/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pig.impl.plan; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.pig.PigException; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.MultiMap; //import org.apache.commons.collections.map.MultiValueMap; /** * A generic graphing class for use by LogicalPlan, PhysicalPlan, etc. One * important aspect of this package is that it guarantees that once a graph is * constructed, manipulations on that graph will maintain the ordering of * inputs and outputs for a given node. That is, if a node has two inputs, 0 * and 1, it is guaranteed that everytime it asks for its inputs, it will * receive them in the same order. This allows operators that need to * distinguish their inputs (such as binary operators that need to know left * from right) to work without needing to store their inputs themselves. This * is an extra burden on the graph package and not in line with the way graphs * are generally understood mathematically. But it greatly reducing the need * for graph manipulators (such as the validators and optimizers) to * understand the internals of various nodes. */ //TODO /* * The graph operations swap, insertBetween, pushBefore, etc. have to be re-implemented * in a layered fashion. The layering will facilitate the re-use of operations. In addition, * use of operator.rewire in the aforementioned operations requires transaction like ability * due to various pre-conditions. Often, the result of one of the operations leaves the * graph in an inconsistent state for the rewire operation. Clear layering and assignment * of the ability to rewire will remove these inconsistencies. For now, use of rewire * has resulted in a slightly less maintainable code along with the necessity to use * rewire with discretion. */ // Suppress "unchecked" warnings for all logical plan related classes. Will revisit in logical plan rework @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public abstract class OperatorPlan<E extends Operator> implements Iterable<E>, Serializable, Cloneable { protected Map<E, OperatorKey> mOps; protected Map<OperatorKey, E> mKeys; protected MultiMap<E, E> mFromEdges; protected MultiMap<E, E> mToEdges; protected MultiMap<E, E> mSoftFromEdges; protected MultiMap<E, E> mSoftToEdges; private List<E> mRoots; private List<E> mLeaves; protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(OperatorPlan.class); public OperatorPlan() { mRoots = new ArrayList<E>(); mLeaves = new ArrayList<E>(); mOps = new HashMap<E, OperatorKey>(); mKeys = new HashMap<OperatorKey, E>(); mFromEdges = new MultiMap<E, E>(); mToEdges = new MultiMap<E, E>(); mSoftFromEdges = new MultiMap<E, E>(); mSoftToEdges = new MultiMap<E, E>(); } /** * Get a list of all nodes in the graph that are roots. A root is defined to * be a node that has no input. */ public List<E> getRoots() { if (mRoots.size() == 0 && mOps.size() > 0) { for (E op : mOps.keySet()) { if (mToEdges.get(op) == null) { mRoots.add(op); } } } return mRoots; } /** * Get a list of all nodes in the graph that are leaves. A leaf is defined to * be a node that has no output. */ public List<E> getLeaves() { if (mLeaves.size() == 0 && mOps.size() > 0) { for (E op : mOps.keySet()) { if (mFromEdges.get(op) == null) { mLeaves.add(op); } } } return mLeaves; } /** * Given an operator, find its OperatorKey. * @param op Logical operator. * @return associated OperatorKey */ public OperatorKey getOperatorKey(E op) { return mOps.get(op); } /** * Given an OperatorKey, find the associated operator. * @param opKey OperatorKey * @return associated operator. */ public E getOperator(OperatorKey opKey) { return mKeys.get(opKey); } /** * Get the map of operator key and associated operators * @return map of operator key and operators. */ public Map<OperatorKey, E> getKeys() { return mKeys; } /** * Insert an operator into the plan. This only inserts it as a node in * the graph, it does not connect it to any other operators. That should * be done as a separate step using connect. * @param op Operator to add to the plan. */ public void add(E op) { markDirty(); mOps.put(op, op.getOperatorKey()); mKeys.put(op.getOperatorKey(), op); } /** * Create an edge between two nodes. The direction of the edge implies data * flow. * @param from Operator data will flow from. * @param to Operator data will flow to. * @throws PlanException if this edge will create multiple inputs for an * operator that does not support multiple inputs or create multiple outputs * for an operator that does not support multiple outputs. */ public void connect(E from, E to) throws PlanException { markDirty(); // Check that both nodes are in the plan. checkInPlan(from); checkInPlan(to); // Check to see if the from operator already has outputs, and if so // whether it supports multiple outputs. if (mFromEdges.get(from) != null && !from.supportsMultipleOutputs()) { PlanException pe = new PlanException("Attempt to give operator of type " + from.getClass().getName() + " multiple outputs. This operator does " + "not support multiple outputs."); log.error(pe.getMessage()); throw pe; } // Check to see if the to operator already has inputs, and if so // whether it supports multiple inputs. if (mToEdges.get(to) != null && !to.supportsMultipleInputs()) { PlanException pe = new PlanException("Attempt to give operator of type " + to.getClass().getName() + " multiple inputs. This operator does " + "not support multiple inputs."); log.error(pe.getMessage()); throw pe; } mFromEdges.put(from, to); mToEdges.put(to, from); } /** * Create