// $ANTLR 2.7.7 (20060930): "Express2SDAI.g" -> "Express2DictWalker.java"$ package nl.tue.buildingsmart.express.parser; /****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 BIMserver.org * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *****************************************************************************/ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.AggregationType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.ArrayType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.BagType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.BaseType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.BinaryType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.BooleanType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.Bound; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.DefinedType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.EntityDefinition; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.EnumerationType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.ExplicitAttribute; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.IntegerBound; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.IntegerType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.InverseAttribute; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.ListType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.LogicalType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.NamedType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.NumberType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.RealType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.SchemaDefinition; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.SelectType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.SetType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.SimpleType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.StringType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.UnderlyingType; import org.bimserver.plugins.schema.VariableSizeAggregationType; import antlr.ASTPair; import antlr.MismatchedTokenException; import antlr.NoViableAltException; import antlr.RecognitionException; import antlr.collections.AST; @SuppressWarnings("all") public class Express2DictWalker extends antlr.TreeParser { // Express2OwlMethods methods=new Express2OwlMethods(); private int pass = 1; private SchemaDefinition schema = new SchemaDefinition(); /** * this is a very, very ugly shortcut to the unlimited bounds "?" token */ // HACK private static boolean unlimited_bound = false; /** * stores the last INTEGER that was parsed. Is used in bounds */ private String nextInt; public SchemaDefinition getSchema() { return this.schema; } public void setPass(int i) { this.pass = i; } public boolean isPass2() { if (this.pass == 2) return true; else return false; } public int getPass() { return this.pass; } public void echo(String s) { System.out.println(s); } public Express2DictWalker() { super.tokenNames = _tokenNames; } private void match(AST tree, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes type) throws MismatchedTokenException { super.match(tree, type.getIndex()); } /** * Checks for null trees and returns null accordingly * * @return */ private AST handleNullTree(AST treeToCheck) { if (treeToCheck == ASTNULL) { return null; } else { return treeToCheck; } } public final void actual_parameter_list(AST _tree) throws RecognitionException { AST actual_parameter_list_AST_in = handleNullTree(_tree); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST actual_parameter_list_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t2 = _tree; AST tmp1_AST = null; AST tmp1_AST_in = null; tmp1_AST = astFactory.create(_tree); tmp1_AST_in = _tree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp1_AST); ASTPair __currentAST2 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_tree, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ACTUAL_PARAMETER_LIST); _tree = _tree.getFirstChild(); parameter(_tree); _tree = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop4: do { if (_tree == null) { _tree = ASTNULL; } if (_tree.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.PARAMETER.getIndex()) { parameter(_tree); _tree = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop4; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST2; _tree = __t2; _tree = _tree.getNextSibling(); actual_parameter_list_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_tree != null) { _tree = _tree.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = actual_parameter_list_AST; _retTree = _tree; } public final void parameter(AST _tree) throws RecognitionException { AST parameter_AST_in = handleNullTree(_tree); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST parameter_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t357 = _tree; AST tmp2_AST = null; AST tmp2_AST_in = null; tmp2_AST = super.astFactory.create(_tree); tmp2_AST_in = _tree; super.astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp2_AST); ASTPair __currentAST357 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_tree, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.PARAMETER); _tree = _tree.getFirstChild(); expression(_tree); _tree = this._retTree; super.astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, this.returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST357; _tree = __t357; _tree = _tree.getNextSibling(); parameter_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_tree != null) { _tree = _tree.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = parameter_AST; _retTree = _tree; } public final void aggregate_initializer(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST aggregate_initializer_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST aggregate_initializer_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t6 = _t; AST tmp3_AST = null; AST tmp3_AST_in = null; tmp3_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp3_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp3_AST); ASTPair __currentAST6 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.AGGREGATE_INITIALIZER); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ELEMENT: { element(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop9: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ELEMENT.getIndex())) { element(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop9; } } while (true); } break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST6; _t = __t6; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); aggregate_initializer_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = aggregate_initializer_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void element(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST element_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST element_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t99 = _t; AST tmp4_AST = null; AST tmp4_AST_in = null; tmp4_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp4_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp4_AST); ASTPair __currentAST99 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ELEMENT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case REPETITION: { repetition(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST99; _t = __t99; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); element_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = element_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void aggregate_source(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST aggregate_source_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST aggregate_source_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t11 = _t; AST tmp5_AST = null; AST tmp5_AST_in = null; tmp5_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp5_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp5_AST); ASTPair __currentAST11 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.AGGREGATE_SOURCE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); simple_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST11; _t = __t11; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); aggregate_source_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = aggregate_source_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void simple_expression(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST simple_expression_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST simple_expression_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t475 = _t; AST tmp6_AST = null; AST tmp6_AST_in = null; tmp6_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp6_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp6_AST); ASTPair __currentAST475 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); term(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop477: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ADD_LIKE_OP.getIndex())) { add_like_op(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); term(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop477; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST475; _t = __t475; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); simple_expression_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = simple_expression_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String aggregate_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = "aggregate"; AST aggregate_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST aggregate_type_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t13 = _t; AST tmp7_AST = null; AST tmp7_AST_in = null; tmp7_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp7_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp7_AST); ASTPair __currentAST13 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.AGGREGATE_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case TYPE_LABEL: { type_label(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case PARAMETER_TYPE: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } parameter_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST13; _t = __t13; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); aggregate_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = aggregate_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final void type_label(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST type_label_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST type_label_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t576 = _t; AST tmp8_AST = null; AST tmp8_AST_in = null; tmp8_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp8_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp8_AST); ASTPair __currentAST576 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.TYPE_LABEL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp9_AST = null; AST tmp9_AST_in = null; tmp9_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp9_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp9_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST576; _t = __t576; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); type_label_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = type_label_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String parameter_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = ""; AST parameter_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST parameter_type_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t361 = _t; AST tmp10_AST = null; AST tmp10_AST_in = null; tmp10_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp10_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp10_AST); ASTPair __currentAST361 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.PARAMETER_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case GENERALIZED_TYPES: { TypeName = generalized_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NAMED_TYPES: { TypeName = named_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case SIMPLE_TYPES: { TypeName = simple_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST361; _t = __t361; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); parameter_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = parameter_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final String[] aggregation_types(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String[] TypeName = new String[4]; AST aggregation_types_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST aggregation_types_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t16 = _t; AST tmp11_AST = null; AST tmp11_AST_in = null; tmp11_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp11_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp11_AST); ASTPair __currentAST16 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.AGGREGATION_TYPES); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ARRAY_TYPE: { TypeName = array_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case BAG_TYPE: { TypeName = bag_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case LIST_TYPE: { TypeName = list_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case SET_TYPE: { TypeName = set_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST16; _t = __t16; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); aggregation_types_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = aggregation_types_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final String[] array_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String[] TypeName = new String[4]; AST array_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST array_type_AST = null; String[] bounds = new String[2]; String type = ""; try { // for error handling AST __t31 = _t; AST tmp12_AST = null; AST tmp12_AST_in = null; tmp12_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp12_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp12_AST); ASTPair __currentAST31 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ARRAY_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case BOUND_SPEC: { bounds = bound_spec(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case BASE_TYPE: case LITERAL_unique: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_unique: { AST tmp13_AST = null; AST tmp13_AST_in = null; tmp13_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp13_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp13_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_unique); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case BASE_TYPE: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } type = base_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST31; _t = __t31; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); TypeName[0] = type; TypeName[1] = bounds[0]; TypeName[2] = bounds[1]; TypeName[3] = "ARRAY"; array_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = array_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final String[] bag_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String[] TypeName = new String[4]; AST bag_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST bag_type_AST = null; String[] bounds = new String[2]; String type = ""; try { // for error handling AST __t40 = _t; AST tmp14_AST = null; AST tmp14_AST_in = null; tmp14_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp14_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp14_AST); ASTPair __currentAST40 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.BAG_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case BOUND_SPEC: { bounds = bound_spec(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case BASE_TYPE: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } type = base_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST40; _t = __t40; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); TypeName[0] = type; TypeName[1] = bounds[0]; TypeName[2] = bounds[1]; TypeName[3] = "BAG"; bag_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = bag_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final String[] list_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String[] TypeName = new String[4]; AST list_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST list_type_AST = null; String[] bounds = new String[2]; String type = ""; try { // for error handling AST __t315 = _t; AST tmp15_AST = null; AST tmp15_AST_in = null; tmp15_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp15_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp15_AST); ASTPair __currentAST315 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LIST_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case BOUND_SPEC: { bounds = bound_spec(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case BASE_TYPE: case LITERAL_unique: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_unique: { AST tmp16_AST = null; AST tmp16_AST_in = null; tmp16_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp16_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp16_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_unique); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case BASE_TYPE: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } type = base_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST315; _t = __t315; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); // TypeName=" is a List of " + test + TypeName ; // System.out.println ("L I S T" + test); TypeName[0] = type; TypeName[1] = bounds[0]; TypeName[2] = bounds[1]; TypeName[3] = "LIST"; list_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = list_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final String[] set_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String[] TypeName = new String[4]; AST set_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST set_type_AST = null; String[] bounds = new String[2]; String type = ""; try { // for error handling AST __t471 = _t; AST tmp17_AST = null; AST tmp17_AST_in = null; tmp17_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp17_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp17_AST); ASTPair __currentAST471 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SET_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case BOUND_SPEC: { bounds = bound_spec(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case BASE_TYPE: case LITERAL_unique: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_unique: { AST tmp18_AST = null; AST tmp18_AST_in = null; tmp18_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp18_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp18_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_unique); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case BASE_TYPE: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } type = base_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST471; _t = __t471; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); // TypeName=" is a List of " + test + TypeName ; // System.out.println ("L I S T" + test); TypeName[0] = type; TypeName[1] = bounds[0]; TypeName[2] = bounds[1]; TypeName[3] = "SET"; set_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = set_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final void algorithm_head(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST algorithm_head_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST algorithm_head_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t19 = _t; AST tmp19_AST = null; AST tmp19_AST_in = null; tmp19_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp19_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp19_AST); ASTPair __currentAST19 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ALGORITHM_HEAD); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop21: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.DECLARATION.getIndex())) { declaration(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop21; } } while (true); } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case CONSTANT_DECL: { constant_decl(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: case LOCAL_DECL: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LOCAL_DECL: { local_decl(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST19; _t = __t19; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); algorithm_head_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = algorithm_head_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void declaration(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST declaration_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST declaration_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t93 = _t; AST tmp20_AST = null; AST tmp20_AST_in = null; tmp20_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp20_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp20_AST); ASTPair __currentAST93 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.DECLARATION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ENTITY_DECL: { entity_decl(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT_DECL: { subtype_constraint_decl(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case FUNCTION_DECL: { function_decl(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case PROCEDURE_DECL: { procedure_decl(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case TYPE_DECL: { type_decl(_t, "test"); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST93; _t = __t93; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); declaration_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = declaration_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void constant_decl(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST constant_decl_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST constant_decl_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t84 = _t; AST tmp21_AST = null; AST tmp21_AST_in = null; tmp21_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp21_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp21_AST); ASTPair __currentAST84 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.CONSTANT_DECL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); constant_body(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop86: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.CONSTANT_BODY.getIndex())) { constant_body(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop86; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST84; _t = __t84; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); constant_decl_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = constant_decl_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void local_decl(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST local_decl_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST local_decl_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t328 = _t; AST tmp22_AST = null; AST tmp22_AST_in = null; tmp22_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp22_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp22_AST); ASTPair __currentAST328 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LOCAL_DECL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); local_variable(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop330: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LOCAL_VARIABLE.getIndex())) { local_variable(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop330; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST328; _t = __t328; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); local_decl_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = local_decl_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void alias_stmt(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST alias_stmt_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST alias_stmt_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t25 = _t; AST tmp23_AST = null; AST tmp23_AST_in = null; tmp23_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp23_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp23_AST); ASTPair __currentAST25 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ALIAS_STMT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); variable_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); general_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop27: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.QUALIFIER.getIndex())) { qualifier(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop27; } } while (true); } stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop29: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.STMT.getIndex())) { stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop29; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST25; _t = __t25; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); alias_stmt_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = alias_stmt_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void variable_id(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST variable_id_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST variable_id_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t585 = _t; AST tmp24_AST = null; AST tmp24_AST_in = null; tmp24_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp24_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp24_AST); ASTPair __currentAST585 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.VARIABLE_ID); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp25_AST = null; AST tmp25_AST_in = null; tmp25_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp25_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp25_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST585; _t = __t585; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); variable_id_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = variable_id_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void general_ref(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST general_ref_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST general_ref_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t266 = _t; AST tmp26_AST = null; AST tmp26_AST_in = null; tmp26_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp26_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp26_AST); ASTPair __currentAST266 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.GENERAL_REF); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case PARAMETER_REF: { parameter_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case VARIABLE_REF: { variable_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST266; _t = __t266; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); general_ref_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = general_ref_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void qualifier(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST qualifier_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST qualifier_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t397 = _t; AST tmp27_AST = null; AST tmp27_AST_in = null; tmp27_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp27_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp27_AST); ASTPair __currentAST397 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.QUALIFIER); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ATTRIBUTE_QUALIFIER: { attribute_qualifier(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case GROUP_QUALIFIER: { group_qualifier(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case INDEX_QUALIFIER: { index_qualifier(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST397; _t = __t397; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); qualifier_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = qualifier_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void stmt(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST stmt_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST stmt_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t495 = _t; AST tmp28_AST = null; AST tmp28_AST_in = null; tmp28_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp28_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp28_AST); ASTPair __currentAST495 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.STMT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ALIAS_STMT: { alias_stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case ASSIGNMENT_STMT: { assignment_stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case CASE_STMT: { case_stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case COMPOUND_STMT: { compound_stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case ESCAPE_STMT: { escape_stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case IF_STMT: { if_stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_STMT: { null_stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case PROCEDURE_CALL_STMT: { procedure_call_stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case REPEAT_STMT: { repeat_stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case RETURN_STMT: { return_stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case SKIP_STMT: { skip_stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST495; _t = __t495; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); stmt_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = stmt_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String[] bound_spec(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String[] bound = new String[2]; AST bound_spec_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST bound_spec_AST = null; String lower, upper = ""; try { // for error handling AST __t62 = _t; AST tmp29_AST = null; AST tmp29_AST_in = null; tmp29_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp29_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp29_AST); ASTPair __currentAST62 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.BOUND_SPEC); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); lower = bound_1(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); upper = bound_2(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST62; _t = __t62; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); bound[0] = lower; bound[1] = upper; ; bound_spec_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = bound_spec_AST; _retTree = _t; return bound; } public final String base_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = ""; AST base_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST base_type_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t43 = _t; AST tmp30_AST = null; AST tmp30_AST_in = null; tmp30_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp30_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp30_AST); ASTPair __currentAST43 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.BASE_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case CONCRETE_TYPES: { TypeName = concrete_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case GENERALIZED_TYPES: { TypeName = generalized_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST43; _t = __t43; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); base_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = base_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final void assignment_stmt(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST assignment_stmt_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST assignment_stmt_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t35 = _t; AST tmp31_AST = null; AST tmp31_AST_in = null; tmp31_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp31_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp31_AST); ASTPair __currentAST35 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ASSIGNMENT_STMT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { general_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop38: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.QUALIFIER.getIndex())) { qualifier(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop38; } } while (true); } } expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST35; _t = __t35; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); assignment_stmt_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = assignment_stmt_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void expression(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST expression_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST expression_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t209 = _t; AST tmp32_AST = null; AST tmp32_AST_in = null; tmp32_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp32_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp32_AST); ASTPair __currentAST209 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.EXPRESSION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); simple_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case REL_OP_EXTENDED: { rel_op_extended(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); simple_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST209; _t = __t209; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); expression_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = expression_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String concrete_types(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = ""; AST concrete_types_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST concrete_types_AST = null; String[] aggregate = new String[2]; try { // for error handling AST __t46 = _t; AST tmp33_AST = null; AST tmp33_AST_in = null; tmp33_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp33_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp33_AST); ASTPair __currentAST46 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.CONCRETE_TYPES); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case AGGREGATION_TYPES: { aggregate = aggregation_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); System.out.println("aggregat"); break; } case SIMPLE_TYPES: { TypeName = simple_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NAMED_TYPES: { TypeName = named_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST46; _t = __t46; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); concrete_types_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = concrete_types_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final String generalized_types(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = ""; AST generalized_types_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST generalized_types_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t246 = _t; AST tmp34_AST = null; AST tmp34_AST_in = null; tmp34_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp34_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp34_AST); ASTPair __currentAST246 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.GENERALIZED_TYPES); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case AGGREGATE_TYPE: { aggregate_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case GENERAL_AGGREGATION_TYPES: { TypeName = general_aggregation_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case GENERIC_TYPE: { generic_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case GENERIC_ENTITY_TYPE: { generic_entity_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST246; _t = __t246; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); generalized_types_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = generalized_types_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final String simple_types(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = "simpleType"; AST simple_types_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST simple_types_AST = null; SimpleType st; try { // for error handling AST __t487 = _t; AST tmp35_AST = null; AST tmp35_AST_in = null; tmp35_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp35_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp35_AST); ASTPair __currentAST487 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SIMPLE_TYPES); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case BINARY_TYPE: { TypeName = binary_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case BOOLEAN_TYPE: { TypeName = boolean_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case INTEGER_TYPE: { TypeName = integer_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case LOGICAL_TYPE: { TypeName = logical_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NUMBER_TYPE: { TypeName = number_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case REAL_TYPE: { TypeName = real_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case STRING_TYPE: { TypeName = string_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST487; _t = __t487; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); simple_types_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = simple_types_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final String named_types(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = ""; AST named_types_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST named_types_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t344 = _t; AST tmp36_AST = null; AST tmp36_AST_in = null; tmp36_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp36_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp36_AST); ASTPair __currentAST344 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.NAMED_TYPES); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ENTITY_REF: { TypeName = entity_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); TypeName = TypeName; break; } case TYPE_REF: { TypeName = type_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); TypeName = TypeName; break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST344; _t = __t344; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); named_types_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = named_types_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final String binary_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = "BINARY"; AST binary_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST binary_type_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t49 = _t; AST tmp37_AST = null; AST tmp37_AST_in = null; tmp37_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp37_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp37_AST); ASTPair __currentAST49 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.BINARY_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case WIDTH_SPEC: { width_spec(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST49; _t = __t49; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); binary_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = binary_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final void width_spec(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST width_spec_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST width_spec_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t595 = _t; AST tmp38_AST = null; AST tmp38_AST_in = null; tmp38_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp38_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp38_AST); ASTPair __currentAST595 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.WIDTH_SPEC); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); width(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_fixed: { AST tmp39_AST = null; AST tmp39_AST_in = null; tmp39_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp39_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp39_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_fixed); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST595; _t = __t595; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); width_spec_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = width_spec_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String boolean_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = "BOOLEAN"; AST boolean_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST boolean_type_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t52 = _t; AST tmp40_AST = null; AST tmp40_AST_in = null; tmp40_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp40_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp40_AST); ASTPair __currentAST52 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); nothing(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST52; _t = __t52; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); boolean_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = boolean_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final void nothing(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST nothing_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST nothing_AST = null; try { // for error handling { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_: { AST tmp41_AST = null; AST tmp41_AST_in = null; tmp41_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp41_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp41_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } nothing_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = nothing_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String bound_1(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String NumEx = ""; AST bound_1_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST bound_1_AST = null; String se = ""; try { // for error handling AST __t54 = _t; AST tmp42_AST = null; AST tmp42_AST_in = null; tmp42_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp42_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp42_AST); ASTPair __currentAST54 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.BOUND_1); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); se = numeric_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST54; _t = __t54; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); /* * The little bugger "?" to denote no limit in a bound hides in this * patth: SIMPLE_EXPRESSION ( TERM ( FACTOR ( SIMPLE_FACTOR ( * PRIMARY ( QUALIFIABLE_FACTOR ( CONSTANT_FACTOR ( * BUILT_IN_CONSTANT ? Here is a VERY LAZY QUICKHACK to get a * shortcut to it: */ if (unlimited_bound) { NumEx = "?"; unlimited_bound = false; } else NumEx = nextInt; bound_1_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = bound_1_AST; _retTree = _t; return NumEx; } public final String numeric_expression(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String se = ""; AST numeric_expression_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST numeric_expression_AST = null; AST s_AST = null; AST s = null; try { // for error handling AST __t351 = _t; AST tmp43_AST = null; AST tmp43_AST_in = null; tmp43_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp43_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp43_AST); ASTPair __currentAST351 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.NUMERIC_EXPRESSION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); s = _t == ASTNULL ? null : (AST) _t; simple_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; s_AST = (AST) returnAST; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST351; _t = __t351; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); se = s.toStringList(); numeric_expression_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = numeric_expression_AST; _retTree = _t; return se; } public final void unlimited_upper_bound(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST unlimited_upper_bound_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST unlimited_upper_bound_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t56 = _t; AST tmp44_AST = null; AST tmp44_AST_in = null; tmp44_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp44_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp44_AST); ASTPair __currentAST56 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.BOUND_2); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); simple_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { term(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { factor(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } } currentAST = __currentAST56; _t = __t56; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); System.out.println("unlimited upper bound"); unlimited_upper_bound_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = unlimited_upper_bound_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void term(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST term_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST term_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t528 = _t; AST tmp45_AST = null; AST tmp45_AST_in = null; tmp45_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp45_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp45_AST); ASTPair __currentAST528 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.TERM); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); factor(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop530: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.MULTIPLICATION_LIKE_OP.getIndex())) { multiplication_like_op(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); factor(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop530; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST528; _t = __t528; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); term_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = term_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void factor(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST factor_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST factor_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t218 = _t; AST tmp46_AST = null; AST tmp46_AST_in = null; tmp46_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp46_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp46_AST); ASTPair __currentAST218 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.FACTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); simple_factor(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case SIMPLE_FACTOR: { simple_factor(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST218; _t = __t218; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); factor_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = factor_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String bound_2(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String NumEx = ""; AST bound_2_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST bound_2_AST = null; AST ne_AST = null; AST ne = null; try { // for error handling AST __t60 = _t; AST tmp47_AST = null; AST tmp47_AST_in = null; tmp47_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp47_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp47_AST); ASTPair __currentAST60 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.BOUND_2); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); ne = _t == ASTNULL ? null : (AST) _t; numeric_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; ne_AST = (AST) returnAST; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST60; _t = __t60; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); if (unlimited_bound) { NumEx = "?"; unlimited_bound = false; } else NumEx = nextInt; bound_2_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = bound_2_AST; _retTree = _t; return NumEx; } public final void built_in_constant(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST built_in_constant_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST built_in_constant_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t64 = _t; AST tmp48_AST = null; AST tmp48_AST_in = null; tmp48_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp48_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp48_AST); ASTPair __currentAST64 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.BUILT_IN_CONSTANT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_const_e: { AST tmp49_AST = null; AST tmp49_AST_in = null; tmp49_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp49_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp49_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_const_e); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_pi: { AST tmp50_AST = null; AST tmp50_AST_in = null; tmp50_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp50_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp50_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_pi); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_self: { AST tmp51_AST = null; AST tmp51_AST_in = null; tmp51_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp51_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp51_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_self); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case QUESTION: { AST tmp52_AST = null; AST tmp52_AST_in = null; tmp52_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp52_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp52_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.QUESTION); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); unlimited_bound = true; break; } case STAR: { AST tmp53_AST = null; AST tmp53_AST_in = null; tmp53_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp53_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp53_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.STAR); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST64; _t = __t64; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); built_in_constant_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = built_in_constant_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void case_action(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST case_action_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST case_action_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t67 = _t; AST tmp54_AST = null; AST tmp54_AST_in = null; tmp54_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp54_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp54_AST); ASTPair __currentAST67 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.CASE_ACTION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); case_label(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop69: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.CASE_LABEL.getIndex())) { case_label(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop69; } } while (true); } stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST67; _t = __t67; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); case_action_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = case_action_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void case_label(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST case_label_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST case_label_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t71 = _t; AST tmp55_AST = null; AST tmp55_AST_in = null; tmp55_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp55_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp55_AST); ASTPair __currentAST71 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.CASE_LABEL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST71; _t = __t71; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); case_label_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = case_label_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void case_stmt(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST case_stmt_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST case_stmt_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t73 = _t; AST tmp56_AST = null; AST tmp56_AST_in = null; tmp56_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp56_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp56_AST); ASTPair __currentAST73 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.CASE_STMT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); selector(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop75: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.CASE_ACTION.getIndex())) { case_action(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop75; } } while (true); } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case STMT: { stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST73; _t = __t73; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); case_stmt_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = case_stmt_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void selector(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST selector_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST selector_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t469 = _t; AST tmp57_AST = null; AST tmp57_AST_in = null; tmp57_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp57_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp57_AST); ASTPair __currentAST469 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SELECTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST469; _t = __t469; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); selector_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = selector_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void compound_stmt(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST compound_stmt_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST compound_stmt_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t78 = _t; AST tmp58_AST = null; AST tmp58_AST_in = null; tmp58_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp58_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp58_AST); ASTPair __currentAST78 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.COMPOUND_STMT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop80: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.STMT.getIndex())) { stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop80; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST78; _t = __t78; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); compound_stmt_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = compound_stmt_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void constant_body(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST constant_body_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST constant_body_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t82 = _t; AST tmp59_AST = null; AST tmp59_AST_in = null; tmp59_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp59_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp59_AST); ASTPair __currentAST82 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.CONSTANT_BODY); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); constant_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); base_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST82; _t = __t82; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); constant_body_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = constant_body_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void constant_id(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST constant_id_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST constant_id_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t91 = _t; AST tmp60_AST = null; AST tmp60_AST_in = null; tmp60_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp60_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp60_AST); ASTPair __currentAST91 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.CONSTANT_ID); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp61_AST = null; AST tmp61_AST_in = null; tmp61_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp61_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp61_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST91; _t = __t91; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); constant_id_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = constant_id_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void constant_factor(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST constant_factor_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST constant_factor_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t88 = _t; AST tmp62_AST = null; AST tmp62_AST_in = null; tmp62_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp62_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp62_AST); ASTPair __currentAST88 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.CONSTANT_FACTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case BUILT_IN_CONSTANT: { built_in_constant(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case CONSTANT_REF: { constant_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST88; _t = __t88; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); constant_factor_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = constant_factor_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void constant_ref(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST constant_ref_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST constant_ref_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t608 = _t; AST tmp63_AST = null; AST tmp63_AST_in = null; tmp63_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp63_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp63_AST); ASTPair __currentAST608 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.CONSTANT_REF); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp64_AST = null; AST tmp64_AST_in = null; tmp64_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp64_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp64_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST608; _t = __t608; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); constant_ref_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = constant_ref_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void entity_decl(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST entity_decl_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST entity_decl_AST = null; String className = ""; try { // for error handling AST __t106 = _t; AST tmp65_AST = null; AST tmp65_AST_in = null; tmp65_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp65_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp65_AST); ASTPair __currentAST106 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ENTITY_DECL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); className = entity_head(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); entity_body(_t, className); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST106; _t = __t106; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); entity_decl_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = entity_decl_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void subtype_constraint_decl(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST subtype_constraint_decl_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST subtype_constraint_decl_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t128 = _t; AST tmp66_AST = null; AST tmp66_AST_in = null; tmp66_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp66_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp66_AST); ASTPair __currentAST128 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT_DECL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); subtype_constraint_head(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); subtype_constraint_body(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST128; _t = __t128; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); subtype_constraint_decl_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = subtype_constraint_decl_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void function_decl(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST function_decl_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST function_decl_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t234 = _t; AST tmp67_AST = null; AST tmp67_AST_in = null; tmp67_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp67_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp67_AST); ASTPair __currentAST234 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.FUNCTION_DECL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); function_head(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ALGORITHM_HEAD: { algorithm_head(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case STMT: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop237: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.STMT.getIndex())) { stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop237; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST234; _t = __t234; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); function_decl_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = function_decl_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void procedure_decl(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST procedure_decl_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST procedure_decl_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t380 = _t; AST tmp68_AST = null; AST tmp68_AST_in = null; tmp68_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp68_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp68_AST); ASTPair __currentAST380 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.PROCEDURE_DECL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); procedure_head(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ALGORITHM_HEAD: { algorithm_head(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: case STMT: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { _loop383: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.STMT.getIndex())) { stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop383; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST380; _t = __t380; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); procedure_decl_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = procedure_decl_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void type_decl(AST _t, String IDName) throws RecognitionException { AST type_decl_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST type_decl_AST = null; String UTN, TypeID = ""; UnderlyingType ut = null; try { // for error handling AST __t535 = _t; AST tmp69_AST = null; AST tmp69_AST_in = null; tmp69_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp69_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp69_AST); ASTPair __currentAST535 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.TYPE_DECL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); TypeID = type_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); ut = underlying_type_decl(_t, TypeID); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case WHERE_CLAUSE: { where_clause(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST535; _t = __t535; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); if (!