package de.unihd.dbs.uima.annotator.treetagger; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas; import de.unihd.dbs.uima.types.heideltime.Sentence; import de.unihd.dbs.uima.types.heideltime.Token; public class TreeTaggerReader implements Runnable { private List<Token> tokens; private BufferedReader reader; private JCas jcas; private Boolean annotate_sentences; private int i; // position in list // Possible End-of-Sentence Tags private static final HashSet<String> hsEndOfSentenceTag = new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList(new String[] { "SENT", // ENGLISH, FRENCH, GREEK, ... "$.", // GERMAN, DUTCH "FS", // SPANISH "_Z_Fst", // ESTONIAN "_Z_Int", // ESTONIAN "_Z_Exc", // ESTONIAN "ew", // CHINESE }) ); public TreeTaggerReader(List<Token> tokens, BufferedReader reader, JCas jcas, Boolean annotate_sentences) { this.tokens = tokens; this.reader = reader; this.jcas = jcas; this.annotate_sentences = annotate_sentences; } @Override public void run() { i = 0; try { Boolean isStarted = false; Sentence sentence = null; String s = null; // wait for the starting token to arrive while(null != (s = reader.readLine()) && !isStarted) { if(TreeTaggerProperties.STARTOFTEXT.equals(s)) { isStarted = true; break; } } // iterate over all the output lines and tokens array (which have the same source and are hence symmetric) while(null != (s = reader.readLine()) && isStarted) { // check whether this is the finalizing token if(TreeTaggerProperties.ENDOFTEXT.equals(s)) { isStarted = false; break; } // do splitting String[] splits = s.split("\t", 2); String tokenStr = splits[0].trim(), pos = ""; if(splits.length == 2) { pos = splits[1].trim(); } // grab a token Token token = tokens.get(i++); // Handle empty tokens (such as empty lines) in input file while("".equals(token.getCoveredText())) { // if part of the configuration, also add sentences to the jcas document if("EMPTYLINE".equals(token.getPos()) && annotate_sentences) { // Establish sentence structure if(sentence == null) { sentence = new Sentence(jcas); sentence.setBegin(token.getBegin()); } // Finish current sentence if end-of-sentence pos was found or document ended sentence.setEnd(token.getEnd()); if(sentence.getBegin() < sentence.getEnd()){ sentence.addToIndexes(); } // Make sure current sentence is not active anymore so that a new one might be created sentence = null; } token.removeFromIndexes(); token = tokens.get(i++); } // remove tokens, otherwise they are in the index twice token.removeFromIndexes(); // set part of speech tag and add to indexes again if(!"".equals(token.getCoveredText())) { token.setPos(pos); token.addToIndexes();//System.out.println("added token " + token.getCoveredText() + " -> " + pos); // TODO } // if part of the configuration, also add sentences to the jcas document if(annotate_sentences) { // Establish sentence structure if(sentence == null) { sentence = new Sentence(jcas); sentence.setBegin(token.getBegin()); } // Finish current sentence if end-of-sentence pos was found or document ended if(hsEndOfSentenceTag.contains(pos) || i == tokens.size()) { sentence.setEnd(token.getEnd()); sentence.addToIndexes(); // Make sure current sentence is not active anymore so that a new one might be created sentence = null; } } } while(i < tokens.size()) { Token currentToken = tokens.get(i++); if(sentence != null) { sentence.setEnd(tokens.get(tokens.size() - 1).getEnd()); sentence.addToIndexes(); } if("EMPTYLINE".equals(currentToken.getPos())) { currentToken.removeFromIndexes(); } } } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }