package org.timepedia.exporter.test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.Export; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExportClosure; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExportConstructor; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExportInstanceMethod; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExportJsInitMethod; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExportOverlay; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExportPackage; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExportStaticMethod; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.Exportable; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExporterUtil; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.NoExport; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.test.JsTestUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class CoreTestGwt extends GWTTestCase { JsTestUtil jsTest = new JsTestUtil(CoreTestGwt.class); @Override public String getModuleName() { return "org.timepedia.exporter.Test"; } public void test() { GWT.create(C.class); runJsTests1(jsTest); if (jsTest.isFailed()) fail(jsTest.getFailed()); ExporterUtil.export(false); runJsTests2(jsTest); if (jsTest.isFailed()) fail(jsTest.getFailed()); } ///////////////////// Classes used to test types, arrays, static, public, override @ExportPackage("gwt") @Export public static class HelloAbstract implements Exportable { public String helloAbstract(){ return this.getClass().getName(); } @NoExport public String noHelloAbstract(){ return this.getClass().getName(); } } @ExportPackage("gwt") @Export("HelloClass") public static class HelloClass extends HelloAbstract implements Exportable { public String hello(){ return this.getClass().getName(); } public static String[] test0(char c, byte b, int i, double d, float f, String s, Object o, Exportable e) { String[] ret = new String[8]; ret[0] = "" + (int)c; ret[1] = "" + b; ret[2] = "" + i; ret[3] = "" + d; ret[4] = "" + f; ret[5] = "" + s; ret[6] = "" + o.getClass().getName(); ret[7] = "" + e.getClass().getName(); return ret; } public static int[] test1(char[]c, byte[] b, int[] i, double[]d, float[] f, long[] l, String[] s, Object[] o, Exportable[] e) { int[] ret = new int[9]; ret[0] = c.length; ret[1] = b.length; ret[2] = i.length; ret[3] = d.length; ret[4] = f.length; ret[5] = l.length; ret[6] = s.length; ret[7] = o.length; ret[8] = e.length; return ret; } public static long[] test2() { return new long[]{1l,2l}; } public static Exportable[] test3() { return new HelloClass[]{new HelloClass()}; } public static char test4() { return 1; } public static byte test5() { return 2; } public static int test6() { return 3; } public static double test7() { return 4; } public static float test8() { return 5; } public static String test9() { return "A"; } public static JavaScriptObject test10() { return new Label("").getElement(); } public static long test11() { return 6; } public static String test12(long l){ return "" + l; } public static long test13(long l, double d) { return l + (long)d; } public long test14(long l, double d, long[] a) { return l + (long)d + a[0]; } public long[] test15(long[] a) { return a; } public static String test16(long l) { return "" + l; } public static long test16(long a, long b) { return (a + b); } public String test17(long l) { return "" + l; } public long test17(long a, long b) { return (a + b); } public static String test18(String a, String[] b) { return a + "_" + b.length; } public static String test18(String a, String b, String[] c) { return a + "_" + b + "_" + c.length; } public String test19(String a, String[] b) { return test18(a, b); } public String test19(String a, String b, String[] c) { return test18(a, b, c); } public static String test20(String a, long b, String...c) { return a + "_" + b + "_" + c.length; } public String test21(String a, long b, String...c) { return test20(a, b, c); } public static Date test22(Date d) { return d; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public String test23(Date...ds) { String ret = ""; for (Date d : ds) { ret += d.getYear() + "-"; } return ret; } public Date[] test24() { Date[] ret = new Date[1]; ret[0] = new Date(0); return ret; } public boolean test25(boolean a) { return a; } public boolean test26(long l) { return l > 2; } public boolean test27(boolean a) { return a; } public boolean test27(boolean a, boolean b, long l) { return a && b && l > 2; } } ///////////////////// Classes used to test closures @ExportPackage("gwt") @Export("Foo") public static class Foo implements