/* * Copyright 2013-2016 Sergey Ignatov, Alexander Zolotov, Florin Patan * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // This is a generated file. Not intended for manual editing. package com.goide.psi; import org.jetbrains.annotations.*; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElementVisitor; import com.intellij.psi.PsiLanguageInjectionHost; public class GoVisitor extends PsiElementVisitor { public void visitAddExpr(@NotNull GoAddExpr o) { visitBinaryExpr(o); } public void visitAndExpr(@NotNull GoAndExpr o) { visitBinaryExpr(o); } public void visitAnonymousFieldDefinition(@NotNull GoAnonymousFieldDefinition o) { visitNamedElement(o); } public void visitArgumentList(@NotNull GoArgumentList o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitArrayOrSliceType(@NotNull GoArrayOrSliceType o) { visitType(o); } public void visitAssignmentStatement(@NotNull GoAssignmentStatement o) { visitStatement(o); } public void visitBinaryExpr(@NotNull GoBinaryExpr o) { visitExpression(o); } public void visitBlock(@NotNull GoBlock o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitBreakStatement(@NotNull GoBreakStatement o) { visitStatement(o); } public void visitBuiltinArgumentList(@NotNull GoBuiltinArgumentList o) { visitArgumentList(o); } public void visitBuiltinCallExpr(@NotNull GoBuiltinCallExpr o) { visitExpression(o); } public void visitCallExpr(@NotNull GoCallExpr o) { visitExpression(o); } public void visitChannelType(@NotNull GoChannelType o) { visitType(o); } public void visitCommCase(@NotNull GoCommCase o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitCommClause(@NotNull GoCommClause o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitCompositeLit(@NotNull GoCompositeLit o) { visitExpression(o); } public void visitConditionalExpr(@NotNull GoConditionalExpr o) { visitBinaryExpr(o); } public void visitConstDeclaration(@NotNull GoConstDeclaration o) { visitTopLevelDeclaration(o); } public void visitConstDefinition(@NotNull GoConstDefinition o) { visitNamedElement(o); } public void visitConstSpec(@NotNull GoConstSpec o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitContinueStatement(@NotNull GoContinueStatement o) { visitStatement(o); } public void visitConversionExpr(@NotNull GoConversionExpr o) { visitBinaryExpr(o); } public void visitDeferStatement(@NotNull GoDeferStatement o) { visitStatement(o); } public void visitElement(@NotNull GoElement o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitElseStatement(@NotNull GoElseStatement o) { visitStatement(o); } public void visitExprCaseClause(@NotNull GoExprCaseClause o) { visitCaseClause(o); } public void visitExprSwitchStatement(@NotNull GoExprSwitchStatement o) { visitSwitchStatement(o); } public void visitExpression(@NotNull GoExpression o) { visitTypeOwner(o); } public void visitFallthroughStatement(@NotNull GoFallthroughStatement o) { visitStatement(o); } public void visitFieldDeclaration(@NotNull GoFieldDeclaration o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitFieldDefinition(@NotNull GoFieldDefinition o) { visitNamedElement(o); } public void visitFieldName(@NotNull GoFieldName o) { visitReferenceExpressionBase(o); } public void visitForClause(@NotNull GoForClause o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitForStatement(@NotNull GoForStatement o) { visitStatement(o); } public void visitFunctionDeclaration(@NotNull GoFunctionDeclaration o) { visitFunctionOrMethodDeclaration(o); } public void visitFunctionLit(@NotNull GoFunctionLit o) { visitExpression(o); // visitSignatureOwner(o); } public void visitFunctionType(@NotNull GoFunctionType o) { visitType(o); // visitSignatureOwner(o); } public void visitGoStatement(@NotNull GoGoStatement o) { visitStatement(o); } public void visitGotoStatement(@NotNull GoGotoStatement o) { visitStatement(o); } public void visitIfStatement(@NotNull GoIfStatement o) { visitStatement(o); } public void visitImportDeclaration(@NotNull GoImportDeclaration o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitImportList(@NotNull GoImportList o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitImportSpec(@NotNull GoImportSpec o) { visitNamedElement(o); } public void visitImportString(@NotNull GoImportString o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitIncDecStatement(@NotNull GoIncDecStatement o) { visitStatement(o); } public void visitIndexOrSliceExpr(@NotNull GoIndexOrSliceExpr o) { visitExpression(o); } public void visitInterfaceType(@NotNull GoInterfaceType o) { visitType(o); } public void visitKey(@NotNull GoKey o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitLabelDefinition(@NotNull GoLabelDefinition o) { visitNamedElement(o); } public void visitLabelRef(@NotNull GoLabelRef o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitLabeledStatement(@NotNull GoLabeledStatement o) { visitStatement(o); } public void visitLeftHandExprList(@NotNull GoLeftHandExprList o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitLiteral(@NotNull GoLiteral o) { visitExpression(o); } public