/* Copyright (c) 2002, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. The MySQL Connector/J is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html>, like most MySQL Connectors. There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPLv2 as it is applied to this software, see the FLOSS License Exception <http://www.mysql.com/about/legal/licensing/foss-exception.html>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package testsuite.regression; import java.io.Reader; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.Clob; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.TimeZone; import testsuite.BaseTestCase; import com.mysql.jdbc.Messages; import com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation; import com.mysql.jdbc.NotUpdatable; import com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError; import com.mysql.jdbc.StringUtils; import com.mysql.jdbc.Util; import com.mysql.jdbc.log.StandardLogger; import com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl; /** * Regression test cases for the ResultSet class. * * @author Mark Matthews */ public class ResultSetRegressionTest extends BaseTestCase { /** * Creates a new ResultSetRegressionTest * * @param name * the name of the test to run */ public ResultSetRegressionTest(String name) { super(name); } /** * Runs all test cases in this test suite * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { junit.textui.TestRunner.run(ResultSetRegressionTest.class); } /** * Tests fix for BUG#???? -- Numeric types and server-side prepared * statements incorrectly detect nulls. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails */ public void testBug2359() throws Exception { /* * this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS testBug2359"); * this.stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE testBug2359 (field1 INT) * TYPE=InnoDB"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug2359 * VALUES (null), (1)"); * * this.pstmt = this.conn.prepareStatement("SELECT field1 FROM * testBug2359 WHERE field1 IS NULL"); this.rs = * this.pstmt.executeQuery(); * * assertTrue(this.rs.next()); * * assertTrue(this.rs.getByte(1) == 0); assertTrue(this.rs.wasNull()); * * assertTrue(this.rs.getShort(1) == 0); assertTrue(this.rs.wasNull()); * * assertTrue(this.rs.getInt(1) == 0); assertTrue(this.rs.wasNull()); * * assertTrue(this.rs.getLong(1) == 0); assertTrue(this.rs.wasNull()); * * assertTrue(this.rs.getFloat(1) == 0); assertTrue(this.rs.wasNull()); * * assertTrue(this.rs.getDouble(1) == 0); assertTrue(this.rs.wasNull()); * * assertTrue(this.rs.getBigDecimal(1) == null); * assertTrue(this.rs.wasNull()); * * this.rs.close(); * * this.pstmt = this.conn.prepareStatement("SELECT max(field1) FROM * testBug2359 WHERE field1 IS NOT NULL"); this.rs = * this.pstmt.executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); * * assertTrue(this.rs.getByte(1) == 1); assertTrue(!this.rs.wasNull()); * * assertTrue(this.rs.getShort(1) == 1); assertTrue(!this.rs.wasNull()); * * assertTrue(this.rs.getInt(1) == 1); assertTrue(!this.rs.wasNull()); * * assertTrue(this.rs.getLong(1) == 1); assertTrue(!this.rs.wasNull()); * * assertTrue(this.rs.getFloat(1) == 1); assertTrue(!this.rs.wasNull()); * * assertTrue(this.rs.getDouble(1) == 1); * assertTrue(!this.rs.wasNull()); * * assertTrue(this.rs.getBigDecimal(1) != null); * assertTrue(!this.rs.wasNull()); */ createTable("testBug2359_1", "(id INT)", "InnoDB"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug2359_1 VALUES (1)"); this.pstmt = this.conn .prepareStatement("SELECT max(id) FROM testBug2359_1"); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); if (this.rs.next()) { assertTrue(this.rs.getInt(1) != 0); this.rs.close(); } this.rs.close(); } /** * Tests fix for BUG#2643, ClassCastException when using this.rs.absolute() * and server-side prepared statements. * * @throws Exception */ public void testBug2623() throws Exception { PreparedStatement pStmt = null; try { pStmt = this.conn .prepareStatement("SELECT NOW()", ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); this.rs = pStmt.executeQuery(); this.rs.absolute(1); } finally { if (this.rs != null) { this.rs.close(); } this.rs = null; if (pStmt != null) { pStmt.close(); } } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#2654, "Column 'column.table' not found" when "order by" * in query" * * @throws Exception * if the test fails */ public void testBug2654() throws Exception { if (false) { // this is currently a server-level bug createTable("foo", "(" + " id tinyint(3) default NULL," + " data varchar(255) default NULL" + ") DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1", "MyISAM "); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1,'male'),(2,'female')"); createTable("bar", "(" + "id tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL," + "data char(3) default '0'" + ") DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1", "MyISAM "); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO bar VALUES (1,'yes'),(2,'no')"); String statement = "select foo.id, foo.data, " + "bar.data from foo, bar" + " where " + "foo.id = bar.id order by foo.id"; String column = "foo.data"; this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery(statement); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = this.rs.getMetaData(); System.out.println(rsmd.getTableName(1)); System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(1)); this.rs.next(); String fooData = this.rs.getString(column); } } /** * Tests for fix to BUG#1130 * * @throws Exception * if the test fails */ public void testClobTruncate() throws Exception { if (isRunningOnJdk131()) { return; // test not valid on JDK-1.3.1 } createTable("testClobTruncate", "(field1 TEXT)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testClobTruncate VALUES ('abcdefg')"); this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM testClobTruncate"); this.rs.next(); Clob clob = this.rs.getClob(1); clob.truncate(3); Reader reader = clob.getCharacterStream(); char[] buf = new char[8]; int charsRead = reader.read(buf); String clobAsString = new String(buf, 0, charsRead); assertTrue(clobAsString.equals("abc")); } /** * Tests that streaming result sets are registered correctly. * * @throws Exception * if any errors occur */ public void testClobberStreamingRS() throws Exception { try { Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("clobberStreamingResults", "true"); Connection clobberConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); Statement clobberStmt = clobberConn.createStatement(); clobberStmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS StreamingClobber"); clobberStmt .executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE StreamingClobber ( DUMMYID " + " INTEGER NOT NULL, DUMMYNAME VARCHAR(32),PRIMARY KEY (DUMMYID) )"); clobberStmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO StreamingClobber (DUMMYID, DUMMYNAME) VALUES (0, NULL)"); clobberStmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO StreamingClobber (DUMMYID, DUMMYNAME) VALUES (1, 'nro 1')"); clobberStmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO StreamingClobber (DUMMYID, DUMMYNAME) VALUES (2, 'nro 2')"); clobberStmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO StreamingClobber (DUMMYID, DUMMYNAME) VALUES (3, 'nro 3')"); Statement streamStmt = null; try { streamStmt = clobberConn.createStatement( java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); streamStmt.setFetchSize(Integer.MIN_VALUE); this.rs = streamStmt.executeQuery("SELECT DUMMYID, DUMMYNAME " + "FROM StreamingClobber ORDER BY DUMMYID"); this.rs.next(); // This should proceed normally, after the driver // clears the input stream clobberStmt.executeQuery("SHOW VARIABLES"); this.rs.close(); } finally { if (streamStmt != null) { streamStmt.close(); } } } finally { this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS StreamingClobber"); } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws Exception * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void testEmptyResultSetGet() throws Exception { try { this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'foo'"); System.out.println(this.rs.getInt(1)); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue( "Correct exception not thrown", SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR.equals(sqlEx.getSQLState())); } } /** * Checks fix for BUG#1592 -- cross-database updatable result sets are not * checked for updatability correctly. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testFixForBug1592() throws Exception { if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1)) { Statement updatableStmt = this.conn .createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); try { updatableStmt.execute("SELECT * FROM mysql.user"); this.rs = updatableStmt.getResultSet(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { String message = sqlEx.getMessage(); if ((message != null) && (message.indexOf("denied") != -1)) { System.err .println("WARN: Can't complete testFixForBug1592(), access to" + " 'mysql' database not allowed"); } else { throw sqlEx; } } } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#2006, where 2 columns with same name in a result set * are returned via findColumn() in the wrong order...The JDBC spec states, * that the _first_ matching column should be returned. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails */ public void testFixForBug2006() throws Exception { createTable("testFixForBug2006_1", "(key_field INT NOT NULL)"); createTable("testFixForBug2006_2", "(key_field INT NULL)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testFixForBug2006_1 VALUES (1)"); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("SELECT testFixForBug2006_1.key_field, testFixForBug2006_2.key_field FROM testFixForBug2006_1 LEFT JOIN testFixForBug2006_2 USING(key_field)"); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = this.rs.getMetaData(); assertTrue(rsmd.getColumnName(1).equals(rsmd.getColumnName(2))); assertTrue(rsmd.isNullable(this.rs.findColumn("key_field")) == ResultSetMetaData.columnNoNulls); assertTrue(rsmd.isNullable(2) == ResultSetMetaData.columnNullable); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertTrue(this.rs.getObject(1) != null); assertTrue(this.rs.getObject(2) == null); } /** * Tests that ResultSet.getLong() does not truncate values. * * @throws Exception * if any errors occur */ public void testGetLongBug() throws Exception { createTable("getLongBug", "(int_col int, bigint_col bigint)"); int intVal = 123456; long longVal1 = 123456789012345678L; long longVal2 = -2079305757640172711L; this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO getLongBug " + "(int_col, bigint_col) " + "VALUES (" + intVal + ", " + longVal1 + "), " + "(" + intVal + ", " + longVal2 + ")"); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("SELECT int_col, bigint_col FROM getLongBug ORDER BY bigint_col DESC"); this.rs.next(); assertTrue( "Values not decoded correctly", ((this.rs.getInt(1) == intVal) && (this.rs.getLong(2) == longVal1))); this.rs.next(); assertTrue( "Values not decoded correctly", ((this.rs.getInt(1) == intVal) && (this.rs.getLong(2) == longVal2))); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws Exception * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void testGetTimestampWithDate() throws Exception { createTable("testGetTimestamp", "(d date)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testGetTimestamp values (now())"); this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM testGetTimestamp"); this.rs.next(); System.out.println(this.rs.getTimestamp(1)); } /** * Tests a bug where ResultSet.isBefireFirst() would return true when the * result set was empty (which is incorrect) * * @throws Exception * if an error occurs. */ public void testIsBeforeFirstOnEmpty() throws Exception { // Query with valid rows: isBeforeFirst() correctly returns True this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version'"); assertTrue("Non-empty search should return true", this.rs.isBeforeFirst()); // Query with empty result: isBeforeFirst() falsely returns True // Sun's documentation says it should return false this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'garbage'"); assertTrue("Empty search should return false ", !this.rs.isBeforeFirst()); } /** * Tests a bug where ResultSet.isBefireFirst() would return true when the * result set was empty (which is incorrect) * * @throws Exception * if an error occurs. */ public void testMetaDataIsWritable() throws Exception { // Query with valid rows this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version'"); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = this.rs.getMetaData(); int numColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 1; i <= numColumns; i++) { assertTrue("rsmd.isWritable() should != rsmd.isReadOnly()", rsmd.isWritable(i) != rsmd.isReadOnly(i)); } } /** * Tests fix for bug # 496 * * @throws Exception * if an error happens. */ public void testNextAndPrevious() throws Exception { createTable("testNextAndPrevious", "(field1 int)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testNextAndPrevious VALUES (1)"); this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * from testNextAndPrevious"); System.out.println("Currently at row " + this.rs.getRow()); this.rs.next(); System.out.println("Value at row " + this.rs.getRow() + " is " + this.rs.getString(1)); this.rs.previous(); try { System.out.println("Value at row " + this.rs.getRow() + " is " + this.rs.getString(1)); fail("Should not be able to retrieve values with invalid cursor"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(sqlEx.getMessage().startsWith("Before start")); } this.rs.next(); this.rs.next(); try { System.out.println("Value at row " + this.rs.getRow() + " is " + this.rs.getString(1)); fail("Should not be able to retrieve values with invalid cursor"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(sqlEx.getMessage().startsWith("After end")); } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#1630 (not updatable exception turning into NPE on * second updateFoo() method call. * * @throws Exception * if an unexpected exception is thrown. */ public void testNotUpdatable() throws Exception { this.rs = null; String sQuery = "SHOW VARIABLES"; this.pstmt = this.conn.prepareStatement(sQuery, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); if (this.rs.next()) { this.rs.absolute(1); try { this.rs.updateInt(1, 1); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(sqlEx instanceof NotUpdatable); } try { this.rs.updateString(1, "1"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(sqlEx instanceof NotUpdatable); } } } /** * Tests that streaming result sets are registered correctly. * * @throws Exception * if any errors occur */ public void testStreamingRegBug() throws Exception { createTable( "StreamingRegBug", "( DUMMYID " + " INTEGER NOT NULL, DUMMYNAME VARCHAR(32),PRIMARY KEY (DUMMYID) )"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO StreamingRegBug (DUMMYID, DUMMYNAME) VALUES (0, NULL)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO StreamingRegBug (DUMMYID, DUMMYNAME) VALUES (1, 'nro 1')"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO StreamingRegBug (DUMMYID, DUMMYNAME) VALUES (2, 'nro 2')"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO StreamingRegBug (DUMMYID, DUMMYNAME) VALUES (3, 'nro 3')"); PreparedStatement streamStmt = null; try { streamStmt = this.conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT DUMMYID, DUMMYNAME " + "FROM StreamingRegBug ORDER BY DUMMYID", java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); streamStmt.setFetchSize(Integer.MIN_VALUE); this.rs = streamStmt.executeQuery(); while (this.rs.next()) { this.rs.getString(1); } this.rs.close(); // error occurs here } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } finally { if (streamStmt != null) { try { streamStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException exWhileClose) { exWhileClose.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * Tests that result sets can be updated when all parameters are correctly * set. * * @throws Exception * if any errors occur */ public void testUpdatability() throws Exception { this.rs = null; createTable("updatabilityBug", "(" + " id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment," + " field1 varchar(32) NOT NULL default ''," + " field2 varchar(128) NOT NULL default ''," + " field3 varchar(128) default NULL," + " field4 varchar(128) default NULL," + " field5 varchar(64) default NULL," + " field6 int(10) unsigned default NULL," + " field7 varchar(64) default NULL," + " PRIMARY KEY (id)" + ") ", "InnoDB"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("insert into updatabilityBug (id) values (1)"); String sQuery = " SELECT * FROM updatabilityBug WHERE id = ? "; this.pstmt = this.conn.prepareStatement(sQuery, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); this.conn.setAutoCommit(false); this.pstmt.setInt(1, 1); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); if (this.rs.next()) { this.rs.absolute(1); this.rs.updateInt("id", 1); this.rs.updateString("field1", "1"); this.rs.updateString("field2", "1"); this.rs.updateString("field3", "1"); this.rs.updateString("field4", "1"); this.rs.updateString("field5", "1"); this.rs.updateInt("field6", 1); this.rs.updateString("field7", "1"); this.rs.updateRow(); } this.conn.commit(); this.conn.setAutoCommit(true); } /** * Test fixes for BUG#1071 * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testUpdatabilityAndEscaping() throws Exception { Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("useUnicode", "true"); props.setProperty("characterEncoding", "big5"); Connection updConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); Statement updStmt = updConn.