an soft edge between two nodes. * @param from Operator dependent upon. * @param to Operator having the dependency. * @throws PlanException if the nodes is not in plan */ public void createSoftLink(E from, E to) throws PlanException { // Check that both nodes are in the plan. checkInPlan(from); checkInPlan(to); mSoftFromEdges.put(from, to); mSoftToEdges.put(to, from); } /** * Remove an soft edge * @param from Operator dependent upon * @param to Operator having the dependency */ public void removeSoftLink(E from, E to) { mSoftFromEdges.remove(from, to); mSoftToEdges.remove(to, from); } /** * Remove an edge from between two nodes. * Use {@link org.apache.pig.impl.plan.OperatorPlan#insertBetween(Operator, Operator, Operator)} * if disconnect is used in the process of inserting a new node between two nodes * by calling disconnect followed by a connect. * @param from Operator data would flow from. * @param to Operator data would flow to. * @return true if the nodes were connected according to the specified data * flow, false otherwise. */ public boolean disconnect(E from, E to) { markDirty(); boolean sawNull = false; if (mFromEdges.remove(from, to) == null) sawNull = true; if (mToEdges.remove(to, from) == null) sawNull = true; return !sawNull; } /** * Remove an operator from the plan. Any edges that the node has will * be removed as well. * @param op Operator to remove. */ public void remove(E op) { markDirty(); removeEdges(op, mFromEdges, mToEdges); removeEdges(op, mToEdges, mFromEdges); removeEdges(op, mSoftFromEdges, mSoftToEdges); removeEdges(op, mSoftToEdges, mSoftFromEdges); // Remove the operator from nodes mOps.remove(op); mKeys.remove(op.getOperatorKey()); } /** * Trim everything below a given operator. The specified operator will * NOT be removed. * @param op Operator to trim everything after. */ public void trimBelow(E op) { trimBelow(getSuccessors(op)); } private void trimBelow(List<E> ops) { if (ops != null) { // Make a copy because we'll be messing with the underlying list. List<E> copy = new ArrayList<E>(ops); for (E op : copy) { trimBelow(getSuccessors(op)); remove(op); } } } /** * Trim everything above a given operator. The specified operator will * NOT be removed. * @param op Operator to trim everything before. */ public void trimAbove(E op) { List<E> predecessors = new ArrayList<E>(getPredecessors(op)); IndexHelper<E> indexHelper = new IndexHelper<E>(predecessors); trimAbove(predecessors); for(E predecessor: predecessors) { try { op.rewire(predecessor, indexHelper.getIndex(predecessor), null, true); } catch (PlanException pe) { //TODO //need to change the method signature to include the exception clause //for now, throwing RunTimeException to workaround this issue throw new RuntimeException("Encountered problems with rewiring operators.", pe); } } } private void trimAbove(List<E> ops) { if (ops != null) { // Make a copy because we'll be messing with the underlying list. List<E> copy = new ArrayList<E>(ops); for (E op : copy) { trimAbove(getPredecessors(op)); remove(op); } } } /** * Find all of the nodes that have edges to the indicated node from * themselves. * @param op Node to look to * @return Collection of nodes. */ public List<E> getPredecessors(E op) { return (List<E>)mToEdges.get(op); } /** * Find all of the nodes that have edges from the indicated node to * themselves. * @param op Node to look from * @return Collection of nodes. */ public List<E> getSuccessors(E op) { return (List<E>)mFromEdges.get(op); } /** * Find all of the nodes that have soft edges to the indicated node from * themselves. * @param op Node to look to * @return Collection of nodes. */ public List<E> getSoftLinkPredecessors(E op) { return (List<E>)mSoftToEdges.get(op); } /** * Find all of the nodes that have soft edges from the indicated node to * themselves. * @param op Node to look from * @return Collection of nodes. */ public List<E> getSoftLinkSuccessors(E op) { return (List<E>)mSoftFromEdges.get(op); } /** * A method to check if there is a path from a given node to another node * @param from the start node for checking * @param to the end node for checking * @return true if path exists, false otherwise */ public boolean pathExists(E from, E to) { List<E> successors = getSuccessors(from); if(successors == null || successors.size() == 0) { return false; } for (E successor : successors) { if(successor.equals(to) || pathExists(successor, to)) { return true; } } return false; } public Iterator<E> iterator() { return mOps.keySet().iterator(); } private void markDirty() { mRoots.clear(); mLeaves.clear(); } private void removeEdges(E op, MultiMap<E, E> fromMap, MultiMap<E, E> toMap) { // Find all of the from edges, as I have to remove all the associated to // edges. Need to make a copy so we can delete from the map without // screwing up our iterator. Collection<E> c = fromMap.get(op); if (c == null) return; ArrayList<E> al = new ArrayList<E>(c); Iterator<E> i = al.