void visitLiteralTypeExpr(@NotNull GoLiteralTypeExpr o) { visitExpression(o); } public void visitLiteralValue(@NotNull GoLiteralValue o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitMapType(@NotNull GoMapType o) { visitType(o); } public void visitMethodDeclaration(@NotNull GoMethodDeclaration o) { visitFunctionOrMethodDeclaration(o); } public void visitMethodSpec(@NotNull GoMethodSpec o) { visitNamedSignatureOwner(o); } public void visitMulExpr(@NotNull GoMulExpr o) { visitBinaryExpr(o); } public void visitOrExpr(@NotNull GoOrExpr o) { visitBinaryExpr(o); } public void visitPackageClause(@NotNull GoPackageClause o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitParType(@NotNull GoParType o) { visitType(o); } public void visitParamDefinition(@NotNull GoParamDefinition o) { visitNamedElement(o); } public void visitParameterDeclaration(@NotNull GoParameterDeclaration o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitParameters(@NotNull GoParameters o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitParenthesesExpr(@NotNull GoParenthesesExpr o) { visitExpression(o); } public void visitPointerType(@NotNull GoPointerType o) { visitType(o); } public void visitRangeClause(@NotNull GoRangeClause o) { visitVarSpec(o); } public void visitReceiver(@NotNull GoReceiver o) { visitNamedElement(o); } public void visitRecvStatement(@NotNull GoRecvStatement o) { visitVarSpec(o); } public void visitReferenceExpression(@NotNull GoReferenceExpression o) { visitExpression(o); // visitReferenceExpressionBase(o); } public void visitResult(@NotNull GoResult o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitReturnStatement(@NotNull GoReturnStatement o) { visitStatement(o); } public void visitSelectStatement(@NotNull GoSelectStatement o) { visitStatement(o); } public void visitSelectorExpr(@NotNull GoSelectorExpr o) { visitBinaryExpr(o); } public void visitSendStatement(@NotNull GoSendStatement o) { visitStatement(o); } public void visitShortVarDeclaration(@NotNull GoShortVarDeclaration o) { visitVarSpec(o); } public void visitSignature(@NotNull GoSignature o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitSimpleStatement(@NotNull GoSimpleStatement o) { visitStatement(o); } public void visitSpecType(@NotNull GoSpecType o) { visitType(o); } public void visitStatement(@NotNull GoStatement o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitStringLiteral(@NotNull GoStringLiteral o) { visitExpression(o); // visitPsiLanguageInjectionHost(o); } public void visitStructType(@NotNull GoStructType o) { visitType(o); } public void visitSwitchStart(@NotNull GoSwitchStart o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitSwitchStatement(@NotNull GoSwitchStatement o) { visitStatement(o); } public void visitTag(@NotNull GoTag o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitType(@NotNull GoType o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitTypeAssertionExpr(@NotNull GoTypeAssertionExpr o) { visitExpression(o); } public void visitTypeCaseClause(@NotNull GoTypeCaseClause o) { visitCaseClause(o); } public void visitTypeDeclaration(@NotNull GoTypeDeclaration o) { visitTopLevelDeclaration(o); } public void visitTypeGuard(@NotNull GoTypeGuard o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitTypeList(@NotNull GoTypeList o) { visitType(o); } public void visitTypeReferenceExpression(@NotNull GoTypeReferenceExpression o) { visitReferenceExpressionBase(o); } public void visitTypeSpec(@NotNull GoTypeSpec o) { visitNamedElement(o); } public void visitTypeSwitchGuard(@NotNull GoTypeSwitchGuard o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitTypeSwitchStatement(@NotNull GoTypeSwitchStatement o) { visitSwitchStatement(o); } public void visitUnaryExpr(@NotNull GoUnaryExpr o) { visitExpression(o); } public void visitValue(@NotNull GoValue o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitVarDeclaration(@NotNull GoVarDeclaration o) { visitTopLevelDeclaration(o); } public void visitVarDefinition(@NotNull GoVarDefinition o) { visitNamedElement(o); } public void visitVarSpec(@NotNull GoVarSpec o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitAssignOp(@NotNull GoAssignOp o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitCaseClause(@NotNull GoCaseClause o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitFunctionOrMethodDeclaration(@NotNull GoFunctionOrMethodDeclaration o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitNamedElement(@NotNull GoNamedElement o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitNamedSignatureOwner(@NotNull GoNamedSignatureOwner o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitReferenceExpressionBase(@NotNull GoReferenceExpressionBase o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitTopLevelDeclaration(@NotNull GoTopLevelDeclaration o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitTypeOwner(@NotNull GoTypeOwner o) { visitCompositeElement(o); } public void visitCompositeElement(@NotNull GoCompositeElement o) { visitElement(o); } }