Exportable { String n = "foo"; public Foo() { } public Foo(String id) { n= id; } public Foo(String id, String a) { n= id + a; } public String toString(){ return n; } public String toString(String a){ return n + ">" + a; } @ExportClosure public interface Closure extends Exportable { public String execute(String par1, String par2); } public String executeJsClosure(Closure closure){ return closure.execute("Hello", "Friend"); } } ///////////////////// Classes used to test that we can mark methods in interfaces public static interface MInterface extends Exportable { @Export String m1(); String m1(int a); @Export String m1(int a, int b); } public static abstract class MBase implements MInterface { @Export public String m0() { return "m0"; } public String m1() { return "m1"; } public String m1(int a) { return "m1-" + a; } public String m1(int a, int b) { return "m1-" + a + b; } @Export public String m2() { return "m2"; } } ///////////////////// Classes used to test that unused parent classes are not exported @ExportPackage("gwt") public static class MClass extends MBase { @Export public String m0() { return "om0"; } @Export public String m3() { return "m3"; } public String m4() { return "m4"; } @Export public final String f() { return "final"; } } @ExportPackage("gwt") public static class A implements Exportable { public B convertToB() { return new B(); } @Export public String foo() { return "foo"; } @Export public String toString() { return this.getClass().getName().replaceAll("^.+[\\.\\$]", ""); } } @ExportPackage("gwt") public static class B extends A { public C convertToC() { return new C(); } public String toString() { return "A"; } } @ExportPackage("gwt") public static class C extends A { @Export public A convertToA() { return new A(); } } ///////////////////// Classes used to test exported methods in parent classes if export.all = true. And name-spaces public static class Parent { public String m(String a) { return a; } public String getParentName(Parent p) { return p.getClass().getName().replaceAll("^.*[\\.\\$]", ""); } public Parent parent() { return this; } } @Export(value = "$$", all = true) @ExportPackage("") public static class Son extends Parent implements Exportable { @Export public String f = "F"; @Export("sonName") public String getSonName(Son c) { return super.getParentName(c); } @Export("$wnd.$$$") public static String $() { return "$$$"; } } ///////////////////// Classes used to test export overlay public static class Func { public boolean f(Element e) { return true; } } public static class GQ implements Exportable { private String echoMsg = "empty"; @ExportConstructor public static GQ $(String s) { GQ ret = new GQ(); ret.echoMsg = s; return ret; } public String echo() { return echoMsg; }; public Element element() { return Document.get().getDocumentElement(); }; public Element[] elements() { ArrayList<Element> e = new ArrayList<Element>(); e.add(element()); return e.toArray(new Element[0]); }; public String countElements(Element... elms) { return "" + elms.length; } public GQ[] exports() { ArrayList<GQ> j = new ArrayList<GQ>(); j.add(this); return j.toArray(new GQ[0]); } public GQ gq() { return this; } public boolean executeFunction(Func... f) { boolean ret = false; for (Func ff : f) { ret = ret || ff.f(element()); } return ret; } public boolean executeFunction(String s, Func... f) { boolean ret = executeFunction(f); return ret; } public GQ executeFunction2(Func... f) { echoMsg = "ret-" + executeFunction(f); return this; } public String executeClosure(Clos f) { return f.execute("A", "B"); } public String executeClosure(int i, Clos f) { return f.execute("A", "B"); } } @ExportPackage("gwt") @Export("j") public static class JQ implements ExportOverlay<GQ> { public String echo() {return null;} public Element element(){return null;} public Element[] elements(){return null;} public String countElements(Element... elms){return null;} public GQ[] exports() {return null;} public GQ gq() {return null;} public boolean executeFunction(Func... f) {return false;} public boolean executeFunction(String s, Func... f) {return false;} public GQ executeFunction2(Func... f) {return null;} public String executeClosure(Clos f) {return null;} public String executeClosure(int a, Clos f) {return null;} @Export("$wnd.