package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class FieldBindingUtil { public static ViewBindings printHandlerBindings( JClassType classType, JClassType widgetOrViewType, SourceWriter sourceWriter, TypeOracle typeOracle, TreeLogger logger, boolean isViewInterface) throws UnableToCompleteException { JClassType domEventType = null; try { domEventType = typeOracle.getType(DomEvent.class.getName()); } catch (NotFoundException e) { logger.log(logger.ERROR, "Could not locate source for '" + DomEvent.class.getName() + "'"); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } Map<JClassType, List<BindingData>> knownHandledTypes = new HashMap<JClassType, List<BindingData>>(); for (JMethod m : classType.getMethods()) { if (m.getParameters().length == 1 && m.getParameters()[0].getType().isClassOrInterface() .isAssignableTo(domEventType)) { JClassType eventType = m.getParameters()[0].getType() .isClassOrInterface(); JClassType fieldType = null; JMethod viewMethod = null; String[] parts = m.getName().split("[$]"); if (parts.length >= 2) { // sanity check for (int i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; i++) { if (isViewInterface) { JClassType superclass = widgetOrViewType; while (superclass != null && viewMethod == null) { for (JMethod method : superclass.getMethods()) { String name = method.getName(); if (name.startsWith("get") && name.length() > 3) { name = name.substring(3, 4).toLowerCase() + name.substring(4); } if (parts[i].equals(name)) { viewMethod = method; break; } } superclass = superclass.getSuperclass(); } } else { JField field = classType.getField(parts[i]); if (null != field) fieldType = classType.getField(parts[i]).getType() .isClassOrInterface(); } if (isViewInterface) { if (null == viewMethod) { logger.log( logger.ERROR, "Could not find view method '" + parts[i] + "' referenced by method '" + m.getName() + "' in '" + classType.getName() + "'"); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } else { if (null == fieldType) { logger.log( logger.ERROR, "Could not find field '" + parts[i] + "' referenced by method '" + m.getName() + "' in '" + classType.getName() + "'"); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } } // get the handler method name String handlerName = null; JClassType handlerType = null; JClassType superClassType = m.getParameters()[0].getType() .isClassOrInterface().getSuperclass(); while (null != superClassType && null == handlerName) { JParameterizedType type = superClassType .isParameterized(); if (null != type && type.getTypeArgs().length == 1) { handlerType = type.getTypeArgs()[0] .isClassOrInterface(); // we need to figure out the handler name if (null == handlerName) { JClassType _check = null; if (isViewInterface) _check = viewMethod.getReturnType().isClassOrInterface(); else _check = fieldType; while (_check != null && handlerName == null) { for (JMethod method : _check.getMethods()) { if (method.getParameters().length == 1 && method.getParameters()[0] .getType() .equals(handlerType)) { handlerName = method.getName(); break; } } if (null != handlerName) break; _check = _check.getSuperclass(); } } if (null != handlerName) break; else { logger.log( logger.ERROR, "Could not find event name for '" + handlerType.getQualifiedBinaryName() + "' on '" + fieldType.getQualifiedBinaryName() + "'"); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } else { superClassType = superClassType.getSuperclass(); } } if (null == handlerType) { logger.log( logger.ERROR, "Could not find handler type for '" + m.getName() + "'"); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } if (null == handlerName) { logger.log( logger.ERROR, "Could not find event name for '" + handlerType.getQualifiedBinaryName() + "'"); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } for (int i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; i++) { List<BindingData> fields = knownHandledTypes .get(handlerType); if (null == fields) { fields = new ArrayList<BindingData>(); knownHandledTypes.put(handlerType, fields); } BindingData bindingData = new BindingData(); bindingData.eventType = eventType; bindingData.handlerType = handlerType; bindingData.fieldName = parts[i]; bindingData.method = m; bindingData.viewMethod = viewMethod; bindingData.addHandlerMethodName = handlerName; fields.add(bindingData); } } } } ViewBindings bindings = new ViewBindings(); bindings.handledEvents = knownHandledTypes; bindings.viewClassType = widgetOrViewType; return bindings; } public static void printHandlerBindingsInnerClass( ViewBindings bindings, JClassType classType, SourceWriter sourceWriter, TypeOracle typeOracle, TreeLogger logger, boolean isViewInterface) throws UnableToCompleteException { Map<JClassType, List<BindingData>> handledEvents = bindings.handledEvents; sourceWriter.println(); sourceWriter.println("protected void bindHandlers() {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter .println("_Handler _handler = (_Handler) getHandlerCache();"); for (Map.Entry<JClassType, List<BindingData>> entry : handledEvents.entrySet()) { for (BindingData bd : entry.getValue()) { if (isViewInterface) sourceWriter.println("_handler.add(((" + bindings.viewClassType.getQualifiedSourceName() + ") getView())." + bd.viewMethod.getName() + "()." + bd.addHandlerMethodName + "(_handler));"); else sourceWriter.println("_handler.add(" + bd.fieldName + "." + bd.addHandlerMethodName + "(_handler));"); } } sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); sourceWriter.println(); sourceWriter.println("protected " + HandlerRegistrationCache.class.getName() + " createHandlerCache() {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter.println("return new _Handler();"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); sourceWriter.println(); sourceWriter.print("private class _Handler extends " + HandlerRegistrationCache.class.getName() + " "); boolean started = false; for (JClassType handlerType : handledEvents.keySet()) { if (started) sourceWriter.print(", "); else { sourceWriter.print("implements "); started = true; } sourceWriter.print(handlerType.getQualifiedBinaryName()); } sourceWriter.println(" {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter .println("private List<HandlerRegistration> regs = new ArrayList<HandlerRegistration>();"); for (Map.Entry<JClassType, List<BindingData>> entry : handledEvents .entrySet()) { sourceWriter.print("public void "); JClassType handler = entry.getKey(); if (handler.getMethods().length == 1) { sourceWriter.print(handler.getMethods()[0].getName()); sourceWriter.print("("); sourceWriter.print(handler.getMethods()[0].getParameters()[0] .getType().isClassOrInterface() .getQualifiedBinaryName()); sourceWriter.println(" event) {"); sourceWriter.indent(); if (isViewInterface) { sourceWriter.println(bindings.viewClassType.getQualifiedSourceName() + " view = (" + bindings.viewClassType.getQualifiedSourceName() + ") getView();"); } for (BindingData bindingData : entry.getValue()) { if (isViewInterface) { sourceWriter.println("if (event.getSource().equals(view." + bindingData.viewMethod.getName() + "())) { " + bindingData.method.getName() + "(event); }"); } else { sourceWriter.println("if (event.getSource().equals(" + bindingData.fieldName + ")) { " + bindingData.method.getName() + "(event); }"); } } sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } else { logger.log(logger.ERROR, "Invalid event handler - has more than 1 method '" + handler.getName() + "'"); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } public static class BindingData { public String fieldName; public JMethod method; public JMethod viewMethod; public String addHandlerMethodName; public JClassType eventType; public JClassType handlerType; } public static class ViewBindings { public Map<JClassType, List<BindingData>> handledEvents; public JClassType viewClassType; } }