(ut instanceof SelectType) && !(ut instanceof EnumerationType)) { DefinedType dt; if (pass == 1) { dt = new DefinedType(TypeID); if (schema.getTypeBN(TypeID) == null) schema.addType(dt); } else if (pass == 2) { schema.getTypeBN(TypeID).setDomain(ut); } } // methods.createOrExtendDatatypeProperty("",TypeID,UnderlyingTypeName); // if (UnderlyingTypeName.startsWith("SIMPLETYPE")) { // // UnderlyingTypeName=UnderlyingTypeName.substring(new // String("SIMPLETYPE").length()); // methods.createDatatypePropertyListInstance("", // TypeID, // UnderlyingTypeName); // } // else if (UnderlyingTypeName.startsWith("UNDERLYING_TYPE")) { // // UnderlyingTypeName=UnderlyingTypeName.substring(new // String("UNDERLYING_TYPE").length()); // { // methods.createDerivedType("", // TypeID, // UnderlyingTypeName); // } // } // else{ // //methods.createOrExtendDatatypeProperty("",TypeID,UnderlyingTypeName); // } type_decl_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = type_decl_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void domain_rule(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST domain_rule_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST domain_rule_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t96 = _t; AST tmp70_AST = null; AST tmp70_AST_in = null; tmp70_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp70_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp70_AST); ASTPair __currentAST96 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.DOMAIN_RULE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LABEL: { label(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case LOGICAL_EXPRESSION: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } logical_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST96; _t = __t96; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); domain_rule_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = domain_rule_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void label(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST label_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST label_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t313 = _t; AST tmp71_AST = null; AST tmp71_AST_in = null; tmp71_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp71_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp71_AST); ASTPair __currentAST313 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LABEL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp72_AST = null; AST tmp72_AST_in = null; tmp72_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp72_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp72_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST313; _t = __t313; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); label_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = label_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void logical_expression(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST logical_expression_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST logical_expression_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t337 = _t; AST tmp73_AST = null; AST tmp73_AST_in = null; tmp73_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp73_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp73_AST); ASTPair __currentAST337 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LOGICAL_EXPRESSION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST337; _t = __t337; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); logical_expression_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = logical_expression_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void repetition(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST repetition_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST repetition_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t422 = _t; AST tmp74_AST = null; AST tmp74_AST_in = null; tmp74_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp74_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp74_AST); ASTPair __currentAST422 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.REPETITION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); numeric_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST422; _t = __t422; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); repetition_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = repetition_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String entity_head(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String className = ""; AST entity_head_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST entity_head_AST = null; // System.out.println("creating subclass for "+ cl.getName()); // OWLNamedClass cl=null; String name = ""; String[] sub = { "", "" }; try { // for error handling AST __t102 = _t; AST tmp75_AST = null; AST tmp75_AST_in = null; tmp75_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp75_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp75_AST); ASTPair __currentAST102 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ENTITY_HEAD); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); name = entity_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_abstract: { AST tmp76_AST = null; AST tmp76_AST_in = null; tmp76_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp76_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp76_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_abstract); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: case SUBSUPER: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } // // methods.order=0; // if (methods.owlModel.getOWLNamedClass(name)== null) // { // cl=methods.owlModel.createOWLNamedClass(name); // // // } // else cl=methods.owlModel.getOWLNamedClass(name); // className=cl.getName(); // // System.out.println("name:"+name+", "+className); EntityDefinition ent = schema.getEntityBN(name); if (pass == 1) { if (ent == null) { ent = new EntityDefinition(name); schema.addEntity(ent); } } className = name; { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case SUBSUPER: { sub = subsuper(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST102; _t = __t102; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); // System.out.println("Subtype of "+name+" sub "+sub); if (pass == 2 && !sub[0].equals("")) { EntityDefinition parent = schema.getEntityBN(sub[0]); ent.addSupertype(parent); } if (pass == 2 && !sub[1].equals("true")) { ent.setInstantiable(true); } entity_head_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = entity_head_AST; _retTree = _t; return className; } public final String entity_id(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String name; AST entity_id_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST entity_id_AST = null; AST id = null; AST id_AST = null; String entityName = null; name = ""; try { // for error handling AST __t202 = _t; AST tmp77_AST = null; AST tmp77_AST_in = null; tmp77_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp77_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp77_AST); ASTPair __currentAST202 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ENTITY_ID); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); id = (AST) _t; AST id_AST_in = null; id_AST = astFactory.create(id); astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, id_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST202; _t = __t202; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); entityName = id.getText(); name = entityName; entity_id_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = entity_id_AST; _retTree = _t; return name; } public final String[] subsuper(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String[] sub; AST subsuper_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST subsuper_AST = null; // System.out.println("working on "+cl.getName()); // sub={"",""}; sub = new String[] { "", "" }; String subcls = ""; String abst = ""; try { // for error handling AST __t116 = _t; AST tmp78_AST = null; AST tmp78_AST_in = null; tmp78_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp78_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp78_AST); ASTPair __currentAST116 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SUBSUPER); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case SUPERTYPE_CONSTRAINT: { abst = supertype_constraint(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: case SUBTYPE_DECLARATION: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case SUBTYPE_DECLARATION: { subcls = subtype_declaration(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST116; _t = __t116; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); sub[0] = subcls; sub[1] = abst; subsuper_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = subsuper_AST; _retTree = _t; return sub; } public final String entity_body(AST _t, String forClass) throws RecognitionException { String atrribs = ""; AST entity_body_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST entity_body_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t108 = _t; AST tmp79_AST = null; AST tmp79_AST_in = null; tmp79_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp79_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp79_AST); ASTPair __currentAST108 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ENTITY_BODY); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop110: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.EXPLICIT_ATTR.getIndex())) { explicit_attr(_t, forClass); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop110; } } while (true); } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case DERIVE_CLAUSE: { derive_clause(_t, forClass); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: case INVERSE_CLAUSE: case UNIQUE_CLAUSE: case WHERE_CLAUSE: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case INVERSE_CLAUSE: { inverse_clause(_t, forClass); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: case UNIQUE_CLAUSE: case WHERE_CLAUSE: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case UNIQUE_CLAUSE: { unique_clause(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: case WHERE_CLAUSE: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case WHERE_CLAUSE: { where_clause(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST108; _t = __t108; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); entity_body_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = entity_body_AST; _retTree = _t; return atrribs; } public final void explicit_attr(AST _t, String forClass) throws RecognitionException { AST explicit_attr_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST explicit_attr_AST = null; String PropName, TypeName = ""; boolean isOptional = false; String ConcreteType = ""; String[] BoundedType = new String[4]; try { // for error handling if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.EXPLICIT_ATTR.getIndex())) { AST __t145 = _t; AST tmp80_AST = null; AST tmp80_AST_in = null; tmp80_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp80_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp80_AST); ASTPair __currentAST145 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.EXPLICIT_ATTR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); PropName = attribute_decl(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop147: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ATTRIBUTE_DECL.getIndex())) { attribute_decl(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop147; } } while (true); } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_optional: { AST tmp81_AST = null; AST tmp81_AST_in = null; tmp81_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp81_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp81_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_optional); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); isOptional = true; break; } case BASE_TYPE: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } AST __t149 = _t; AST tmp82_AST = null; AST tmp82_AST_in = null; tmp82_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp82_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp82_AST); ASTPair __currentAST149 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.BASE_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case CONCRETE_TYPES: { AST __t151 = _t; AST tmp83_AST = null; AST tmp83_AST_in = null; tmp83_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp83_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp83_AST); ASTPair __currentAST151 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.CONCRETE_TYPES); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case SIMPLE_TYPES: { ConcreteType = simple_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NAMED_TYPES: { ConcreteType = named_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case AGGREGATION_TYPES: { BoundedType = aggregation_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST151; _t = __t151; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case GENERALIZED_TYPES: { { TypeName = generalized_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST149; _t = __t149; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST145; _t = __t145; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); if (pass == 2) { EntityDefinition ent = schema.getEntityBN(forClass); if ((BoundedType[0] != null) && (ent != null)) { /* ConcreteType=BoundedType[0]; */ AggregationType aggr = null; BaseType bt = schema.getBaseTypeBN(BoundedType[0]); if (bt == null) System.err.println("WARNING: could not find " + BoundedType[0] + "(for +" + forClass + ")"); if (BoundedType[3].equals("LIST")) aggr = new ListType(schema.getBaseTypeBN(BoundedType[0])); else if (BoundedType[3].equals("BAG")) aggr = new BagType(schema.getBaseTypeBN(BoundedType[0])); else if (BoundedType[3].equals("ARRAY")) aggr = new ArrayType(schema.getBaseTypeBN(BoundedType[0])); else if (BoundedType[3].equals("SET")) aggr = new SetType(schema.getBaseTypeBN(BoundedType[0])); String lbs = BoundedType[1]; String ubs = BoundedType[2]; if (lbs == "" || lbs == "?") lbs = "-1"; if (ubs == "" || ubs == "?") ubs = "-1"; IntegerBound lb = new IntegerBound(new Integer(lbs)); IntegerBound ub = new IntegerBound(new Integer(ubs)); if (aggr instanceof VariableSizeAggregationType) { ((VariableSizeAggregationType) aggr).setUpper_bound(ub); ((VariableSizeAggregationType) aggr).setLower_bound(ub); } else if (aggr instanceof ArrayType) { ((ArrayType) aggr).setLower_index(lb); ((ArrayType) aggr).setUpper_index(ub); } ExplicitAttribute attr = new ExplicitAttribute(PropName, ent); attr.setOptional(isOptional); attr.setDomain(aggr); ent.addAttribute(attr); // System.out.println(forClass +" has Prop " +PropName + // " of " + aggr.getClass() + // "["+lb.getBound_value()+":"+ub.getBound_value()+"]"+" of Type "+aggr.getElement_type()); } // System.out.println(forClass +" has Prop " +PropName + // " of Type "+ConcreteType); else if ((ent != null)) { ExplicitAttribute attr = new ExplicitAttribute(PropName, ent); attr.setDomain(schema.getBaseTypeBN(ConcreteType)); attr.setOptional(isOptional); ent.addAttribute(attr); // System.out.println(forClass +" has Prop " +PropName + // " of Type "+ConcreteType); } } String optString = ""; // if (test!="")System.out.println("entity_ref fires:"+test); if (isOptional) optString = " OPTIONAL"; // System.out.println(forClass +" has"+optString+" Prop " // +PropName + " of Type "+ConcreteType); if (ConcreteType.indexOf("SIMPLETYPE") == 0) { if (pass == 2) { EntityDefinition ent = schema.getEntityBN(forClass); if ((ent != null)) { ExplicitAttribute attr = new ExplicitAttribute(PropName, ent); attr.setDomain(schema.getBaseTypeBN(ConcreteType)); attr.setOptional(isOptional); ent.addAttribute(attr); // System.out.println(forClass +" has Prop " // +PropName + " of Type "+ConcreteType); } } // methods.createSimpleTypeInstance(forClass, PropName, // ConcreteType.substring(new // String("SIMPLETYPE").length())); } else if (ConcreteType.startsWith("TYPE")) { // methods.createDerivedListProperty(forClass, PropName, // ConcreteType.substring(new String("TYPE").length())); } else if (ConcreteType.indexOf("UNDERLYING_TYPE") > -1) { // for a working version // methods.createDatatypePropFromNamedType(forClass, // PropName, // ConcreteType.substring(new // String("UNDERLYING_TYPE").length())); } else if (ConcreteType.indexOf("ENTITY_REF") > -1) { String type = ConcreteType.substring(new String("ENTITY_REF").length()); // methods.createOrExtendObjectProperty(forClass, // PropName,type ); } if (BoundedType[0] != null) { // methods.addCardinalityConstraint(forClass,PropName,BoundedType[1],BoundedType[2]); } explicit_attr_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } else if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.EXPLICIT_ATTR.getIndex())) { AST __t154 = _t; AST tmp84_AST = null; AST tmp84_AST_in = null; tmp84_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp84_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp84_AST); ASTPair __currentAST154 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.EXPLICIT_ATTR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); PropName = attribute_decl(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop156: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ATTRIBUTE_DECL.getIndex())) { attribute_decl(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop156; } } while (true); } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_optional: { AST tmp85_AST = null; AST tmp85_AST_in = null; tmp85_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp85_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp85_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_optional); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); isOptional = true; break; } case SIMPLE_TYPES: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } TypeName = simple_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST154; _t = __t154; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); // System.out.println("SimpleType"); explicit_attr_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } else { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = explicit_attr_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void derive_clause(AST _t, String forClass) throws RecognitionException { AST derive_clause_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST derive_clause_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t169 = _t; AST tmp86_AST = null; AST tmp86_AST_in = null; tmp86_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp86_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp86_AST); ASTPair __currentAST169 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.DERIVE_CLAUSE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); derived_attr(_t, forClass); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop171: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.DERIVED_ATTR.getIndex())) { derived_attr(_t, forClass); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop171; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST169; _t = __t169; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); derive_clause_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = derive_clause_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void inverse_clause(AST _t, String forClass) throws RecognitionException { AST inverse_clause_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST inverse_clause_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t176 = _t; AST tmp87_AST = null; AST tmp87_AST_in = null; tmp87_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp87_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp87_AST); ASTPair __currentAST176 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INVERSE_CLAUSE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); inverse_attr(_t, forClass); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop178: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INVERSE_ATTR.getIndex())) { inverse_attr(_t, forClass); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop178; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST176; _t = __t176; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); inverse_clause_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = inverse_clause_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void unique_clause(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST unique_clause_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST unique_clause_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t185 = _t; AST tmp88_AST = null; AST tmp88_AST_in = null; tmp88_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp88_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp88_AST); ASTPair __currentAST185 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.UNIQUE_CLAUSE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); unique_rule(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop187: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.UNIQUE_RULE.getIndex())) { unique_rule(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop187; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST185; _t = __t185; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); unique_clause_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = unique_clause_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void where_clause(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST where_clause_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST where_clause_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t587 = _t; AST tmp89_AST = null; AST tmp89_AST_in = null; tmp89_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp89_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp89_AST); ASTPair __currentAST587 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.WHERE_CLAUSE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); domain_rule(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop589: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.DOMAIN_RULE.getIndex())) { domain_rule(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop589; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST587; _t = __t587; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); where_clause_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = where_clause_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String supertype_constraint(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String isAbstract = ""; AST supertype_constraint_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST supertype_constraint_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t120 = _t; AST tmp90_AST = null; AST tmp90_AST_in = null; tmp90_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp90_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp90_AST); ASTPair __currentAST120 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SUPERTYPE_CONSTRAINT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ABSTRACT_SUPERTYPE_DECLARATION: { isAbstract = abstract_supertype_declaration(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case SUPERTYPE_RULE: { supertype_rule(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST120; _t = __t120; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); supertype_constraint_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = supertype_constraint_AST; _retTree = _t; return isAbstract; } public final String subtype_declaration(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String subent = ""; AST subtype_declaration_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST subtype_declaration_AST = null; // String subent = "t"; String sub = ""; try { // for error handling AST __t126 = _t; AST tmp91_AST = null; AST tmp91_AST_in = null; tmp91_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp91_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp91_AST); ASTPair __currentAST126 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SUBTYPE_DECLARATION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); subent = get_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST126; _t = __t126; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); // System.out.println("subtype_declaration: "+subent); // // if (cl.getName().indexOf("IfcApprovalActorRelationship")>-1) // // System.out.println("debug"); // if(methods.owlModel.getOWLNamedClass(subent) == null) // { // // System.out.println(": creating root class "+subent); // methods.owlModel.createOWLNamedClass(subent); // // } // // // System.out.println(": adding EXISTING superclass ..."