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); try { updStmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS testUpdatesWithEscaping"); updStmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE testUpdatesWithEscaping (field1 INT PRIMARY KEY, field2 VARCHAR(64))"); updStmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testUpdatesWithEscaping VALUES (1, null)"); String stringToUpdate = "\" \\ '"; this.rs = updStmt .executeQuery("SELECT * from testUpdatesWithEscaping"); this.rs.next(); this.rs.updateString(2, stringToUpdate); this.rs.updateRow(); assertTrue(stringToUpdate.equals(this.rs.getString(2))); } finally { updStmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS testUpdatesWithEscaping"); updStmt.close(); updConn.close(); } } /** * Tests the fix for BUG#661 ... refreshRow() fails when primary key values * have escaped data in them. * * @throws Exception * if an error occurs */ public void testUpdatabilityWithQuotes() throws Exception { Statement updStmt = null; try { createTable("testUpdWithQuotes", "(keyField CHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, field2 int)"); PreparedStatement pStmt = this.conn .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO testUpdWithQuotes VALUES (?, ?)"); pStmt.setString(1, "Abe's"); pStmt.setInt(2, 1); pStmt.executeUpdate(); updStmt = this.conn .createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); this.rs = updStmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM testUpdWithQuotes"); this.rs.next(); this.rs.updateInt(2, 2); this.rs.updateRow(); } finally { if (updStmt != null) { updStmt.close(); } updStmt = null; } } /** * Checks whether or not ResultSet.updateClob() is implemented * * @throws Exception * if the test fails */ public void testUpdateClob() throws Exception { if (isRunningOnJdk131()) { return; // test not valid on JDK-1.3.1 } Statement updatableStmt = this.conn.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); createTable("testUpdateClob", "(intField INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, clobField TEXT)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testUpdateClob VALUES (1, 'foo')"); this.rs = updatableStmt .executeQuery("SELECT intField, clobField FROM testUpdateClob"); this.rs.next(); Clob clob = this.rs.getClob(2); clob.setString(1, "bar"); this.rs.updateClob(2, clob); this.rs.updateRow(); this.rs.moveToInsertRow(); clob.setString(1, "baz"); this.rs.updateInt(1, 2); this.rs.updateClob(2, clob); this.rs.insertRow(); clob.setString(1, "bat"); this.rs.updateInt(1, 3); this.rs.updateClob(2, clob); this.rs.insertRow(); this.rs.close(); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("SELECT intField, clobField FROM testUpdateClob ORDER BY intField"); this.rs.next(); assertTrue((this.rs.getInt(1) == 1) && this.rs.getString(2).equals("bar")); this.rs.next(); assertTrue((this.rs.getInt(1) == 2) && this.rs.getString(2).equals("baz")); this.rs.next(); assertTrue((this.rs.getInt(1) == 3) && this.rs.getString(2).equals("bat")); } /** * Tests fix for BUG#4482, ResultSet.getObject() returns wrong type for * strings when using prepared statements. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug4482() throws Exception { this.rs = this.conn.prepareStatement("SELECT 'abcdef'").executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertTrue(this.rs.getObject(1) instanceof String); } /** * Test fix for BUG#4689 - WasNull not getting set correctly for binary * result sets. */ public void testBug4689() throws Exception { createTable("testBug4689", "(tinyintField tinyint, tinyintFieldNull tinyint, " + "intField int, intFieldNull int, " + "bigintField bigint, bigintFieldNull bigint, " + "shortField smallint, shortFieldNull smallint, " + "doubleField double, doubleFieldNull double)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug4689 VALUES (1, null, " + "1, null, " + "1, null, " + "1, null, " + "1, null)"); PreparedStatement pStmt = this.conn .prepareStatement("SELECT tinyintField, tinyintFieldNull," + "intField, intFieldNull, " + "bigintField, bigintFieldNull, " + "shortField, shortFieldNull, " + "doubleField, doubleFieldNull FROM testBug4689"); this.rs = pStmt.executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertTrue(this.rs.getByte(1) == 1); assertTrue(this.rs.wasNull() == false); assertTrue(this.rs.getByte(2) == 0); assertTrue(this.rs.wasNull() == true); assertTrue(this.rs.getInt(3) == 1); assertTrue(this.rs.wasNull() == false); assertTrue(this.rs.getInt(4) == 0); assertTrue(this.rs.wasNull() == true); assertTrue(this.rs.getInt(5) == 1); assertTrue(this.rs.wasNull() == false); assertTrue(this.rs.getInt(6) == 0); assertTrue(this.rs.wasNull() == true); assertTrue(this.rs.getShort(7) == 1); assertTrue(this.rs.wasNull() == false); assertTrue(this.rs.getShort(8) == 0); assertTrue(this.rs.wasNull() == true); assertTrue(this.rs.getDouble(9) == 1); assertTrue(this.rs.wasNull() == false); assertTrue(this.rs.getDouble(10) == 0); assertTrue(this.rs.wasNull() == true); } /** * Tests fix for BUG#5032 -- ResultSet.getObject() doesn't return type * Boolean for pseudo-bit types from prepared statements on 4.1.x. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug5032() throws Exception { if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1)) { createTable("testBug5032", "(field1 BIT)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug5032 VALUES (1)"); this.pstmt = this.conn .prepareStatement("SELECT field1 FROM testBug5032"); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertTrue(this.rs.getObject(1) instanceof Boolean); } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#5069 -- ResultSet.getMetaData() should not return * incorrectly-initialized metadata if the result set has been closed, but * should instead throw a SQLException. Also tests fix for getRow() and * getWarnings() and traversal methods. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug5069() throws Exception { this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT 1"); this.rs.close(); try { ResultSetMetaData md = this.rs.getMetaData(); } catch (NullPointerException npEx) { fail("Should not catch NullPointerException here"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR.equals(sqlEx .getSQLState())); } try { this.rs.getRow(); } catch (NullPointerException npEx) { fail("Should not catch NullPointerException here"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR.equals(sqlEx .getSQLState())); } try { this.rs.getWarnings(); } catch (NullPointerException npEx) { fail("Should not catch NullPointerException here"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR.equals(sqlEx .getSQLState())); } try { this.rs.first(); } catch (NullPointerException npEx) { fail("Should not catch NullPointerException here"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR.equals(sqlEx .getSQLState())); } try { this.rs.beforeFirst(); } catch (NullPointerException npEx) { fail("Should not catch NullPointerException here"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR.equals(sqlEx .getSQLState())); } try { this.rs.last(); } catch (NullPointerException npEx) { fail("Should not catch NullPointerException here"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR.equals(sqlEx .getSQLState())); } try { this.rs.afterLast(); } catch (NullPointerException npEx) { fail("Should not catch NullPointerException here"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR.equals(sqlEx .getSQLState())); } try { this.rs.relative(0); } catch (NullPointerException npEx) { fail("Should not catch NullPointerException here"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR.equals(sqlEx .getSQLState())); } try { this.rs.next(); } catch (NullPointerException npEx) { fail("Should not catch NullPointerException here"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR.equals(sqlEx .getSQLState())); } try { this.rs.previous(); } catch (NullPointerException npEx) { fail("Should not catch NullPointerException here"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR.equals(sqlEx .getSQLState())); } try { this.rs.isBeforeFirst(); } catch (NullPointerException npEx) { fail("Should not catch NullPointerException here"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR.equals(sqlEx .getSQLState())); } try { this.rs.isFirst(); } catch (NullPointerException npEx) { fail("Should not catch NullPointerException here"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR.equals(sqlEx .getSQLState())); } try { this.rs.isAfterLast(); } catch (NullPointerException npEx) { fail("Should not catch NullPointerException here"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR.equals(sqlEx .getSQLState())); } try { this.rs.isLast(); } catch (NullPointerException npEx) { fail("Should not catch NullPointerException here"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR.equals(sqlEx .getSQLState())); } } /** * Tests for BUG#5235, ClassCastException on all-zero date field when * zeroDatetimeBehavior is 'convertToNull'...however it appears that this * bug doesn't exist. This is a placeholder until we get more data from the * user on how they provoke this bug to happen. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug5235() throws Exception { createTable("testBug5235", "(field1 DATE)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug5235 (field1) VALUES ('0000-00-00')"); Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("zeroDateTimeBehavior", "convertToNull"); Connection nullConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); this.rs = nullConn.createStatement().executeQuery( "SELECT field1 FROM testBug5235"); this.rs.next(); assertTrue(null == this.rs.getObject(1)); } /** * Tests for BUG#5136, GEOMETRY types getting corrupted, turns out to be a * server bug. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug5136() throws Exception { if (false) { PreparedStatement toGeom = this.conn .prepareStatement("select GeomFromText(?)"); PreparedStatement toText = this.conn .prepareStatement("select AsText(?)"); String inText = "POINT(146.67596278 -36.54368233)"; // First assert that the problem is not at the server end this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("select AsText(GeomFromText('" + inText + "'))"); this.rs.next(); String outText = this.rs.getString(1); this.rs.close(); assertTrue( "Server side only\n In: " + inText + "\nOut: " + outText, inText.equals(outText)); // Now bring a binary geometry object to the client and send it back toGeom.setString(1, inText); this.rs = toGeom.executeQuery(); this.rs.next(); // Return a binary geometry object from the WKT Object geom = this.rs.getObject(1); this.rs.close(); toText.setObject(1, geom); this.rs = toText.executeQuery(); this.rs.next(); // Return WKT from the binary geometry outText = this.rs.getString(1); this.rs.close(); assertTrue("Server to client and back\n In: " + inText + "\nOut: " + outText, inText.equals(outText)); } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#5664, ResultSet.updateByte() when on insert row throws * ArrayOutOfBoundsException. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug5664() throws Exception { createTable("testBug5664", "(pkfield int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, field1 SMALLINT)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug5664 VALUES (1, 1)"); Statement updatableStmt = this.conn.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); this.rs = updatableStmt .executeQuery("SELECT pkfield, field1 FROM testBug5664"); this.rs.next(); this.rs.moveToInsertRow(); this.rs.updateInt(1, 2); this.rs.updateByte(2, (byte) 2); } public void testBogusTimestampAsString() throws Exception { this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT '2004-08-13 13:21:17.'"); this.rs.next(); // We're only checking for an exception being thrown here as the bug this.rs.getTimestamp(1); } /** * Tests our ability to reject NaN and +/- INF in * PreparedStatement.setDouble(); */ public void testBug5717() throws Exception { createTable("testBug5717", "(field1 DOUBLE)"); this.pstmt = this.conn .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO testBug5717 VALUES (?)"); try { this.pstmt.setDouble(1, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); fail("Exception should've been thrown"); } catch (Exception ex) { // expected } try { this.pstmt.setDouble(1, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); fail("Exception should've been thrown"); } catch (Exception ex) { // expected } try { this.pstmt.setDouble(1, Double.NaN); fail("Exception should've been thrown"); } catch (Exception ex) { // expected } } /** * Tests fix for server issue that drops precision on aggregate operations * on DECIMAL types, because they come back as DOUBLEs. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug6537() throws Exception { if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1, 0)) { String tableName = "testBug6537"; createTable( tableName, "(`id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'," + "`value` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL default '0.00', `stringval` varchar(10)," + "PRIMARY KEY (`id`)" + ") DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1", "MyISAM"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO " + tableName + "(id, value, stringval) VALUES (1, 100.00, '100.00'), (2, 200, '200')"); String sql = "SELECT SUM(value) as total FROM " + tableName + " WHERE id = ? "; PreparedStatement pStmt = this.conn.prepareStatement(sql); pStmt.setInt(1, 1); this.rs = pStmt.executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertTrue("100.00".equals(this.rs.getBigDecimal("total") .toString())); sql = "SELECT stringval as total FROM " + tableName + " WHERE id = ? "; pStmt = this.conn.prepareStatement(sql); pStmt.setInt(1, 2); this.rs = pStmt.executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertTrue("200.00".equals(this.rs.getBigDecimal("total", 2) .toString())); } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#6231, ResultSet.getTimestamp() on a column with TIME in * it fails. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug6231() throws Exception { createTable("testBug6231", "(field1 TIME)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug6231 VALUES ('09:16:00')"); this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM testBug6231"); this.rs.next(); long asMillis = this.rs.getTimestamp(1).getTime(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); if (isRunningOnJdk131()) { cal.setTime(new Date(asMillis)); } else { cal.setTimeInMillis(asMillis); } assertEquals(9, cal.get(Calendar.HOUR)); assertEquals(16, cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE)); assertEquals(0, cal.get(Calendar.SECOND)); } public void testBug6619() throws Exception { createTable("testBug6619", "(field1 int)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug6619 VALUES (1), (2)"); PreparedStatement pStmt = this.conn .prepareStatement("SELECT SUM(field1) FROM testBug6619"); this.rs = pStmt.executeQuery(); this.rs.next(); System.out.println(this.rs.getString(1)); } public void testBug6743() throws Exception { // 0x835C U+30BD # KATAKANA LETTER SO String katakanaStr = "\u30BD"; Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("useUnicode", "true"); props.setProperty("characterEncoding", "SJIS"); Connection sjisConn = null; Statement sjisStmt = null; try { sjisConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); sjisStmt = sjisConn.