$") public static GQ $(String s){return null;}; } @ExportClosure public interface Clos extends Exportable { public String execute(String par1, String par2); } @ExportClosure() public interface FuncClos extends ExportOverlay<Func> { public boolean f(Element e); } ///////////////////// Class used to test static constructors @ExportPackage("gwt") @Export("c") public static class TestConstructors implements Exportable { private static TestConstructors instance; private String msg; @ExportConstructor public static TestConstructors constructor(String msg) { if (instance == null) { instance = new TestConstructors(); instance.msg = msg; } return instance; } // Constructor is private private TestConstructors() { } public String echo() { return msg; } } // ExportOverlay issue_30 public static class Child { private String name; public Child(String cname) { name = cname; } public String getName1() { return name; } public String getName2(long l) { return name + l; } public String getName3(Child c) { return c==null? "NULL" :c.getName1(); } public String wrapped_method(long l) {return "" + l;} } public static class Mother { Child child; public void setChild(Child c) {child = c;} public Child getChild() {return child;} } @ExportPackage("ex") @Export("Child") public static class XChild implements ExportOverlay<Child>{ public XChild(String s){} @Export("name") public String getName1() {return null;} @Export("name") public String getName2(long l) {return null;} @Export("name") public String getName3(Child c) {return null;} @ExportConstructor public static Child constructor(String name, String surname) { return new Child(name + " " + surname); } @ExportInstanceMethod("foo") public static String instanceMethod(Child instance, String name, String surname, long l) { return name + "-" + surname + "-Foo-" + l; } @ExportInstanceMethod("foo") public static String instanceMethod(Child instance, String name) { return name + "-Caa"; } @ExportStaticMethod("sfoo") public static String staticMethod(String name) { return name + "-Cas"; } @ExportStaticMethod("sfoo") public static String staticMethod(long l) { return l + "-Cas"; } public String wrapped_method(long l) {return null;} } @ExportPackage("ex") @Export("Mother") public static class XMother implements ExportOverlay<Mother>{ public void setChild(Child c) {} public Child getChild() {return null;} } public static class Q { private NodeList<Element> nodeList = JavaScriptObject.createArray().cast(); public Q() { nodeList = Document.get().<Element>cast().getElementsByTagName("body"); } public int size() { return nodeList.getLength(); } public NodeList<Element> get() { return nodeList; } } @ExportPackage("") @Export("JQ") public static class EJQ implements ExportOverlay<Q> { public int size(){return -1;} @ExportJsInitMethod public NodeList<Element> get(){return null;} } public native JavaScriptObject runJsTests1(JsTestUtil jsTest) /*-{ var assertEq = function(a, b) {jsTest.@org.timepedia.exporter.client.test.JsTestUtil::assertEquals(*)(a, b);} try { var c = new $wnd.gwt.C(); assertEq("C", c); assertEq("C", c.toString()); var a = c.convertToA(); assertEq("A", a); a = new $wnd.gwt.A(); assertEq("A", a); // GWT.create(C) should not export B var c = $wnd.gwt.B ? "defined" : "undefined"; assertEq("undefined", c); } catch(e) { assertEq(null, "JS Exception: " + e); }; }-*/; public native JavaScriptObject runJsTests2(JsTestUtil jsTest) /*-{ var assertEq = function(a, b) {jsTest.@org.timepedia.exporter.client.test.JsTestUtil::assertEquals(*)(a, b);} try { var h = new $wnd.gwt.HelloClass(); assertEq("1,2,3,4,5,S,JavaScriptObject,HelloClass", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test0(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "S", window.document, h)); assertEq("1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,1", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test1([0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [1,2], ["a","b"], [window,document], [h])); assertEq("1,2", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test2()); assertEq("HelloClass", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test3()[0].hello()); assertEq("HelloClass", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test3()[0].helloAbstract()); assertEq("undefined", "" + $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test3()[0].noHelloAbstract); assertEq("1", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test4(1, "A")); assertEq("2", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test5()); assertEq("3", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test6()); assertEq("4", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test7()); assertEq("5", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test8()); assertEq("A", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test9()); assertEq("div", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test10().tagName.toLowerCase()); assertEq("6", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test11()); assertEq("1", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test12(1)); assertEq("5", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test13(2, 