package org.cloudsmith.geppetto.catalog.test; import; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.cloudsmith.geppetto.catalog.Catalog; import org.cloudsmith.geppetto.catalog.util.CatalogJsonSerializer; import org.cloudsmith.geppetto.catalog.util.CatalogRspecGenerator; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; public class TestCatalogRspec extends TestCase { public static final String expectedRspec1 = "# Puppet RSpec Tests asserting that a catalog for a given host is compliant with\n" + "# rules derived from a baseline catalog obtained for host: ''\n" + "# Generated by: org.cloudsmith.geppetto.catalog.util.CatalogRspecGenerator\n" + "# Generated at: Aug 25, 2012\n" + "\n" + "require 'spec_helper'\n" + "\n" + "describe '', :type => :host do\n" + " # Set facts to empty hash, and expect them to be injected\n" + " let(:facts) { { } }\n" + "\n" + " it {\n" + " # Classes (in alphabetical order)\n" + " should include_class('javase')\n" + " should include_class('main')\n" + " should include_class('settings')\n" + " should include_class('tcpdump')\n" + "\n" + " # Resources per type and title (alphabetically)\n" + " should contain_file('/etc/java_release').with(\n" + " 'content' => '1.6',\n" + " 'ensure' => 'present',\n" + " 'group' => 'root',\n" + " 'mode' => '440',\n" + " 'owner' => 'root',\n" + " )\n" + " should contain_package('tcpdump').with(\n" + " 'ensure' => 'latest',\n" + " 'provider' => 'yum',\n" + " )\n" + " should contain_stage('main').with(\n" + " 'name' => 'main',\n" + " )\n" + " }\n" + "end\n"; public void testCatalogRspec() throws Exception { File f = TestDataProvider.getTestFile(new Path("testData/sample1.json")); Catalog c = CatalogJsonSerializer.load(f); assertEquals("Should have the expected name", "", c.getName()); CatalogRspecGenerator generator = new CatalogRspecGenerator(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); generator.generate(c, builder); assertEquals(expectedRspec1, builder.toString()); System.out.print(builder.toString()); } }