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); sjisStmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS testBug6743"); StringBuffer queryBuf = new StringBuffer( "CREATE TABLE testBug6743 (pkField INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, field1 VARCHAR(32)"); if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1)) { queryBuf.append(" CHARACTER SET SJIS"); } queryBuf.append(")"); sjisStmt.executeUpdate(queryBuf.toString()); sjisStmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug6743 VALUES (1, 'abc')"); this.rs = sjisStmt .executeQuery("SELECT pkField, field1 FROM testBug6743"); this.rs.next(); this.rs.updateString(2, katakanaStr); this.rs.updateRow(); String retrString = this.rs.getString(2); assertTrue(katakanaStr.equals(retrString)); this.rs = sjisStmt .executeQuery("SELECT pkField, field1 FROM testBug6743"); this.rs.next(); retrString = this.rs.getString(2); assertTrue(katakanaStr.equals(retrString)); } finally { this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS testBug6743"); if (sjisStmt != null) { sjisStmt.close(); } if (sjisConn != null) { sjisConn.close(); } } } /** * Tests for presence of BUG#6561, NPE thrown when dealing with 0 dates and * non-unpacked result sets. * * @throws Exception * if the test occurs. */ public void testBug6561() throws Exception { Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("zeroDateTimeBehavior", "convertToNull"); Connection zeroConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); createTable("testBug6561", "(ofield int, field1 DATE, field2 integer, field3 integer)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug6561 (ofield, field1,field2,field3) VALUES (1, 0,NULL,0)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug6561 (ofield, field1,field2,field3) VALUES (2, '2004-11-20',NULL,0)"); PreparedStatement ps = zeroConn .prepareStatement("SELECT field1,field2,field3 FROM testBug6561 ORDER BY ofield"); this.rs = ps.executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertTrue(null == this.rs.getObject("field1")); assertTrue(null == this.rs.getObject("field2")); assertTrue(0 == this.rs.getInt("field3")); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals("2004-11-20", this.rs.getString("field1")); assertTrue(null == this.rs.getObject("field2")); assertTrue(0 == this.rs.getInt("field3")); ps.close(); } public void testBug7686() throws SQLException { String tableName = "testBug7686"; createTable(tableName, "(id1 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL," + " id2 DATETIME, " + " field1 varchar(128) NOT NULL default ''," + " PRIMARY KEY (id1, id2))", "InnoDB;"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("insert into " + tableName + " (id1, id2, field1)" + " values (1, '2005-01-05 13:59:20', 'foo')"); String sQuery = " SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " WHERE id1 = ? AND id2 = ?"; this.pstmt = this.conn.prepareStatement(sQuery, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); this.conn.setAutoCommit(false); this.pstmt.setInt(1, 1); GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.clear(); cal.set(2005, 00, 05, 13, 59, 20); Timestamp jan5before2pm = null; if (isRunningOnJdk131()) { jan5before2pm = new java.sql.Timestamp(cal.getTime().getTime()); } else { jan5before2pm = new java.sql.Timestamp(cal.getTimeInMillis()); } this.pstmt.setTimestamp(2, jan5before2pm); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); this.rs.absolute(1); this.rs.updateString("field1", "bar"); this.rs.updateRow(); this.conn.commit(); this.conn.setAutoCommit(true); } /** * Tests fix for BUG#7715 - Timestamps converted incorrectly to strings with * SSPS and Upd. Result Sets. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug7715() throws Exception { PreparedStatement pStmt = null; createTable( "testConvertedBinaryTimestamp", "(field1 VARCHAR(32), field2 VARCHAR(32), field3 VARCHAR(32), field4 TIMESTAMP)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testConvertedBinaryTimestamp VALUES ('abc', 'def', 'ghi', NOW())"); pStmt = this.conn .prepareStatement( "SELECT field1, field2, field3, field4 FROM testConvertedBinaryTimestamp", ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); this.rs = pStmt.executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); this.rs.getObject(4); // fails if bug exists } /** * Tests fix for BUG#8428 - getString() doesn't maintain format stored on * server. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug8428() throws Exception { Connection noSyncConn = null; createTable("testBug8428", "(field1 YEAR, field2 DATETIME)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug8428 VALUES ('1999', '2005-02-11 12:54:41')"); Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("noDatetimeStringSync", "true"); props.setProperty("useUsageAdvisor", "true"); props.setProperty("yearIsDateType", "false"); // for 3.1.9+ noSyncConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); this.rs = noSyncConn.createStatement().executeQuery( "SELECT field1, field2 FROM testBug8428"); this.rs.next(); assertEquals("1999", this.rs.getString(1)); assertEquals("2005-02-11 12:54:41", this.rs.getString(2)); this.rs = noSyncConn.prepareStatement( "SELECT field1, field2 FROM testBug8428").executeQuery(); this.rs.next(); assertEquals("1999", this.rs.getString(1)); assertEquals("2005-02-11 12:54:41", this.rs.getString(2)); } /** * Tests fix for Bug#8868, DATE_FORMAT() queries returned as BLOBs from * getObject(). * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug8868() throws Exception { if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1)) { createTable("testBug8868", "(field1 DATE, field2 VARCHAR(32) CHARACTER SET BINARY)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug8868 VALUES (NOW(), 'abcd')"); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(field1,'%b-%e %l:%i%p') as fmtddate, field2 FROM testBug8868"); this.rs.next(); assertEquals("java.lang.String", this.rs.getObject(1).getClass() .getName()); } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#9098 - Server doesn't give us info to distinguish * between CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' for default values. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails */ public void testBug9098() throws Exception { if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1, 10)) { Statement updatableStmt = null; createTable( "testBug9098", "(pkfield INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, \n" + "tsfield TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, tsfield2 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT '2005-12-25 12:20:52', charfield VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'abcd')"); updatableStmt = this.conn.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); this.rs = updatableStmt .executeQuery("SELECT pkfield, tsfield, tsfield2, charfield FROM testBug9098"); this.rs.moveToInsertRow(); this.rs.insertRow(); } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#9236, a continuation of BUG#8868, where functions used * in queries that should return non-string types when resolved by temporary * tables suddenly become opaque binary strings (work-around for server * limitation) * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug9236() throws Exception { if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1)) { createTable( "testBug9236", "(" + "field_1 int(18) NOT NULL auto_increment," + "field_2 varchar(50) NOT NULL default ''," + "field_3 varchar(12) default NULL," + "field_4 int(18) default NULL," + "field_5 int(18) default NULL," + "field_6 datetime default NULL," + "field_7 varchar(30) default NULL," + "field_8 varchar(50) default NULL," + "field_9 datetime default NULL," + "field_10 int(18) NOT NULL default '0'," + "field_11 int(18) default NULL," + "field_12 datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00'," + "PRIMARY KEY (field_1)," + "KEY (field_4)," + "KEY (field_2)," + "KEY (field_3)," + "KEY (field_7,field_1)," + "KEY (field_5)," + "KEY (field_6,field_10,field_9)," + "KEY (field_11,field_10)," + "KEY (field_12,field_10)" + ") DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1", "InnoDB"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug9236 VALUES " + "(1,'0',NULL,-1,0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00','123456789','-1','2004-03-13 14:21:38',0,NULL,'2004-03-13 14:21:38')," + "(2,'0',NULL,1,0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',NULL,'1',NULL,0,NULL,'2004-07-13 14:29:52')," + "(3,'0',NULL,1,0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',NULL,'2',NULL,0,NULL,'2004-07-16 13:20:51')," + "(4,'0',NULL,1,0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',NULL,'3','2004-07-16 13:43:39',0,NULL,'2004-07-16 13:22:01')," + "(5,'0',NULL,1,0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',NULL,'4','2004-07-16 13:23:48',0,NULL,'2004-07-16 13:23:01')," + "(6,'0',NULL,1,0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',NULL,'5',NULL,0,NULL,'2004-07-16 14:41:07')," + "(7,'0',NULL,1,0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',NULL,'6',NULL,0,NULL,'2004-07-16 14:41:34')," + "(8,'0',NULL,1,0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',NULL,'7',NULL,0,NULL,'2004-07-16 14:41:54')," + "(9,'0',NULL,1,0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',NULL,'8',NULL,0,NULL,'2004-07-16 14:42:42')," + "(10,'0','PI',1,0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',NULL,'9',NULL,0,NULL,'2004-07-18 10:51:30')," + "(11,'0',NULL,1,0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',NULL,'10','2004-07-23 17:23:06',0,NULL,'2004-07-23 17:18:19')," + "(12,'0',NULL,1,0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',NULL,'11','2004-07-23 17:24:45',0,NULL,'2004-07-23 17:23:57')," + "(13,'0',NULL,1,0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',NULL,'12','2004-07-23 17:30:51',0,NULL,'2004-07-23 17:30:15')," + "(14,'0',NULL,1,0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',NULL,'13','2004-07-26 17:50:19',0,NULL,'2004-07-26 17:49:38')," + "(15,'0','FRL',1,0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',NULL,'1',NULL,0,NULL,'2004-08-19 18:29:18')," + "(16,'0','FRL',1,0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',NULL,'15',NULL,0,NULL,'2005-03-16 12:08:28')"); createTable("testBug9236_1", "(field1 CHAR(2) CHARACTER SET BINARY)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug9236_1 VALUES ('ab')"); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM testBug9236_1"); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = this.rs.getMetaData(); assertEquals("[B", rsmd.getColumnClassName(1)); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); Object asObject = this.rs.getObject(1); assertEquals("[B", asObject.getClass().getName()); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("select DATE_FORMAT(field_12, '%Y-%m-%d') as date, count(*) as count from testBug9236 where field_10 = 0 and field_3 = 'FRL' and field_12 >= '2005-03-02 00:00:00' and field_12 <= '2005-03-17 00:00:00' group by date"); rsmd = this.rs.getMetaData(); assertEquals("java.lang.String", rsmd.getColumnClassName(1)); this.rs.next(); asObject = this.rs.getObject(1); assertEquals("java.lang.String", asObject.getClass().getName()); this.rs.close(); createTable("testBug8868_2", "(field1 CHAR(4) CHARACTER SET BINARY)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug8868_2 VALUES ('abc')"); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM testBug8868_2"); rsmd = this.rs.getMetaData(); assertEquals("[B", rsmd.getColumnClassName(1)); this.rs.next(); asObject = this.rs.getObject(1); assertEquals("[B", asObject.getClass().getName()); } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#9437, IF() returns type of [B or java.lang.String * depending on platform. Fixed earlier, but in here to catch if it ever * regresses. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug9437() throws Exception { String tableName = "testBug9437"; if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1, 0)) { createTable( tableName, "(" + "languageCode char(2) NOT NULL default ''," + "countryCode char(2) NOT NULL default ''," + "supported enum('no','yes') NOT NULL default 'no'," + "ordering int(11) default NULL," + "createDate datetime NOT NULL default '1000-01-01 00:00:03'," + "modifyDate timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update" + " CURRENT_TIMESTAMP," + "PRIMARY KEY (languageCode,countryCode)," + "KEY languageCode (languageCode)," + "KEY countryCode (countryCode)," + "KEY ordering (ordering)," + "KEY modifyDate (modifyDate)" + ") DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8", "InnoDB"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (languageCode) VALUES ('en')"); String alias = "someLocale"; String sql = "select if ( languageCode = ?, ?, ? ) as " + alias + " from " + tableName; this.pstmt = this.conn.prepareStatement(sql); int count = 1; this.pstmt.setObject(count++, "en"); this.pstmt.setObject(count++, "en_US"); this.pstmt.setObject(count++, "en_GB"); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); Object object = this.rs.getObject(alias); if (object != null) { assertEquals("java.lang.String", object.getClass().getName()); assertEquals("en_US", object.toString()); } } } public void testBug9684() throws Exception { if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1, 9)) { String tableName = "testBug9684"; createTable(tableName, "(sourceText text character set utf8 collate utf8_bin)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES ('abc')"); this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT sourceText FROM " + tableName); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals("java.lang.String", this.rs.getString(1).getClass() .getName()); assertEquals("abc", this.rs.getString(1)); } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#10156 - Unsigned SMALLINT treated as signed * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug10156() throws Exception { String tableName = "testBug10156"; createTable(tableName, "(field1 smallint(5) unsigned, " + "field2 tinyint unsigned," + "field3 int unsigned)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES (32768, 255, 4294967295)"); this.rs = this.conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM " + tableName) .executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(32768, this.rs.getInt(1)); assertEquals(255, this.rs.getInt(2)); assertEquals(4294967295L, this.rs.getLong(3)); assertEquals(String.valueOf(this.rs.getObject(1)), String.valueOf(this.rs.getInt(1))); assertEquals(String.valueOf(this.rs.getObject(2)), String.valueOf(this.rs.getInt(2))); assertEquals(String.valueOf(this.rs.getObject(3)), String.valueOf(this.rs.getLong(3))); } public void testBug10212() throws Exception { String tableName = "testBug10212"; createTable(tableName, "(field1 YEAR(4))"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES (1974)"); this.rs = this.conn.prepareStatement("SELECT field1 FROM " + tableName) .executeQuery(); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = this.rs.getMetaData(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals("java.sql.Date", rsmd.getColumnClassName(1)); assertEquals("java.sql.Date", this.rs.getObject(1).getClass().getName()); this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM " + tableName); rsmd = this.rs.getMetaData(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals("java.sql.Date", rsmd.getColumnClassName(1)); assertEquals("java.sql.Date", this.rs.getObject(1).getClass().getName()); } /** * Tests fix for BUG#11190 - ResultSet.moveToCurrentRow() fails to work when * preceeded with .moveToInsertRow(). * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug11190() throws Exception { createTable("testBug11190", "(a CHAR(4) PRIMARY KEY, b VARCHAR(20))"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug11190 VALUES('3000','L'),('3001','H'),('1050','B')"); Statement updStmt = null; try { updStmt = this.conn .createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); this.rs = updStmt.executeQuery("select * from testBug11190"); assertTrue("must return a row", this.rs.next()); String savedValue = this.rs.getString(1); this.rs.moveToInsertRow(); this.rs.updateString(1, "4000"); this.rs.updateString(2, "C"); this.rs.insertRow(); this.rs.moveToCurrentRow(); assertEquals(savedValue, this.rs.getString(1)); } finally { if (updStmt != null) { updStmt.close(); } } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#12104 - Geometry types not handled with server-side * prepared statements. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails */ public void testBug12104() throws Exception { if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1)) { createTable("testBug12104", "(field1 GEOMETRY)", "MyISAM"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug12104 VALUES (GeomFromText('POINT(1 1)'))"); this.pstmt = this.conn .prepareStatement("SELECT field1 FROM testBug12104"); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); System.out.println(this.rs.getObject(1)); } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#13043 - when 'gatherPerfMetrics' is enabled for servers * < 4.1.0, a NPE is thrown from the constructor of ResultSet if the query * doesn't use any tables. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails */ public void testBug13043() throws Exception { if (!versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1)) { Connection perfConn = null; try { Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("gatherPerfMetrics", "true"); // this property is // reported as the cause // of // NullPointerException props.put("reportMetricsIntervalMillis", "30000"); // this // property // is // reported // as the // cause of // NullPointerException perfConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); perfConn.createStatement().executeQuery("SELECT 1"); } finally { if (perfConn != null) { perfConn.close(); } } } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#13374 - ResultSet.getStatement() on closed result set * returns NULL (as per JDBC 4.0 spec, but not backwards-compatible). * * @throws Exception * if the test fails */ public void testBug13374() throws Exception { Statement retainStmt = null; Connection retainConn = null; try { Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("retainStatementAfterResultSetClose", "true"); retainConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); retainStmt = retainConn.createStatement(); this.rs = retainStmt.executeQuery("SELECT 1"); this.rs.close(); assertNotNull(this.rs.getStatement()); this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT 1"); this.rs.close(); try { this.rs.getStatement(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertEquals(sqlEx.getSQLState(), SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR); } } finally { if (retainStmt != null) { retainStmt.close(); } if (retainConn != null) { retainConn.close(); } } } /** * Tests bugfix for BUG#14562 - metadata/type for MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED is * incorrect. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug14562() throws Exception { createTable("testBug14562", "(row_order INT, signed_field MEDIUMINT, unsigned_field MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug14562 VALUES (1, -8388608, 0), (2, 8388607, 16777215)"); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("SELECT signed_field, unsigned_field FROM testBug14562 ORDER BY row_order"); traverseResultSetBug14562(); this.rs = this.conn .prepareStatement( "SELECT signed_field, unsigned_field FROM testBug14562 ORDER BY row_order") .executeQuery(); traverseResultSetBug14562(); if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0)) { CallableStatement storedProc = null; try { createProcedure( "sp_testBug14562", "() BEGIN SELECT signed_field, unsigned_field FROM testBug14562 ORDER BY row_order; END"); storedProc = this.conn.prepareCall("{call sp_testBug14562()}"); storedProc.execute(); this.rs = storedProc.getResultSet(); traverseResultSetBug14562(); createProcedure( "sp_testBug14562_1", "(OUT param_1 MEDIUMINT, OUT param_2 MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED) BEGIN SELECT signed_field, unsigned_field INTO param_1, param_2 FROM testBug14562 WHERE row_order=1; END"); storedProc = this.conn .prepareCall("{call sp_testBug14562_1(?, ?)}"); storedProc.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER); storedProc.registerOutParameter(2, Types.INTEGER); storedProc.execute(); assertEquals("java.lang.Integer", storedProc.getObject(1) .getClass().getName()); if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 1) || versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 67)) { assertEquals("java.lang.Long", storedProc.getObject(2) .getClass().getName()); } else { assertEquals("java.lang.Integer", storedProc.getObject(2) .getClass().getName()); } } finally { if (storedProc != null) { storedProc.close(); } } } this.rs = this.conn.getMetaData().getColumns(this.conn.getCatalog(), null, "testBug14562", "%field"); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(Types.INTEGER, this.rs.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertEquals("MEDIUMINT", this.rs.getString("TYPE_NAME").toUpperCase(Locale.US)); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(Types.INTEGER, this.rs.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertEquals("MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED", this.rs.getString("TYPE_NAME") .toUpperCase(Locale.US)); // // The following test is harmless in the 3.1 driver, but // is needed for the 5.0 driver, so we'll leave it here // if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 14)) { Connection infoSchemConn = null; try { Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("useInformationSchema", "true"); infoSchemConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); this.rs = infoSchemConn.getMetaData().getColumns( infoSchemConn.getCatalog(), null, "testBug14562", "%field"); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(Types.INTEGER, this.rs.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertEquals("MEDIUMINT", this.rs.getString("TYPE_NAME") .toUpperCase(Locale.US)); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(Types.INTEGER, this.rs.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertEquals("MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED", this.rs.getString("TYPE_NAME").toUpperCase(Locale.US)); } finally { if (infoSchemConn != null) { infoSchemConn.close(); } } } } public void testBug15604() throws Exception { createTable("testBug15604_date_cal", "(field1 DATE)"); Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("useLegacyDatetimeCode", "false"); props.setProperty("sessionVariables", "time_zone='America/Chicago'"); Connection nonLegacyConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2005); cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, 4); cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 15); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(cal.getTime().getTime()); Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance(); cal2.setTime(sqlDate); System.out.println(new java.sql.Date(cal2.getTime().getTime())); this.pstmt = nonLegacyConn .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO testBug15604_date_cal VALUES (?)"); this.pstmt.setDate(1, sqlDate, cal); this.pstmt.executeUpdate(); this.rs = nonLegacyConn.createStatement().executeQuery( "SELECT field1 FROM testBug15604_date_cal"); this.rs.next(); assertEquals(sqlDate.getTime(), this.rs.getDate(1, cal).getTime()); } public void testBug14897() throws Exception { createTable("table1", "(id int, name_id int)"); createTable("table2", "(id int)"); createTable( "lang_table", "(id int, en varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8, cz varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("insert into table1 values (0, 0)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("insert into table2 values (0)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("insert into lang_table values (0, 'abcdef', 'ghijkl')"); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("select a.id, b.id, c.en, c.cz from table1 as a, table2 as b, lang_table as c where a.id = b.id and a.name_id = c.id"); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); this.rs.getString("c.cz"); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("select table1.*, table2.* FROM table1, table2"); this.rs.findColumn("table1.id"); this.rs.findColumn("table2.id"); } /** * Tests fix for BUG#14609 - Exception thrown for new decimal type when * using updatable result sets. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails */ public void testBug14609() throws Exception { if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0)) { createTable("testBug14609", "(field1 int primary key, field2 decimal)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug14609 VALUES (1, 1)"); PreparedStatement updatableStmt = this.conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT field1, field2 FROM testBug14609", ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); try { this.rs = updatableStmt.executeQuery(); } finally { if (updatableStmt != null) { updatableStmt.close(); } } } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#16169 - ResultSet.getNativeShort() causes stack * overflow error via recurisve calls. * * @throws Exception * if the tests fails */ public void testBug16169() throws Exception { createTable("testBug16169", "(field1 smallint)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug16169 (field1) VALUES (0)"); this.pstmt = this.conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM testBug16169"); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(0, ((Integer) rs.getObject("field1")).intValue()); } /** * Tests fix for BUG#16841 - updatable result set doesn't return * AUTO_INCREMENT values for insertRow() when multiple column primary keys * are used. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug16841() throws Exception { createTable("testBug16841", "(" + "CID int( 20 ) NOT NULL default '0'," + "OID int( 20 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ," + "PatientID int( 20 ) default NULL ," + "PRIMARY KEY ( CID , OID ) ," + "KEY OID ( OID ) ," + "KEY Path ( CID, PatientID)" + ")", "MYISAM"); String sSQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM testBug16841 WHERE 1 = 0"; Statement updStmt = null; try { updStmt = this.conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); this.rs = updStmt.executeQuery(sSQLQuery); this.rs.moveToInsertRow(); this.rs.updateInt("CID", 1); this.rs.updateInt("PatientID", 1); this.rs.insertRow(); this.rs.last(); assertEquals(1, this.rs.getInt("OID")); } finally { if (updStmt != null) { updStmt.close(); } } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#17450 - ResultSet.wasNull() not always reset correctly * for booleans when done via conversion for server-side prepared * statements. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug17450() throws Exception { if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1, 0)) { createTable("testBug17450", "(FOO VARCHAR(100), BAR CHAR NOT NULL)"); this.stmt .execute("insert into testBug17450 (foo,bar) values ('foo',true)"); this.stmt .execute("insert into testBug17450 (foo,bar) values (null,true)"); this.pstmt = this.conn .prepareStatement("select * from testBug17450 where foo=?"); this.pstmt.setString(1, "foo"); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); checkResult17450(); this.pstmt = this.conn .prepareStatement("select * from testBug17450 where foo is null"); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); checkResult17450(); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("select * from testBug17450 where foo='foo'"); checkResult17450(); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("select * from testBug17450 where foo is null"); checkResult17450(); } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#19282 - ResultSet.wasNull() returns incorrect value * when extracting native string from server-side prepared statement * generated result set. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug19282() throws Exception { createTable("testBug19282", "(field1 VARCHAR(32))"); this.pstmt = this.conn .prepareStatement("SELECT field1 FROM testBug19282"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug19282 VALUES ('abcdefg')"); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); this.rs.next(); assertEquals(false, this.rs.wasNull()); this.rs.getString(1); assertEquals(false, this.rs.wasNull()); } private void checkResult17450() throws Exception { this.rs.next(); this.rs.getString(1); boolean bar = this.rs.getBoolean(2); assertEquals("field 2 should be true", true, bar); assertFalse("wasNull should return false", this.rs.wasNull()); } /** * Tests fix for BUG# * * @throws Exception */ public void testBug19568() throws Exception { if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1, 0)) { createTable("testBug19568", "(field1 BOOLEAN," + (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 0) ? "field2 BIT" : "field2 BOOLEAN") + ")"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug19568 VALUES (1,0), (0, 1)"); this.pstmt = this.conn .prepareStatement("SELECT field1, field2 FROM testBug19568 ORDER BY field1 DESC"); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); checkResultsBug19568(); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("SELECT field1, field2 FROM testBug19568 ORDER BY field1 DESC"); checkResultsBug19568(); } } private void checkResultsBug19568() throws SQLException { // Test all numerical getters, and make sure to alternate true/false // across rows so we can catch // false-positives if off-by-one errors exist in the column getters. for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { assertTrue(this.rs.next()); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { assertEquals((i == 1 && j == 1) || (i == 0 && j == 0), this.rs.getBoolean(j + 1)); assertEquals( ((i == 1 && j == 1) || (i == 0 && j == 0) ? 1 : 0), this.rs.getBigDecimal(j + 1).intValue()); assertEquals( ((i == 1 && j == 1) || (i == 0 && j == 0) ? 1 : 0), this.rs.getByte(j + 1)); assertEquals( ((i == 1 && j == 1) || (i == 0 && j == 0) ? 1 : 0), this.rs.getShort(j + 1)); assertEquals( ((i == 1 && j == 1) || (i == 0 && j == 0) ? 1 : 0), this.rs.getInt(j + 1)); assertEquals( ((i == 1 && j == 1) || (i == 0 && j == 0) ? 1 : 0), this.rs.getLong(j + 1)); assertEquals( ((i == 1 && j == 1) || (i == 0 && j == 0) ? 1 : 0), this.rs.getFloat(j + 1), .1); assertEquals( ((i == 1 && j == 1) || (i == 0 && j == 0) ? 1 : 0), this.rs.getDouble(j + 1), .1); } } } public void testBug19724() throws Exception { if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1)) { // can't set this via session on 4.0 :( createTable("test19724", "(col1 INTEGER NOT NULL, col2 VARCHAR(255) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col1))"); this.stmt .execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO test19724 VALUES (0, 'Blah'),(1,'Boo')"); Connection ansiConn = null; Statement updStmt = null; Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("sessionVariables", "sql_mode=ansi"); try { ansiConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); updStmt = ansiConn.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); this.rs = updStmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM test19724"); this.rs.beforeFirst(); this.rs.next(); this.rs.updateString("col2", "blah2"); this.rs.updateRow(); } finally { if (ansiConn != null) { ansiConn.close(); } } } } private void traverseResultSetBug14562() throws SQLException { assertTrue(this.rs.next()); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = this.rs.getMetaData(); assertEquals("MEDIUMINT", rsmd.getColumnTypeName(1)); assertEquals("MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED", rsmd.getColumnTypeName(2)); assertEquals(Types.INTEGER, rsmd.getColumnType(1)); assertEquals(Types.INTEGER, rsmd.getColumnType(2)); assertEquals("java.lang.Integer", rsmd.getColumnClassName(1)); assertEquals("java.lang.Integer", rsmd.getColumnClassName(2)); assertEquals(-8388608, this.rs.getInt(1)); assertEquals(0, this.rs.getInt(2)); assertEquals("java.lang.Integer", this.rs.getObject(1).getClass() .getName()); assertEquals("java.lang.Integer", this.rs.getObject(2).getClass() .getName()); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(8388607, this.rs.getInt(1)); assertEquals(16777215, this.rs.getInt(2)); assertEquals("java.lang.Integer", this.rs.getObject(1).getClass() .getName()); assertEquals("java.lang.Integer", this.rs.getObject(2).getClass() .getName()); } /* * public void testBug16458() throws Exception { createTable("a", "(id * INTEGER NOT NULL, primary key (id)) Type=InnoDB"); createTable("b", "(id * INTEGER NOT NULL, primary key (id)) Type=InnoDB"); createTable("c", "(id * INTEGER NOT NULL, primary key (id)) Type=InnoDB"); * * createTable( "problem_table", "(id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment," + * "a_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0'," + "b_id int(11) NOT NULL default * '0'," + "c_id int(11) default NULL," + "order_num int(2) NOT NULL default * '0'," + "PRIMARY KEY (id)," + "KEY idx_problem_table__b_id (b_id)," + * "KEY idx_problem_table__a_id (a_id)," + "KEY idx_problem_table__c_id * (c_id)," + "CONSTRAINT fk_problem_table__c FOREIGN KEY (c_id) REFERENCES * c (id)," + "CONSTRAINT fk_problem_table__a FOREIGN KEY (a_id) REFERENCES * a (id)," + "CONSTRAINT fk_problem_table__b FOREIGN KEY (b_id) REFERENCES * b (id)" + ")" + "Type=InnoDB"); * * this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO `a` VALUES " + * "(1),(4),(9),(10),(11),(12),(13),(14),(15),(16),(17),(18),(19),(20),(21),(22),(23" * + * "),(24),(25),(26),(27),(28),(29),(30),(31),(32),(33),(34),(35),(36),(37),(38),(39" * + "),(40),(41),(42),(43),(45),(46),(47),(48),(49),(50)"); * * this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO `b` VALUES " + * "(1),(2),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12),(13),(14),(15),(16),(17),(18),(19" * + "),(20)"); * * this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO `c` VALUES " + * "(1),(2),(3),(13),(15),(16),(22),(30),(31),(32),(33),(34),(35),(36),(37),(148),(1" * + * "59),(167),(174),(176),(177),(178),(179),(180),(187),(188),(189),(190),(191),(192" * + * "),(193),(194),(195),(196),(197),(198),(199),(200),(201),(202),(203),(204),(205)," * + "(206),(207),(208)"); * * this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO `problem_table` VALUES " + * "(1,1,1,NULL,1),(2,1,4,NULL,1),(3,1,5,NULL,1),(4,1,8,NULL,1),(5,23,1,NULL,1),(6,2" * + * "3,4,NULL,1),(7,24,1,NULL,1),(8,24,2,NULL,1),(9,24,4,NULL,1),(10,25,1,NULL,1),(11" * + * ",25,2,NULL,1),(12,25,4,NULL,1),(13,27,1,NULL,1),(14,28,1,NULL,1),(15,29,1,NULL,1" * + * "),(16,15,2,NULL,1),(17,15,5,NULL,1),(18,15,8,NULL,1),(19,30,1,NULL,1),(20,31,1,N" * + * "ULL,1),(21,31,4,NULL,1),(22,32,2,NULL,1),(23,32,4,NULL,1),(24,32,6,NULL,1),(25,3" * + * "2,8,NULL,1),(26,32,10,NULL,1),(27,32,11,NULL,1),(28,32,13,NULL,1),(29,32,16,NULL" * + * ",1),(30,32,17,NULL,1),(31,32,18,NULL,1),(32,32,19,NULL,1),(33,32,20,NULL,1),(34," * + * "33,15,NULL,1),(35,33,15,NULL,1),(36,32,20,206,1),(96,32,9,NULL,1),(100,47,6,NULL" * + ",1),(101,47,10,NULL,1),(102,47,5,NULL,1),(105,47,19,NULL,1)"); * PreparedStatement ps = null; * * try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT id,order_num FROM * problem_table WHERE a_id=? FOR UPDATE", ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, * ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); * * ps.setInt(1, 32); * * this.rs = ps.executeQuery(); * * while(this.rs.next()) { this.rs.updateInt(3, 51); * * this.rs.updateRow(); } } finally { if (this.rs != null) { ResultSet * toCloseRs = this.rs; this.rs = null; toCloseRs.close(); } * * if (ps != null) { PreparedStatement toClosePs = ps; ps = null; * toClosePs.close(); } } } */ public void testNPEWithUsageAdvisor() throws Exception { Connection advisorConn = null; Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("useUsageAdvisor", "true"); advisorConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); this.pstmt = advisorConn.prepareStatement("SELECT 1"); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); this.rs.close(); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); } public void testAllTypesForNull() throws Exception { if (!isRunningOnJdk131()) { Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("jdbcCompliantTruncation", "false"); props.setProperty("zeroDateTimeBehavior", "round"); Connection conn2 = getConnectionWithProps(props); Statement stmt2 = conn2.createStatement(); DatabaseMetaData dbmd = this.conn.getMetaData(); this.rs = dbmd.getTypeInfo(); boolean firstColumn = true; int numCols = 1; StringBuffer createStatement = new StringBuffer( "CREATE TABLE testAllTypes ("); List wasDatetimeTypeList = new ArrayList(); while (this.rs.next()) { String dataType = this.rs.getString("TYPE_NAME").toUpperCase(); boolean wasDateTime = false; if (dataType.indexOf("DATE") != -1 || dataType.indexOf("TIME") != -1) { wasDateTime = true; } if (!"BOOL".equalsIgnoreCase(dataType) && !"LONG VARCHAR".equalsIgnoreCase(dataType) && !"LONG VARBINARY".equalsIgnoreCase(dataType) && !"ENUM".equalsIgnoreCase(dataType) && !"SET".equalsIgnoreCase(dataType)) { wasDatetimeTypeList.add(new Boolean(wasDateTime)); createStatement.append("\n\t"); if (!firstColumn) { createStatement.append(","); } else { firstColumn = false; } createStatement.append("field_"); createStatement.append(numCols++); createStatement.append(" "); createStatement.append(dataType); if (dataType.indexOf("CHAR") != -1 || dataType.indexOf("BINARY") != -1 && dataType.indexOf("BLOB") == -1 && dataType.indexOf("TEXT") == -1) { createStatement.append("("); createStatement.append(this.rs.getString("PRECISION")); createStatement.append(")"); } createStatement.append(" NULL DEFAULT NULL"); } } createStatement.append("\n)"); stmt2.