package fr.mmarie.core; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.mmarie.api.gitlab.Commit; import fr.mmarie.api.gitlab.Event; import fr.mmarie.api.gitlab.User; import fr.mmarie.api.jira.Comment; import fr.mmarie.core.gitlab.GitLabService; import fr.mmarie.core.jira.JiraService; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import retrofit.Response; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; @Slf4j public class IntegrationService { public static final DateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); private final GitLabService gitLabService; private final JiraService jiraService; @Inject public IntegrationService(GitLabService gitLabService, JiraService jiraService) { this.gitLabService = gitLabService; this.jiraService = jiraService; } public String getDateAsString(Date date) { if (date == null) { return "unknown date of commit"; } else { return DATE_FORMAT.format(date); } } public String buildComment(User user, String repositoryName, Commit commit) { if(Strings.isNullOrEmpty(user.getUsername())) { return String.format("%s mentioned this issue in [a commit of %s|%s] \r\n " + "*%s* : %s", user.getName(), repositoryName, commit.getUrl(), getDateAsString(commit.getTimestamp()), commit.getMessage()); } else { return String.format("[%s|%s] mentioned this issue in [a commit of %s|%s] \r\n" + "*%s* : %s", user.getName(), gitLabService.getUserUrl(user.getUsername()), repositoryName, commit.getUrl(), getDateAsString(commit.getTimestamp()), commit.getMessage()); } } public String buildCommentForTransition(User user, String repositoryName, Commit commit) { if(Strings.isNullOrEmpty(user.getUsername())) { return String.format("%s changed status of this issue in [a commit of %s|%s] to *%s* \r\n\r\n " + "*%s* : %s", user.getName(), repositoryName, commit.getUrl(), JiraService.TRANSITION_HOLDER, getDateAsString(commit.getTimestamp()), commit.getMessage()); } else { return String.format("[%s|%s] changed status of this issue in [a commit of %s|%s] to *%s* \r\n\r\n" + "*%s* : %s", user.getName(), gitLabService.getUserUrl(user.getUsername()), repositoryName, commit.getUrl(), JiraService.TRANSITION_HOLDER, getDateAsString(commit.getTimestamp()), commit.getMessage()); } } public void commentIssue(String repositoryName, User user, Collection<Commit> commits, String issue) { if(jiraService.isExistingIssue(issue)) { commits.forEach(commit -> { if(!jiraService.isIssueAlreadyCommented(issue, commit.getId())) { try {"Comment issue <{}> for commit <{}>", issue, commit); if(!jiraService.performTransition(commit.getMessage(), issue, buildCommentForTransition(user, repositoryName, commit))) { jiraService.commentIssue(issue, new Comment(buildComment(user, repositoryName, commit))); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Unable to comment issue <{}>", issue, e); } } else { log.warn("Issue <{}> has already been commented for commit <{}>", issue, commit.getId()); } }); } else { log.warn("Issue <{}> has been mentioned, but does not exists", issue); } } public void performPushEvent(Event event) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(event.getCommits(), "commits array can not be null"); // For each commit, extract jira issues Multimap<String, Commit> jiraIssues = ArrayListMultimap.create(); event.getCommits().forEach(commit -> jiraService.extractIssuesFromMessage(commit.getMessage()) .forEach(issue -> jiraIssues.put(issue, commit))); if(jiraIssues.size() > 0) { User user = getUser(event); jiraIssues.asMap().forEach((issue, commits) -> commentIssue(event.getRepository().getName(), user, commits, issue)); } } public User getUser(Event event) { try { Response<User> userResponse = gitLabService.getUser(event.getUserId()); Preconditions.checkArgument(userResponse.code() == 200); return userResponse.body(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to get gitlab user with id <{}>, comment issue with pusher username <{}>", event.getUserId(), event.getUserName()); return new User(event.getUserId(), null, event.getUserName()); } } }