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { E to = i.next(); toMap.remove(to, op); fromMap.remove(op, to); } } private void checkInPlan(E op) throws PlanException { if (mOps.get(op) == null) { PlanException pe = new PlanException("Attempt to connect operator " + op.name() + " which is not in the plan."); log.error(pe.getMessage()); throw pe; } } /** * Merges the operators in the incoming operPlan with * this plan's operators. By merging I mean just making * a combined graph with each one as a component * It doesn't support merging of shared plans * @param inpPlan * @return this pointer * @throws PlanException */ public OperatorPlan<E> merge(OperatorPlan<E> inpPlan) throws PlanException { return doMerge(inpPlan, false); } /** * Merges the operators in the incoming plan with this plan's operators. * The plans can have shared components. * * @param inpPlan * @return this pointer * @throws PlanException */ public OperatorPlan<E> mergeSharedPlan(OperatorPlan<E> inpPlan) throws PlanException { return doMerge(inpPlan, true); } private OperatorPlan<E> doMerge(OperatorPlan<E> inpPlan, boolean allowSharedPlan) throws PlanException { Map<E, OperatorKey> inpOps = inpPlan.mOps; Set<E> curOpsKeySet = mOps.keySet(); for (Map.Entry<E, OperatorKey> mapEnt : inpOps.entrySet()) { if (curOpsKeySet.contains(mapEnt.getKey())) { if (!allowSharedPlan) { PlanException pe = new PlanException( "There are operators that are shared across the plans. Merge of " + "mutually exclusive plans is the only supported merge."); log.error(pe.getMessage()); throw pe; } } else { mOps.put(mapEnt.getKey(), mapEnt.getValue()); } } Map<OperatorKey, E> inpKeys = inpPlan.mKeys; Set<OperatorKey> curOKKeySet = mKeys.keySet(); for (Map.Entry<OperatorKey, E> mapEnt : inpKeys.entrySet()) { if (curOKKeySet.contains(mapEnt.getKey())) { if (!allowSharedPlan) { PlanException pe = new PlanException( "There are operators that are shared across the plans. Merge of " + "mutually exclusive plans is the only supported merge."); log.error(pe.getMessage()); throw pe; } } else { mKeys.put(mapEnt.getKey(), mapEnt.getValue()); } } MultiMap<E, E> inpFromEdges = inpPlan.mFromEdges; Set<E> curFEKeySet = mFromEdges.keySet(); for (E fromEdg : inpFromEdges.keySet()) { if (curFEKeySet.contains(fromEdg) && !allowSharedPlan) { PlanException pe = new PlanException( "There are operators that are shared across the plans. Merge of " + "mutually exclusive plans is the only supported merge."); log.error(pe.getMessage()); throw pe; } for (E e : inpFromEdges.get(fromEdg)) { if (mFromEdges.get(fromEdg) == null || !mFromEdges.get(fromEdg).contains(e)) { mFromEdges.put(fromEdg, e); } } } MultiMap<E, E> inpToEdges = inpPlan.mToEdges; Set<E> curTEKeySet = mToEdges.keySet(); for (E toEdg : inpToEdges.keySet()) { if (curTEKeySet.contains(toEdg) && !allowSharedPlan) { PlanException pe = new PlanException( "There are operators that are shared across the plans. Merge of " + "mutually exclusive plans is the only supported merge."); log.error(pe.getMessage()); throw pe; } for (E e : inpToEdges.get(toEdg)) { if (mToEdges.get(toEdg) == null || !mToEdges.get(toEdg).contains(e)) { mToEdges.put(toEdg, e); } } } markDirty(); return this; } /** * Utility method heavily used in the MRCompiler * Adds the leaf operator to the plan and connects * all existing leaves to the new leaf * @param leaf * @throws PlanException */ public void addAsLeaf(E leaf) throws PlanException { List<E> ret = new ArrayList<E>(); for (E operator : getLeaves()) { ret.add(operator); } add(leaf); for (E oper : ret) { connect(oper, leaf); } } public boolean isSingleLeafPlan() { List<E> tmpList = getLeaves() ; return tmpList.size() == 1 ; } public int size() { return mKeys.size() ; } /** * Given two connected nodes add another node between them. * 'newNode' will be placed in same position in predecessor list as 'before' (old node). * @param after Node to insert this node after * @param newNode new node to insert. This node must have already been * added to the plan. * @param before Node to insert this node before * @throws PlanException if it encounters trouble disconnecting or * connecting nodes. */ public void insertBetween( E after, E newNode, E before) throws PlanException { doInsertBetween(after, newNode, before, true); } /* * Private method to perform the insertBetween operation with the ability to turn off * rewiring operation. */ public void doInsertBetween( E after, E newNode, E before, boolean rewire) throws PlanException { checkInPlan(newNode); List<E> newNodePreds = getPredecessors(newNode); //assuming that the newNode has zero or one predecessor E newNodePred = (newNodePreds == null? null: newNodePreds.get(0)); if (!replaceNode(after, newNode, before, mFromEdges) || !replaceNode(before, newNode, after, mToEdges)) { int errCode = 1094; String msg = "Attempt to insert between two nodes " + "that were not connected."; PlanException pe = new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); throw pe; } mFromEdges.put(newNode, before); mToEdges.put(newNode, after); if(rewire) { if((newNodePred != null) && !(newNodePred.equals(after))) { newNodePred.regenerateProjectionMap(); newNode.rewire(newNodePred, 0, after, true); } newNode.regenerateProjectionMap(); IndexHelper<E> indexHelper = new IndexHelper<E>(getPredecessors(newNode)); before.rewire(after, indexHelper.getIndex(after), newNode, false); } } // replaces (src -> dst) entry in multiMap with (src -> replacement) private boolean replaceNode(E src, E replacement, E dst, MultiMap<E, E> multiMap) { if(multiMap == null) return false; if(src == null) return false; List<E> nodes = (ArrayList<E>)multiMap.get(src); if (nodes == null) { //we need to add replacement to the multimap as long as replacement != null if(replacement == null) { return false; } else if (dst == null) { ArrayList<E> replacementNodes = new ArrayList<E>(); replacementNodes.add(replacement); multiMap.put(src, replacementNodes); return true; } else { return false; } } if(dst == null) return false; boolean replaced = false; ArrayList<E> replacementNodes = new ArrayList<E>(); for(int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i) { E