+subent);} // cl.addSuperclass(methods.owlModel.getOWLNamedClass(subent)); // cl.removeSuperclass(methods.owlModel.getOWLThingClass()); // //} // //System.out.println(subent); // sub = subent; // System.out.println("subtype for "+ cl.getName() +" is "+ subent // ); subtype_declaration_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = subtype_declaration_AST; _retTree = _t; return subent; } public final String abstract_supertype_declaration(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String isAbstract = "true"; AST abstract_supertype_declaration_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST) _t; returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST abstract_supertype_declaration_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t123 = _t; AST tmp92_AST = null; AST tmp92_AST_in = null; tmp92_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp92_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp92_AST); ASTPair __currentAST123 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ABSTRACT_SUPERTYPE_DECLARATION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT: { subtype_constraint(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST123; _t = __t123; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); abstract_supertype_declaration_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = abstract_supertype_declaration_AST; _retTree = _t; return isAbstract; } public final void supertype_rule(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST supertype_rule_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST supertype_rule_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t511 = _t; AST tmp93_AST = null; AST tmp93_AST_in = null; tmp93_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp93_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp93_AST); ASTPair __currentAST511 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SUPERTYPE_RULE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); subtype_constraint(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST511; _t = __t511; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); supertype_rule_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = supertype_rule_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void subtype_constraint(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST subtype_constraint_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST subtype_constraint_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t501 = _t; AST tmp94_AST = null; AST tmp94_AST_in = null; tmp94_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp94_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp94_AST); ASTPair __currentAST501 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); supertype_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST501; _t = __t501; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); subtype_constraint_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = subtype_constraint_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String get_ref(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String subent = "test"; AST get_ref_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST get_ref_AST = null; AST i = null; AST i_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t600 = _t; AST tmp95_AST = null; AST tmp95_AST_in = null; tmp95_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp95_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp95_AST); ASTPair __currentAST600 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ENTITY_REF); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); i = (AST) _t; AST i_AST_in = null; i_AST = astFactory.create(i); astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, i_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST600; _t = __t600; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); subent = i.getText(); get_ref_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = get_ref_AST; _retTree = _t; return subent; } public final void subtype_constraint_head(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST subtype_constraint_head_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST subtype_constraint_head_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t130 = _t; AST tmp96_AST = null; AST tmp96_AST_in = null; tmp96_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp96_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp96_AST); ASTPair __currentAST130 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT_HEAD); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); subtype_constraint_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); entity_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST130; _t = __t130; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); subtype_constraint_head_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = subtype_constraint_head_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void subtype_constraint_body(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST subtype_constraint_body_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST subtype_constraint_body_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t132 = _t; AST tmp97_AST = null; AST tmp97_AST_in = null; tmp97_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp97_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp97_AST); ASTPair __currentAST132 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT_BODY); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ABSTRACT_SUPERTYPE: { abstract_supertype(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: case SUPERTYPE_EXPRESSION: case TOTAL_OVER: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case TOTAL_OVER: { total_over(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: case SUPERTYPE_EXPRESSION: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case SUPERTYPE_EXPRESSION: { supertype_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST132; _t = __t132; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); subtype_constraint_body_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = subtype_constraint_body_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void subtype_constraint_id(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST subtype_constraint_id_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST subtype_constraint_id_AST = null; AST i = null; AST i_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t137 = _t; AST tmp98_AST = null; AST tmp98_AST_in = null; tmp98_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp98_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp98_AST); ASTPair __currentAST137 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT_ID); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); i = (AST) _t; AST i_AST_in = null; i_AST = astFactory.create(i); astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, i_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST137; _t = __t137; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); // System.out.println(i.getText()); subtype_constraint_id_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = subtype_constraint_id_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String entity_ref(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = ""; AST entity_ref_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST entity_ref_AST = null; AST i = null; AST i_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t598 = _t; AST tmp99_AST = null; AST tmp99_AST_in = null; tmp99_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp99_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp99_AST); ASTPair __currentAST598 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ENTITY_REF); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); i = (AST) _t; AST i_AST_in = null; i_AST = astFactory.create(i); astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, i_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST598; _t = __t598; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); TypeName = i.getText(); entity_ref_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = entity_ref_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final void abstract_supertype(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST abstract_supertype_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST abstract_supertype_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t139 = _t; AST tmp100_AST = null; AST tmp100_AST_in = null; tmp100_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp100_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp100_AST); ASTPair __currentAST139 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ABSTRACT_SUPERTYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); nothing(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST139; _t = __t139; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); abstract_supertype_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = abstract_supertype_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void total_over(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST total_over_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST total_over_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t141 = _t; AST tmp101_AST = null; AST tmp101_AST_in = null; tmp101_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp101_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp101_AST); ASTPair __currentAST141 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.TOTAL_OVER); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); entity_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop143: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ENTITY_REF.getIndex())) { entity_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop143; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST141; _t = __t141; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); total_over_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = total_over_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void supertype_expression(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST supertype_expression_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST supertype_expression_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t503 = _t; AST tmp102_AST = null; AST tmp102_AST_in = null; tmp102_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp102_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp102_AST); ASTPair __currentAST503 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SUPERTYPE_EXPRESSION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); supertype_factor(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop505: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SUPERTYPE_FACTOR.getIndex())) { supertype_factor(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop505; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST503; _t = __t503; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); supertype_expression_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = supertype_expression_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String attribute_decl(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String PropName = ""; AST attribute_decl_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST attribute_decl_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t159 = _t; AST tmp103_AST = null; AST tmp103_AST_in = null; tmp103_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp103_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp103_AST); ASTPair __currentAST159 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ATTRIBUTE_DECL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ATTRIBUTE_ID: { PropName = attribute_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case REDECLARED_ATTRIBUTE: { redeclared_attribute(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST159; _t = __t159; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); attribute_decl_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = attribute_decl_AST; _retTree = _t; return PropName; } public final String attribute_id(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String PropName = ""; AST attribute_id_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST attribute_id_AST = null; AST i = null; AST i_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t165 = _t; AST tmp104_AST = null; AST tmp104_AST_in = null; tmp104_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp104_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp104_AST); ASTPair __currentAST165 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ATTRIBUTE_ID); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); i = (AST) _t; AST i_AST_in = null; i_AST = astFactory.create(i); astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, i_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST165; _t = __t165; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); PropName = i.getText(); attribute_id_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = attribute_id_AST; _retTree = _t; return PropName; } public final String redeclared_attribute(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String PropName = ""; AST redeclared_attribute_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST redeclared_attribute_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t162 = _t; AST tmp105_AST = null; AST tmp105_AST_in = null; tmp105_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp105_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp105_AST); ASTPair __currentAST162 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.REDECLARED_ATTRIBUTE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); qualified_attribute(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ATTRIBUTE_ID: { PropName = attribute_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST162; _t = __t162; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); redeclared_attribute_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = redeclared_attribute_AST; _retTree = _t; return PropName; } public final void qualified_attribute(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST qualified_attribute_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST qualified_attribute_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t167 = _t; AST tmp106_AST = null; AST tmp106_AST_in = null; tmp106_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp106_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp106_AST); ASTPair __currentAST167 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.QUALIFIED_ATTRIBUTE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); group_qualifier(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); attribute_qualifier(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST167; _t = __t167; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); qualified_attribute_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = qualified_attribute_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void group_qualifier(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST group_qualifier_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST group_qualifier_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t275 = _t; AST tmp107_AST = null; AST tmp107_AST_in = null; tmp107_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp107_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp107_AST); ASTPair __currentAST275 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.GROUP_QUALIFIER); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); entity_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST275; _t = __t275; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); group_qualifier_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = group_qualifier_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void attribute_qualifier(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST attribute_qualifier_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST attribute_qualifier_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t225 = _t; AST tmp108_AST = null; AST tmp108_AST_in = null; tmp108_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp108_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp108_AST); ASTPair __currentAST225 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ATTRIBUTE_QUALIFIER); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); attribute_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST225; _t = __t225; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); attribute_qualifier_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = attribute_qualifier_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void derived_attr(AST _t, String forClass) throws RecognitionException { AST derived_attr_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST derived_attr_AST = null; String attrib = ""; try { // for error handling AST __t173 = _t; AST tmp109_AST = null; AST tmp109_AST_in = null; tmp109_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp109_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp109_AST); ASTPair __currentAST173 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.DERIVED_ATTR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case SELF: { AST tmp110_AST = null; AST tmp110_AST_in = null; tmp110_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp110_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp110_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SELF); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); AST tmp111_AST = null; AST tmp111_AST_in = null; tmp111_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp111_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp111_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); AST tmp112_AST = null; AST tmp112_AST_in = null; tmp112_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp112_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp112_AST); match(_t, 376); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case ATTRIBUTE_DECL: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } attrib = attribute_decl(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); base_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST173; _t = __t173; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); if (pass == 4) { EntityDefinition ent = schema.getEntityBN(forClass); // ent.addDerived(attrib); // Attribute att = ent.getAttributeBNWithSuper(attrib); // LOGGER.info(forClass + "." + attrib); // if (att == null) { // LOGGER.info("null"); // } else { // LOGGER.info(att.toString()); // } // att.setDerived(true); } derived_attr_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = derived_attr_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void inverse_attr(AST _t, String forClass) throws RecognitionException { AST inverse_attr_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST inverse_attr_AST = null; String attrib, entity, attrib_ref = ""; String[] bounds = new String[2]; try { // for error handling AST __t180 = _t; AST tmp113_AST = null; AST tmp113_AST_in = null; tmp113_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp113_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp113_AST); ASTPair __currentAST180 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INVERSE_ATTR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); attrib = attribute_decl(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_bag: case LITERAL_set: { { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_set: { AST tmp114_AST = null; AST tmp114_AST_in = null; tmp114_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp114_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp114_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_set); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_bag: { AST tmp115_AST = null; AST tmp115_AST_in = null; tmp115_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp115_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp115_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_bag); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case BOUND_SPEC: { bounds = bound_spec(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case ENTITY_REF: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } break; } case ENTITY_REF: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } entity = entity_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); attrib_ref = attribute_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST180; _t = __t180; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); // wait filling out the inverse attributes until the 3rd pass, when // all other // attributes have been filled in if (pass == 3) { EntityDefinition ent = schema.getEntityBN(entity); EntityDefinition forEnt = schema.getEntityBN(forClass); if (ent != null) { ExplicitAttribute attr = (ExplicitAttribute) ent.getAttributeBN(attrib_ref); if (attr != null) { // System.out.println("INVERSE "+attrib+" of " + // ent.getName()+" for " +attrib_ref); InverseAttribute inv = new InverseAttribute(attrib, ent); if (bounds[0] != null && bounds[1] != null) { if ((bounds[0].equals("")) || (bounds[0].equals("?"))) bounds[0] = "-1"; if ((bounds[1].equals("")) || (bounds[1].equals("?"))) bounds[1] = "-1"; Bound lb = new IntegerBound(new Integer(bounds[0])); Bound ub = new IntegerBound(new Integer(bounds[1])); inv.setMin_cardinality(lb); inv.setMax_cardinality(ub); } inv.setDomain(ent); inv.setInverted_attr(attr); forEnt.addAttribute(inv); } } } // methods.createInverseObjectProperty // (forClass,attrib,attrib_ref,entity); // if (bounds[0]!=null) // { // methods.addCardinalityConstraint(forClass,attrib,bounds[0],bounds[1]); // } // // System.out.println("Inverse " + attrib + " for " + entity); inverse_attr_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = inverse_attr_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String attribute_ref(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String attrib_ref = ""; AST attribute_ref_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST attribute_ref_AST = null; AST id = null; AST id_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t606 = _t; AST tmp116_AST = null; AST tmp116_AST_in = null; tmp116_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp116_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp116_AST); ASTPair __currentAST606 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ATTRIBUTE_REF); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); id = (AST) _t; AST id_AST_in = null; id_AST = astFactory.create(id); astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, id_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); attrib_ref = id.getText(); currentAST = __currentAST606; _t = __t606; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); attribute_ref_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = attribute_ref_AST; _retTree = _t; return attrib_ref; } public final void unique_rule(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST unique_rule_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST unique_rule_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t189 = _t; AST tmp117_AST = null; AST tmp117_AST_in = null; tmp117_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp117_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp117_AST); ASTPair __currentAST189 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.UNIQUE_RULE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LABEL: { label(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case REFERENCED_ATTRIBUTE: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } referenced_attribute(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop192: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.REFERENCED_ATTRIBUTE.getIndex())) { referenced_attribute(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop192; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST189; _t = __t189; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); unique_rule_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = unique_rule_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void referenced_attribute(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST referenced_attribute_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST referenced_attribute_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t194 = _t; AST tmp118_AST = null; AST tmp118_AST_in = null; tmp118_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp118_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp118_AST); ASTPair __currentAST194 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.REFERENCED_ATTRIBUTE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ATTRIBUTE_REF: { attribute_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case QUALIFIED_ATTRIBUTE: { qualified_attribute(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST194; _t = __t194; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); referenced_attribute_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = referenced_attribute_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void entity_constructor(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST entity_constructor_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST entity_constructor_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t197 = _t; AST tmp119_AST = null; AST tmp119_AST_in = null; tmp119_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp119_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp119_AST); ASTPair __currentAST197 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ENTITY_CONSTRUCTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); entity_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case EXPRESSION: { expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop200: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.EXPRESSION.getIndex())) { expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop200; } } while (true); } break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST197; _t = __t197; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); entity_constructor_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = entity_constructor_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void enumeration_reference(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST enumeration_reference_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST enumeration_reference_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t204 = _t; AST tmp120_AST = null; AST tmp120_AST_in = null; tmp120_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp120_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp120_AST); ASTPair __currentAST204 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ENUMERATION_REFERENCE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case TYPE_REF: { type_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case ENUMERATION_REF: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } enumeration_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST204; _t = __t204; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); enumeration_reference_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = enumeration_reference_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String type_ref(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = ""; AST type_ref_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST type_ref_AST = null; AST i = null; AST i_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t602 = _t; AST tmp121_AST = null; AST tmp121_AST_in = null; tmp121_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp121_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp121_AST); ASTPair __currentAST602 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.TYPE_REF); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); i = (AST) _t; AST i_AST_in = null; i_AST = astFactory.create(i); astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, i_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST602; _t = __t602; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); TypeName = i.getText(); type_ref_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = type_ref_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final void enumeration_ref(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST enumeration_ref_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST enumeration_ref_AST = null; AST i = null; AST i_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t604 = _t; AST tmp122_AST = null; AST tmp122_AST_in = null; tmp122_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp122_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp122_AST); ASTPair __currentAST604 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ENUMERATION_REF); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); i = (AST) _t; AST i_AST_in = null; i_AST = astFactory.create(i); astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, i_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST604; _t = __t604; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); enumeration_ref_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = enumeration_ref_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void escape_stmt(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST escape_stmt_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST escape_stmt_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t207 = _t; AST tmp123_AST = null; AST tmp123_AST_in = null; tmp123_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp123_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp123_AST); ASTPair __currentAST207 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ESCAPE_STMT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); nothing(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST207; _t = __t207; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); escape_stmt_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = escape_stmt_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void rel_op_extended(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST rel_op_extended_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST rel_op_extended_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t212 = _t; AST tmp124_AST = null; AST tmp124_AST_in = null; tmp124_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp124_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp124_AST); ASTPair __currentAST212 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.REL_OP_EXTENDED); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case REL_OP: { rel_op(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case LITERAL_in: { AST tmp125_AST = null; AST tmp125_AST_in = null; tmp125_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp125_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp125_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_in); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_like: { AST tmp126_AST = null; AST tmp126_AST_in = null; tmp126_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp126_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp126_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_like); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST212; _t = __t212; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); rel_op_extended_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = rel_op_extended_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void rel_op(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST rel_op_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST rel_op_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t215 = _t; AST tmp127_AST = null; AST tmp127_AST_in = null; tmp127_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp127_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp127_AST); ASTPair __currentAST215 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.REL_OP); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LT: { AST tmp128_AST = null; AST tmp128_AST_in = null; tmp128_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp128_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp128_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case GT: { AST tmp129_AST = null; AST tmp129_AST_in = null; tmp129_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp129_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp129_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.GT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LE: { AST tmp130_AST = null; AST tmp130_AST_in = null; tmp130_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp130_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp130_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LE); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case GE: { AST tmp131_AST = null; AST tmp131_AST_in = null; tmp131_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp131_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp131_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.GE); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LTGT: { AST tmp132_AST = null; AST tmp132_AST_in = null; tmp132_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp132_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp132_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LTGT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case ASSIGN: { AST tmp133_AST = null; AST tmp133_AST_in = null; tmp133_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp133_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp133_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ASSIGN); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case COLLTGT: { AST tmp134_AST = null; AST tmp134_AST_in = null; tmp134_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp134_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp134_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.COLLTGT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case COLEQCOL: { AST tmp135_AST = null; AST tmp135_AST_in = null; tmp135_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp135_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp135_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.COLEQCOL); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST215; _t = __t215; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); rel_op_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = rel_op_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void simple_factor(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST simple_factor_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST simple_factor_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t482 = _t; AST tmp136_AST = null; AST tmp136_AST_in = null; tmp136_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp136_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp136_AST); ASTPair __currentAST482 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SIMPLE_FACTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case AGGREGATE_INITIALIZER: { aggregate_initializer(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case INTERVAL: { interval(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case QUERY_EXPRESSION: { query_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case ENTITY_CONSTRUCTOR: { entity_constructor(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case ENUMERATION_REFERENCE: { enumeration_reference(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case EXPRESSION: case PRIMARY: case UNARY_OP: { { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case UNARY_OP: { unary_op(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case EXPRESSION: case PRIMARY: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case EXPRESSION: { expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case PRIMARY: { primary(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST482; _t = __t482; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); simple_factor_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = simple_factor_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void formal_parameter(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST formal_parameter_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST formal_parameter_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t221 = _t; AST tmp137_AST = null; AST tmp137_AST_in = null; tmp137_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp137_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp137_AST); ASTPair __currentAST221 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.FORMAL_PARAMETER); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); parameter_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop223: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.PARAMETER_ID.getIndex())) { parameter_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop223; } } while (true); } parameter_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST221; _t = __t221; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); formal_parameter_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = formal_parameter_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void parameter_id(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST parameter_id_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST parameter_id_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t359 = _t; AST tmp138_AST = null; AST tmp138_AST_in = null; tmp138_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp138_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp138_AST); ASTPair __currentAST359 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.PARAMETER_ID); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp139_AST = null; AST tmp139_AST_in = null; tmp139_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp139_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp139_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST359; _t = __t359; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); parameter_id_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = parameter_id_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void function_call(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST function_call_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST function_call_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t227 = _t; AST tmp140_AST = null; AST tmp140_AST_in = null; tmp140_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp140_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp140_AST); ASTPair __currentAST227 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.FUNCTION_CALL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case FUNCTION_REF: { function_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case BUILT_IN_FUNCTION: { built_in_function(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ACTUAL_PARAMETER_LIST: { actual_parameter_list(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST227; _t = __t227; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); function_call_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = function_call_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void function_ref(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST function_ref_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST function_ref_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t610 = _t; AST tmp141_AST = null; AST tmp141_AST_in = null; tmp141_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp141_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp141_AST); ASTPair __currentAST610 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.FUNCTION_REF); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp142_AST = null; AST tmp142_AST_in = null; tmp142_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp142_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp142_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST610; _t = __t610; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); function_ref_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = function_ref_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void built_in_function(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST built_in_function_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST built_in_function_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t231 = _t; AST tmp143_AST = null; AST tmp143_AST_in = null; tmp143_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp143_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp143_AST); ASTPair __currentAST231 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.BUILT_IN_FUNCTION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_abs: { AST tmp144_AST = null; AST tmp144_AST_in = null; tmp144_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp144_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp144_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_abs); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_acos: { AST tmp145_AST = null; AST tmp145_AST_in = null; tmp145_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp145_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp145_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_acos); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_asin: { AST tmp146_AST = null; AST tmp146_AST_in = null; tmp146_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp146_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp146_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_asin); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_atan: { AST tmp147_AST = null; AST tmp147_AST_in = null; tmp147_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp147_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp147_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_atan); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_blength: { AST tmp148_AST = null; AST tmp148_AST_in = null; tmp148_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp148_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp148_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_blength); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_cos: { AST tmp149_AST = null; AST tmp149_AST_in = null; tmp149_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp149_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp149_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_cos); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_exists: { AST tmp150_AST = null; AST tmp150_AST_in = null; tmp150_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp150_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp150_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_exists); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_exp: { AST tmp151_AST = null; AST tmp151_AST_in = null; tmp151_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp151_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp151_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_exp); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_format: { AST tmp152_AST = null; AST tmp152_AST_in = null; tmp152_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp152_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp152_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_format); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_hibound: { AST tmp153_AST = null; AST tmp153_AST_in = null; tmp153_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp153_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp153_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_hibound); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_hiindex: { AST tmp154_AST = null; AST tmp154_AST_in = null; tmp154_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp154_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp154_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_hiindex); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_length: { AST tmp155_AST = null; AST tmp155_AST_in = null; tmp155_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp155_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp155_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_length); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_lobound: { AST tmp156_AST = null; AST tmp156_AST_in = null; tmp156_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp156_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp156_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_lobound); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_loindex: { AST tmp157_AST = null; AST tmp157_AST_in = null; tmp157_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp157_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp157_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_loindex); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_log: { AST tmp158_AST = null; AST tmp158_AST_in = null; tmp158_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp158_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp158_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_log); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LOG2: { AST tmp159_AST = null; AST tmp159_AST_in = null; tmp159_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp159_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp159_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LOG2); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LOG10: { AST tmp160_AST = null; AST tmp160_AST_in = null; tmp160_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp160_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp160_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LOG10); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_nvl: { AST tmp161_AST = null; AST tmp161_AST_in = null; tmp161_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp161_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp161_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_nvl); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_odd: { AST tmp162_AST = null; AST tmp162_AST_in = null; tmp162_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp162_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp162_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_odd); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_rolesof: { AST tmp163_AST = null; AST tmp163_AST_in = null; tmp163_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp163_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp163_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_rolesof); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_sin: { AST tmp164_AST = null; AST tmp164_AST_in = null; tmp164_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp164_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp164_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_sin); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_sizeof: { AST tmp165_AST = null; AST tmp165_AST_in = null; tmp165_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp165_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp165_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_sizeof); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_sqrt: { AST tmp166_AST = null; AST tmp166_AST_in = null; tmp166_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp166_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp166_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_sqrt); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_tan: { AST tmp167_AST = null; AST tmp167_AST_in = null; tmp167_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp167_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp167_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_tan); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_typeof: { AST tmp168_AST = null; AST tmp168_AST_in = null; tmp168_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp168_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp168_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_typeof); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_usedin: { AST tmp169_AST = null; AST tmp169_AST_in = null; tmp169_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp169_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp169_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_usedin); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_value: { AST tmp170_AST = null; AST tmp170_AST_in = null; tmp170_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp170_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp170_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_value); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_value_in: { AST tmp171_AST = null; AST tmp171_AST_in = null; tmp171_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp171_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp171_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_value_in); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_value_unique: { AST tmp172_AST = null; AST tmp172_AST_in = null; tmp172_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp172_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp172_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_value_unique); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST231; _t = __t231; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); built_in_function_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = built_in_function_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void function_head(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST function_head_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST function_head_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t239 = _t; AST tmp173_AST = null; AST tmp173_AST_in = null; tmp173_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp173_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp173_AST); ASTPair __currentAST239 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.FUNCTION_HEAD); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); function_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case FORMAL_PARAMETER: { formal_parameter(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop242: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.FORMAL_PARAMETER.getIndex())) { formal_parameter(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop242; } } while (true); } break; } case PARAMETER_TYPE: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } parameter_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST239; _t = __t239; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); function_head_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = function_head_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void function_id(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST function_id_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST function_id_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t244 = _t; AST tmp174_AST = null; AST tmp174_AST_in = null; tmp174_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp174_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp174_AST); ASTPair __currentAST244 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.FUNCTION_ID); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp175_AST = null; AST tmp175_AST_in = null; tmp175_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp175_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp175_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST244; _t = __t244; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); function_id_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = function_id_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String general_aggregation_types(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = ""; AST general_aggregation_types_AST_in = (_t == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST) _t; returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST general_aggregation_types_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t251 = _t; AST tmp176_AST = null; AST tmp176_AST_in = null; tmp176_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp176_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp176_AST); ASTPair __currentAST251 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.GENERAL_AGGREGATION_TYPES); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case GENERAL_ARRAY_TYPE: { general_array_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case GENERAL_BAG_TYPE: { general_bag_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case GENERAL_LIST_TYPE: { TypeName = general_list_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case GENERAL_SET_TYPE: { general_set_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST251; _t = __t251; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); general_aggregation_types_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = general_aggregation_types_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final void generic_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST generic_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST generic_type_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t272 = _t; AST tmp177_AST = null; AST tmp177_AST_in = null; tmp177_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp177_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp177_AST); ASTPair __currentAST272 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.GENERIC_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case TYPE_LABEL: { type_label(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST272; _t = __t272; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); generic_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = generic_type_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void generic_entity_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST generic_entity_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST generic_entity_type_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t249 = _t; AST tmp178_AST = null; AST tmp178_AST_in = null; tmp178_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp178_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp178_AST); ASTPair __currentAST249 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.GENERIC_ENTITY_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); nothing(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST249; _t = __t249; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); generic_entity_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = generic_entity_type_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void general_array_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST general_array_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST general_array_type_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t254 = _t; AST tmp179_AST = null; AST tmp179_AST_in = null; tmp179_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp179_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp179_AST); ASTPair __currentAST254 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.GENERAL_ARRAY_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case BOUND_SPEC: { bound_spec(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case PARAMETER_TYPE: case LITERAL_optional: case LITERAL_unique: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_optional: { AST tmp180_AST = null; AST tmp180_AST_in = null; tmp180_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp180_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp180_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_optional); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case PARAMETER_TYPE: case LITERAL_unique: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_unique: { AST tmp181_AST = null; AST tmp181_AST_in = null; tmp181_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp181_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp181_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_unique); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case PARAMETER_TYPE: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } parameter_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST254; _t = __t254; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); // System.out.println("array"); general_array_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = general_array_type_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void general_bag_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST general_bag_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST general_bag_type_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t259 = _t; AST tmp182_AST = null; AST tmp182_AST_in = null; tmp182_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp182_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp182_AST); ASTPair __currentAST259 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.GENERAL_BAG_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case BOUND_SPEC: { bound_spec(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case PARAMETER_TYPE: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } parameter_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST259; _t = __t259; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); general_bag_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = general_bag_type_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String general_list_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = ""; AST general_list_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST general_list_type_AST = null; AST tn_AST = null; AST tn = null; try { // for error handling AST __t262 = _t; AST tmp183_AST = null; AST tmp183_AST_in = null; tmp183_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp183_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp183_AST); ASTPair __currentAST262 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.GENERAL_LIST_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case BOUND_SPEC: { bound_spec(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case PARAMETER_TYPE: case LITERAL_unique: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_unique: { AST tmp184_AST = null; AST tmp184_AST_in = null; tmp184_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp184_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp184_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_unique); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case PARAMETER_TYPE: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } tn = _t == ASTNULL ? null : (AST) _t; parameter_type(_t); _t = _retTree; tn_AST = (AST) returnAST; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST262; _t = __t262; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); // System.out.println("list"); // TypeName += tn.getText(); general_list_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = general_list_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final void general_set_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST general_set_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST general_set_type_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t269 = _t; AST tmp185_AST = null; AST tmp185_AST_in = null; tmp185_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp185_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp185_AST); ASTPair __currentAST269 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.GENERAL_SET_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case BOUND_SPEC: { bound_spec(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case PARAMETER_TYPE: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } parameter_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST269; _t = __t269; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); general_set_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = general_set_type_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void parameter_ref(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST parameter_ref_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST parameter_ref_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t612 = _t; AST tmp186_AST = null; AST tmp186_AST_in = null; tmp186_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp186_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp186_AST); ASTPair __currentAST612 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.PARAMETER_REF); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp187_AST = null; AST tmp187_AST_in = null; tmp187_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp187_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp187_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST612; _t = __t612; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); parameter_ref_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = parameter_ref_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void variable_ref(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST variable_ref_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST variable_ref_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t614 = _t; AST tmp188_AST = null; AST tmp188_AST_in = null; tmp188_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp188_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp188_AST); ASTPair __currentAST614 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.VARIABLE_REF); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp189_AST = null; AST tmp189_AST_in = null; tmp189_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp189_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp189_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST614; _t = __t614; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); variable_ref_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = variable_ref_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void if_stmt(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST if_stmt_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST if_stmt_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t277 = _t; AST tmp190_AST = null; AST tmp190_AST_in = null; tmp190_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp190_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp190_AST); ASTPair __currentAST277 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IF_STMT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); logical_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop279: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.STMT.getIndex())) { stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop279; } } while (true); } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ELSE_CLAUSE: { else_clause(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST277; _t = __t277; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); if_stmt_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = if_stmt_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void else_clause(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST else_clause_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST else_clause_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t282 = _t; AST tmp191_AST = null; AST tmp191_AST_in = null; tmp191_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp191_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp191_AST); ASTPair __currentAST282 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ELSE_CLAUSE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop284: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.STMT.getIndex())) { stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop284; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST282; _t = __t282; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); else_clause_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = else_clause_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void increment(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST increment_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST increment_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t286 = _t; AST tmp192_AST = null; AST tmp192_AST_in = null; tmp192_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp192_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp192_AST); ASTPair __currentAST286 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INCREMENT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); numeric_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST286; _t = __t286; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); increment_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = increment_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void