package org.gstreamer; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.gstreamer.StreamInfo.StreamType; import org.gstreamer.elements.PlayBin; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class StreamInfoTest { private static File testSrc; private PlayBin playBin; private StreamInfo videoStream; private StreamInfo audioStream; @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { Gst.init("StreamInfoTest", new String[]{}); final Object sync = ""; final AtomicBoolean success = new AtomicBoolean(); final AtomicReference<String> error = new AtomicReference<String>(""); testSrc = File.createTempFile("StreamInfoTest-", ".ogg"); testSrc.deleteOnExit(); Pipeline p = Pipeline.launch( String.format( "videotestsrc num-buffers=25 ! theoraenc ! oggmux name=mux ! filesink location=%s " + "audiotestsrc num-buffers=44 ! vorbisenc ! mux." , testSrc.getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "\\\\") ) ); Bus bus = p.getBus(); bus.connect(new Bus.EOS() { public void endOfStream(GstObject source) { synchronized (sync) { sync.notify(); } success.set(true); } }); bus.connect(new Bus.ERROR() { public void errorMessage(GstObject source, int code, String message) { error.set(": " + message); } }); synchronized (sync) {; sync.wait(10000); p.stop(); } if (!success.get()) { throw new Exception("could not create test src file" + error.get()); } } @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception { Gst.deinit(); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { playBin = new PlayBin("playbin", testSrc.toURI()); Element videoSink = ElementFactory.make("fakesink", "videosink"); Element audioSink = ElementFactory.make("fakesink", "audiosink"); playBin.setVideoSink(videoSink); playBin.setAudioSink(audioSink); final State state = State.PAUSED; final long timeout = 1000; waitState(state, timeout); StreamInfo[] streams = getStreamInfo(); videoStream = streams[0]; audioStream = streams[1]; } private StreamInfo[] /* [video, audio] */ getStreamInfo() throws Exception { List<StreamInfo> list = playBin.getStreamInfo(); assertEquals(2, list.size()); StreamInfo s1 = list.get(0); StreamInfo s2 = list.get(1); String codec1 = s1.getCodec(); String codec2 = s2.getCodec(); StreamInfo video = "Theora".equals(codec1) ? s1 : s2; StreamInfo audio = "Vorbis".equals(codec2) ? s2 : s1; return new StreamInfo[] {video, audio}; } private void waitState(final State state, final long timeout) throws Exception { Exception exception = new Exception(String.format("playbin refuses to go into the '%s' state", state)); switch (playBin.setState (state)) { case SUCCESS: break; case ASYNC: if (playBin.getState(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) != state) { throw exception; } break; default: throw exception; } } @Test public void testGetStreamType() { assertEquals(StreamType.VIDEO, videoStream.getStreamType()); assertEquals(StreamType.AUDIO, audioStream.getStreamType()); } @Test public void testGetMute() { assertEquals(false, audioStream.getMute()); audioStream.set("mute", true); assertEquals(true, audioStream.getMute()); } @Test public void testGetCaps() { Caps videoCaps = videoStream.getCaps(); Caps audioCaps = audioStream.getCaps(); Caps videoYuv = Caps.fromString("video/x-raw-yuv"); Caps audioFloat = Caps.fromString("audio/x-raw-float"); assertTrue(videoCaps.isSubset(videoYuv)); assertTrue(audioCaps.isSubset(audioFloat)); } @Test public void testUseStreamInfoAfterBinStop() throws Exception { waitState(State.NULL, 1000); assertEquals(State.NULL, playBin.getState()); Tracker binTracker = new Tracker(playBin); playBin = null; assertTrue("Bin not garbage collected", binTracker.waitGC()); assertTrue("Bin not destroyed",binTracker.waitDestroyed()); assertTrue(!videoStream.getMute()); } @Test public void testStreamInfoGC() throws Exception { StreamInfo[] streams = getStreamInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { getStreamInfo(); } waitState(State.NULL, 1000); assertEquals(State.NULL, playBin.getState()); Tracker binTracker = new Tracker(playBin); playBin = null; GObjectRipper videoRipper = new GObjectRipper("local Video StreamInfo", streams[0]); GObjectRipper audioRipper = new GObjectRipper("local Audio StreamInfo", streams[1]); streams[0] = null; streams[1] = null; GObjectRipper videoRipper0 = new GObjectRipper("Video StreamInfo", videoStream); videoStream = null; GObjectRipper audioRipper0 = new GObjectRipper("Audio StreamInfo", audioStream); audioStream = null;;;;; assertTrue("Bin not garbage collected", binTracker.waitGC()); assertTrue("Bin not destroyed",binTracker.waitDestroyed()); } private static class GObjectRipper { GObject obj; final String name; public GObjectRipper(String name, GObject obj) { this.obj = obj; = name; } void rip(boolean expectSuccess) { Tracker tracker = new Tracker(obj); obj = null; if (expectSuccess) { assertTrue(name + " not garbage collected", tracker.waitGC()); assertTrue(name + " not destroyed",tracker.waitDestroyed()); } else { assertFalse(name + " should not have been garbage collected", tracker.waitGC()); assertFalse(name + " should not have been destroyed",tracker.waitDestroyed()); } } } }