to = nodes.get(i); if(to.equals(dst)) { replaced = true; if(replacement != null) { replacementNodes.add(replacement); } } else { replacementNodes.add(to); } } if(replaced) { multiMap.removeKey(src); if(replacementNodes.size() > 0) { multiMap.put(src, replacementNodes); } } return replaced; } /** * Replace an existing node in the graph with a new node. The new node * will be connected to all the nodes the old node was. The old node will * be removed. The new node is assumed to have no incoming or outgoing edges * @param oldNode Node to be replaced * @param newNode Node to add in place of oldNode * @throws PlanException */ public void replace(E oldNode, E newNode) throws PlanException { checkInPlan(oldNode); add(newNode); List<E> oldNodeSuccs = (getSuccessors(oldNode) == null? null : new ArrayList<E>(getSuccessors(oldNode))); List<IndexHelper<E>> indexHelpers = new ArrayList<IndexHelper<E>>(); if(oldNodeSuccs != null) { for(int i = 0; i < oldNodeSuccs.size(); ++i) { E oldNodeSucc = oldNodeSuccs.get(i); indexHelpers.add(new IndexHelper<E>(new ArrayList<E>(getPredecessors(oldNodeSucc)))); } } mToEdges = generateNewMap(oldNode, newNode, mToEdges); mFromEdges = generateNewMap(oldNode, newNode, mFromEdges); //ensure that the oldNode's successors are rewired if(oldNodeSuccs != null) { for(int i = 0; i < oldNodeSuccs.size(); ++i) { E oldNodeSucc = oldNodeSuccs.get(i); oldNodeSucc.rewire(oldNode, indexHelpers.get(i).getIndex(oldNode), newNode, true); } } remove(oldNode); } private MultiMap<E, E> generateNewMap( E oldNode, E newNode, MultiMap<E, E> mm) { // First, replace the key Collection<E> targets = mm.get(oldNode); if (targets != null) { mm.removeKey(oldNode); mm.put(newNode, targets); } // We can't just do a remove and add in the map because of our // guarantee of not changing orders. So we need to walk the lists and // put the new node in the same slot as the old. // Walk all the other keys and replace any references to the oldNode // in their targets. MultiMap<E, E> newMap = new MultiMap<E, E>(mm.size()); for (E key : mm.keySet()) { Collection<E> c = mm.get(key); ArrayList<E> al = new ArrayList<E>(c); for (int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++) { if (al.get(i) == oldNode) al.set(i, newNode); } newMap.put(key, al); } return newMap; } /** * Remove a node in a way that connects the node's predecessor (if any) * with the node's successor (if any). This function does not handle the * case where the node has multiple predecessors or successors. * @param node Node to be removed * @throws PlanException if the node has more than one predecessor or * successor. */ public void removeAndReconnect(E node) throws PlanException { List<E> preds = getPredecessors(node); E pred = null; if (preds != null) { if (preds.size() > 1) { int errCode = 1095; String msg = "Attempt to remove " + " and reconnect for node with multiple predecessors."; PlanException pe = new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); throw pe; } pred = preds.get(0); disconnect(pred, node); } int oldPos = -1; int newPos = -1; List<E> succs = getSuccessors(node); E succ = null; if (succs != null) { if (succs.size() > 1) { int errCode = 1095; String msg = "Attempt to remove " + " and reconnect for node with multiple successors."; PlanException pe = new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); throw pe; } succ = succs.get(0); List<E> plst = getPredecessors(succ); for (int i=0; i<plst.size(); i++) { if (plst.get(i).equals(node)) { oldPos = i; } } disconnect(node, succ); } remove(node); if (pred != null && succ != null) { connect(pred, succ); List<E> plst = getPredecessors(succ); for (int i=0; i<plst.size(); i++) { if (plst.get(i).equals(pred)) { newPos = i; } } if (oldPos < 0 || newPos < 0) { throw new PlanException("Invalid position index: " + oldPos + " : " + newPos); } if (oldPos != newPos) { List<E> nlst = new ArrayList<E>(); for (int i=0; i<plst.size(); i++) { E nod = plst.get(i); if (i == oldPos) { nlst.add(pred); } if (i == newPos) continue; nlst.add(nod); } if (nlst.size() != plst.size()) { throw new PlanException("Invalid list size: " + nlst.size() + " : " + plst.size()); } mToEdges.removeKey(succ); mToEdges.put(succ, nlst); } succ.rewire(node, oldPos, pred, true); } } private void reconnectSuccessors(E node, boolean successorRequired, boolean removeNode) throws PlanException { // Before: // A (predecessor (only one) ) // / | // X B(nodeB) Y(some predecessor of a Cn) // / | \ / // C1 C2 C3 ... (Successors) // should become // After: // ___ A Y // / / | \ / // X C1 C2 C3 ... // the variable names are from above example E nodeB = node; List<E> preds = getPredecessors(nodeB); //checking pre-requisite conditions if (preds == null || preds.size() != 1) { Integer size = null; if(preds != null) size = preds.size(); int errCode = 1096; String msg = "Attempt to remove " + " and reconnect for node with " + size + " predecessors."; PlanException pe = new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); throw pe; } //A and C E nodeA = preds.get(0); Collection<E> nodeC = (mFromEdges.get(nodeB) == null? null : new ArrayList<E>(mFromEdges.get(nodeB))); //checking pre-requisite conditions if(successorRequired) { if (nodeC == null || nodeC.size() == 0) { int errCode = 1096; String msg = "Attempt to remove " + " and reconnect for node with no successors."; PlanException pe = new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); throw pe; } } List<IndexHelper<E>> indexHelpers = new ArrayList<IndexHelper<E>>(); if(nodeC != null) { for(int i = 0; i < nodeC.size(); ++i) { E c = ((List<E>)nodeC).get(i); indexHelpers.add(new IndexHelper<E>(new ArrayList<E>(getPredecessors(c)))); } } // replace B in A.succesors and add B.successors(ie C) to it replaceAndAddSucessors(nodeA, nodeB); // for all C(succs) , replace B(node) in predecessors, with A(pred) if(nodeC != null) { for(int i = 0; i < nodeC.size(); ++i) { E c = ((List<E>)nodeC).get(i); Collection<E> sPreds = mToEdges.get(c); ArrayList<E> newPreds = new ArrayList<E>(sPreds.size()); for(E p: sPreds){ if(p == nodeB){ //replace newPreds.add(nodeA); } else{ newPreds.add(p); } } mToEdges.removeKey(c); mToEdges.put(c,newPreds); } } if(removeNode) { remove(nodeB); } else { //make sure that the node does not have any dangling from and to edges mFromEdges.removeKey(nodeB); mToEdges.removeKey(nodeB); } //ensure that any existing successor of nodeB is rewired to have nodeA in place of nodeB if(nodeC != null) { for(int i = 0; i < nodeC.size(); ++i) { E c = ((List<E>)nodeC).get(i); c.rewire(nodeB, indexHelpers.get(i).getIndex(nodeB), nodeA, true); } } } private void reconnectPredecessors(E node, boolean predecessorRequired, boolean removeNode) throws PlanException { // Before: // C1 C2 C3 ... (Predecessors) // \ | / \ // X B(nodeB) Y(some successor of a Cn) // \ | // A (successor (only one) ) // should become // After: // X C1 C2 C3 ... // \ \ | / \ // A Y // the variable names are from above example E nodeB = node; List<E> nodeBsuccessors = getSuccessors(nodeB); //checking pre-requisite conditions if (nodeBsuccessors == null || nodeBsuccessors.size() != 1) { Integer size = null; if(nodeBsuccessors != null) size = nodeBsuccessors.size(); int errCode = 1096; String msg = "Attempt to remove " + " and reconnect for node with " + size + " successors."; PlanException pe = new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); throw pe; } //A and C E nodeA = nodeBsuccessors.get(0); Collection<E> nodeC = (mToEdges.get(nodeB) == null? null : new ArrayList<E>(mToEdges.get(nodeB))); //checking pre-requisite conditions if(predecessorRequired) { if (nodeC == null || nodeC.size() == 0) { int errCode = 1096; String msg = "Attempt to remove " + " and reconnect for node with no predecessors."; PlanException pe = new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); throw pe; } } // replace B in A.predecessors and add B.predecessors(ie C) to it replaceAndAddPredecessors(nodeA, nodeB); // for all C(predecessors) , replace B(node) in successors, with A(successor) if(nodeC != null) { for(E c: nodeC) { Collection<E> sPreds = mFromEdges.get(c); ArrayList<E> newPreds = new ArrayList<E>(sPreds.size()); for(E p: sPreds){ if(p == nodeB){ //replace newPreds.add(nodeA); } else{ newPreds.add(p); } } mFromEdges.removeKey(c); mFromEdges.put(c,newPreds); //rewire nodeA nodeA.rewire(nodeB, 0, c, true); } } if(removeNode) { remove(nodeB); } else { //make sure that the node does not have any dangling from and to edges mFromEdges.removeKey(nodeB); mToEdges.removeKey(nodeB); } } // removes entry for successor in list of successors of node // and adds successors of successor in its place // @param node - parent node whose entry for successor needs to be replaced // @param successor - see above private void replaceAndAddSucessors(E node, E successor) throws PlanException { Collection<E> oldSuccessors = mFromEdges.get(node); Collection<E> replacementSuccessors = mFromEdges.get(successor); ArrayList<E> newSuccessors = new ArrayList<E>(); for(E s: oldSuccessors){ if(s == successor){ if(replacementSuccessors != null) { newSuccessors.addAll(replacementSuccessors); } }else{ newSuccessors.add(s); } } mFromEdges.removeKey(node); if (!newSuccessors.isEmpty()) { mFromEdges.put(node,newSuccessors); } } // removes entry for predecessor in list of predecessors of node, // and adds predecessors of predecessor in its place // @param node - parent node whose entry for predecessor needs to be replaced // @param predecessor - see above private void replaceAndAddPredecessors(E node, E predecessor) throws PlanException { Collection<E> oldPredecessors = mToEdges.get(node); Collection<E> replacementPredecessors = mToEdges.get(predecessor); ArrayList<E> newPredecessors = new ArrayList<E>(); for(E p: oldPredecessors){ if(p == predecessor){ if(replacementPredecessors != null) { newPredecessors.addAll(replacementPredecessors); } }else{ newPredecessors.add(p); } } mToEdges.removeKey(node); if (!newPredecessors.isEmpty()) { mToEdges.put(node,newPredecessors); } } /** * Remove a node in a way that connects the node's predecessor (if any) * with the node's successors (if any). This function handles the * case where the node has *one* predecessor and one or more successors. * It replaces the predecessor in same position as node was in * each of the successors predecessor list(getPredecessors()), to * preserve input ordering * for eg, it is used to remove redundant project(*) from plan * which will have only one predecessor,but can have multiple success * @param node Node to be removed * @throws PlanException if the node has more than one predecessor */ public void removeAndReconnectMultiSucc(E node) throws PlanException { reconnectSuccessors(node, true, true); } public void dump(PrintStream ps) { ps.println("Ops"); for (E op : mOps.keySet()) { ps.println(op.name()); } ps.println("from edges"); for (E op : mFromEdges.keySet()) { for (E to : mFromEdges.get(op)) { ps.println(op.name() + " -> " + to.name()); } } ps.println("to edges"); for (E op : mToEdges.keySet()) { for (E to : mToEdges.get(op)) { ps.println(op.name() + " -> " + to.name()); } } } public void explain( OutputStream out, PrintStream ps) throws VisitorException, IOException { PlanPrinter pp = new PlanPrinter(ps, this); pp.print(out); } /** * Swap two operators in a plan. Both of the operators must have single * inputs and single outputs. * @param first operator * @param second operator * @throws PlanException if either operator is not single input and output. */ public void swap(E first, E second) throws PlanException { E firstNode = first; E secondNode = second; if(firstNode == null) { int errCode = 1092; String msg = "First operator in swap is null. Cannot swap null operators."