package; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import; import; public class ArrayExtensions { public static <E> boolean allSatisfy_(E[] receiver, Predicate1<E> predicate) { for (E element : receiver) { if (!predicate.value_(element)) return false; } return true; } public static <E> boolean anySatisfy_(E[] receiver, Predicate1<E> predicate) { for (E element : receiver) { if (predicate.value_(element)) return true; } return false; } public static <E> E[] asSortedArray(E[] receiver) { E[] arr = receiver.clone(); Arrays.sort(arr); return arr; } public static <E> E at_(E[] receiver, int index) { return receiver[index - 1]; } public static <E> E at_put_(E[] receiver, int index, E value) { return receiver[index - 1] = value; } public static <R, E> R[] collect_(E[] receiver, Block1<R, E> aBlock) { R[] result = (R[]) Array.newInstance(aBlock.getResultClass(), receiver.length); for (int i = 0; i < receiver.length; i++) { result[i] = aBlock.value_(receiver[i]); } return result; } public static <E> E[] copy(E[] receiver) { return receiver.clone(); } public static <E> E[] copyAt_put_(E[] receiver, int index, E value) { E[] arr = Arrays.copyOf(receiver, receiver.length); arr[index - 1] = value; return arr; } public static <E> E[] copyWith_(E[] receiver, E element) { final Class<? extends Object> class1 = receiver.getClass() .getComponentType(); if (element != null) { final Class<? extends Object> class2 = element.getClass(); if (class1 != class2) { Class<?> commonSuperclass = ArrayFactory.commonSuperclass( class1, class2); E[] newInstance = (E[]) Array.newInstance(commonSuperclass, receiver.length + 1); System.arraycopy(receiver, 0, newInstance, 0, receiver.length); newInstance[receiver.length] = element; return newInstance; } } final int N = receiver.length; E[] arr = Arrays.copyOf(receiver, N + 1); arr[N] = element; return arr; } public static <E> E[] copyWithAll_(E[] receiver, E[] other) { final int rLen = receiver.length; E[] copy = Arrays.copyOf(receiver, rLen + other.length); System.arraycopy(other, 0, copy, rLen, other.length); return copy; } public static <E> E[] copyWithFirst_(E[] receiver, E element) { final int N = receiver.length; int newLength = N + 1; Class newType = receiver.getClass(); E[] copy = (newType == Object[].class) ? (E[]) new Object[newLength] : (E[]) Array .newInstance(newType.getComponentType(), newLength); System.arraycopy(receiver, 0, copy, 1, receiver.length); copy[0] = element; return copy; } public static <E> E[] copyWithoutLast(E[] receiver) { final int N = receiver.length; E[] arr = Arrays.copyOf(receiver, N - 1); return arr; } public static <E> E detect_ifNone_(E[] receiver, Predicate1<E> predicate, Block0<E> failBlock) { for (E elem : receiver) { if (predicate.value_(elem)) return elem; } return failBlock.value(); } public static <E> Object do_(E[] receiver, Object aBlock) { Block1 bl = (Block1) aBlock; for (Object element : receiver) { bl.value_(element); } return receiver; } public static boolean equals_(Object[] receiver, Object[] other) { return (receiver == null && other == null) || (receiver != null && other != null && (isSameAs_(receiver, other))); } public static boolean includes_(char[] receiver, Character element) { if (element == null) return false; for (char ch : receiver) { if (ch == element) return true; } return false; } public static <E> boolean includes_(E[] receiver, E element) { for (E elem : receiver) { if (elem.equals(element)) return true; } return false; } public static <E> int indexOf_(E[] receiver, E element) { for (int i = 0; i < receiver.length; i++) { if (receiver[i].equals(element)) return i + 1; } return 0; } public static <E> int indexWhere_(E[] receiver, Predicate1<E> predicate) { for (int i = 0; i < receiver.length; i++) { if (predicate.value_(receiver[i])) return i + 1; } return 0; } public static <S, E> S inject_into_(E[] receiver, S startSum, Block2<S, S, E> block2) { S sum = startSum; for (E elem : receiver) { sum = block2.value_value_(sum, elem); } return sum; } public static <Object> boolean isSameAs_(Object[] receiver, Object[] other) { if (receiver == other) return true; if (receiver.length != other.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < receiver.length; i++) { Object a = receiver[i]; Object b = other[i]; if (!