/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Wayne Meissner * * This file is part of gstreamer-java. * * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with this work. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.gstreamer.lowlevel; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.URI; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.gstreamer.ClockTime; import org.gstreamer.QueryType; import org.gstreamer.glib.GQuark; import org.gstreamer.lowlevel.annotations.CallerOwnsReturn; import org.gstreamer.lowlevel.annotations.ConstField; import org.gstreamer.lowlevel.annotations.FreeReturnValue; import org.gstreamer.lowlevel.annotations.IncRef; import org.gstreamer.lowlevel.annotations.Invalidate; import com.sun.jna.CallbackParameterContext; import com.sun.jna.FromNativeContext; import com.sun.jna.FromNativeConverter; import com.sun.jna.MethodParameterContext; import com.sun.jna.MethodResultContext; import com.sun.jna.Pointer; import com.sun.jna.StructureReadContext; import com.sun.jna.ToNativeContext; import com.sun.jna.ToNativeConverter; import com.sun.jna.TypeConverter; /** * * @author wayne */ public class GTypeMapper extends com.sun.jna.DefaultTypeMapper { public GTypeMapper() { addTypeConverter(QueryType.class, querytypeConverter); addToNativeConverter(URI.class, uriConverter); addTypeConverter(ClockTime.class, clocktimeConverter); } private static ToNativeConverter nativeValueArgumentConverter = new ToNativeConverter() { public Object toNative(Object arg, ToNativeContext context) { return arg != null ? ((NativeValue) arg).nativeValue() : null; } public Class<?> nativeType() { return Void.class; // not really correct, but not used in this instance } }; private static TypeConverter clocktimeConverter = new TypeConverter() { public Object fromNative(Object arg, FromNativeContext arg1) { return ClockTime.valueOf((Long) arg, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } public Class<?> nativeType() { return long.class; } public Object toNative(Object arg, ToNativeContext arg1) { return arg != null ? ((ClockTime) arg).convertTo(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) : 0L; } }; private static TypeConverter nativeObjectConverter = new TypeConverter() { public Object toNative(Object arg, ToNativeContext context) { if (arg == null) { return null; } Pointer ptr = ((NativeObject) arg).handle(); // // Deal with any adjustments to the proxy neccessitated by gstreamer // breaking their reference-counting idiom with special cases // if (context instanceof MethodParameterContext) { MethodParameterContext mcontext = (MethodParameterContext) context; Method method = mcontext.getMethod(); int index = mcontext.getParameterIndex(); Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = method.getParameterAnnotations(); if (index < parameterAnnotations.length) { Annotation[] annotations = parameterAnnotations[index]; for (int i = 0; i < annotations.length; ++i) { if (annotations[i] instanceof Invalidate) { ((Handle) arg).invalidate(); break; } else if (annotations[i] instanceof IncRef) { ((RefCountedObject) arg).ref(); break; } } } } return ptr; } @SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked") public Object fromNative(Object result, FromNativeContext context) { if (result == null) { return null; } if (context instanceof MethodResultContext) { // // By default, gstreamer increments the refcount on objects // returned from functions, so drop a ref here // boolean ownsHandle = ((MethodResultContext) context).getMethod().isAnnotationPresent(CallerOwnsReturn.class); int refadj = ownsHandle ? -1 : 0; return NativeObject.objectFor((Pointer) result, context.getTargetType(), refadj, ownsHandle); } if (context instanceof CallbackParameterContext) { return NativeObject.objectFor((Pointer) result, context.getTargetType(), 1, true); } if (context instanceof StructureReadContext) { StructureReadContext sctx = (StructureReadContext) context; boolean ownsHandle = sctx.getField().getAnnotation(ConstField.class) == null; return NativeObject.objectFor((Pointer) result, context.getTargetType(), 1, ownsHandle); } throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot convert to NativeObject from " + context); } public Class<?> nativeType() { return Pointer.class; } }; private static TypeConverter enumConverter = new TypeConverter() { @SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked") public Object fromNative(Object value, FromNativeContext context) { return EnumMapper.getInstance().valueOf((Integer) value, context.getTargetType()); } public Class<?