package aima.core.logic.fol.kb; import aima.core.logic.fol.domain.DomainFactory; import aima.core.logic.fol.domain.FOLDomain; import aima.core.logic.fol.inference.InferenceProcedure; /** * @author Ciaran O'Reilly * */ public class FOLKnowledgeBaseFactory { public static FOLKnowledgeBase createKingsKnowledgeBase( InferenceProcedure infp) { FOLKnowledgeBase kb = new FOLKnowledgeBase(DomainFactory.kingsDomain(), infp); kb.tell("((King(x) AND Greedy(x)) => Evil(x))"); kb.tell("King(John)"); kb.tell("King(Richard)"); kb.tell("Greedy(John)"); return kb; } public static FOLKnowledgeBase createWeaponsKnowledgeBase( InferenceProcedure infp) { FOLKnowledgeBase kb = new FOLKnowledgeBase( DomainFactory.weaponsDomain(), infp); kb.tell("( (((American(x) AND Weapon(y)) AND Sells(x,y,z)) AND Hostile(z)) => Criminal(x))"); kb.tell(" Owns(Nono, M1)"); kb.tell(" Missile(M1)"); kb.tell("((Missile(x) AND Owns(Nono,x)) => Sells(West,x,Nono))"); kb.tell("(Missile(x) => Weapon(x))"); kb.tell("(Enemy(x,America) => Hostile(x))"); kb.tell("American(West)"); kb.tell("Enemy(Nono,America)"); return kb; } public static FOLKnowledgeBase createLovesAnimalKnowledgeBase( InferenceProcedure infp) { FOLKnowledgeBase kb = new FOLKnowledgeBase( DomainFactory.lovesAnimalDomain(), infp); kb.tell("FORALL x (FORALL y (Animal(y) => Loves(x, y)) => EXISTS y Loves(y, x))"); kb.tell("FORALL x (EXISTS y (Animal(y) AND Kills(x, y)) => FORALL z NOT(Loves(z, x)))"); kb.tell("FORALL x (Animal(x) => Loves(Jack, x))"); kb.tell("(Kills(Jack, Tuna) OR Kills(Curiosity, Tuna))"); kb.tell("Cat(Tuna)"); kb.tell("FORALL x (Cat(x) => Animal(x))"); return kb; } public static FOLKnowledgeBase createRingOfThievesKnowledgeBase( InferenceProcedure infp) { FOLKnowledgeBase kb = new FOLKnowledgeBase( DomainFactory.ringOfThievesDomain(), infp); // s(x) => ~c(x) One who skis never gets caught kb.tell("(Skis(x) => NOT(Caught(x)))"); // c(x) => ~s(x) Those who are caught don't ever ski kb.tell("(Caught(x) => NOT(Skis(x)))"); // p(x,y) & c(y) => s(x) Jailbird parents have skiing kids kb.tell("((Parent(x,y) AND Caught(y)) => Skis(x))"); // s(x) & f(x,y) => s(y) All friends ski together kb.tell("(Skis(x) AND Friend(x,y) => Skis(y))"); // f(x,y) => f(y,x) Friendship is symmetric kb.tell("(Friend(x,y) => Friend(y,x))"); // FACTS // 1. { p(Mike,Joe) } Premise kb.tell("Parent(Mike, Joe)"); // 2. { p(Janet,Joe) } Premise kb.tell("Parent(Janet,Joe)"); // 3. { p(Nancy,Mike) } Premise kb.tell("Parent(Nancy,Mike)"); // 4. { p(Ernie,Janet) } Premise kb.tell("Parent(Ernie,Janet)"); // 5. { p(Bert,Nancy) } Premise kb.tell("Parent(Bert,Nancy)"); // 6. { p(Red,Ernie) } Premise kb.tell("Parent(Red,Ernie)"); // 7. { f(Red,Bert) } Premise kb.tell("Friend(Red,Bert)"); // 8. { f(Drew,Nancy) } Premise kb.tell("Friend(Drew,Nancy)"); // 9. { c(Mike) } Premise kb.tell("Caught(Mike)"); // 10. { c(Ernie) } Premise kb.tell("Caught(Ernie)"); return kb; } // Note: see - // // slide 12 for where this test example was taken from. public static FOLKnowledgeBase createABCEqualityKnowledgeBase( InferenceProcedure infp, boolean includeEqualityAxioms) { FOLDomain domain = new FOLDomain(); domain.addConstant("A"); domain.addConstant("B"); domain.addConstant("C"); FOLKnowledgeBase kb = new FOLKnowledgeBase(domain, infp); kb.tell("B = A"); kb.tell("B = C"); if (includeEqualityAxioms) { // Reflexivity Axiom kb.tell("x = x"); // Symmetry Axiom kb.tell("(x = y => y = x)"); // Transitivity Axiom kb.tell("((x = y AND y = z) => x = z)"); } return kb; } // Note: see - // // slide 16,17, and 18 for where this test example was taken from. public static FOLKnowledgeBase createABCDEqualityAndSubstitutionKnowledgeBase( InferenceProcedure infp, boolean includeEqualityAxioms) { FOLDomain domain = new FOLDomain(); domain.addConstant("A"); domain.addConstant("B"); domain.addConstant("C"); domain.addConstant("D"); domain.addPredicate("P"); domain.addFunction("F"); FOLKnowledgeBase kb = new FOLKnowledgeBase(domain, infp); kb.tell("F(A) = B"); kb.tell("F(B) = A"); kb.tell("C = D"); kb.tell("P(A)"); kb.tell("P(C)"); if (includeEqualityAxioms) { // Reflexivity Axiom kb.tell("x = x"); // Symmetry Axiom kb.tell("(x = y => y = x)"); // Transitivity Axiom kb.tell("((x = y AND y = z) => x = z)"); // Function F Substitution Axiom kb.tell("((x = y AND F(y) = z) => F(x) = z)"); // Predicate P Substitution Axiom kb.tell("((x = y AND P(y)) => P(x))"); } return kb; } }