((a == null && b == null) | (a != null && b != null && a .equals(b)))) return false; } return true; } public static <E> String join_(E[] receiver, Block1<String, E> block) { return join_with_(receiver, block, ""); } public static <E> String join_with_(E[] receiver, Block1<String, E> block, String sepString) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < receiver.length; i++) { if (i != 0) str.append(sepString); E element = receiver[i]; str.append(block.value_(element)); } return str.toString(); } public static String joinWith_(String[] receiver, String separator) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < receiver.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { str.append(separator); } str.append(receiver[i]); } return str.toString(); } public static <R, E> R[] keysAndValuesCollect_(E[] receiver, Block2<R, Integer, E> aBlock) { R[] result = (R[]) Array.newInstance(aBlock.getResultClass(), receiver.length); for (int i = 0; i < receiver.length; i++) { result[i] = aBlock.value_value_(i + 1, receiver[i]); } return result; } public static Object[] newInstance_(Object receiverClass, int size) { return new Object[size]; } public static <E> E[] reject_(E[] receiver, Predicate1<E> predicate) { ArrayList<E> list = new ArrayList<E>(); for (E elem : receiver) { if (!predicate.value_(elem)) { list.add(elem); } } E[] newInstance = (E[]) Array.newInstance(receiver.getClass() .getComponentType(), list.size()); return list.toArray(newInstance); } public static Object[] replaceFrom_to_with_startingAt_(Object[] receiver, int start, int stop, Object[] replacement, int repStart) { // Primitive. This destructively replaces elements from start to stop in // the receiver starting at index, repStart, in the collection, // replacement. Answer the receiver. Range checks are performed in the // primitive only. Optional. See Object documentation whatIsAPrimitive. int length = (stop - start) + 1; System.arraycopy(replacement, repStart - 1, receiver, start - 1, length); return receiver; } public static <E> E[] reverse(E[] receiver) { E[] result = receiver.clone(); int length = receiver.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { result[i] = receiver[(length - i) - 1]; } return result; } public static <E> E[] select_(E[] receiver, Predicate1<E> predicate) { ArrayList<E> list = new ArrayList<E>(); for (E elem : receiver) { if (predicate.value_(elem)) { list.add(elem); } } E[] newInstance = (E[]) Array.newInstance(receiver.getClass() .getComponentType(), list.size()); return list.toArray(newInstance); } public static <E> E[] shallowCopy(E[] receiver) { return receiver.clone(); } public static <E> Object size(E[] receiver) { return receiver.length; } public static <O, N> void syncWith(O[] receiver, N[] newCollection, Predicate2<O, N> selectBlock, Block2<Object, O, N> thenBlock, Block1<Object, N> ifNewBlock, Block1<Object, O> ifAbsentBlock) { final HashSet<O> oldElems = new HashSet<O>(Arrays.asList(receiver)); final HashSet<N> newElems = new HashSet<N>(Arrays.asList(newCollection)); for (O o : oldElems) { boolean notFound = true; for (N n : newElems) { if (selectBlock.value_value_(o, n)) { newElems.remove(n); thenBlock.value_value_(o, n); notFound = false; break; } } if (notFound) { ifAbsentBlock.value_(o); } } for (N n : newElems) { ifNewBlock.value_(n); } } public static <E> E[] tail(E[] receiver) { final int N = receiver.length; int newLength = N - 1; Class newType = receiver.getClass(); E[] copy = (newType == Object[].class) ? (E[]) new Object[newLength] : (E[]) Array .newInstance(newType.getComponentType(), newLength); System.arraycopy(receiver, 0, copy, 0, newLength); return copy; } public static <X, Y> Object with_do_(X[] receiver, Y[] other, Block2<Object, X, Y> doBlock) { if (receiver.length != other.length) throw new RuntimeException("Arrays are not of same length"); for (int i = 0; i < receiver.length; i++) { X a = receiver[i]; Y b = other[i]; doBlock.value_value_(a, b); } return receiver; } public static <X, Y> Object with_do_separatedBy_(X[] receiver, Y[] other, Block2<Object, X, Y> doBlock, Block0<Object> sepBlock) { if (receiver.length != other.length) throw new RuntimeException("Arrays are not of same length"); for (int i = 0; i < receiver.length; i++) { X a = receiver[i]; Y b = other[i]; if (i != 0) { sepBlock.value(); } doBlock.value_value_(a, b); } return receiver; } public static <E> E zeroAt_(E[] receiver, int index) { return receiver[index]; } public static <E> E zeroAt_put_(E[] receiver, int index, E value) { return receiver[index] = value; } }