> nativeType() { return Integer.class; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Object toNative(Object arg, ToNativeContext context) { if (arg == null) { return null; } return EnumMapper.getInstance().intValue((Enum) arg); } }; private TypeConverter stringConverter = new TypeConverter() { public Object fromNative(Object result, FromNativeContext context) { if (result == null) { return null; } if (context instanceof MethodResultContext) { MethodResultContext functionContext = (MethodResultContext) context; Method method = functionContext.getMethod(); Pointer ptr = (Pointer) result; String s = ptr.getString(0); if (method.isAnnotationPresent(FreeReturnValue.class) || method.isAnnotationPresent(CallerOwnsReturn.class)) { GlibAPI.GLIB_API.g_free(ptr); } return s; } else { return ((Pointer) result).getString(0); } } public Class<?> nativeType() { return Pointer.class; } public Object toNative(Object arg, ToNativeContext context) { // Let the default String -> native conversion handle it return arg; } }; private TypeConverter booleanConverter = new TypeConverter() { public Object toNative(Object arg, ToNativeContext context) { return Integer.valueOf(Boolean.TRUE.equals(arg) ? 1 : 0); } public Object fromNative(Object arg0, FromNativeContext arg1) { return Boolean.valueOf(((Integer)arg0).intValue() != 0); } public Class<?> nativeType() { return Integer.class; } }; private TypeConverter gquarkConverter = new TypeConverter() { public Object fromNative(Object arg0, FromNativeContext arg1) { return new GQuark((Integer) arg0); } public Class<?> nativeType() { return Integer.class; } public Object toNative(Object arg0, ToNativeContext arg1) { return ((GQuark) arg0).intValue(); } }; private TypeConverter intptrConverter = new TypeConverter() { public Object toNative(Object arg, ToNativeContext context) { return ((IntPtr)arg).value; } public Object fromNative(Object arg0, FromNativeContext arg1) { return new IntPtr(((Number) arg0).intValue()); } public Class<?> nativeType() { return Pointer.SIZE == 8 ? Long.class : Integer.class; } }; private TypeConverter querytypeConverter = new TypeConverter() { public Object toNative(Object arg, ToNativeContext context) { return ((QueryType)arg).intValue(); } public Object fromNative(Object arg0, FromNativeContext arg1) { return QueryType.valueOf(((Number) arg0).intValue()); } public Class<?> nativeType() { return Integer.class; } }; private static ToNativeConverter uriConverter = new ToNativeConverter() { public Object toNative(Object arg0, ToNativeContext arg1) { URI uri = (URI) arg0; String uriString = uri.toString(); // Need to fixup file:/ to be file:/// for gstreamer if ("file".equals(uri.getScheme()) && uri.getHost() == null) { final String path = uri.getRawPath(); if (com.sun.jna.Platform.isWindows()) { uriString = "file:/" + path; } else { uriString = "file://" + path; } } return uriString; } public Class<?> nativeType() { return String.class; } }; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public FromNativeConverter getFromNativeConverter(Class type) { if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return enumConverter; } else if (NativeObject.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return nativeObjectConverter; } else if (Boolean.class == type || boolean.class == type) { return booleanConverter; } else if (String.class == type) { return stringConverter; } else if (IntPtr.class == type) { return intptrConverter; } else if (GQuark.class == type) { return gquarkConverter; } return super.getFromNativeConverter(type); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public ToNativeConverter getToNativeConverter(Class type) { if (NativeObject.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return nativeObjectConverter; } else if (NativeValue.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return nativeValueArgumentConverter; } else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return enumConverter; } else if (Boolean.class == type || boolean.class == type) { return booleanConverter; } else if (String.class == type) { return stringConverter; } else if (IntPtr.class == type) { return intptrConverter; } else if (GQuark.class == type) { return gquarkConverter; } return super.getToNativeConverter(type); } }