package; import; import; @Configuration(prefix="governator.jetty.embedded") public interface Archaius2JettyConfig extends JettyConfig { @DefaultValue("8080") int getPort(); /** * @deprecated 2016-10-14 use {@link #getStaticResourceBase()} instead */ @Deprecated @DefaultValue("/META-INF/resources/") String getResourceBase(); /** * @return The directory where the webapp has the static resources. It can just be a suffix since we'll scan the * classpath to find the exact directory name. */ @DefaultValue("/META-INF/resources/") String getStaticResourceBase(); /** * @return web app base resource path */ @DefaultValue("src/main/webapp") String getWebAppResourceBase(); /** * @return the default web app context path for jetty */ @DefaultValue("/") String getWebAppContextPath(); }