/* * Copyright 2008-2009 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.hasor.rsf.rpc.context; import net.hasor.core.Settings; import net.hasor.core.XmlNode; import net.hasor.core.convert.ConverterUtils; import net.hasor.core.setting.SettingsWrap; import net.hasor.rsf.InterAddress; import net.hasor.rsf.RsfOptionSet; import net.hasor.rsf.RsfSettings; import net.hasor.rsf.SendLimitPolicy; import net.hasor.rsf.domain.OptionInfo; import net.hasor.rsf.utils.NetworkUtils; import net.hasor.rsf.utils.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.util.*; /** * * @version : 2014年11月12日 * @author 赵永春(zyc@hasor.net) */ public class DefaultRsfSettings extends SettingsWrap implements RsfSettings { protected Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private int defaultTimeout = 6000; private String defaultGroup = "RSF"; private String defaultVersion = "1.0.0"; private String defaultSerializeType = "Hprose"; // private OptionInfo serverOptionManager = new OptionInfo(); private OptionInfo clientOptionManager = new OptionInfo(); // private int networkWorker = 2; private int networkListener = 1; // private int queueMaxSize = 4096; private int queueMinPoolSize = 1; private int queueMaxPoolSize = 7; private long queueKeepAliveTime = 300L; // private String bindAddress = "local"; private String defaultProtocol = null; private Map<String, InterAddress> bindAddressSet = null; private Map<String, InterAddress> gatewayAddressMap = null; private Map<String, String> protocolHandlerMap = null; // private int consolePort = 2180; private String[] consoleInBound = null; // private int requestTimeout = 6000; private int maximumRequest = 200; private SendLimitPolicy sendLimitPolicy = SendLimitPolicy.Reject; private int connectTimeout = 100; private String unitName = "default"; private long invalidWaitTime = 30000; private long refreshCacheTime = 360000; private boolean localDiskCache = true; private long diskCacheTimeInterval = 3600000; private boolean automaticOnline = true; // // public DefaultRsfSettings(Settings settings) throws IOException { super(settings); this.refreshRsfConfig(); } // @Override public int getDefaultTimeout() { return this.defaultTimeout; } @Override public RsfOptionSet getServerOption() { return this.serverOptionManager; } @Override public RsfOptionSet getClientOption() { return this.clientOptionManager; } @Override public String getDefaultGroup() { return this.defaultGroup; } @Override public String getDefaultVersion() { return this.defaultVersion; } @Override public String getDefaultSerializeType() { return this.defaultSerializeType; } @Override public int getNetworkWorker() { return this.networkWorker; } @Override public int getNetworkListener() { return this.networkListener; } @Override public int getQueueMaxSize() { return this.queueMaxSize; } @Override public int getQueueMinPoolSize() { return this.queueMinPoolSize; } @Override public int getQueueMaxPoolSize() { return this.queueMaxPoolSize; } @Override public long getQueueKeepAliveTime() { return this.queueKeepAliveTime; } @Override public int getRequestTimeout() { return this.requestTimeout; } @Override public int getMaximumRequest() { return this.maximumRequest; } @Override public SendLimitPolicy getSendLimitPolicy() { return this.sendLimitPolicy; } @Override public int getConnectTimeout() { return this.connectTimeout; } @Override public String getBindAddress() { return this.bindAddress; } @Override public String getDefaultProtocol() { return this.defaultProtocol; } @Override public Map<String, InterAddress> getBindAddressSet() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.bindAddressSet); } @Override public Map<String, String> getProtocolHandlerMapping() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.protocolHandlerMap); } @Override public Map<String, InterAddress> getGatewaySet() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.gatewayAddressMap); } @Override public String getUnitName() { return this.unitName; } @Override public long getInvalidWaitTime() { return this.invalidWaitTime; } @Override public long getRefreshCacheTime() { return this.refreshCacheTime; } @Override public long getDiskCacheTimeInterval() { return this.diskCacheTimeInterval; } @Override public boolean islocalDiskCache() { return this.localDiskCache; } @Override public boolean isAutomaticOnline() { return this.automaticOnline; } @Override public int getConsolePort() { return this.consolePort; } @Override public String[] getConsoleInBoundAddress() { return this.consoleInBound; } // public void refresh() throws IOException { super.refresh(); this.refreshRsfConfig(); } public void refreshRsfConfig() throws IOException { this.defaultGroup = getString("hasor.rsfConfig.defaultServiceValue.group", "RSF"); this.defaultVersion = getString("hasor.rsfConfig.defaultServiceValue.version", "1.0.0"); this.defaultTimeout = getInteger("hasor.rsfConfig.defaultServiceValue.timeout", 6000); this.defaultSerializeType = getString("hasor.rsfConfig.serializeType.default", "Hessian"); // XmlNode[] serverOptSetArray = getXmlNodeArray("hasor.rsfConfig.serverOptionSet"); if (serverOptSetArray != null) { for (XmlNode optSet : serverOptSetArray) { for (XmlNode opt : optSet.getChildren("option")) { String key = opt.getAttribute("key"); String var = opt.getText(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(key)) { this.serverOptionManager.addOption(key, var); } } } } XmlNode[] clientOptSetArray = getXmlNodeArray("hasor.rsfConfig.clientOptionSet"); if (clientOptSetArray != null) { for (XmlNode optSet : clientOptSetArray) { for (XmlNode opt : optSet.getChildren("option")) { String key = opt.getAttribute("key"); String var = opt.getText(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(key)) { this.clientOptionManager.addOption(key, var); } } } } // this.networkListener = getInteger("hasor.rsfConfig.network.listenThread", 1); this.networkWorker = getInteger("hasor.rsfConfig.network.workerThread", 2); // this.queueMaxSize = getInteger("hasor.rsfConfig.queue.maxSize", 4096); this.queueMinPoolSize = getInteger("hasor.rsfConfig.queue.minPoolSize", 1); this.queueMaxPoolSize = getInteger("hasor.rsfConfig.queue.maxPoolSize", 7); this.queueKeepAliveTime = getLong("hasor.rsfConfig.queue.keepAliveTime", 300L); // String bindAddress = getString("hasor.rsfConfig.address", "local"); InetAddress inetAddress = NetworkUtils.finalBindAddress(bindAddress); this.bindAddress = inetAddress.getHostAddress(); this.defaultProtocol = getString("hasor.rsfConfig.connectorSet.default", "RSF/1.0"); this.protocolHandlerMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); XmlNode[] protocolSetNode = getXmlNodeArray("hasor.rsfConfig.protocolSet"); if (protocolSetNode != null) { for (XmlNode protocolNode : protocolSetNode) { this.parseProtocol(this.protocolHandlerMap, protocolNode); } } this.parseProtocol(this.protocolHandlerMap, getXmlNode("hasor.rsfConfig.protocolSet")); // // this.bindAddressSet = new HashMap<String, InterAddress>(); this.gatewayAddressMap = new HashMap<String, InterAddress>(); XmlNode[] connectorArrays = getXmlNodeArray("hasor.rsfConfig.connectorSet.connector"); if (connectorArrays != null) { for (XmlNode connectorNode : connectorArrays) { String protocol = connectorNode.getAttribute("protocol"); String localPort = connectorNode.getAttribute("localPort"); String gatewayHost = connectorNode.getAttribute("gatewayAddress"); String gatewayPort = connectorNode.getAttribute("gatewayPort"); // if (StringUtils.isBlank(protocol)) continue; int localPortInt = 0; int gatewayPortInt = 0; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(localPort)) localPortInt = (Integer) ConverterUtils.convert(Integer.TYPE, localPort); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(gatewayPort)) gatewayPortInt = (Integer) ConverterUtils.convert(Integer.TYPE, gatewayPort); // if (localPortInt <= 0) continue; InterAddress localAddress = new InterAddress(protocol, this.bindAddress, localPortInt, this.unitName); this.bindAddressSet.put(protocol, localAddress); // if (gatewayPortInt <= 0 || StringUtils.isBlank(gatewayHost)) continue; InetAddress gatewayInetAddress = NetworkUtils.finalBindAddress(gatewayHost); InterAddress gatewayAddress = new InterAddress(protocol, gatewayInetAddress.getHostAddress(), gatewayPortInt, this.unitName); this.gatewayAddressMap.put(protocol, gatewayAddress); } } // this.consolePort = getInteger("hasor.rsfConfig.console.port", 2180); String consoleInBoundStr = getString("hasor.rsfConfig.console.inBound", "local"); ArrayList<String> addressList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(consoleInBoundStr)) { for (String item : consoleInBoundStr.split(",")) { String itemTrim = item.trim(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(itemTrim)) { try { if ("local".equalsIgnoreCase(itemTrim)) { addressList.add(NetworkUtils.finalBindAddress("local").getHostAddress()); } else { addressList.add(itemTrim); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("console - inBound address " + itemTrim + " error " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } } if (addressList.isEmpty()) { try { addressList.add(NetworkUtils.finalBindAddress("local").getHostAddress()); } catch (Exception e) { addressList.add(""); } } this.consoleInBound = addressList.toArray(new String[addressList.size()]); // this.requestTimeout = getInteger("hasor.rsfConfig.client.defaultTimeout", 6000); this.maximumRequest = getInteger("hasor.rsfConfig.client.maximumRequest", 200); this.sendLimitPolicy = getEnum("hasor.rsfConfig.client.sendLimitPolicy", SendLimitPolicy.class, SendLimitPolicy.Reject); this.connectTimeout = getInteger("hasor.rsfConfig.client.connectTimeout", 100); // this.unitName = getString("hasor.rsfConfig.unitName", "local"); this.refreshCacheTime = getLong("hasor.rsfConfig.addressPool.refreshCacheTime", 60000L); this.invalidWaitTime = getLong("hasor.rsfConfig.addressPool.invalidWaitTime", 120000L); this.localDiskCache = getBoolean("hasor.rsfConfig.addressPool.localDiskCache", true); this.diskCacheTimeInterval = getLong("hasor.rsfConfig.addressPool.diskCacheTimeInterval", 3600000L); // this.automaticOnline = getBoolean("hasor.rsfConfig.automaticOnline", true); this.logger.info("loadRsfConfig complete!"); } private void parseProtocol(Map<String, String> implementorMap, XmlNode protocolSetNode) { List<XmlNode> protocolSet = protocolSetNode.getChildren("protocol"); if (protocolSet == null) { return; } for (XmlNode protocolNode : protocolSet) { String name = protocolNode.getAttribute("name"); String implementor = protocolNode.getAttribute("implementor"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(name) || StringUtils.isBlank(implementor)) continue; // implementorMap.put(name, implementor); } } }