package gwtupload.client; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import static gwtupload.shared.UConsts.PARAM_SESSION; import static gwtupload.shared.UConsts.TAG_SESSION_ID; public interface ISession { public static class CORSSessionParameter extends Session { @Override protected void setSessionId(String s) { super.setSessionId(s); s = s == null? "" : (";jsessionid=" + s); servletPath = servletPath.replaceFirst("^(.+)(/[^/\\?;]*)(;[^/\\?]*|)(\\?|/$|$)(.*)", "$1$2" + s + "$4$5"); System.err.println("CORS Session: " + servletPath); } } public static class CORSSession extends Session { @Override protected RequestBuilder createRequest(Method method, int timeout, String... params) { RequestBuilder req = super.createRequest(method, timeout, params); req.setIncludeCredentials(true); return req; } } public static class Session implements ISession { String sessionId; String servletPath = "servlet.gupld"; public static ISession createSession(String path, RequestCallback callback) { Session ret; if (path.startsWith("http")) { ret = GWT.create(CORSSession.class); } else { ret = GWT.create(Session.class); } ret.servletPath = path; ret.getSession(callback); return ret; } /** * Sends a request to the server in order to get the session cookie, * when the response with the session comes, it submits the form. * * This is needed because this client application usually is part of * static files, and the server doesn't set the session until dynamic pages * are requested. * * If we submit the form without a session, the server creates a new * one and send a cookie in the response, but the response with the * cookie comes to the client at the end of the request, and in the * meanwhile the client needs to know the session in order to ask * the server for the upload status. */ public void getSession(final RequestCallback callback) { sendRequest("session", new RequestCallback() { public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { String s = Cookies.getCookie("JSESSIONID"); if (s == null) { s = Utils.getXmlNodeValue(XMLParser.parse(response.getText()), TAG_SESSION_ID); } setSessionId(s); callback.onResponseReceived(request, response); } public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { setSessionId(null); callback.onError(request, exception); } }, PARAM_SESSION + "=true"); } protected void setSessionId(String s) { sessionId = s; } public String getServletPath() { return servletPath; } public void sendRequest(String payload, RequestCallback callback, String... params) { // Using a reusable builder makes IE fail RequestBuilder reqBuilder = createRequest(RequestBuilder.GET, DEFAULT_AJAX_TIMEOUT, params); try { reqBuilder.sendRequest(payload, callback); } catch (RequestException e) { callback.onError(null, e); } } protected RequestBuilder createRequest(Method method, int timeout, String...params) { RequestBuilder reqBuilder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, composeURL(params)); reqBuilder.setTimeoutMillis(timeout); return reqBuilder; } public String composeURL(String... params) { String ret = servletPath; ret = ret.replaceAll("[\\?&]+$", ""); String sep = ret.contains("?") ? "&" : "?"; for (String par : params) { ret += sep + par; sep = "&"; } for (Entry<String, List<String>> e : Window.Location.getParameterMap().entrySet()) { ret += sep + e.getKey() + "=" + e.getValue().get(0); } ret += sep + "random=" + Math.random(); return ret; } } static final int DEFAULT_AJAX_TIMEOUT = 10000; public void getSession(RequestCallback callback); public String composeURL(String... params); public void sendRequest(String name, RequestCallback callback, String... params); public String getServletPath(); }