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS testAllTypes"); stmt2.executeUpdate(createStatement.toString()); StringBuffer insertStatement = new StringBuffer( "INSERT INTO testAllTypes VALUES (NULL"); for (int i = 1; i < numCols - 1; i++) { insertStatement.append(", NULL"); } insertStatement.append(")"); stmt2.executeUpdate(insertStatement.toString()); this.rs = stmt2.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM testAllTypes"); testAllFieldsForNull(this.rs); this.rs.close(); this.rs = this.conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM testAllTypes") .executeQuery(); testAllFieldsForNull(this.rs); stmt2.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM testAllTypes"); insertStatement = new StringBuffer( "INSERT INTO testAllTypes VALUES ("); boolean needsNow = ((Boolean) wasDatetimeTypeList.get(0)) .booleanValue(); if (needsNow) { insertStatement.append("NOW()"); } else { insertStatement.append("'0'"); } for (int i = 1; i < numCols - 1; i++) { needsNow = ((Boolean) wasDatetimeTypeList.get(i)) .booleanValue(); insertStatement.append(","); if (needsNow) { insertStatement.append("NOW()"); } else { insertStatement.append("'0'"); } } insertStatement.append(")"); stmt2.executeUpdate(insertStatement.toString()); this.rs = stmt2.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM testAllTypes"); testAllFieldsForNotNull(this.rs, wasDatetimeTypeList); this.rs.close(); this.rs = conn2.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM testAllTypes") .executeQuery(); testAllFieldsForNotNull(this.rs, wasDatetimeTypeList); } } private void testAllFieldsForNull(ResultSet rsToTest) throws Exception { ResultSetMetaData rsmd = this.rs.getMetaData(); int numCols = rsmd.getColumnCount(); while (rsToTest.next()) { for (int i = 0; i < numCols - 1; i++) { String typeName = rsmd.getColumnTypeName(i + 1); if ("VARBINARY".equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)) { System.out.println(); } if (!"BIT".equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)) { assertEquals(false, rsToTest.getBoolean(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(0, rsToTest.getDouble(i + 1), 0 /* delta */); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(0, rsToTest.getFloat(i + 1), 0 /* delta */); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(0, rsToTest.getInt(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(0, rsToTest.getLong(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(null, rsToTest.getObject(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(null, rsToTest.getString(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(null, rsToTest.getAsciiStream(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(null, rsToTest.getBigDecimal(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(null, rsToTest.getBinaryStream(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(null, rsToTest.getBlob(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(0, rsToTest.getByte(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(null, rsToTest.getBytes(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(null, rsToTest.getCharacterStream(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(null, rsToTest.getClob(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(null, rsToTest.getDate(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(0, rsToTest.getShort(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(null, rsToTest.getTime(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(null, rsToTest.getTimestamp(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(null, rsToTest.getUnicodeStream(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(null, rsToTest.getURL(i + 1)); assertTrue("for type " + typeName, rsToTest.wasNull()); } } } } private void testAllFieldsForNotNull(ResultSet rsToTest, List wasDatetimeTypeList) throws Exception { ResultSetMetaData rsmd = this.rs.getMetaData(); int numCols = rsmd.getColumnCount(); while (rsToTest.next()) { for (int i = 0; i < numCols - 1; i++) { boolean wasDatetimeType = ((Boolean) wasDatetimeTypeList.get(i)) .booleanValue(); String typeName = rsmd.getColumnTypeName(i + 1); int sqlType = rsmd.getColumnType(i + 1); if (!"BIT".equalsIgnoreCase(typeName) && sqlType != Types.BINARY && sqlType != Types.VARBINARY && sqlType != Types.LONGVARBINARY) { if (!wasDatetimeType) { assertEquals(false, rsToTest.getBoolean(i + 1)); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(0, rsToTest.getDouble(i + 1), 0 /* delta */); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(0, rsToTest.getFloat(i + 1), 0 /* delta */); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(0, rsToTest.getInt(i + 1)); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(0, rsToTest.getLong(i + 1)); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(0, rsToTest.getByte(i + 1)); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); assertEquals(0, rsToTest.getShort(i + 1)); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); } assertNotNull(rsToTest.getObject(i + 1)); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); assertNotNull(rsToTest.getString(i + 1)); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); assertNotNull(rsToTest.getAsciiStream(i + 1)); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); assertNotNull(rsToTest.getBinaryStream(i + 1)); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); assertNotNull(rsToTest.getBlob(i + 1)); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); assertNotNull(rsToTest.getBytes(i + 1)); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); assertNotNull(rsToTest.getCharacterStream(i + 1)); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); assertNotNull(rsToTest.getClob(i + 1)); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); String columnClassName = rsmd.getColumnClassName(i + 1); boolean canBeUsedAsDate = !("java.lang.Boolean" .equals(columnClassName) || "java.lang.Double".equals(columnClassName) || "java.lang.Float".equals(columnClassName) || "java.lang.Real".equals(columnClassName) || "java.math.BigDecimal" .equals(columnClassName)); if (canBeUsedAsDate) { assertNotNull(rsToTest.getDate(i + 1)); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); assertNotNull(rsToTest.getTime(i + 1)); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); assertNotNull(rsToTest.getTimestamp(i + 1)); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); } assertNotNull(rsToTest.getUnicodeStream(i + 1)); assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); try { if (!isRunningOnJdk131()) { assertNotNull(rsToTest.getURL(i + 1)); } } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(sqlEx.getMessage().indexOf("URL") != -1); } assertTrue(!rsToTest.wasNull()); } } } } public void testNPEWithStatementsAndTime() throws Exception { createTable("testNPETime", "(field1 TIME NULL, field2 DATETIME NULL, field3 DATE NULL)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testNPETime VALUES (null, null, null)"); this.pstmt = this.conn .prepareStatement("SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM testNPETime"); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); this.rs.next(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { assertEquals(null, this.rs.getTime(i + 1)); assertEquals(true, this.rs.wasNull()); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { assertEquals(null, this.rs.getTimestamp(i + 1)); assertEquals(true, this.rs.wasNull()); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { assertEquals(null, this.rs.getDate(i + 1)); assertEquals(true, this.rs.wasNull()); } } public void testEmptyStringsWithNumericGetters() throws Exception { createTable("emptyStringTable", "(field1 char(32))"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO emptyStringTable VALUES ('')"); this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM emptyStringTable"); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); createTable("emptyStringTable", "(field1 char(32))"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO emptyStringTable VALUES ('')"); this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM emptyStringTable"); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); checkEmptyConvertToZero(); this.rs = this.conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT field1 FROM emptyStringTable").executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); checkEmptyConvertToZero(); Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("useFastIntParsing", "false"); Connection noFastIntParseConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); Statement noFastIntStmt = noFastIntParseConn.createStatement(); this.rs = noFastIntStmt .executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM emptyStringTable"); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); checkEmptyConvertToZero(); this.rs = noFastIntParseConn.prepareStatement( "SELECT field1 FROM emptyStringTable").executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); checkEmptyConvertToZero(); // // Now, be more pedantic.... // props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("emptyStringsConvertToZero", "false"); Connection pedanticConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); Statement pedanticStmt = pedanticConn.createStatement(); this.rs = pedanticStmt .executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM emptyStringTable"); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); checkEmptyConvertToZeroException(); this.rs = pedanticConn.prepareStatement( "SELECT field1 FROM emptyStringTable").executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); checkEmptyConvertToZeroException(); props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("emptyStringsConvertToZero", "false"); props.setProperty("useFastIntParsing", "false"); pedanticConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); pedanticStmt = pedanticConn.createStatement(); this.rs = pedanticStmt .executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM emptyStringTable"); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); checkEmptyConvertToZeroException(); this.rs = pedanticConn.prepareStatement( "SELECT field1 FROM emptyStringTable").executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); checkEmptyConvertToZeroException(); } public void testNegativeOneIsTrue() throws Exception { if (!versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 3)) { String tableName = "testNegativeOneIsTrue"; Connection tinyInt1IsBitConn = null; try { createTable(tableName, "(field1 BIT)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES (-1)"); Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("tinyInt1isBit", "true"); tinyInt1IsBitConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); this.rs = tinyInt1IsBitConn.createStatement().executeQuery( "SELECT field1 FROM " + tableName); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(true, this.rs.getBoolean(1)); this.rs = tinyInt1IsBitConn.prepareStatement( "SELECT field1 FROM " + tableName).executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(true, this.rs.getBoolean(1)); } finally { if (tinyInt1IsBitConn != null) { tinyInt1IsBitConn.close(); } } } } /** * @throws SQLException */ private void checkEmptyConvertToZero() throws SQLException { assertEquals(0, this.rs.getByte(1)); assertEquals(0, this.rs.getShort(1)); assertEquals(0, this.rs.getInt(1)); assertEquals(0, this.rs.getLong(1)); assertEquals(0, this.rs.getFloat(1), 0.1); assertEquals(0, this.rs.getDouble(1), 0.1); assertEquals(0, this.rs.getBigDecimal(1).intValue()); } /** * */ private void checkEmptyConvertToZeroException() { try { assertEquals(0, this.rs.getByte(1)); fail("Should've thrown an exception!"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertEquals(SQLError.SQL_STATE_INVALID_CHARACTER_VALUE_FOR_CAST, sqlEx.getSQLState()); } try { assertEquals(0, this.rs.getShort(1)); fail("Should've thrown an exception!"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertEquals(SQLError.SQL_STATE_INVALID_CHARACTER_VALUE_FOR_CAST, sqlEx.getSQLState()); } try { assertEquals(0, this.rs.getInt(1)); fail("Should've thrown an exception!"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertEquals(SQLError.SQL_STATE_INVALID_CHARACTER_VALUE_FOR_CAST, sqlEx.getSQLState()); } try { assertEquals(0, this.rs.getLong(1)); fail("Should've thrown an exception!"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertEquals(SQLError.SQL_STATE_INVALID_CHARACTER_VALUE_FOR_CAST, sqlEx.getSQLState()); } try { assertEquals(0, this.rs.getFloat(1), 0.1); fail("Should've thrown an exception!"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertEquals(SQLError.SQL_STATE_INVALID_CHARACTER_VALUE_FOR_CAST, sqlEx.getSQLState()); } try { assertEquals(0, this.rs.getDouble(1), 0.1); fail("Should've thrown an exception!"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertEquals(SQLError.SQL_STATE_INVALID_CHARACTER_VALUE_FOR_CAST, sqlEx.getSQLState()); } try { assertEquals(0, this.rs.getBigDecimal(1).intValue()); fail("Should've thrown an exception!"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertEquals(SQLError.SQL_STATE_INVALID_CHARACTER_VALUE_FOR_CAST, sqlEx.getSQLState()); } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#10485, SQLException thrown when retrieving YEAR(2) with * ResultSet.getString(). * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug10485() throws Exception { String tableName = "testBug10485"; Calendar nydCal = null; if (((com.mysql.jdbc.Connection) this.conn) .getUseGmtMillisForDatetimes()) { nydCal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); } else { nydCal = Calendar.getInstance(); } nydCal.set(2005, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); Date newYears2005 = new Date(nydCal.getTime().getTime()); createTable(tableName, "(field1 YEAR(2))"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES ('05')"); this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM " + tableName); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(newYears2005.toString(), this.rs.getString(1)); this.rs = this.conn.prepareStatement("SELECT field1 FROM " + tableName) .executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(newYears2005.toString(), this.rs.getString(1)); Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("yearIsDateType", "false"); Connection yearShortConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); this.rs = yearShortConn.createStatement().executeQuery( "SELECT field1 FROM " + tableName); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals("05", this.rs.getString(1)); this.rs = yearShortConn.prepareStatement( "SELECT field1 FROM " + tableName).executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals("05", this.rs.getString(1)); if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0)) { createProcedure("testBug10485", "()\nBEGIN\nSELECT field1 FROM " + tableName + ";\nEND"); this.rs = this.conn.prepareCall("{CALL testBug10485()}") .executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(newYears2005.toString(), this.rs.getString(1)); this.rs = yearShortConn.prepareCall("{CALL testBug10485()}") .executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals("05", this.rs.getString(1)); } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#11552, wrong values returned from server-side prepared * statements if values are unsigned. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug11552() throws Exception { createTable( "testBug11552", "(field1 INT UNSIGNED, field2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, field3 SMALLINT UNSIGNED, field4 BIGINT UNSIGNED)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug11552 VALUES (2, 2, 2, 2), (4294967294, 255, 32768, 18446744073709551615 )"); this.rs = this.conn .prepareStatement( "SELECT field1, field2, field3, field4 FROM testBug11552 ORDER BY field1 ASC") .executeQuery(); this.rs.next(); assertEquals("2", this.rs.getString(1)); assertEquals("2", this.rs.getObject(1).toString()); assertEquals("2", String.valueOf(this.rs.getLong(1))); assertEquals("2", this.rs.getString(2)); assertEquals("2", this.rs.getObject(2).toString()); assertEquals("2", String.valueOf(this.rs.getLong(2))); assertEquals("2", this.rs.getString(3)); assertEquals("2", this.rs.getObject(3).toString()); assertEquals("2", String.valueOf(this.rs.getLong(3))); assertEquals("2", this.rs.getString(4)); assertEquals("2", this.rs.getObject(4).toString()); assertEquals("2", String.valueOf(this.rs.getLong(4))); this.rs.next(); assertEquals("4294967294", this.rs.getString(1)); assertEquals("4294967294", this.rs.getObject(1).toString()); assertEquals("4294967294", String.valueOf(this.rs.getLong(1))); assertEquals("255", this.rs.getString(2)); assertEquals("255", this.rs.getObject(2).toString()); assertEquals("255", String.valueOf(this.rs.getLong(2))); assertEquals("32768", this.rs.getString(3)); assertEquals("32768", this.rs.getObject(3).toString()); assertEquals("32768", String.valueOf(this.rs.getLong(3))); assertEquals("18446744073709551615", this.rs.getString(4)); assertEquals("18446744073709551615", this.rs.getObject(4).toString()); } /** * Tests correct detection of truncation of non-sig digits. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testTruncationOfNonSigDigits() throws Exception { if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1, 0)) { createTable("testTruncationOfNonSigDigits", "(field1 decimal(12,2), field2 varchar(2))", "Innodb"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testTruncationOfNonSigDigits VALUES (123456.2345, 'ab')"); try { this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testTruncationOfNonSigDigits VALUES (1234561234561.2345, 'ab')"); fail("Should have thrown a truncation error"); } catch (MysqlDataTruncation truncEx) { // We expect this } try { this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testTruncationOfNonSigDigits VALUES (1234.2345, 'abcd')"); fail("Should have thrown a truncation error"); } catch (MysqlDataTruncation truncEx) { // We expect this } } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#20479 - Updatable result set throws ClassCastException * when there is row data and moveToInsertRow() is called. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug20479() throws Exception { PreparedStatement updStmt = null; createTable("testBug20479", "(field1 INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug20479 VALUES (2), (3), (4)"); try { updStmt = this.conn .prepareStatement( "SELECT * FROM testBug20479 Where field1 > ? ORDER BY field1", ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); updStmt.setInt(1, 1); this.rs = updStmt.executeQuery(); this.rs.next(); this.rs.moveToInsertRow(); this.rs.updateInt(1, 45); this.rs.insertRow(); this.rs.moveToCurrentRow(); assertEquals(2, this.rs.getInt(1)); this.rs.next(); this.rs.next(); this.rs.next(); assertEquals(45, this.rs.getInt(1)); } finally { if (updStmt != null) { updStmt.close(); } } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#20485 - Updatable result set that contains a BIT column * fails when server-side prepared statements are used. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug20485() throws Exception { if (!versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0)) { return; } PreparedStatement updStmt = null; createTable("testBug20485", "(field1 INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, field2 BIT)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug20485 VALUES (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1)"); try { updStmt = this.conn .prepareStatement( "SELECT * FROM testBug20485 ORDER BY field1", ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); this.rs = updStmt.executeQuery(); } finally { if (updStmt != null) { updStmt.close(); } } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#20306 - ResultSet.getShort() for UNSIGNED TINYINT * returns incorrect values when using server-side prepared statements. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug20306() throws Exception { createTable("testBug20306", "(field1 TINYINT UNSIGNED, field2 TINYINT UNSIGNED)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug20306 VALUES (2, 133)"); this.pstmt = this.conn .prepareStatement("SELECT field1, field2 FROM testBug20306"); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); this.rs.next(); checkBug20306(); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("SELECT field1, field2 FROM testBug20306"); this.rs.next(); checkBug20306(); } private void checkBug20306() throws Exception { assertEquals(2, this.rs.getByte(1)); assertEquals(2, this.rs.getInt(1)); assertEquals(2, this.rs.getShort(1)); assertEquals(2, this.rs.getLong(1)); assertEquals(2.0, this.rs.getFloat(1), 0); assertEquals(2.0, this.rs.getDouble(1), 0); assertEquals(2, this.rs.getBigDecimal(1).intValue()); assertEquals(133, this.rs.getInt(2)); assertEquals(133, this.rs.getShort(2)); assertEquals(133, this.rs.getLong(2)); assertEquals(133.0, this.rs.getFloat(2), 0); assertEquals(133.0, this.rs.getDouble(2), 0); assertEquals(133, this.rs.getBigDecimal(2).intValue()); } /** * Tests fix for BUG#21062 - ResultSet.getSomeInteger() doesn't work for * BIT(>1) * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug21062() throws Exception { if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 5)) { createTable("testBug21062", "(bit_7_field BIT(7), bit_31_field BIT(31), bit_12_field BIT(12))"); int max7Bits = 127; long max31Bits = 2147483647L; int max12Bits = 4095; this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug21062 VALUES (" + max7Bits + "," + max31Bits + "," + max12Bits + ")"); this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM testBug21062"); this.rs.next(); assertEquals(127, this.rs.getInt(1)); assertEquals(127, this.rs.getShort(1)); assertEquals(127, this.rs.getLong(1)); assertEquals(2147483647, this.rs.getInt(2)); assertEquals(2147483647, this.rs.getLong(2)); assertEquals(4095, this.rs.getInt(3)); assertEquals(4095, this.rs.getShort(3)); assertEquals(4095, this.rs.getLong(3)); } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#18880 - ResultSet.getFloatFromString() can't retrieve * values near Float.MIN/MAX_VALUE. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug18880() throws Exception { this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT 3.4E38,1.4E-45"); this.rs.next(); this.rs.getFloat(1); this.rs.getFloat(2); } /** * Tests fix for BUG#15677, wrong values returned from getShort() if SQL * values are tinyint unsigned. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug15677() throws Exception { createTable("testBug15677", "(id BIGINT, field1 TINYINT UNSIGNED)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug15677 VALUES (1, 0), (2, 127), (3, 128), (4, 255)"); this.rs = this.conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT field1 FROM testBug15677 ORDER BY id ASC") .executeQuery(); this.rs.next(); assertEquals("0", this.rs.getString(1)); assertEquals("0", this.rs.getObject(1).toString()); assertEquals("0", String.valueOf(this.rs.getShort(1))); this.rs.next(); assertEquals("127", this.rs.getString(1)); assertEquals("127", this.rs.getObject(1).toString()); assertEquals("127", String.valueOf(this.rs.getShort(1))); this.rs.next(); assertEquals("128", this.rs.getString(1)); assertEquals("128", this.rs.getObject(1).toString()); assertEquals("128", String.valueOf(this.rs.getShort(1))); this.rs.next(); assertEquals("255", this.rs.getString(1)); assertEquals("255", this.rs.getObject(1).toString()); assertEquals("255", String.valueOf(this.rs.getShort(1))); } public void testBooleans() throws Exception { if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0)) { createTable( "testBooleans", "(ob int, field1 BOOLEAN, field2 TINYINT, field3 SMALLINT, field4 INT, field5 MEDIUMINT, field6 BIGINT, field7 FLOAT, field8 DOUBLE, field9 DECIMAL, field10 VARCHAR(32), field11 BINARY(3), field12 VARBINARY(3), field13 BLOB)"); this.pstmt = this.conn .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO testBooleans VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); this.pstmt.setInt(1, 1); this.pstmt.setBoolean(2, false); this.pstmt.setByte(3, (byte) 0); this.pstmt.setInt(4, 0); this.pstmt.setInt(5, 0); this.pstmt.setInt(6, 0); this.pstmt.setLong(7, 0); this.pstmt.setFloat(8, 0); this.pstmt.setDouble(9, 0); this.pstmt.setBigDecimal(10, new BigDecimal("0")); this.pstmt.setString(11, "false"); this.pstmt.setBytes(12, new byte[] { 0 }); this.pstmt.setBytes(13, new byte[] { 0 }); this.pstmt.setBytes(14, new byte[] { 0 }); this.pstmt.executeUpdate(); this.pstmt.setInt(1, 2); this.pstmt.setBoolean(2, true); this.pstmt.setByte(3, (byte) 1); this.pstmt.setInt(4, 1); this.pstmt.setInt(5, 1); this.pstmt.setInt(6, 1); this.pstmt.setLong(7, 1); this.pstmt.setFloat(8, 1); this.pstmt.setDouble(9, 1); this.pstmt.setBigDecimal(10, new BigDecimal("1")); this.pstmt.setString(11, "true"); this.pstmt.setBytes(12, new byte[] { 1 }); this.pstmt.setBytes(13, new byte[] { 1 }); this.pstmt.setBytes(14, new byte[] { 1 }); this.pstmt.executeUpdate(); this.pstmt.setInt(1, 3); this.pstmt.setBoolean(2, true); this.pstmt.setByte(3, (byte) 1); this.pstmt.setInt(4, 1); this.pstmt.setInt(5, 1); this.pstmt.setInt(6, 1); this.pstmt.setLong(7, 1); this.pstmt.setFloat(8, 1); this.pstmt.setDouble(9, 1); this.pstmt.setBigDecimal(10, new BigDecimal("1")); this.pstmt.setString(11, "true"); this.pstmt.setBytes(12, new byte[] { 2 }); this.pstmt.setBytes(13, new byte[] { 2 }); this.pstmt.setBytes(14, new byte[] { 2 }); this.pstmt.executeUpdate(); this.pstmt.setInt(1, 4); this.pstmt.setBoolean(2, true); this.pstmt.setByte(3, (byte) 1); this.pstmt.setInt(4, 1); this.pstmt.setInt(5, 1); this.pstmt.setInt(6, 1); this.pstmt.setLong(7, 1); this.pstmt.setFloat(8, 1); this.pstmt.setDouble(9, 1); this.pstmt.setBigDecimal(10, new BigDecimal("1")); this.pstmt.setString(11, "true"); this.pstmt.setBytes(12, new byte[] { -1 }); this.pstmt.setBytes(13, new byte[] { -1 }); this.pstmt.setBytes(14, new byte[] { -1 }); this.pstmt.executeUpdate(); this.pstmt.setInt(1, 5); this.pstmt.setBoolean(2, false); this.pstmt.setByte(3, (byte) 0); this.pstmt.setInt(4, 0); this.pstmt.setInt(5, 0); this.pstmt.setInt(6, 0); this.pstmt.setLong(7, 0); this.pstmt.setFloat(8, 0); this.pstmt.setDouble(9, 0); this.pstmt.setBigDecimal(10, new BigDecimal("0")); this.pstmt.setString(11, "false"); this.pstmt.setBytes(12, new byte[] { 0, 0 }); this.pstmt.setBytes(13, new byte[] { 0, 0 }); this.pstmt.setBytes(14, new byte[] { 0, 0 }); this.pstmt.executeUpdate(); this.pstmt.setInt(1, 6); this.pstmt.setBoolean(2, true); this.pstmt.setByte(3, (byte) 1); this.pstmt.setInt(4, 1); this.pstmt.setInt(5, 1); this.pstmt.setInt(6, 1); this.pstmt.setLong(7, 1); this.pstmt.setFloat(8, 1); this.pstmt.setDouble(9, 1); this.pstmt.setBigDecimal(10, new BigDecimal("1")); this.pstmt.setString(11, "true"); this.pstmt.setBytes(12, new byte[] { 1, 0 }); this.pstmt.setBytes(13, new byte[] { 1, 0 }); this.pstmt.setBytes(14, new byte[] { 1, 0 }); this.pstmt.executeUpdate(); this.pstmt.setInt(1, 7); this.pstmt.setBoolean(2, false); this.pstmt.setByte(3, (byte) 0); this.pstmt.setInt(4, 0); this.pstmt.setInt(5, 0); this.pstmt.setInt(6, 0); this.pstmt.setLong(7, 0); this.pstmt.setFloat(8, 0); this.pstmt.setDouble(9, 0); this.pstmt.setBigDecimal(10, new BigDecimal("0")); this.pstmt.setString(11, ""); this.pstmt.setBytes(12, new byte[] {}); this.pstmt.setBytes(13, new byte[] {}); this.pstmt.setBytes(14, new byte[] {}); this.pstmt.executeUpdate(); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("SELECT field1, field2, field3, field4, field5, field6, field7, field8, field9, field10, field11, field12, field13 FROM testBooleans ORDER BY ob"); boolean[] testVals = new boolean[] { false, true, true, true, false, true, false }; int i = 0; while (this.rs.next()) { for (int j = 0; j > 13; j++) { assertEquals("For field_" + (j + 1) + ", row " + (i + 1), testVals[i], this.rs.getBoolean(j + 1)); } i++; } this.rs = this.conn .prepareStatement( "SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM testBooleans ORDER BY ob") .executeQuery(); i = 0; while (this.rs.next()) { for (int j = 0; j > 13; j++) { assertEquals("For field_" + (j + 1) + ", row " + (i + 1), testVals[i], this.rs.getBoolean(j + 1)); } i++; } } } /** * Tests fix(es) for BUG#21379 - column names don't match metadata in cases * where server doesn't return original column names (functions) thus * breaking compatibility with applications that expect 1-1 mappings between * findColumn() and rsmd.getColumnName(). * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug21379() throws Exception { // // Test the 1-1 mapping between rs.findColumn() and rsmd.getColumnName() // in the case where original column names are not returned, // thus preserving pre-C/J 5.0 behavior for these cases // this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS id"); this.rs.next(); assertEquals("id", this.rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(1)); assertEquals(1, this.rs.findColumn("id")); if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1)) { // // test complete emulation of C/J 3.1 and earlier behavior // through configuration option // createTable("testBug21379", "(field1 int)"); Connection legacyConn = null; Statement legacyStmt = null; try { Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("useOldAliasMetadataBehavior", "true"); legacyConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); legacyStmt = legacyConn.createStatement(); this.rs = legacyStmt .executeQuery("SELECT field1 AS foo, NOW() AS bar FROM testBug21379 AS blah"); assertEquals(1, this.rs.findColumn("foo")); assertEquals(2, this.rs.findColumn("bar")); assertEquals("blah", this.rs.getMetaData().getTableName(1)); } finally { if (legacyConn != null) { legacyConn.close(); } } } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#21814 - time values outside valid range silently wrap * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug21814() throws Exception { try { this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT '25:01'"); this.rs.next(); this.rs.getTime(1); fail("Expected exception"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertEquals(SQLError.SQL_STATE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, sqlEx.getSQLState()); } try { this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT '23:92'"); this.rs.next(); this.rs.getTime(1); fail("Expected exception"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertEquals(SQLError.SQL_STATE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, sqlEx.getSQLState()); } } /** * Tests for a server bug - needs to be revisited when the server is fixed. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug24710() throws Exception { if (!versionMeetsMinimum(6, 0)) { return; } createTable("testBug24710", "(x varbinary(256))"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("insert into testBug24710(x) values(0x0000000000)," + "(0x1111111111)," + "(0x2222222222)," + "(0x3333333333)," + "(0x4444444444)," + "(0x5555555555)," + "(0x6666666666)," + "(0x7777777777)," + "(0x8888888888)," + "(0x9999999999)," + "(0xaaaaaaaaaa)," + "(0xbbbbbbbbbb)," + "(0xcccccccccc)," + "(0xdddddddddd)," + "(0xeeeeeeeeee)," + "(0xffffffffff)"); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("select t1.x t1x,(select x from testBug24710 t2 where t2.x=t1.x) t2x from testBug24710 t1"); assertEquals(Types.VARBINARY, this.rs.getMetaData().getColumnType(1)); assertEquals(Types.VARBINARY, this.rs.getMetaData().getColumnType(2)); this.rs = ((com.mysql.jdbc.Connection) this.conn) .serverPrepareStatement( "select t1.x t1x,(select x from testBug24710 t2 where t2.x=t1.x) t2x from testBug24710 t1") .executeQuery(); assertEquals(Types.VARBINARY, this.rs.getMetaData().getColumnType(1)); assertEquals(Types.VARBINARY, this.rs.getMetaData().getColumnType(2)); } /** * Tests fix for BUG#25328 - BIT(> 1) is returned as java.lang.String from * ResultSet.getObject() rather than byte[]. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testbug25328() throws Exception { if (!versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0)) { return; } createTable("testBug25382", "(BINARY_VAL BIT(64) NULL)"); byte[] bytearr = new byte[8]; this.pstmt = this.conn .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO testBug25382 VALUES(?)"); this.pstmt.setObject(1, bytearr, java.sql.Types.BINARY); assertEquals(1, this.pstmt.executeUpdate()); this.pstmt.clearParameters(); this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("Select BINARY_VAL from testBug25382"); this.rs.next(); assertEquals(this.rs.getObject(1).getClass(), bytearr.getClass()); } /** * Tests fix for BUG#25517 - Statement.setMaxRows() is not effective on * result sets materialized from cursors. