2); em.persist(peano); Hypothesis sanne = new Hypothesis(); sanne.setId("15"); sanne.setDescription("Hilbert's proof of connection to 2 dimensions can be induced to reason on N dimensions"); sanne.setPosition(3); em.persist(sanne); Hypothesis shortOne = new Hypothesis(); shortOne.setId("16"); shortOne.setDescription("stuff works"); shortOne.setPosition(4); em.persist(shortOne); Helicopter helicopter = new Helicopter(); helicopter.setName("No creative clue "); em.persist(helicopter); em.flush(); em.clear(); } }