package org.gephi.desktop.preview; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import org.gephi.preview.api.*; import org.openide.util.Lookup; import processing.core.*; /** * Processing applet displaying the graph preview. * * @author Jérémy Subtil <> */ public class ProcessingPreview extends PApplet implements GraphRenderer, MouseWheelListener { private static final int WHEEL_TIMER = 500; private PVector ref = new PVector(); private PVector trans = new PVector(); private PVector lastMove = new PVector(); private float scaling; private Font uniEdgeMiniLabelFont; private Font biEdgeMiniLabelFont; private GraphSheet graphSheet = null; private final HashMap<String, PFont> fontMap = new HashMap<String, PFont>(); private final static float MARGIN = 10f; private java.awt.Color background = java.awt.Color.WHITE; private boolean moving = false; private Timer wheelTimer; /** * Refreshes the preview using the current graph from the preview * controller. */ public void refresh() { PreviewController controller = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(PreviewController.class); PreviewModel model = controller.getModel(); // updates fonts //fontMap.clear(); Don't clear to prevent PFont memory leak from Processing library. if (model != null) { uniEdgeMiniLabelFont = model.getUniEdgeSupervisor().getMiniLabelFont(); biEdgeMiniLabelFont = model.getBiEdgeSupervisor().getMiniLabelFont(); background = model.getBackgroundColor(); } // redraws the applet redraw(); } public boolean isRedraw() { return redraw; } @Override public void setup() { size(500, 500, JAVA2D); rectMode(CENTER); background(background.getRGB()); smooth(); noLoop(); // the preview is drawn once and then redrawn when necessary addMouseWheelListener(this); } @Override public void draw() { // blank the applet background(background.getRGB()); // user zoom PVector center = new PVector(width / 2f, height / 2f); PVector scaledCenter = PVector.mult(center, scaling); PVector scaledTrans = PVector.sub(center, scaledCenter); translate(scaledTrans.x, scaledTrans.y); scale(scaling); // user move translate(trans.x, trans.y); //Draw grid renderGrid(); // draw graph if (null != graphSheet) { renderGraph(graphSheet.getGraph()); } } @Override public void mousePressed() { ref.set(mouseX, mouseY, 0); } @Override public void mouseDragged() { moving = true; trans.set(mouseX, mouseY, 0); trans.sub(ref); trans.div(scaling); // ensure const. moving speed whatever the zoom is trans.add(lastMove); redraw(); } @Override public void mouseReleased() { lastMove.set(trans); moving = false; redraw(); } public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) { if (e.getUnitsToScroll() == 0) { return; } float way = -e.getUnitsToScroll() / Math.abs(e.getUnitsToScroll()); scaling = scaling * (way > 0 ? 2f : 0.5f); moving = true; if (wheelTimer != null) { wheelTimer.cancel(); wheelTimer = null; } wheelTimer = new Timer(); wheelTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { moving = false; redraw(); wheelTimer = null; } }, WHEEL_TIMER); redraw(); } @Override public void keyPressed() { switch (key) { case '+': scaling = scaling * 2f; break; case '-': scaling = scaling / 2f; break; case '0': scaling = 1; break; } redraw(); } /** * Defines the preview graph to draw. * * @param graph the preview graph to draw */ public void setGraphSheet(GraphSheet graphSheet) { this.graphSheet = graphSheet; initAppletLayout(); } public void resetZoom() { if (graphSheet != null) { scaling = 0; initAppletLayout(); redraw(); } } /** * Initializes the preview applet layout according to the graph's dimension. */ private void initAppletLayout() { if (graphSheet != null) { graphSheet.setMargin(MARGIN); // initializes zoom PVector box = new PVector(graphSheet.getWidth(), graphSheet.getHeight()); float