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } if(secondNode == null) { int errCode = 1092; String msg = "Second operator in swap is null. Cannot swap null operators."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } checkInPlan(firstNode); checkInPlan(secondNode); List<E> firstNodePredecessors = (ArrayList<E>)mToEdges.get(firstNode); if(firstNodePredecessors != null && firstNodePredecessors.size() > 1) { int errCode = 1093; String msg = "Swap supports swap of operators with at most one input." + " Found first operator with " + firstNodePredecessors.size() + " inputs."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } List<E> firstNodeSuccessors = (ArrayList<E>)mFromEdges.get(firstNode); if(firstNodeSuccessors != null && firstNodeSuccessors.size() > 1) { int errCode = 1093; String msg = "Swap supports swap of operators with at most one output." + " Found first operator with " + firstNodeSuccessors.size() + " outputs."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } List<E> secondNodePredecessors = (ArrayList<E>)mToEdges.get(secondNode); if(secondNodePredecessors != null && secondNodePredecessors.size() > 1) { int errCode = 1093; String msg = "Swap supports swap of operators with at most one input." + " Found second operator with " + secondNodePredecessors.size() + " inputs."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } List<E> secondNodeSuccessors = (ArrayList<E>)mFromEdges.get(secondNode); if(secondNodeSuccessors != null && secondNodeSuccessors.size() > 1) { int errCode = 1093; String msg = "Swap supports swap of operators with at most one output." + " Found second operator with " + secondNodeSuccessors.size() + " outputs."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } E firstNodePredecessor = null; E firstNodeSuccessor = null; E secondNodePredecessor = null; E secondNodeSuccessor = null; if(firstNodePredecessors != null) { firstNodePredecessor = firstNodePredecessors.get(0); } if(firstNodeSuccessors != null) { firstNodeSuccessor = firstNodeSuccessors.get(0); } if(secondNodePredecessors != null) { secondNodePredecessor = secondNodePredecessors.get(0); } if(secondNodeSuccessors != null) { secondNodeSuccessor = secondNodeSuccessors.get(0); } boolean immediateNodes = false; if((firstNodeSuccessor == secondNode) && (secondNodePredecessor == firstNode)) { immediateNodes = true; } else if ((secondNodeSuccessor == firstNode) && (firstNodePredecessor == secondNode)) { immediateNodes = true; //swap the firstNode and secondNode E tmpNode = firstNode; firstNode = secondNode; secondNode = tmpNode; //swap the predecessor and successor nodes tmpNode = firstNodePredecessor; firstNodePredecessor = secondNodePredecessor; secondNodePredecessor = tmpNode; tmpNode = firstNodeSuccessor; firstNodeSuccessor = secondNodeSuccessor; secondNodeSuccessor = tmpNode; } if(immediateNodes) { //Replace the predecessors and successors of first and second in their respective edge lists replaceNode(firstNode, secondNodeSuccessor, firstNodeSuccessor, mFromEdges); replaceNode(firstNode, secondNode, firstNodePredecessor, mToEdges); replaceNode(secondNode, firstNode, secondNodeSuccessor, mFromEdges); replaceNode(secondNode, firstNodePredecessor, secondNodePredecessor, mToEdges); //rewire the two nodes secondNode.rewire(firstNode, 0, firstNodePredecessor, true); secondNode.regenerateProjectionMap(); firstNode.rewire(firstNodePredecessor, 0, secondNode, false); } else { //Replace the predecessors and successors of first and second in their respective edge lists replaceNode(firstNode, secondNodeSuccessor, firstNodeSuccessor, mFromEdges); replaceNode(firstNode, secondNodePredecessor, firstNodePredecessor, mToEdges); replaceNode(secondNode, firstNodeSuccessor, secondNodeSuccessor, mFromEdges); replaceNode(secondNode, firstNodePredecessor, secondNodePredecessor, mToEdges); //rewire the two nodes //here the use of true as the final parameter is questionable //there is no knowledge about how to use the projection maps firstNode.rewire(firstNodePredecessor, 0, secondNodePredecessor, true); secondNode.rewire(secondNodePredecessor, 0, firstNodePredecessor, true); } //Replace first with second in the edges list for first's predecessor and successor replaceNode(firstNodePredecessor, secondNode, firstNode, mFromEdges); replaceNode(firstNodeSuccessor, secondNode, firstNode, mToEdges); //Replace second with first in the edges list for second's predecessor and successor replaceNode(secondNodePredecessor, firstNode, secondNode, mFromEdges); replaceNode(secondNodeSuccessor, firstNode, secondNode, mToEdges); if(firstNodeSuccessor != null) { //here the use of true as the final parameter is questionable //there is no knowledge about how to use the projection maps firstNodeSuccessor.rewire(firstNode, 0, secondNode, true); } if(secondNodeSuccessor != null) { //here the use of true