increment_control(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST increment_control_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST increment_control_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t288 = _t; AST tmp193_AST = null; AST tmp193_AST_in = null; tmp193_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp193_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp193_AST); ASTPair __currentAST288 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INCREMENT_CONTROL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); variable_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); bound_1(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); bound_2(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case INCREMENT: { increment(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST288; _t = __t288; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); increment_control_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = increment_control_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void index(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST index_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST index_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t291 = _t; AST tmp194_AST = null; AST tmp194_AST_in = null; tmp194_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp194_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp194_AST); ASTPair __currentAST291 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INDEX); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); numeric_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST291; _t = __t291; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); index_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = index_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void index_1(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST index_1_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST index_1_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t293 = _t; AST tmp195_AST = null; AST tmp195_AST_in = null; tmp195_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp195_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp195_AST); ASTPair __currentAST293 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INDEX_1); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); index(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST293; _t = __t293; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); index_1_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = index_1_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void index_2(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST index_2_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST index_2_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t295 = _t; AST tmp196_AST = null; AST tmp196_AST_in = null; tmp196_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp196_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp196_AST); ASTPair __currentAST295 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INDEX_2); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); index(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST295; _t = __t295; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); index_2_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = index_2_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void index_qualifier(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST index_qualifier_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST index_qualifier_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t297 = _t; AST tmp197_AST = null; AST tmp197_AST_in = null; tmp197_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp197_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp197_AST); ASTPair __currentAST297 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INDEX_QUALIFIER); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); index_1(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case INDEX_2: { index_2(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST297; _t = __t297; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); index_qualifier_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = index_qualifier_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String integer_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = "INTEGER"; AST integer_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST integer_type_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t300 = _t; AST tmp198_AST = null; AST tmp198_AST_in = null; tmp198_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp198_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp198_AST); ASTPair __currentAST300 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INTEGER_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); nothing(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST300; _t = __t300; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); integer_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = integer_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final void interval(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST interval_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST interval_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t302 = _t; AST tmp199_AST = null; AST tmp199_AST_in = null; tmp199_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp199_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp199_AST); ASTPair __currentAST302 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INTERVAL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); interval_low(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); interval_op(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); interval_item(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); interval_op(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); interval_high(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST302; _t = __t302; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); interval_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = interval_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void interval_low(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST interval_low_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST interval_low_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t308 = _t; AST tmp200_AST = null; AST tmp200_AST_in = null; tmp200_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp200_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp200_AST); ASTPair __currentAST308 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INTERVAL_LOW); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); simple_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST308; _t = __t308; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); interval_low_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = interval_low_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void interval_op(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST interval_op_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST interval_op_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t310 = _t; AST tmp201_AST = null; AST tmp201_AST_in = null; tmp201_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp201_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp201_AST); ASTPair __currentAST310 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INTERVAL_OP); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LT: { AST tmp202_AST = null; AST tmp202_AST_in = null; tmp202_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp202_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp202_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LE: { AST tmp203_AST = null; AST tmp203_AST_in = null; tmp203_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp203_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp203_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LE); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST310; _t = __t310; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); interval_op_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = interval_op_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void interval_item(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST interval_item_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST interval_item_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t306 = _t; AST tmp204_AST = null; AST tmp204_AST_in = null; tmp204_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp204_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp204_AST); ASTPair __currentAST306 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INTERVAL_ITEM); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); simple_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST306; _t = __t306; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); interval_item_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = interval_item_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void interval_high(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST interval_high_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST interval_high_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t304 = _t; AST tmp205_AST = null; AST tmp205_AST_in = null; tmp205_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp205_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp205_AST); ASTPair __currentAST304 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INTERVAL_HIGH); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); simple_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST304; _t = __t304; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); interval_high_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = interval_high_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void literal(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST literal_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST literal_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t319 = _t; AST tmp206_AST = null; AST tmp206_AST_in = null; tmp206_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp206_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp206_AST); ASTPair __currentAST319 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case REAL: { real(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case INTEGER: { integer(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case LOGICAL: { logical(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case STRING: { string(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST319; _t = __t319; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); literal_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = literal_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void real(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST real_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST real_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t324 = _t; AST tmp207_AST = null; AST tmp207_AST_in = null; tmp207_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp207_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp207_AST); ASTPair __currentAST324 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.REAL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp208_AST = null; AST tmp208_AST_in = null; tmp208_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp208_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp208_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.FLOAT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST324; _t = __t324; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); real_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = real_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void integer(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST integer_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST integer_AST = null; AST i = null; AST i_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t322 = _t; AST tmp209_AST = null; AST tmp209_AST_in = null; tmp209_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp209_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp209_AST); ASTPair __currentAST322 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INTEGER); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); i = (AST) _t; AST i_AST_in = null; i_AST = astFactory.create(i); astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, i_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST322; _t = __t322; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); nextInt = i.getText(); integer_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = integer_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void logical(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST logical_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST logical_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t339 = _t; AST tmp210_AST = null; AST tmp210_AST_in = null; tmp210_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp210_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp210_AST); ASTPair __currentAST339 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LOGICAL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_false: { AST tmp211_AST = null; AST tmp211_AST_in = null; tmp211_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp211_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp211_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_false); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_true: { AST tmp212_AST = null; AST tmp212_AST_in = null; tmp212_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp212_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp212_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_true); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_unknown: { AST tmp213_AST = null; AST tmp213_AST_in = null; tmp213_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp213_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp213_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_unknown); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST339; _t = __t339; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); logical_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = logical_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void string(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST string_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST string_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t326 = _t; AST tmp214_AST = null; AST tmp214_AST_in = null; tmp214_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp214_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp214_AST); ASTPair __currentAST326 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.STRING); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp215_AST = null; AST tmp215_AST_in = null; tmp215_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp215_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp215_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.STRING); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST326; _t = __t326; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); string_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = string_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void local_variable(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST local_variable_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST local_variable_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t332 = _t; AST tmp216_AST = null; AST tmp216_AST_in = null; tmp216_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp216_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp216_AST); ASTPair __currentAST332 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LOCAL_VARIABLE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); variable_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop334: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.VARIABLE_ID.getIndex())) { variable_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop334; } } while (true); } parameter_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case EXPRESSION: { expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST332; _t = __t332; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); local_variable_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = local_variable_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String logical_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = "LOGICAL"; AST logical_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST logical_type_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t342 = _t; AST tmp217_AST = null; AST tmp217_AST_in = null; tmp217_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp217_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp217_AST); ASTPair __currentAST342 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LOGICAL_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); nothing(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST342; _t = __t342; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); logical_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = logical_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final void null_stmt(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST null_stmt_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST null_stmt_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t347 = _t; AST tmp218_AST = null; AST tmp218_AST_in = null; tmp218_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp218_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp218_AST); ASTPair __currentAST347 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.NULL_STMT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); nothing(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST347; _t = __t347; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); null_stmt_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = null_stmt_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String number_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = "NUMBER"; AST number_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST number_type_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t349 = _t; AST tmp219_AST = null; AST tmp219_AST_in = null; tmp219_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp219_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp219_AST); ASTPair __currentAST349 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.NUMBER_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); nothing(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST349; _t = __t349; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); number_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = number_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final void one_of(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST one_of_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST one_of_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t353 = _t; AST tmp220_AST = null; AST tmp220_AST_in = null; tmp220_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp220_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp220_AST); ASTPair __currentAST353 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ONE_OF); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); supertype_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop355: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SUPERTYPE_EXPRESSION.getIndex())) { supertype_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop355; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST353; _t = __t353; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); one_of_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = one_of_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void population(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST population_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST population_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t364 = _t; AST tmp221_AST = null; AST tmp221_AST_in = null; tmp221_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp221_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp221_AST); ASTPair __currentAST364 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.POPULATION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); entity_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST364; _t = __t364; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); population_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = population_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void precision_spec(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST precision_spec_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST precision_spec_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t366 = _t; AST tmp222_AST = null; AST tmp222_AST_in = null; tmp222_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp222_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp222_AST); ASTPair __currentAST366 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.PRECISION_SPEC); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); numeric_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST366; _t = __t366; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); precision_spec_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = precision_spec_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void primary(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST primary_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST primary_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t368 = _t; AST tmp223_AST = null; AST tmp223_AST_in = null; tmp223_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp223_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp223_AST); ASTPair __currentAST368 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.PRIMARY); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL: { literal(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case QUALIFIABLE_FACTOR: { qualifiable_factor(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop371: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.QUALIFIER.getIndex())) { qualifier(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop371; } } while (true); } break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST368; _t = __t368; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); primary_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = primary_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void qualifiable_factor(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST qualifiable_factor_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST qualifiable_factor_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t394 = _t; AST tmp224_AST = null; AST tmp224_AST_in = null; tmp224_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp224_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp224_AST); ASTPair __currentAST394 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.QUALIFIABLE_FACTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ATTRIBUTE_REF: { attribute_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case CONSTANT_FACTOR: { constant_factor(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case FUNCTION_CALL: { function_call(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case POPULATION: { population(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case GENERAL_REF: { general_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST394; _t = __t394; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); qualifiable_factor_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = qualifiable_factor_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void procedure_call_stmt(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST procedure_call_stmt_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST procedure_call_stmt_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t373 = _t; AST tmp225_AST = null; AST tmp225_AST_in = null; tmp225_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp225_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp225_AST); ASTPair __currentAST373 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.PROCEDURE_CALL_STMT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case PROCEDURE_REF: { procedure_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case BUILT_IN_PROCEDURE: { built_in_procedure(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ACTUAL_PARAMETER_LIST: { actual_parameter_list(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST373; _t = __t373; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); procedure_call_stmt_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = procedure_call_stmt_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void procedure_ref(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST procedure_ref_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST procedure_ref_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t620 = _t; AST tmp226_AST = null; AST tmp226_AST_in = null; tmp226_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp226_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp226_AST); ASTPair __currentAST620 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.PROCEDURE_REF); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp227_AST = null; AST tmp227_AST_in = null; tmp227_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp227_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp227_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST620; _t = __t620; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); procedure_ref_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = procedure_ref_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void built_in_procedure(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST built_in_procedure_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST built_in_procedure_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t377 = _t; AST tmp228_AST = null; AST tmp228_AST_in = null; tmp228_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp228_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp228_AST); ASTPair __currentAST377 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.BUILT_IN_PROCEDURE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_insert: { AST tmp229_AST = null; AST tmp229_AST_in = null; tmp229_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp229_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp229_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_insert); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_remove: { AST tmp230_AST = null; AST tmp230_AST_in = null; tmp230_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp230_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp230_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_remove); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST377; _t = __t377; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); built_in_procedure_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = built_in_procedure_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void procedure_head(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST procedure_head_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST procedure_head_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t385 = _t; AST tmp231_AST = null; AST tmp231_AST_in = null; tmp231_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp231_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp231_AST); ASTPair __currentAST385 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.PROCEDURE_HEAD); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); procedure_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case FORMAL_PARAMETER: case LITERAL_var: { { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_var: { AST tmp232_AST = null; AST tmp232_AST_in = null; tmp232_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp232_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp232_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_var); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case FORMAL_PARAMETER: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } formal_parameter(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop390: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.FORMAL_PARAMETER.getIndex() || _t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_var.getIndex())) { { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_var: { AST tmp233_AST = null; AST tmp233_AST_in = null; tmp233_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp233_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp233_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_var); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case FORMAL_PARAMETER: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } formal_parameter(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop390; } } while (true); } break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST385; _t = __t385; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); procedure_head_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = procedure_head_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void procedure_id(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST procedure_id_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST procedure_id_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t392 = _t; AST tmp234_AST = null; AST tmp234_AST_in = null; tmp234_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp234_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp234_AST); ASTPair __currentAST392 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.PROCEDURE_ID); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp235_AST = null; AST tmp235_AST_in = null; tmp235_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp235_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp235_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST392; _t = __t392; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); procedure_id_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = procedure_id_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void