3)); assertEq("4", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test16(4)); assertEq("14", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test16(4, 10)); assertEq("a_2", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test18("a", ["b", "c"])); assertEq("a_b_1", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test18("a", "b", ["c"])); assertEq("a_1_0", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test20("a", 1)); assertEq("a_1_3", $wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test20("a", 1, "a", "e", "i")); assertEq("1970", "" + ($wnd.gwt.HelloClass.test22(new Date(0)).getYear() + 1900)); var h = new $wnd.gwt.HelloClass(); assertEq("102", h.test14(1, 1, [100])); assertEq("100,200", h.test15([100, 200])); assertEq("5", h.test17(5)); assertEq("15", h.test17(5,10)); assertEq("a_2", h.test19("a", ["b", "c"])); assertEq("a_b_1", h.test19("a", "b", ["c"])); assertEq("a_1_0", h.test21("a", 1)); assertEq("a_1_3", h.test21("a", 1, "a", "e", "i")); assertEq("70-111-", h.test23(new Date(50680), new Date(1309777010000))); assertEq("70", "" + h.test24()[0].getYear()); assertEq("true", h.test25(true)); assertEq("false", h.test25(false)); assertEq("true", h.test26(3)); assertEq("true", h.test27(true, true, 3)); var v1 = new $wnd.gwt.Foo(); assertEq("foo", v1); var v2 = new $wnd.gwt.Foo("foo2"); assertEq("foo2", v2); var v3 = new $wnd.gwt.Foo("foo3", "bbb"); assertEq("foo3bbb", v3); assertEq("foo3bbb>ccc", v3.toString("ccc")); assertEq("Hello,Friend", v3.executeJsClosure(function(arg1, arg2) { return arg1 + "," + arg2; })); var m = new $wnd.gwt.MClass(); assertEq("om0", m.m0()); assertEq("m1", m.m1()); assertEq("m1-23", m.m1(2, 3)); assertEq("m2", m.m2()); assertEq("m2", m.m2()); assertEq("m3", m.m3()); var m5 = $wnd.gwt.MClass.m5 ? "defined" : "undefined"; assertEq("undefined", m5); assertEq("final", m.f()); // exportAll must export B var c = $wnd.gwt.B ? "defined" : "undefined"; assertEq("defined", c); var ch = new $wnd.$$(); assertEq("Son", ch.sonName(ch)); assertEq("Son", ch.getParentName(ch.parent())); assertEq("$$$", $wnd.$$$()); // export overlay var gq = new $wnd.$('hello'); assertEq("hello", gq.echo()); assertEq("hello",; var ex = gq.exports(); assertEq("hello", ex[0].echo()); assertEq("0", gq.countElements()); assertEq("1", gq.countElements(document)); assertEq("2", gq.countElements([document, window])); assertEq("object", (typeof gq.element())); assertEq("object", (typeof gq.elements()[0])); assertEq('whatever', gq.executeClosure(function(){return 'whatever';})); assertEq('false', gq.executeFunction(function(e){return e == null;})); assertEq('true', gq.executeFunction(function(e){return false;}, function(e){return e != null;})); assertEq('ret-true', gq.executeFunction2(function(e){return true;}).gq().echo()); assertEq('ret-false', gq.executeFunction2(function(e){return false;}).echo()); // export static constructors var cs1 = new $wnd.gwt.c('hello'); assertEq("hello", cs1.echo()); var cs2 = new $wnd.gwt.c('by'); assertEq("hello", cs2.echo()); // more tests for exportoverlay var child = new $wnd.ex.Child("Bill"); var mother = new $wnd.ex.Mother(); mother.setChild(child); assertEq("Bill", mother.getChild().name()); assertEq("Bill2", mother.getChild().name(2)); assertEq("Joe", $wnd.ex.Child("Joe"))); assertEq("s1-s2-Foo-2",'s1', 's2', 2)); assertEq("s1-Caa",'s1')); assertEq("null-Caa",; assertEq("s-Cas", $wnd.ex.Child.sfoo('s')); assertEq("2-Cas", $wnd.ex.Child.sfoo(2)); // tests for ExportJsInit var jq = new $wnd.JQ(); assertEq("1", "" + jq.length); assertEq("1", "" + jq.size()); } catch(e) { assertEq(null, "JS Exception: " + e); }; }-*/; public static class Person { private String name; public Person(String cname) { name = cname; } public String getName() { return name; } } @ExportPackage("ex") @Export("Man") public static class XPerson implements ExportOverlay<Person>{ public XPerson(String s) { } public String getName() { return null; } @ExportConstructor public static Person constructor(String name, String surname) { return new Person(name + " " + surname); } @ExportInstanceMethod("foo") public static String instanceMethod(Person instance, String surname) { return instance.getName() + "-" + surname + " foo"; } @ExportStaticMethod("sfoo") public static String staticMethod(String name) { return name + " sfoo"; } } }