as the final parameter is questionable //there is no knowledge about how to use the projection maps secondNodeSuccessor.rewire(secondNode, 0, firstNode, true); } markDirty(); } /** * Push one operator in front of another. This function is for use when * the first operator has multiple inputs. The caller can specify * which input of the first operator the second operator should be pushed to. * @param first operator, assumed to have multiple inputs. * @param second operator, will be pushed in front of first * @param inputNum indicates which input of the first operator the second * operator will be pushed onto. Numbered from 0. * @throws PlanException if inputNum does not exist for first operator */ public void pushBefore(E first, E second, int inputNum) throws PlanException { E firstNode = first; E secondNode = second; if(firstNode == null) { int errCode = 1085; String msg = "First operator in pushBefore is null. Cannot pushBefore null operators."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } if(secondNode == null) { int errCode = 1085; String msg = "Second operator in pushBefore is null. Cannot pushBefore null operators."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } checkInPlan(firstNode); checkInPlan(secondNode); List<E> firstNodePredecessors = (mToEdges.get(firstNode) == null? null : new ArrayList<E>(mToEdges.get(firstNode))); if(firstNodePredecessors == null || firstNodePredecessors.size() <= 1) { int size = (firstNodePredecessors == null ? 0 : firstNodePredecessors.size()); int errCode = 1086; String msg = "First operator in pushBefore should have multiple inputs." + " Found first operator with " + size + " inputs."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } if(inputNum >= firstNodePredecessors.size()) { int errCode = 1087; String msg = "The inputNum " + inputNum + " should be lesser than the number of inputs of the first operator." + " Found first operator with " + firstNodePredecessors.size() + " inputs."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } List<E> firstNodeSuccessors = (mFromEdges.get(firstNode) == null? null : new ArrayList<E>(mFromEdges.get(firstNode))); if(firstNodeSuccessors == null) { int errCode = 1088; String msg = "First operator in pushBefore should have at least one output." + " Found first operator with no outputs."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } List<E> secondNodePredecessors = (mToEdges.get(secondNode) == null? null : new ArrayList<E>(mToEdges.get(secondNode))); if(secondNodePredecessors == null || secondNodePredecessors.size() > 1) { int size = (secondNodePredecessors == null ? 0 : secondNodePredecessors.size()); int errCode = 1088; String msg = "Second operator in pushBefore should have one input." + " Found second operator with " + size + " inputs."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } List<E> secondNodeSuccessors = (mFromEdges.get(secondNode) == null? null : new ArrayList<E>(mFromEdges.get(secondNode))); //check for multiple edges from first to second int edgesFromFirstToSecond = 0; for(E node: firstNodeSuccessors) { if(node == secondNode) { ++edgesFromFirstToSecond; } } if(edgesFromFirstToSecond == 0) { int errCode = 1089; String msg = "Second operator in pushBefore should be the successor of the First operator."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } else if (edgesFromFirstToSecond > 1) { int errCode = 1090; String msg = "Second operator can have at most one incoming edge from First operator." + " Found " + edgesFromFirstToSecond + " edges."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } //check if E (i.e., firstNode) can support multiple outputs before we short-circuit if(!firstNode.supportsMultipleOutputs()) { int numSecondNodeSuccessors = (secondNodeSuccessors == null? 0 : secondNodeSuccessors.size()); if((firstNodeSuccessors.size() > 0) || (numSecondNodeSuccessors > 0)) { int errCode = 1091; String msg = "First operator does not support multiple outputs." + " On completing the pushBefore operation First operator will end up with " + (firstNodeSuccessors.size() + numSecondNodeSuccessors) + " edges."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } } //Assume that we have a graph which is like // A B C D // \ | | / // E // / | \ // F G H // / | \ // I J K // //Now pushBefore(E, G, 1) //This can be done using the following sequence of transformations //1. Promote G's successors as E's successors using reconnectSuccessors(G) //2. Insert G between B and E using insertBetween(B, G, E) //The graphs after each step //Step 1 - Note that G is standing alone // A B C D G // \ | | / // E // / / | \ \ // F I J K H //Step 2 // B // | // A G C D // \ | | / // E // / / | \ \ // F I J K H reconnectSuccessors(secondNode, false, false); doInsertBetween(firstNodePredecessors.get(inputNum), secondNode, firstNode, false); //A note on the use of rewire //Rewire is used within reconnectPredecessors. However, rewire is explicitly turned off in insertBetween //The rewiring is done explicitly here to avoid exceptions that are generated due to precondition //violations in insertBetween secondNode.rewire(firstNode, inputNum, firstNodePredecessors.get(inputNum), true); secondNode.regenerateProjectionMap(); firstNode.rewire(firstNodePredecessors.get(inputNum), 0, secondNode, false); markDirty(); return; } /** * Push one operator after another. This function is for use when the second * operator has multiple outputs. The caller can specify which output of the * second operator the first operator should be pushed to. * @param first operator, assumed to have multiple outputs * @param second operator, will be pushed after the first operator * @param outputNum indicates which output of the first operator the second * operator will be pushed onto. Numbered from 0. * @throws PlanException if outputNum does not exist for first operator */ public void pushAfter(E first, E second, int outputNum) throws PlanException { E firstNode = first; E secondNode = second; if(firstNode == null) { int errCode = 1085; String msg = "First operator in pushAfter is null. Cannot pushBefore null operators."