query_expression(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST query_expression_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST query_expression_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t400 = _t; AST tmp236_AST = null; AST tmp236_AST_in = null; tmp236_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp236_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp236_AST); ASTPair __currentAST400 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.QUERY_EXPRESSION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); variable_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); aggregate_source(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); logical_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST400; _t = __t400; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); query_expression_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = query_expression_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String real_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = "REAL"; AST real_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST real_type_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t402 = _t; AST tmp237_AST = null; AST tmp237_AST_in = null; tmp237_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp237_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp237_AST); ASTPair __currentAST402 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.REAL_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case PRECISION_SPEC: { precision_spec(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST402; _t = __t402; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); real_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = real_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final void reference_clause(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST reference_clause_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST reference_clause_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t405 = _t; AST tmp238_AST = null; AST tmp238_AST_in = null; tmp238_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp238_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp238_AST); ASTPair __currentAST405 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.REFERENCE_CLAUSE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); schema_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case RESOURCE_OR_RENAME: { resource_or_rename(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop408: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.RESOURCE_OR_RENAME.getIndex())) { resource_or_rename(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop408; } } while (true); } break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST405; _t = __t405; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); reference_clause_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = reference_clause_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void schema_ref(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST schema_ref_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST schema_ref_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t616 = _t; AST tmp239_AST = null; AST tmp239_AST_in = null; tmp239_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp239_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp239_AST); ASTPair __currentAST616 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SCHEMA_REF); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp240_AST = null; AST tmp240_AST_in = null; tmp240_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp240_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp240_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST616; _t = __t616; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); schema_ref_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = schema_ref_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void resource_or_rename(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST resource_or_rename_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST resource_or_rename_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t424 = _t; AST tmp241_AST = null; AST tmp241_AST_in = null; tmp241_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp241_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp241_AST); ASTPair __currentAST424 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.RESOURCE_OR_RENAME); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); resource_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case RENAME_ID: { rename_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST424; _t = __t424; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); resource_or_rename_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = resource_or_rename_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void rename_id(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST rename_id_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST rename_id_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t410 = _t; AST tmp242_AST = null; AST tmp242_AST_in = null; tmp242_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp242_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp242_AST); ASTPair __currentAST410 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.RENAME_ID); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case CONSTANT_ID: { constant_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case ENTITY_ID: { entity_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case FUNCTION_ID: { function_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case PROCEDURE_ID: { procedure_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case TYPE_ID: { type_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST410; _t = __t410; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); rename_id_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = rename_id_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String type_id(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String identifyer = ""; AST type_id_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST type_id_AST = null; AST id = null; AST id_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t574 = _t; AST tmp243_AST = null; AST tmp243_AST_in = null; tmp243_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp243_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp243_AST); ASTPair __currentAST574 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.TYPE_ID); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); id = (AST) _t; AST id_AST_in = null; id_AST = astFactory.create(id); astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, id_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST574; _t = __t574; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); identifyer = id.getText(); type_id_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = type_id_AST; _retTree = _t; return identifyer; } public final void repeat_control(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST repeat_control_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST repeat_control_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t413 = _t; AST tmp244_AST = null; AST tmp244_AST_in = null; tmp244_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp244_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp244_AST); ASTPair __currentAST413 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.REPEAT_CONTROL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case INCREMENT_CONTROL: { increment_control(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: case UNTIL_CONTROL: case WHILE_CONTROL: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case WHILE_CONTROL: { while_control(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: case UNTIL_CONTROL: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case UNTIL_CONTROL: { until_control(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST413; _t = __t413; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); repeat_control_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = repeat_control_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void while_control(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST while_control_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST while_control_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t591 = _t; AST tmp245_AST = null; AST tmp245_AST_in = null; tmp245_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp245_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp245_AST); ASTPair __currentAST591 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.WHILE_CONTROL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); logical_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST591; _t = __t591; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); while_control_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = while_control_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void until_control(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST until_control_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST until_control_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t583 = _t; AST tmp246_AST = null; AST tmp246_AST_in = null; tmp246_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp246_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp246_AST); ASTPair __currentAST583 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.UNTIL_CONTROL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); logical_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST583; _t = __t583; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); until_control_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = until_control_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void repeat_stmt(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST repeat_stmt_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST repeat_stmt_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t418 = _t; AST tmp247_AST = null; AST tmp247_AST_in = null; tmp247_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp247_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp247_AST); ASTPair __currentAST418 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.REPEAT_STMT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); repeat_control(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop420: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.STMT.getIndex())) { stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop420; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST418; _t = __t418; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); repeat_stmt_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = repeat_stmt_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void resource_ref(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST resource_ref_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST resource_ref_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t427 = _t; AST tmp248_AST = null; AST tmp248_AST_in = null; tmp248_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp248_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp248_AST); ASTPair __currentAST427 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.RESOURCE_REF); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case CONSTANT_REF: { constant_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case ENTITY_REF: { entity_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case FUNCTION_REF: { function_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case PROCEDURE_REF: { procedure_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case TYPE_REF: { type_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST427; _t = __t427; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); resource_ref_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = resource_ref_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void return_stmt(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST return_stmt_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST return_stmt_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t430 = _t; AST tmp249_AST = null; AST tmp249_AST_in = null; tmp249_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp249_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp249_AST); ASTPair __currentAST430 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.RETURN_STMT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case EXPRESSION: { expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST430; _t = __t430; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); return_stmt_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = return_stmt_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void rule_decl(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST rule_decl_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST rule_decl_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t433 = _t; AST tmp250_AST = null; AST tmp250_AST_in = null; tmp250_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp250_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp250_AST); ASTPair __currentAST433 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.RULE_DECL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); rule_head(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ALGORITHM_HEAD: { algorithm_head(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case STMT: case WHERE_CLAUSE: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { _loop436: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.STMT.getIndex())) { stmt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop436; } } while (true); } where_clause(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST433; _t = __t433; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); rule_decl_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = rule_decl_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void rule_head(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST rule_head_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST rule_head_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t438 = _t; AST tmp251_AST = null; AST tmp251_AST_in = null; tmp251_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp251_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp251_AST); ASTPair __currentAST438 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.RULE_HEAD); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); rule_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); entity_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop440: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ENTITY_REF.getIndex())) { entity_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop440; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST438; _t = __t438; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); rule_head_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = rule_head_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void rule_id(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST rule_id_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST rule_id_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t442 = _t; AST tmp252_AST = null; AST tmp252_AST_in = null; tmp252_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp252_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp252_AST); ASTPair __currentAST442 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.RULE_ID); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp253_AST = null; AST tmp253_AST_in = null; tmp253_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp253_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp253_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST442; _t = __t442; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); rule_id_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = rule_id_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String schema_id(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String schemaName; AST schema_id_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST schema_id_AST = null; AST id = null; AST id_AST = null; schemaName = null; try { // for error handling AST __t444 = _t; AST tmp254_AST = null; AST tmp254_AST_in = null; tmp254_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp254_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp254_AST); ASTPair __currentAST444 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SCHEMA_ID); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); id = (AST) _t; AST id_AST_in = null; id_AST = astFactory.create(id); astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, id_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST444; _t = __t444; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); schemaName = id.getText(); schema_id_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = schema_id_AST; _retTree = _t; return schemaName; } public final void schema_body(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST schema_body_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST schema_body_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t446 = _t; AST tmp255_AST = null; AST tmp255_AST_in = null; tmp255_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp255_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp255_AST); ASTPair __currentAST446 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SCHEMA_BODY); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { _loop448: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INTERFACE_SPECIFICATION.getIndex())) { interface_specification(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop448; } } while (true); } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case CONSTANT_DECL: { constant_decl(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: case DECLARATION: case RULE_DECL: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { _loop451: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case DECLARATION: { declaration(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case RULE_DECL: { rule_decl(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { break _loop451; } } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST446; _t = __t446; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); schema_body_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = schema_body_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void interface_specification(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST interface_specification_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST interface_specification_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t458 = _t; AST tmp256_AST = null; AST tmp256_AST_in = null; tmp256_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp256_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp256_AST); ASTPair __currentAST458 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.INTERFACE_SPECIFICATION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case REFERENCE_CLAUSE: { reference_clause(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case USE_CLAUSE: { use_clause(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST458; _t = __t458; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); interface_specification_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = interface_specification_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void schema_decl(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST schema_decl_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST schema_decl_AST = null; // schemaElement = null; // Element contents = new Element("complexType", methods.xsd);; // String schemaName = null; // methods.schemaContents = methods.makeChoiceElement("0", "unbounded"); try { // for error handling AST __t453 = _t; AST tmp257_AST = null; AST tmp257_AST_in = null; tmp257_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp257_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp257_AST); ASTPair __currentAST453 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SCHEMA_DECL); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case SCHEMA_VERSION_ID: { schema_version_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case SCHEMA_ID: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } schema_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); /* * schemaElement = (new Element("element", * methods.xsd).addContent(contents)); schemaElement.setAttribute * (new Attribute("name", "schema-instance")); * contents.addContent(methods.schemaContents); contents.addContent * (new Element ("attributeGroup", methods.xsd).setAttribute (new * Attribute("ref", "schema-instance.atts"))); contents.addContent * (new Element ("attribute", methods.xsd).setAttribute (new * Attribute ("name", "express_schema_name")).setAttribute (new * Attribute ("type", * methods.xsd.getPrefix()+":NMTOKEN")).setAttribute (new Attribute * ("fixed", methods.capitalizeFirstLetter(schemaName)))); */ schema_body(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST453; _t = __t453; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); schema_decl_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = schema_decl_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void schema_version_id(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST schema_version_id_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST schema_version_id_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t456 = _t; AST tmp258_AST = null; AST tmp258_AST_in = null; tmp258_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp258_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp258_AST); ASTPair __currentAST456 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SCHEMA_VERSION_ID); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); string(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST456; _t = __t456; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); schema_version_id_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = schema_version_id_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void use_clause(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST use_clause_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST use_clause_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t461 = _t; AST tmp259_AST = null; AST tmp259_AST_in = null; tmp259_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp259_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp259_AST); ASTPair __currentAST461 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.USE_CLAUSE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); schema_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case NAMED_TYPE_OR_RENAME: { named_type_or_rename(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop464: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.NAMED_TYPE_OR_RENAME.getIndex())) { named_type_or_rename(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop464; } } while (true); } break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST461; _t = __t461; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); use_clause_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = use_clause_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void named_type_or_rename(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST named_type_or_rename_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST named_type_or_rename_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t466 = _t; AST tmp260_AST = null; AST tmp260_AST_in = null; tmp260_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp260_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp260_AST); ASTPair __currentAST466 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.NAMED_TYPE_OR_RENAME); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); named_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ENTITY_ID: { entity_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case TYPE_ID: { type_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST466; _t = __t466; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); named_type_or_rename_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = named_type_or_rename_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void add_like_op(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST add_like_op_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST add_like_op_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t479 = _t; AST tmp261_AST = null; AST tmp261_AST_in = null; tmp261_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp261_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp261_AST); ASTPair __currentAST479 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ADD_LIKE_OP); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case PLUS: { AST tmp262_AST = null; AST tmp262_AST_in = null; tmp262_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp262_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp262_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.PLUS); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case MINUS: { AST tmp263_AST = null; AST tmp263_AST_in = null; tmp263_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp263_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp263_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.MINUS); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_or: { AST tmp264_AST = null; AST tmp264_AST_in = null; tmp264_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp264_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp264_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_or); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_xor: { AST tmp265_AST = null; AST tmp265_AST_in = null; tmp265_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp265_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp265_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_xor); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST479; _t = __t479; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); add_like_op_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = add_like_op_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void unary_op(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST unary_op_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST unary_op_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t580 = _t; AST tmp266_AST = null; AST tmp266_AST_in = null; tmp266_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp266_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp266_AST); ASTPair __currentAST580 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.UNARY_OP); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case PLUS: { AST tmp267_AST = null; AST tmp267_AST_in = null; tmp267_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp267_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp267_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.PLUS); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case MINUS: { AST tmp268_AST = null; AST tmp268_AST_in = null; tmp268_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp268_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp268_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.MINUS); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_not: { AST tmp269_AST = null; AST tmp269_AST_in = null; tmp269_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp269_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp269_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_not); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST580; _t = __t580; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); unary_op_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = unary_op_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String string_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String TypeName = "STRING"; AST string_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST string_type_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t498 = _t; AST tmp270_AST = null; AST tmp270_AST_in = null; tmp270_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp270_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp270_AST); ASTPair __currentAST498 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.STRING_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case WIDTH_SPEC: { width_spec(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST498; _t = __t498; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); string_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = string_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return TypeName; } public final SimpleType simple_types_decl_bt(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { SimpleType st = null; AST simple_types_decl_bt_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST simple_types_decl_bt_AST = null; String TypeName = ""; try { // for error handling AST __t490 = _t; AST tmp271_AST = null; AST tmp271_AST_in = null; tmp271_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp271_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp271_AST); ASTPair __currentAST490 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SIMPLE_TYPES); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case BINARY_TYPE: { TypeName = binary_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); st = new BinaryType(); break; } case BOOLEAN_TYPE: { TypeName = boolean_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); st = new BooleanType(); break; } case INTEGER_TYPE: { TypeName = integer_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); st = new IntegerType(); break; } case LOGICAL_TYPE: { TypeName = logical_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); st = new LogicalType(); break; } case NUMBER_TYPE: { TypeName = number_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); st = new NumberType(); break; } case REAL_TYPE: { TypeName = real_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); st = new RealType(); break; } case STRING_TYPE: { TypeName = string_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); st = new StringType(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST490; _t = __t490; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); simple_types_decl_bt_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = simple_types_decl_bt_AST; _retTree = _t; return st; } public final void skip_stmt(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST skip_stmt_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST skip_stmt_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t493 = _t; AST tmp272_AST = null; AST tmp272_AST_in = null; tmp272_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp272_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp272_AST); ASTPair __currentAST493 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SKIP_STMT); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); nothing(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST493; _t = __t493; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); skip_stmt_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = skip_stmt_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void supertype_factor(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST supertype_factor_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST supertype_factor_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t507 = _t; AST tmp273_AST = null; AST tmp273_AST_in = null; tmp273_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp273_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp273_AST); ASTPair __currentAST507 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SUPERTYPE_FACTOR); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); supertype_term(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop509: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SUPERTYPE_TERM.getIndex())) { supertype_term(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop509; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST507; _t = __t507; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); supertype_factor_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = supertype_factor_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void supertype_term(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST supertype_term_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST supertype_term_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t513 = _t; AST tmp274_AST = null; AST tmp274_AST_in = null; tmp274_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp274_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp274_AST); ASTPair __currentAST513 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SUPERTYPE_TERM); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ENTITY_REF: { entity_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case ONE_OF: { one_of(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case SUPERTYPE_EXPRESSION: { supertype_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST513; _t = __t513; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); supertype_term_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = supertype_term_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void syntax(AST _tree) throws RecognitionException { AST syntax_AST_in = (_tree == ASTNULL) ? null : (AST) _tree; returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST syntax_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t516 = _tree; AST tmp275_AST = null; AST tmp275_AST_in = null; tmp275_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _tree); tmp275_AST_in = (AST) _tree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp275_AST); ASTPair __currentAST516 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_tree, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SYNTAX); _tree = _tree.getFirstChild(); { if (_tree == null) _tree = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_tree.getType())) { case LANGUAGE_VERSION_ID: { language_version_id(_tree); _tree = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case SCHEMA_DECL: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_tree); } } } schema_decl(_tree); _tree = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop519: do { if (_tree == null) _tree = ASTNULL; if ((_tree.