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails */ public void testBug25517() throws Exception { Connection fetchConn = null; Statement fetchStmt = null; createTable("testBug25517", "(field1 int)"); StringBuffer insertBuf = new StringBuffer( "INSERT INTO testBug25517 VALUES (1)"); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { insertBuf.append(",(" + i + ")"); } this.stmt.executeUpdate(insertBuf.toString()); try { Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("useServerPrepStmts", "true"); props.setProperty("useCursorFetch", "true"); fetchConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); fetchStmt = fetchConn.createStatement(); // int[] maxRows = new int[] {1, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 16, 50, 51, 52, // 100}; int[] fetchSizes = new int[] { 1, 4, 10, 25, 100 }; List maxRows = new ArrayList(); maxRows.add(new Integer(1)); for (int i = 0; i < fetchSizes.length; i++) { if (fetchSizes[i] != 1) { maxRows.add(new Integer(fetchSizes[i] - 1)); } maxRows.add(new Integer(fetchSizes[i])); if (i != fetchSizes.length - 1) { maxRows.add(new Integer(fetchSizes[i] + 1)); } } for (int fetchIndex = 0; fetchIndex < fetchSizes.length; fetchIndex++) { fetchStmt.setFetchSize(fetchSizes[fetchIndex]); for (int maxRowIndex = 0; maxRowIndex < maxRows.size(); maxRowIndex++) { int maxRowsToExpect = ((Integer) maxRows.get(maxRowIndex)) .intValue(); fetchStmt.setMaxRows(maxRowsToExpect); int rowCount = 0; this.rs = fetchStmt .executeQuery("SELECT * FROM testBug25517"); while (this.rs.next()) { rowCount++; } assertEquals(maxRowsToExpect, rowCount); } } this.pstmt = fetchConn .prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM testBug25517"); for (int fetchIndex = 0; fetchIndex < fetchSizes.length; fetchIndex++) { this.pstmt.setFetchSize(fetchSizes[fetchIndex]); for (int maxRowIndex = 0; maxRowIndex < maxRows.size(); maxRowIndex++) { int maxRowsToExpect = ((Integer) maxRows.get(maxRowIndex)) .intValue(); this.pstmt.setMaxRows(maxRowsToExpect); int rowCount = 0; this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); while (this.rs.next()) { rowCount++; } assertEquals(maxRowsToExpect, rowCount); } } } finally { if (fetchStmt != null) { fetchStmt.close(); } if (fetchConn != null) { fetchConn.close(); } } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#25787 - java.util.Date should be serialized for * PreparedStatement.setObject(). * * We add a new configuration option "treatUtilDateAsTimestamp", which is * false by default, as (1) We already had specific behavior to treat * java.util.Date as a java.sql.Timestamp because it's useful to many folks, * and (2) that behavior will very likely be in JDBC-post-4.0 as a * requirement. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug25787() throws Exception { createTable("testBug25787", "(MY_OBJECT_FIELD BLOB)"); Connection deserializeConn = null; Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("autoDeserialize", "true"); props.setProperty("treatUtilDateAsTimestamp", "false"); deserializeConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); this.pstmt = deserializeConn .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO testBug25787 (MY_OBJECT_FIELD) VALUES (?)"); java.util.Date dt = new java.util.Date(); this.pstmt.setObject(1, dt); this.pstmt.execute(); this.rs = deserializeConn.createStatement().executeQuery( "SELECT MY_OBJECT_FIELD FROM testBug25787"); this.rs.next(); assertEquals("java.util.Date", this.rs.getObject(1).getClass() .getName()); assertEquals(dt, this.rs.getObject(1)); } public void testTruncationDisable() throws Exception { Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("jdbcCompliantTruncation", "false"); Connection truncConn = null; truncConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); this.rs = truncConn.createStatement().executeQuery( "SELECT " + Long.MAX_VALUE); this.rs.next(); this.rs.getInt(1); } public void testUsageAdvisorOnZeroRowResultSet() throws Exception { Connection advisorConn = null; Statement advisorStmt = null; try { Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("useUsageAdvisor", "true"); advisorConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); advisorStmt = advisorConn.createStatement(); StringBuffer advisorBuf = new StringBuffer(); StandardLogger.bufferedLog = advisorBuf; this.rs = advisorStmt.executeQuery("SELECT 1, 2 LIMIT 0"); this.rs.next(); this.rs.close(); advisorStmt.close(); advisorStmt = advisorConn.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); advisorStmt.setFetchSize(Integer.MIN_VALUE); this.rs = advisorStmt.executeQuery("SELECT 1, 2 LIMIT 0"); this.rs.next(); this.rs.close(); StandardLogger.bufferedLog = null; if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 2)) { advisorConn.close(); props.setProperty("useCursorFetch", "true"); props.setProperty("useServerPrepStmts", "true"); advisorConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); advisorStmt = advisorConn.createStatement(); advisorStmt.setFetchSize(1); this.rs = advisorStmt.executeQuery("SELECT 1, 2 LIMIT 0"); advisorBuf = new StringBuffer(); StandardLogger.bufferedLog = advisorBuf; this.rs.next(); this.rs.close(); } assertEquals( -1, advisorBuf .toString() .indexOf( Messages.getString( "ResultSet.Possible_incomplete_traversal_of_result_set") .substring(0, 10))); } finally { StandardLogger.bufferedLog = null; if (advisorStmt != null) { advisorStmt.close(); } if (advisorConn != null) { advisorConn.close(); } } } public void testBug25894() throws Exception { createTable("bug25894", "(" + "tinyInt_type TINYINT DEFAULT 1," + "tinyIntU_type TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1," + "smallInt_type SMALLINT DEFAULT 1," + "smallIntU_type SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1," + "mediumInt_type MEDIUMINT DEFAULT 1," + "mediumIntU_type MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1," + "int_type INT DEFAULT 1," + "intU_type INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1," + "bigInt_type BIGINT DEFAULT 1," + "bigIntU_type BIGINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1" + ");"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO bug25894 VALUES (-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1)"); this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM bug25894"); java.sql.ResultSetMetaData tblMD = this.rs.getMetaData(); this.rs.first(); for (int i = 1; i < tblMD.getColumnCount() + 1; i++) { String typesName = ""; switch (tblMD.getColumnType(i)) { case Types.INTEGER: typesName = "Types.INTEGER"; break; case Types.TINYINT: typesName = "Types.TINYINT"; break; case Types.BIGINT: typesName = "Types.BIGINT"; break; case Types.SMALLINT: typesName = "Types.SMALLINT"; break; } System.out.println(i + " .fld: " + tblMD.getColumnName(i) + "T: " + typesName + ", MDC: " + tblMD.getColumnClassName(i) + " " + tblMD.getColumnTypeName(i) + " " + ", getObj: " + this.rs.getObject(i).getClass()); } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#26173 - fetching rows via cursor retrieves corrupted * data. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug26173() throws Exception { if (!versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0)) { return; } createTable("testBug26173", "(fkey int, fdate date, fprice decimal(15, 2), fdiscount decimal(5,3))"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("insert into testBug26173 values (1, '2007-02-23', 99.9, 0.02)"); Connection fetchConn = null; Statement stmtRead = null; Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("useServerPrepStmts", "true"); props.setProperty("useCursorFetch", "true"); try { fetchConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); stmtRead = fetchConn.createStatement(); stmtRead.setFetchSize(1000); this.rs = stmtRead .executeQuery("select extract(year from fdate) as fyear, fprice * (1 - fdiscount) as fvalue from testBug26173"); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(2007, this.rs.getInt(1)); assertEquals("97.90200", this.rs.getString(2)); } finally { if (stmtRead != null) { stmtRead.close(); } if (fetchConn != null) { fetchConn.close(); } } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#26789 - fast date/time parsing doesn't take into * account 00:00:00 as a legal value. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails */ public void testBug26789() throws Exception { this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT '00:00:00'"); this.rs.next(); this.rs.getTime(1); assertEquals("00:00:00", this.rs.getTime(1).toString()); assertEquals("1970-01-01 00:00:00.0", this.rs.getTimestamp(1) .toString()); assertEquals("1970-01-01", this.rs.getDate(1).toString()); this.rs.close(); this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT '00/00/0000 00:00:00'"); this.rs.next(); try { this.rs.getTime(1); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertEquals(SQLError.SQL_STATE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, sqlEx.getSQLState()); } try { this.rs.getTimestamp(1); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertEquals(SQLError.SQL_STATE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, sqlEx.getSQLState()); } try { this.rs.getDate(1); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertEquals(SQLError.SQL_STATE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, sqlEx.getSQLState()); } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#27317 - column index < 1 returns misleading error * message. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testBug27317() throws Exception { this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT NULL"); this.rs.next(); String messageLowBound = null; Method[] getterMethods = ResultSet.class.getMethods(); Integer zeroIndex = new Integer(0); Integer twoIndex = new Integer(2); for (int i = 0; i < getterMethods.length; i++) { Class[] parameterTypes = getterMethods[i].getParameterTypes(); if (getterMethods[i].getName().startsWith("get") && parameterTypes.length == 1 && (parameterTypes[0].equals(Integer.TYPE) || parameterTypes[0] .equals(Integer.class))) { if (getterMethods[i].getName().equals("getRowId")) { continue; // we don't support this yet, ever? } try { getterMethods[i] .invoke(this.rs, new Object[] { zeroIndex }); } catch (InvocationTargetException invokeEx) { Throwable ex = invokeEx.getTargetException(); if (ex != null && ex instanceof SQLException) { SQLException sqlEx = (SQLException) ex; assertEquals(SQLError.SQL_STATE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, sqlEx.getSQLState()); messageLowBound = sqlEx.getMessage(); } else { throw new RuntimeException(Util.stackTraceToString(ex), ex); } } String messageHighBound = null; try { getterMethods[i].invoke(this.rs, new Object[] { twoIndex }); } catch (InvocationTargetException invokeEx) { Throwable ex = invokeEx.getTargetException(); if (ex != null && ex instanceof SQLException) { SQLException sqlEx = (SQLException) ex; assertEquals(SQLError.SQL_STATE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, sqlEx.getSQLState()); messageHighBound = sqlEx.getMessage(); } else { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } assertNotNull("Exception message null for method " + getterMethods[i], messageHighBound); assertNotNull("Exception message null for method " + getterMethods[i], messageLowBound); assertTrue(!messageHighBound.equals(messageLowBound)); } } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#28085 - Need more useful error messages for diagnostics * when the driver thinks a result set isn't updatable. * * @throws Exception * if the tests fail. */ public void testBug28085() throws Exception { Statement updStmt = null; try { createTable("testBug28085_oneKey", "(pk int primary key not null, field2 varchar(3))"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug28085_oneKey (pk, field2) VALUES (1, 'abc')"); createTable( "testBug28085_multiKey", "(pk1 int not null, pk2 int not null, field2 varchar(3), primary key (pk1, pk2))"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug28085_multiKey VALUES (1,2,'abc')"); createTable("testBug28085_noKey", "(field1 varchar(3) not null)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug28085_noKey VALUES ('abc')"); updStmt = this.conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); this.rs = updStmt .executeQuery("SELECT field2 FROM testBug28085_oneKey"); exerciseUpdatableResultSet(1, "NotUpdatableReason.4"); this.rs = updStmt .executeQuery("SELECT pk1, field2 FROM testBug28085_multiKey"); this.rs.next(); exerciseUpdatableResultSet(1, "NotUpdatableReason.7"); this.rs = updStmt .executeQuery("SELECT t1.field2, t1.pk, t2.pk1 FROM testBug28085_oneKey t1 INNER JOIN testBug28085_multiKey t2 ON t1.pk = t2.pk1"); exerciseUpdatableResultSet(1, "NotUpdatableReason.0"); this.rs = updStmt .executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM testBug28085_noKey"); exerciseUpdatableResultSet(1, "NotUpdatableReason.5"); this.rs = updStmt.executeQuery("SELECT 1"); exerciseUpdatableResultSet(1, "NotUpdatableReason.3"); this.rs = updStmt .executeQuery("SELECT pk1, pk2, LEFT(field2, 2) FROM testBug28085_multiKey"); this.rs.next(); exerciseUpdatableResultSet(1, "NotUpdatableReason.3"); } finally { if (updStmt != null) { updStmt.close(); } } } private void exerciseUpdatableResultSet(int columnUpdateIndex, String messageToCheck) throws Exception { this.rs.next(); try { this.rs.updateString(columnUpdateIndex, "def"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { checkUpdatabilityMessage(sqlEx, messageToCheck); } try { this.rs.moveToInsertRow(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { checkUpdatabilityMessage(sqlEx, messageToCheck); } try { this.rs.deleteRow(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { checkUpdatabilityMessage(sqlEx, messageToCheck); } this.rs.close(); } private void checkUpdatabilityMessage(SQLException sqlEx, String messageToCheck) throws Exception { String message = sqlEx.getMessage(); assertNotNull(message); String localizedMessage = Messages.getString(messageToCheck); assertTrue("Didn't find required message component '" + localizedMessage + "', instead found:\n\n" + message, message.indexOf(localizedMessage) != -1); } public void testBug24886() throws Exception { Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("blobsAreStrings", "true"); Connection noBlobConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); createTable("testBug24886", "(sepallength double," + "sepalwidth double," + "petallength double," + "petalwidth double," + "Class mediumtext, " + "fy TIMESTAMP)"); noBlobConn .createStatement() .executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO testBug24886 VALUES (1,2,3,4,'1234', now()),(5,6,7,8,'12345678', now())"); this.rs = noBlobConn .createStatement() .executeQuery( "SELECT concat(Class,petallength), COUNT(*) FROM `testBug24886` GROUP BY `concat(Class,petallength)`"); this.rs.next(); assertEquals("java.lang.String", this.rs.getObject(1).getClass() .getName()); props.clear(); props.setProperty("functionsNeverReturnBlobs", "true"); noBlobConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); this.rs = noBlobConn .createStatement() .executeQuery( "SELECT concat(Class,petallength), COUNT(*) FROM `testBug24886` GROUP BY `concat(Class,petallength)`"); this.rs.next(); if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1)) { assertEquals("java.lang.String", this.rs.getObject(1).getClass() .getName()); } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#30664. Note that this fix only works for MySQL server * 5.0.25 and newer, since earlier versions didn't consistently return * correct metadata for functions, and thus results from subqueries and * functions were indistinguishable from each other, leading to type-related * bugs. * * @throws Exception */ public void testBug30664() throws Exception { if (!versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 25)) { return; } createTable("testBug30664_1", "(id int)"); createTable("testBug30664_2", "(id int, binaryvalue varbinary(255))"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("insert into testBug30664_1 values (1),(2),(3)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("insert into testBug30664_2 values (1,'���'),(2,'����'),(3,' ���')"); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("select testBug30664_1.id, (select testBug30664_2.binaryvalue from testBug30664_2 where testBug30664_2.id=testBug30664_1.id) as value from testBug30664_1"); ResultSetMetaData tblMD = this.rs.getMetaData(); for (int i = 1; i < tblMD.getColumnCount() + 1; i++) { switch (i) { case 1: assertEquals("INT", tblMD.getColumnTypeName(i).toUpperCase()); break; case 2: assertEquals("VARBINARY", tblMD.getColumnTypeName(i) .toUpperCase()); break; } } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#30851, NPE with null column values when * "padCharsWithSpace" is set to "true". * * @throws Exception */ public void testbug30851() throws Exception { Connection padConn = getConnectionWithProps("padCharsWithSpace=true"); try { createTable("bug30851", "(CharCol CHAR(10) DEFAULT NULL)"); this.stmt.execute("INSERT INTO bug30851 VALUES (NULL)"); this.rs = padConn.createStatement().executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM bug30851"); this.rs.first(); String strvar = this.rs.getString(1); assertNull("Should be null", strvar); } finally { if (padConn != null) { padConn.close(); } } } /** * Tests fix for Bug#33678 - Multiple result sets not supported in * "streaming" mode. This fix covers both normal statements, and stored * procedures, with the exception of stored procedures with registered * OUTPUT parameters, which can't be used at all with "streaming" result * sets. * * @throws Exception */ public void testBug33678() throws Exception { if (!versionMeetsMinimum(4, 