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } if(secondNode == null) { int errCode = 1085; String msg = "Second operator in pushAfter is null. Cannot pushBefore null operators."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } checkInPlan(firstNode); checkInPlan(secondNode); List<E> firstNodePredecessors = (mToEdges.get(firstNode) == null? null : new ArrayList<E>(mToEdges.get(firstNode))); if(firstNodePredecessors == null) { int errCode = 1088; String msg = "First operator in pushAfter should have at least one input." + " Found first operator with no inputs."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } List<E> firstNodeSuccessors = (mFromEdges.get(firstNode) == null? null: new ArrayList<E>(mFromEdges.get(firstNode))); if(firstNodeSuccessors == null || firstNodeSuccessors.size() <= 1) { int size = (firstNodeSuccessors == null ? 0 : firstNodeSuccessors.size()); int errCode = 1086; String msg = "First operator in pushAfter should have multiple outputs." + " Found first operator with " + size + " outputs."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } if(outputNum >= firstNodeSuccessors.size()) { int errCode = 1087; String msg = "The outputNum " + outputNum + " should be lesser than the number of outputs of the first operator." + " Found first operator with " + firstNodeSuccessors.size() + " outputs."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } List<E> secondNodePredecessors = (mToEdges.get(secondNode) == null? null : new ArrayList<E>(mToEdges.get(secondNode))); List<E> secondNodeSuccessors = (mFromEdges.get(secondNode) == null? null : new ArrayList<E>(mFromEdges.get(secondNode))); if(secondNodeSuccessors == null || secondNodeSuccessors.size() > 1) { int size = (secondNodeSuccessors == null ? 0 : secondNodeSuccessors.size()); int errCode = 1088; String msg = "Second operator in pushAfter should have one output." + " Found second operator with " + size + " outputs."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } //check for multiple edges from second to first int edgesFromSecondToFirst = 0; for(E node: secondNodeSuccessors) { if(node == firstNode) { ++edgesFromSecondToFirst; } } if(edgesFromSecondToFirst == 0) { int errCode = 1089; String msg = "Second operator in pushAfter should be the predecessor of the First operator."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } else if (edgesFromSecondToFirst > 1) { int errCode = 1090; String msg = "Second operator can have at most one outgoing edge from First operator." + " Found " + edgesFromSecondToFirst + " edges."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } //check if E (i.e., firstNode) can support multiple outputs before we short-circuit if(!firstNode.supportsMultipleInputs()) { int numSecondNodePredecessors = (secondNodePredecessors == null? 0 : secondNodePredecessors.size()); //if((firstNodePredecessors.size() > 0) || (numSecondNodePredecessors > 0)) { if(numSecondNodePredecessors > 1) { int errCode = 1091; String msg = "First operator does not support multiple inputs." + " On completing the pushAfter operation First operator will end up with " + (firstNodePredecessors.size() + numSecondNodePredecessors) + " edges."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } } //Assume that we have a graph which is like // A B C D // \ | | / // E // | // G // / | \ // I J K // //Now pushAfter(G, E, 1) //This can be done using the following sequence of transformations //1. Promote E's predecessors as G's predecessors using reconnectPredecessors(E) //2. Insert E between G and J using insertBetween(G, E, J) //The graphs after each step //Step 1 - Note that E is standing alone // A B C D E // \ | | / // G // / | \ // I J K //Step 2 // A B C D // \ | | / // G // / | \ // I E K // | // J reconnectPredecessors(secondNode, false, false); doInsertBetween(firstNode, secondNode, firstNodeSuccessors.get(outputNum), false); //A note on the use of rewire //Rewire is used within reconnectPredecessors. However, rewire is explicitly turned off in insertBetween //The rewiring is done explicitly here to avoid exceptions that are generated due to precodition //violations in insertBetween if(secondNodePredecessors != null) { for(int i = 0; i < secondNodePredecessors.size(); ++i) { E secondNodePred = secondNodePredecessors.get(i); secondNode.rewire(secondNodePred, i, firstNode, true); } } secondNode.regenerateProjectionMap(); firstNodeSuccessors.get(outputNum).rewire(firstNode, 0, secondNode, false); markDirty(); return; } /* * A helper class that computes the index of each reference in a list for a quick lookup */ public static class IndexHelper <E> { private Map<E, Integer> mIndex = null; public IndexHelper(List<E> list) { if(list != null) { if(list.size() != 0) { mIndex = new HashMap<E, Integer>(); for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { mIndex.put(list.get(i), i); } } } } public int getIndex(E e) { if(mIndex == null || mIndex.size() == 0) return -1; return mIndex.get(e); } } }