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SCHEMA_DECL.getIndex())) { schema_decl(_tree); _tree = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop519; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST516; _tree = __t516; _tree = _tree.getNextSibling(); syntax_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_tree != null) { _tree = _tree.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = syntax_AST; _retTree = _tree; } public final void language_version_id(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST language_version_id_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST language_version_id_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t526 = _t; AST tmp276_AST = null; AST tmp276_AST_in = null; tmp276_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp276_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp276_AST); ASTPair __currentAST526 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LANGUAGE_VERSION_ID); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); nothing(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST526; _t = __t526; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); language_version_id_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = language_version_id_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void syntax_pass2(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST syntax_pass2_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST syntax_pass2_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t521 = _t; AST tmp277_AST = null; AST tmp277_AST_in = null; tmp277_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp277_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp277_AST); ASTPair __currentAST521 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SYNTAX); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LANGUAGE_VERSION_ID: { language_version_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case SCHEMA_DECL: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } schema_decl(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { _loop524: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SCHEMA_DECL.getIndex())) { schema_decl(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); } else { break _loop524; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST521; _t = __t521; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); syntax_pass2_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = syntax_pass2_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void multiplication_like_op(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST multiplication_like_op_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST multiplication_like_op_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t532 = _t; AST tmp278_AST = null; AST tmp278_AST_in = null; tmp278_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp278_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp278_AST); ASTPair __currentAST532 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.MULTIPLICATION_LIKE_OP); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case STAR: { AST tmp279_AST = null; AST tmp279_AST_in = null; tmp279_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp279_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp279_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.STAR); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case DIVSIGN: { AST tmp280_AST = null; AST tmp280_AST_in = null; tmp280_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp280_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp280_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.DIVSIGN); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_div: { AST tmp281_AST = null; AST tmp281_AST_in = null; tmp281_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp281_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp281_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_div); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_mod: { AST tmp282_AST = null; AST tmp282_AST_in = null; tmp282_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp282_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp282_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_mod); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case LITERAL_and: { AST tmp283_AST = null; AST tmp283_AST_in = null; tmp283_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp283_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp283_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case DOUBLEBAR: { AST tmp284_AST = null; AST tmp284_AST_in = null; tmp284_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp284_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp284_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.DOUBLEBAR); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST532; _t = __t532; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); multiplication_like_op_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = multiplication_like_op_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final UnderlyingType underlying_type_decl(AST _t, String TypeName) throws RecognitionException { UnderlyingType ut = null; AST underlying_type_decl_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST underlying_type_decl_AST = null; String UTN = ""; try { // for error handling AST __t538 = _t; AST tmp285_AST = null; AST tmp285_AST_in = null; tmp285_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp285_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp285_AST); ASTPair __currentAST538 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.UNDERLYING_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case CONSTRUCTED_TYPES: { constructed_types(_t, TypeName); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); // System.out.println ("ENUMERATION"+TypeName); break; } case AGGREGATION_TYPES: { aggregation_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case SIMPLE_TYPES: { ut = simple_types_decl_bt(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case TYPE_REF: { UTN = type_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); if (isPass2()) { // TODO add Type Reference here ut = schema.getTypeBN(UTN); System.err.println(TypeName + "PASS 2 get TYPEREF:" + UTN); } else { System.err.println("PASS one:" + TypeName); } // UnderlyingTypeName="UNDERLYING_TYPE"+UnderlyingTypeName; // System.out.println("debug"+UnderlyingTypeName); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST538; _t = __t538; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); underlying_type_decl_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = underlying_type_decl_AST; _retTree = _t; return ut; } public final void constructed_types(AST _t, String TypeName) throws RecognitionException { AST constructed_types_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST constructed_types_AST = null; List ItemList = new ArrayList(); try { // for error handling AST __t544 = _t; AST tmp286_AST = null; AST tmp286_AST_in = null; tmp286_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp286_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp286_AST); ASTPair __currentAST544 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.CONSTRUCTED_TYPES); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ENUMERATION_TYPE: { ItemList = enumeration_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); EnumerationType et; if (pass == 1) { et = new EnumerationType(TypeName); schema.addType(et); } else if (pass == 2) { et = (EnumerationType) schema.getTypeBN(TypeName); Iterator li = ItemList.iterator(); while (li.hasNext()) { Object o = li.next(); et.addElement(o.toString()); } } break; } case SELECT_TYPE: { ItemList = select_type(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); SelectType st; // in the first pass, create the type for further use if (pass == 1) { st = new SelectType(TypeName); schema.addType(st); } // in the second one, get it from the schema and fill in the // actual selections if (isPass2()) { st = (SelectType) schema.getTypeBN(TypeName); Iterator li = ItemList.iterator(); while (li.hasNext()) { Object o = li.next(); // SELECT types can either be ENTITYs or TYPEs, so // check which one it it s and add it NamedType nt = schema.getTypeBN(o.toString()); if (nt == null) nt = schema.getEntityBN(o.toString()); if (nt != null) st.addSelection(nt); } } break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST544; _t = __t544; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); constructed_types_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = constructed_types_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String underlying_type(AST _t, String TypeName) throws RecognitionException { String UnderlyingTypeName = ""; AST underlying_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST underlying_type_AST = null; String UTN = ""; try { // for error handling AST __t541 = _t; AST tmp287_AST = null; AST tmp287_AST_in = null; tmp287_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp287_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp287_AST); ASTPair __currentAST541 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.UNDERLYING_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case CONSTRUCTED_TYPES: { constructed_types(_t, TypeName); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); // System.out.println ("ENUMERATION"+TypeName); break; } case AGGREGATION_TYPES: { aggregation_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case SIMPLE_TYPES: { UnderlyingTypeName = simple_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case TYPE_REF: { UnderlyingTypeName = type_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); if (isPass2()) { // TODO add Type Reference here } // UnderlyingTypeName="UNDERLYING_TYPE"+UnderlyingTypeName; // System.out.println("debug"+UnderlyingTypeName); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST541; _t = __t541; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); if (UnderlyingTypeName.indexOf("IfcPositiveLength") > -1) { System.out.println("test"); } underlying_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = underlying_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return UnderlyingTypeName; } public final List enumeration_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { List ItemList = new ArrayList(); AST enumeration_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST enumeration_type_AST = null; // String[] Items; try { // for error handling AST __t547 = _t; AST tmp288_AST = null; AST tmp288_AST_in = null; tmp288_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp288_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp288_AST); ASTPair __currentAST547 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ENUMERATION_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_extensible: { AST tmp289_AST = null; AST tmp289_AST_in = null; tmp289_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp289_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp289_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_extensible); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: case ENUMERATION_ITEMS: case ENUMERATION_EXTENSION: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ENUMERATION_ITEMS: case ENUMERATION_EXTENSION: { { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ENUMERATION_ITEMS: { ItemList = enumeration_items(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case ENUMERATION_EXTENSION: { enumeration_extension(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST547; _t = __t547; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); enumeration_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = enumeration_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return ItemList; } public final List select_type(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { List items = new ArrayList(); ; AST select_type_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST select_type_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t561 = _t; AST tmp290_AST = null; AST tmp290_AST_in = null; tmp290_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp290_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp290_AST); ASTPair __currentAST561 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SELECT_TYPE); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_extensible: { AST tmp291_AST = null; AST tmp291_AST_in = null; tmp291_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp291_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp291_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_extensible); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: case SELECT_LIST: case SELECT_EXTENSION: case LITERAL_generic_entity: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case LITERAL_generic_entity: { AST tmp292_AST = null; AST tmp292_AST_in = null; tmp292_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp292_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp292_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.LITERAL_generic_entity); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: case SELECT_LIST: case SELECT_EXTENSION: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case SELECT_LIST: case SELECT_EXTENSION: { { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case SELECT_LIST: { items = select_list(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case SELECT_EXTENSION: { select_extension(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST561; _t = __t561; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); select_type_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = select_type_AST; _retTree = _t; return items; } public final List enumeration_items(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { List items = new ArrayList(); AST enumeration_items_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST enumeration_items_AST = null; String id0, id; try { // for error handling AST __t552 = _t; AST tmp293_AST = null; AST tmp293_AST_in = null; tmp293_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp293_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp293_AST); ASTPair __currentAST552 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ENUMERATION_ITEMS); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); id0 = enumeration_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); items.add(id0); { _loop554: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ENUMERATION_ID.getIndex())) { id = enumeration_id(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); items.add(id); } else { break _loop554; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST552; _t = __t552; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); enumeration_items_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = enumeration_items_AST; _retTree = _t; return items; } public final void enumeration_extension(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST enumeration_extension_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST enumeration_extension_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t556 = _t; AST tmp294_AST = null; AST tmp294_AST_in = null; tmp294_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp294_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp294_AST); ASTPair __currentAST556 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ENUMERATION_EXTENSION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); type_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case ENUMERATION_ITEMS: { enumeration_items(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST556; _t = __t556; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); enumeration_extension_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = enumeration_extension_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final String enumeration_id(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { String identifier = ""; AST enumeration_id_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST enumeration_id_AST = null; AST id = null; AST id_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t559 = _t; AST tmp295_AST = null; AST tmp295_AST_in = null; tmp295_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp295_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp295_AST); ASTPair __currentAST559 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.ENUMERATION_ID); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); id = (AST) _t; AST id_AST_in = null; id_AST = astFactory.create(id); astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, id_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); identifier = id.getText(); currentAST = __currentAST559; _t = __t559; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); enumeration_id_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = enumeration_id_AST; _retTree = _t; return identifier; } public final List select_list(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { List items = new ArrayList(); AST select_list_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST select_list_AST = null; String id0, id; try { // for error handling AST __t567 = _t; AST tmp296_AST = null; AST tmp296_AST_in = null; tmp296_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp296_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp296_AST); ASTPair __currentAST567 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SELECT_LIST); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); id0 = named_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); items.add(id0); { _loop569: do { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; if ((_t.getType() == Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.NAMED_TYPES.getIndex())) { id = named_types(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); items.add(id); } else { break _loop569; } } while (true); } currentAST = __currentAST567; _t = __t567; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); select_list_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = select_list_AST; _retTree = _t; return items; } public final void select_extension(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST select_extension_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST select_extension_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t571 = _t; AST tmp297_AST = null; AST tmp297_AST_in = null; tmp297_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp297_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp297_AST); ASTPair __currentAST571 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.SELECT_EXTENSION); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); type_ref(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); { if (_t == null) _t = ASTNULL; switch (Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.getToken(_t.getType())) { case SELECT_LIST: { select_list(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); break; } case NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD: { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltException(_t); } } } currentAST = __currentAST571; _t = __t571; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); select_extension_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = select_extension_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void type_label_id(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST type_label_id_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST type_label_id_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t578 = _t; AST tmp298_AST = null; AST tmp298_AST_in = null; tmp298_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp298_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp298_AST); ASTPair __currentAST578 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.TYPE_LABEL_ID); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp299_AST = null; AST tmp299_AST_in = null; tmp299_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp299_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp299_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST578; _t = __t578; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); type_label_id_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = type_label_id_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void width(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST width_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST width_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t593 = _t; AST tmp300_AST = null; AST tmp300_AST_in = null; tmp300_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp300_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp300_AST); ASTPair __currentAST593 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.WIDTH); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); numeric_expression(_t); _t = _retTree; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST); currentAST = __currentAST593; _t = __t593; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); width_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = width_AST; _retTree = _t; } public final void type_label_ref(AST _t) throws RecognitionException { AST type_label_ref_AST_in = handleNullTree(_t); returnAST = null; ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair(); AST type_label_ref_AST = null; try { // for error handling AST __t618 = _t; AST tmp301_AST = null; AST tmp301_AST_in = null; tmp301_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp301_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp301_AST); ASTPair __currentAST618 = currentAST.copy(); currentAST.root = currentAST.child; currentAST.child = null; match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.TYPE_LABEL_REF); _t = _t.getFirstChild(); AST tmp302_AST = null; AST tmp302_AST_in = null; tmp302_AST = astFactory.create((AST) _t); tmp302_AST_in = (AST) _t; astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp302_AST); match(_t, Express2DictWalkerTokenTypes.IDENT); _t = _t.getNextSibling(); currentAST = __currentAST618; _t = __t618; _t = _t.getNextSibling(); type_label_ref_AST = (AST) currentAST.root; } catch (RecognitionException ex) { reportError(ex); if (_t != null) { _t = _t.getNextSibling(); } } returnAST = type_label_ref_AST; _retTree = _t; } public static final String[] _tokenNames = { "<0>", "EOF", "<2>", "NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD", "CONSTANT_IDENT", "ENTITY_IDENT", "FUNCTION_IDENT", "PROCEDURE_IDENT", "PARAMETER_IDENT", "SCHEMA_IDENT", "TYPE_IDENT", "VARIABLE_IDENT", "ENUMERATION_IDENT", "ATTRIBUTE_IDENT", "ENTITY_ATTR_IDENT", "TYPE_ATTR_IDENT", "ENTITY_VAR_IDENT", "TYPE_VAR_IDENT", "ENTITY_PARAM_IDENT", "TYPE_PARAM_IDENT", "SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT_ID", "ACTUAL_PARAMETER_LIST", "ADD_LIKE_OP", "AGGREGATE_INITIALIZER", "AGGREGATE_SOURCE", "AGGREGATE_TYPE", "AGGREGATION_TYPES", "ALGORITHM_HEAD", "ALIAS_STMT", "ARRAY_TYPE", "ASSIGNMENT_STMT", "BAG_TYPE", "BASE_TYPE", "BINARY_TYPE", "BOOLEAN_TYPE", "BOUND_1", "BOUND_2", "BOUND_SPEC", "BUILT_IN_CONSTANT", "BUILT_IN_FUNCTION", "BUILT_IN_PROCEDURE", "CASE_ACTION", "CASE_LABEL", "CASE_STMT", "COMPOUND_STMT", "CONSTANT_BODY", "CONSTANT_DECL", "CONSTANT_FACTOR", "CONSTANT_ID", "DECLARATION", "DOMAIN_RULE", "ELEMENT", "ENTITY_HEAD", "ENTITY_DECL", "ENTITY_BODY", "SUBSUPER", "SUPERTYPE_CONSTRAINT", "ABSTRACT_SUPERTYPE_DECLARATION", "SUBTYPE_DECLARATION", "EXPLICIT_ATTR", "ATTRIBUTE_DECL", "ATTRIBUTE_ID", "QUALIFIED_ATTRIBUTE", "DERIVE_CLAUSE", "DERIVED_ATTR", "INVERSE_CLAUSE", "INVERSE_ATTR", "UNIQUE_CLAUSE", "UNIQUE_RULE", "REFERENCED_ATTRIBUTE", "ENTITY_CONSTRUCTOR", "ENTITY_ID", "ENUMERATION_REFERENCE", "ESCAPE_STMT", "EXPRESSION", "FACTOR", "FORMAL_PARAMETER", "ATTRIBUTE_QUALIFIER", "FUNCTION_CALL", "FUNCTION_DECL", "FUNCTION_HEAD", "FUNCTION_ID", "GENERALIZED_TYPES", "GENERAL_AGGREGATION_TYPES", "GENERAL_ARRAY_TYPE", "GENERAL_BAG_TYPE", "GENERAL_LIST_TYPE", "GENERAL_REF", "GENERAL_SET_TYPE", "GENERIC_TYPE", "GROUP_QUALIFIER", "IF_STMT", "INCREMENT", "INCREMENT_CONTROL", "INDEX", "INDEX_1", "INDEX_2", "INDEX_QUALIFIER", "INTEGER_TYPE", "INTERVAL", "INTERVAL_HIGH", "INTERVAL_ITEM", "INTERVAL_LOW", "INTERVAL_OP", "LABEL", "LIST_TYPE", "LITERAL", "REAL", "INTEGER", "STRING", "LOCAL_DECL", "LOCAL_VARIABLE", "LOGICAL_EXPRESSION", "LOGICAL", "LOGICAL_TYPE", "MULTIPLICATION_LIKE_OP", "NAMED_TYPES", "NULL_STMT", "NUMBER_TYPE", "NUMERIC_EXPRESSION", "ONE_OF", "PARAMETER", "PARAMETER_ID", "PARAMETER_TYPE", "POPULATION", "PRECISION_SPEC", "PRIMARY", "PROCEDURE_CALL_STMT", "PROCEDURE_DECL", "PROCEDURE_HEAD", "PROCEDURE_ID", "QUALIFIABLE_FACTOR", "QUALIFIER", "QUERY_EXPRESSION", "REAL_TYPE", "REFERENCE_CLAUSE", "REL_OP", "REL_OP_EXTENDED", "REPEAT_CONTROL", "REPEAT_STMT", "REPETITION", "RESOURCE_OR_RENAME", "RESOURCE_REF", "RETURN_STMT", "RULE_DECL", "RULE_HEAD", "RULE_ID", "SCHEMA_ID", "SCHEMA_BODY", "SCHEMA_DECL", "INTERFACE_SPECIFICATION", "USE_CLAUSE", "NAMED_TYPE_OR_RENAME", "SELECTOR", "SET_TYPE", "SIMPLE_EXPRESSION", "SIMPLE_FACTOR", "SIMPLE_TYPES", "SKIP_STMT", "STMT", "STRING_TYPE", "SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT", "SUPERTYPE_EXPRESSION", "SUPERTYPE_FACTOR", "SUPERTYPE_RULE", "SUPERTYPE_TERM", "SYNTAX", "TERM", "TYPE_DECL", "UNDERLYING_TYPE", "CONSTRUCTED_TYPES", "ENUMERATION_TYPE", "ENUMERATION_ID", "SELECT_TYPE", "TYPE_ID", "TYPE_LABEL", "TYPE_LABEL_ID", "UNARY_OP", "UNTIL_CONTROL", "VARIABLE_ID", "WHERE_CLAUSE", "WHILE_CONTROL", "WIDTH", "WIDTH_SPEC", "ENTITY_REF", "TYPE_REF", "ENUMERATION_REF", "ATTRIBUTE_REF", "CONSTANT_REF", "FUNCTION_REF", "PARAMETER_REF", "VARIABLE_REF", "SCHEMA_REF", "TYPE_LABEL_REF", "PROCEDURE_REF", "SIMPLE_ID", "ELSE_CLAUSE", "RENAME_ID", "ENUMERATION_ITEMS", "ENUMERATION_EXTENSION", "SELECT_LIST", "SELECT_EXTENSION", "REDECLARED_ATTRIBUTE", "SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT_DECL", "SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT_HEAD", "SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT_BODY", "ABSTRACT_SUPERTYPE", "TOTAL_OVER", "CONCRETE_TYPES", "GENERIC_ENTITY_TYPE", "SCHEMA_VERSION_ID", "LANGUAGE_VERSION_ID", "(", ",", ")", "+", "-", "\"or\"", "\"xor\"", "[", "]", "\"aggregate\"", ":", "\"of\"", "\"alias\"", "\"for\"", "an identifer", ";", "\"end_alias\"", "\"array\"", "\"optional\"", "\"unique\"", ":=", "\"bag\"", "\"binary\"", "\"boolean\"", "\"const_e\"", "\"pi\"", "\"self\"", "?", "*", "\"abs\"", "\"acos\"", "\"asin\"", "\"atan\"", 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