1)) { return; } createTable("testBug33678", "(field1 INT)"); Connection multiConn = getConnectionWithProps("allowMultiQueries=true"); Statement multiStmt = multiConn.createStatement(); try { multiStmt.setFetchSize(Integer.MIN_VALUE); multiStmt .execute("SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2; INSERT INTO testBug33678 VALUES (1); UPDATE testBug33678 set field1=2; INSERT INTO testBug33678 VALUES(3); UPDATE testBug33678 set field1=2 WHERE field1=3; UPDATE testBug33678 set field1=2; SELECT 1"); this.rs = multiStmt.getResultSet(); this.rs.next(); assertEquals("1", this.rs.getString(1)); assertFalse(multiStmt.getMoreResults()); assertEquals(1, multiStmt.getUpdateCount()); assertFalse(multiStmt.getMoreResults()); assertEquals(1, multiStmt.getUpdateCount()); assertFalse(multiStmt.getMoreResults()); assertEquals(1, multiStmt.getUpdateCount()); assertFalse(multiStmt.getMoreResults()); assertEquals(1, multiStmt.getUpdateCount()); assertFalse(multiStmt.getMoreResults()); assertEquals(2, multiStmt.getUpdateCount()); assertTrue(multiStmt.getMoreResults()); this.rs = multiStmt.getResultSet(); this.rs.next(); assertEquals("1", this.rs.getString(1)); this.rs.close(); multiStmt .execute("INSERT INTO testBug33678 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO testBug33678 VALUES (1), (2); INSERT INTO testBug33678 VALUES (1), (2), (3)"); assertEquals(1, multiStmt.getUpdateCount()); assertFalse(multiStmt.getMoreResults()); assertEquals(2, multiStmt.getUpdateCount()); assertFalse(multiStmt.getMoreResults()); assertEquals(3, multiStmt.getUpdateCount()); assertFalse(multiStmt.getMoreResults() && multiStmt.getUpdateCount() == -1); this.rs.close(); if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0)) { createProcedure("spBug33678", "() BEGIN SELECT 1; SELECT 2; SELECT 3; END"); CallableStatement cStmt = multiConn .prepareCall("{CALL spBug33678()}"); cStmt.setFetchSize(Integer.MIN_VALUE); cStmt.execute(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (i != 0) { assertTrue(cStmt.getMoreResults()); } this.rs = cStmt.getResultSet(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(i + 1, this.rs.getInt(1)); } } } finally { multiStmt.close(); multiConn.close(); } } public void testBug33162() throws Exception { if (!versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0)) { return; } this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("select now() from dual where 1=0"); this.rs.next(); try { this.rs.getTimestamp(1); // fails } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertEquals(SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR, sqlEx.getSQLState()); } } public void testBug34762() throws Exception { createTable("testBug34762", "(field1 TIMESTAMP)"); int numRows = 10; for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug34762 VALUES (NOW())"); } this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM testBug34762"); while (this.rs.next()) { this.rs.getTimestamp(1); } this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM testBug34762"); for (int i = 1; i <= numRows; i++) { this.rs.absolute(i); this.rs.getTimestamp(1); } this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM testBug34762"); this.rs.last(); this.rs.getTimestamp(1); while (this.rs.previous()) { this.rs.getTimestamp(1); } this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM testBug34762"); this.rs.last(); while (this.rs.relative(-1)) { this.rs.getTimestamp(1); } this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM testBug34762"); this.rs.beforeFirst(); while (this.rs.relative(1)) { this.rs.getTimestamp(1); } } /** * @deprecated because we use deprecated methods */ public void testBug34913() throws Exception { Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(new Date(109, 5, 1).getTime()); this.pstmt = ((com.mysql.jdbc.Connection) this.conn) .serverPrepareStatement("SELECT 'abcdefghij', ?"); this.pstmt.setTimestamp(1, ts); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); this.rs.next(); assertTrue(this.rs.getTimestamp(2).getMonth() == 5); assertTrue(this.rs.getTimestamp(2).getDate() == 1); } public void testBug36051() throws Exception { this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT '24:00:00'"); this.rs.next(); this.rs.getTime(1); } /** * Tests fix for BUG#35610, BUG#35150. We follow the JDBC Spec here, in that * the 4.0 behavior is correct, the JDBC-3.0 (and earlier) spec has a bug, * but you can get the buggy behavior (allowing column names *and* labels to * be used) by setting "useColumnNamesInFindColumn" to "true". * * @throws Exception */ public void testBug35610() throws Exception { createTable("testBug35610", "(field1 int, field2 int, field3 int)"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testBug35610 VALUES (1, 2, 3)"); exercise35610(this.stmt, false); exercise35610(getConnectionWithProps("useColumnNamesInFindColumn=true") .createStatement(), true); } private void exercise35610(Statement configuredStmt, boolean force30Behavior) throws Exception { this.rs = configuredStmt .executeQuery("SELECT field1 AS f1, field2 AS f2, field3 FROM testBug35610"); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = this.rs.getMetaData(); assertEquals("field1", rsmd.getColumnName(1)); assertEquals("field2", rsmd.getColumnName(2)); assertEquals("f1", rsmd.getColumnLabel(1)); assertEquals("f2", rsmd.getColumnLabel(2)); assertEquals("field3", rsmd.getColumnName(3)); assertEquals("field3", rsmd.getColumnLabel(3)); this.rs.next(); // From ResultSet.html#getInt(java.lang.String) in JDBC-4.0 // // Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of // this ResultSet // object as an int in the Java programming language. // // Parameters: // columnLabel - the label for the column specified with the SQL AS // clause. If the // SQL AS clause was not specified, then the label is the name of the // column // assertEquals(1, this.rs.getInt("f1")); assertEquals(2, this.rs.getInt("f2")); assertEquals(3, this.rs.getInt("field3")); // Pre-JDBC 4.0, some versions of the spec say "column name *or* label" // for the column name argument... if (force30Behavior) { assertEquals(1, this.rs.getInt("field1")); assertEquals(2, this.rs.getInt("field2")); } if (!force30Behavior) { try { this.rs.findColumn("field1"); fail("findColumn(\"field1\" should have failed with an exception"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { // expected } try { this.rs.findColumn("field2"); fail("findColumn(\"field2\" should have failed with an exception"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { // expected } } } /** * Tests fix for BUG#39911 - We don't retrieve nanos correctly when * -parsing- a string for a TIMESTAMP. */ public void testBug39911() throws Exception { this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT '2008-09-26 15:47:20.797283'"); this.rs.next(); checkTimestampNanos(); this.rs = ((com.mysql.jdbc.Connection) this.conn) .serverPrepareStatement("SELECT '2008-09-26 15:47:20.797283'") .executeQuery(); this.rs.next(); checkTimestampNanos(); this.rs.close(); } private void checkTimestampNanos() throws SQLException { Timestamp ts = this.rs.getTimestamp(1); assertEquals(797283000, ts.getNanos()); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(ts); assertEquals(797, cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND)); } public void testBug38387() throws Exception { Connection noBlobConn = null; Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("functionsNeverReturnBlobs", "true");// toggle, no change noBlobConn = getConnectionWithProps(props); try { Statement noBlobStmt = noBlobConn.createStatement(); this.rs = noBlobStmt.executeQuery("SELECT TRIM(1) AS Rslt"); while (this.rs.next()) { assertEquals("1", this.rs.getString("Rslt")); assertEquals("java.lang.String", this.rs.getObject(1) .getClass().getName()); } } finally { noBlobConn.close(); } } public void testRanges() throws Exception { createTable( "testRanges", "(int_field INT, long_field BIGINT, double_field DOUBLE, string_field VARCHAR(32))"); this.pstmt = this.conn .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO testRanges VALUES (?,?,?, ?)"); this.pstmt.setInt(1, Integer.MIN_VALUE); this.pstmt.setLong(2, Long.MIN_VALUE); this.pstmt.setDouble(3, (double) Long.MAX_VALUE + 1D); this.pstmt.setString(4, "1E4"); this.pstmt.executeUpdate(); checkRangeMatrix(this.conn); checkRangeMatrix(getConnectionWithProps("useFastIntParsing=false")); } private void checkRangeMatrix(Connection c) throws Exception { this.rs = c .createStatement() .executeQuery( "SELECT int_field, long_field, double_field, string_field FROM testRanges"); this.rs.next(); checkRanges(); this.rs.close(); this.pstmt = ((com.mysql.jdbc.Connection) c) .serverPrepareStatement("SELECT int_field, long_field, double_field, string_field FROM testRanges"); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); this.rs.next(); checkRanges(); this.rs.close(); this.pstmt.setFetchSize(Integer.MIN_VALUE); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); this.rs.next(); checkRanges(); this.rs.close(); this.pstmt = ((com.mysql.jdbc.Connection) c) .clientPrepareStatement("SELECT int_field, long_field, double_field, string_field FROM testRanges"); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); this.rs.next(); checkRanges(); this.rs.close(); this.pstmt.setFetchSize(Integer.MIN_VALUE); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); this.rs.next(); checkRanges(); this.rs.close(); } private void checkRanges() throws SQLException { assertEquals(Integer.MIN_VALUE, this.rs.getInt(1)); try { this.rs.getInt(2); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(sqlEx.getMessage().indexOf(" in column '2'") != -1); } assertEquals(Long.MIN_VALUE, this.rs.getLong(2)); try { this.rs.getLong(3); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { assertTrue(sqlEx.getMessage().indexOf(" in column '3'") != -1); } assertEquals(10000, this.rs.getInt(4)); assertEquals(10000, this.rs.getLong(4)); } /** * Bug #41484 Accessing fields by name after the ResultSet is closed throws * NullPointerException. */ public void testBug41484() throws Exception { try { rs = stmt.executeQuery("select 1 as abc"); rs.next(); rs.getString("abc"); rs.close(); rs.getString("abc"); } catch (SQLException ex) { /* expected */ assertEquals(0, ex.getErrorCode()); assertEquals("S1000", ex.getSQLState()); } } public void testBug41484_2() throws Exception { Connection cachedRsmdConn = getConnectionWithProps("cacheResultSetMetadata=true"); try { createTable("bug41484", "(id int not null primary key, day date not null) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); this.pstmt = cachedRsmdConn .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO bug41484(id, day) values(1, ?)"); this.pstmt.setInt(1, 20080509); assertEquals(1, this.pstmt.executeUpdate()); this.pstmt.close(); this.pstmt = cachedRsmdConn .prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM bug41484 WHERE id = ?"); this.pstmt.setInt(1, 1); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); this.rs.first(); this.rs.getString("day"); this.rs.close(); this.pstmt.close(); this.pstmt = cachedRsmdConn .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO bug41484(id, day) values(2, ?)"); this.pstmt.setInt(1, 20090212); assertEquals(1, this.pstmt.executeUpdate()); this.pstmt.close(); this.pstmt = cachedRsmdConn .prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM bug41484 WHERE id = ?"); this.pstmt.setInt(1, 2); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); this.rs.first(); assertEquals(this.rs.getString(1), "2"); this.rs.getString("day"); this.rs.close(); this.pstmt.close(); } finally { cachedRsmdConn.close(); } } public void testBug27431() throws Exception { createTable("bug27431", "(`ID` int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment," + "`Name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''," + "PRIMARY KEY (`ID`))"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO bug27431 (`ID`, `Name`) VALUES (1, 'Lucho'),(2, 'Lily'),(3, 'Kiro')"); Statement updStmt = this.conn.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); this.rs = updStmt.executeQuery("SELECT ID, Name FROM bug27431"); while (this.rs.next()) { this.rs.deleteRow(); } assertEquals(0, getRowCount("bug27431")); } public void testBug43759() throws Exception { createTable("testtable_bincolumn", "(" + "bincolumn binary(8) NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (bincolumn)" + ")", "innodb"); String pkValue1 = "0123456789ABCD90"; String pkValue2 = "0123456789ABCD00"; // put some data in it this.stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testtable_bincolumn (bincolumn) " + "VALUES (unhex('" + pkValue1 + "')), (unhex('" + pkValue2 + "'))"); // cause the bug Statement updStmt = this.conn.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); this.rs = updStmt .executeQuery("SELECT * FROM testtable_bincolumn WHERE bincolumn = unhex('" + pkValue1 + "')"); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); this.rs.deleteRow(); // At this point the row with pkValue1 should be deleted. We'll select // it back to see. // If the row comes back, the testcase has failed. this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("SELECT * FROM testtable_bincolumn WHERE bincolumn = unhex('" + pkValue1 + "')"); assertFalse(rs.next()); // Now, show a case where it happens to work, because the binary data is // different updStmt = this.conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); this.rs = updStmt .executeQuery("SELECT * FROM testtable_bincolumn WHERE bincolumn = unhex('" + pkValue2 + "')"); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); rs.deleteRow(); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("SELECT * FROM testtable_bincolumn WHERE bincolumn = unhex('" + pkValue2 + "')"); assertFalse(rs.next()); } public void testBug32525() throws Exception { createTable("bug32525", "(field1 date, field2 timestamp)"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO bug32525 VALUES ('0000-00-00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00')"); Connection noStringSyncConn = getConnectionWithProps("noDatetimeStringSync=true"); try { this.rs = ((com.mysql.jdbc.Connection) noStringSyncConn) .serverPrepareStatement( "SELECT field1, field2 FROM bug32525") .executeQuery(); this.rs.next(); assertEquals("0000-00-00", this.rs.getString(1)); assertEquals("0000-00-00 00:00:00", this.rs.getString(2)); } finally { noStringSyncConn.close(); } } public void testBug49797() throws Exception { createTable("testBug49797", "(`Id` int(2) not null auto_increment, " + "`abc` char(50) , " + "PRIMARY KEY (`Id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); this.stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT into testBug49797 VALUES (1,'1'),(2,'2'),(3,'3')"); assertEquals(3, getRowCount("testBug49797")); Statement updStmt = conn.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); try { this.rs = updStmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM testBug49797"); while (rs.next()) { rs.deleteRow(); } assertEquals(0, getRowCount("testBug49797")); } finally { updStmt.close(); } } public void testBug49516() throws Exception { CachedRowSetImpl crs; createTable( "bug49516", "(`testingID` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `firstName` TEXT NOT NULL) CHARACTER SET utf8;"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("insert into bug49516 set firstName ='John'"); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("select firstName as 'first person' from bug49516"); this.rs.first(); assertEquals("John", this.rs.getString("first person")); // this.rs.close(); // this.stmt.close(); this.rs = this.stmt .executeQuery("select firstName as 'first person' from bug49516"); crs = new CachedRowSetImpl(); crs.populate(this.rs); crs.first(); assertEquals("John", crs.getString(1)); } public void testBug48820() throws Exception { CachedRowSetImpl crs; Connection noBlobsConn = getConnectionWithProps("functionsNeverReturnBlobs=true"); this.rs = noBlobsConn.createStatement().executeQuery( "SELECT PASSWORD ('SOMETHING')"); this.rs.first(); String fromPlainResultSet = this.rs.getString(1); this.rs = noBlobsConn.createStatement().executeQuery( "SELECT PASSWORD ('SOMETHING')"); crs = new CachedRowSetImpl(); crs.populate(this.rs); crs.first(); assertEquals(fromPlainResultSet, crs.getString(1)); } /** * Bug #60313 bug in com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSetRow.getTimestampFast * */ public void testBug60313() throws Exception { this.stmt.executeQuery("select repeat('Z', 3000), now() + interval 1 microsecond"); this.rs = this.stmt.getResultSet(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(1000, this.rs.getTimestamp(2).getNanos()); this.rs.close(); this.pstmt = this.conn.prepareStatement("select repeat('Z', 3000), now() + interval 1 microsecond"); this.rs = this.pstmt.executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(1000, this.rs.getTimestamp(2).getNanos()); this.rs.close(); Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("useServerPrepStmts", "true"); Connection sspsCon = getConnectionWithProps(props); PreparedStatement ssPStmt = sspsCon.prepareStatement("select repeat('Z', 3000), now() + interval 1 microsecond"); this.rs = ssPStmt.executeQuery(); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(1000, this.rs.getTimestamp(2).getNanos()); this.rs.close(); ssPStmt.close(); sspsCon.close(); } }