ratioWidth = width / box.x; float ratioHeight = height / box.y; if (scaling == 0) { scaling = ratioWidth < ratioHeight ? ratioWidth : ratioHeight; // initializes move PVector semiBox = PVector.div(box, 2); Point topLeftPosition = graphSheet.getTopLeftPosition(); PVector topLeftVector = new PVector(topLeftPosition.getX(), topLeftPosition.getY()); PVector center = new PVector(width / 2f, height / 2f); PVector scaledCenter = PVector.add(topLeftVector, semiBox); trans.set(center); trans.sub(scaledCenter); lastMove.set(trans); } } } public void renderGrid() { // gridWHC(width, height, 20, new java.awt.Color(0xCCCCCC)); // gridWH(4, 4, 130, 130, 20); // gridMNC(8, 8, 4, 4, 20, new java.awt.Color(230, 60, 100, 80)); // gridMNC(110, 110, 5, 9, 20, new java.awt.Color(100, 220, 70, 180)); } public void renderGraph(Graph graph) { if (graph.showEdges() && !moving) { renderGraphEdges(graph); } if (graph.showNodes()) { renderGraphNodes(graph); } renderGraphLabelBorders(graph); renderGraphLabels(graph); } public void renderGraphEdges(Graph graph) { renderGraphUnidirectionalEdges(graph); renderGraphBidirectionalEdges(graph); renderGraphUndirectedEdges(graph); if (graph.showSelfLoops()) { renderGraphSelfLoops(graph); } } public void renderGraphSelfLoops(Graph graph) { for (SelfLoop sl : graph.getSelfLoops()) { renderSelfLoop(sl); } } public void renderGraphUnidirectionalEdges(Graph graph) { for (UnidirectionalEdge edge : graph.getUnidirectionalEdges()) { renderDirectedEdge(edge); } } public void renderGraphBidirectionalEdges(Graph graph) { for (BidirectionalEdge edge : graph.getBidirectionalEdges()) { renderDirectedEdge(edge); } } public void renderGraphUndirectedEdges(Graph graph) { for (UndirectedEdge e : graph.getUndirectedEdges()) { renderEdge(e); } } public void renderGraphNodes(Graph graph) { for (Node n : graph.getNodes()) { renderNode(n); } } public void renderGraphLabels(Graph graph) { textFont(uniEdgeMiniLabelFont); for (UnidirectionalEdge e : graph.getUnidirectionalEdges()) { if (!e.isCurved()) { if (e.showLabel() && e.hasLabel() && e.getLabel().getFont() != null) { renderEdgeLabel(e.getLabel()); } if (e.showMiniLabels()) { renderEdgeMiniLabels(e); } } } textFont(biEdgeMiniLabelFont); for (BidirectionalEdge e : graph.getBidirectionalEdges()) { if (!e.isCurved()) { if (e.showLabel() && e.hasLabel() && e.getLabel().getFont() != null) { renderEdgeLabel(e.getLabel()); } if (e.showMiniLabels()) { renderEdgeMiniLabels(e); } } } for (UndirectedEdge e : graph.getUndirectedEdges()) { if (e.showLabel() && !e.isCurved() && e.hasLabel() && e.getLabel().getFont() != null) { renderEdgeLabel(e.getLabel()); } } for (Node n : graph.getNodes()) { if (n.showLabel() && n.hasLabel() && n.getLabel().getFont() != null) { renderNodeLabel(n.getLabel()); } } } public void renderGraphLabelBorders(Graph graph) { for (Node n : graph.getNodes()) { if (n.showLabel() && n.hasLabel() && n.showLabelBorders() && n.getLabel().getFont() != null) { renderNodeLabelBorder(n.getLabelBorder()); } } } public void renderNode(Node node) { stroke(node.getBorderColor().getRed(), node.getBorderColor().getGreen(), node.getBorderColor().getBlue()); strokeWeight(node.getBorderWidth()); fill(node.getColor().getRed(), node.getColor().getGreen(), node.getColor().getBlue()); ellipse(node.getPosition().getX(), node.getPosition().getY(), node.getDiameter(), node.getDiameter()); } public void renderNodeLabel(NodeLabel label) { textFont(label.getFont()); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); fill(label.getColor().getRed(), label.getColor().getGreen(), label.getColor().getBlue()); text(label.getValue(), label.getPosition().getX(), label.getPosition().getY() - (textAscent() + textDescent()) * 0.1f); } public void renderNodeLabelBorder(NodeLabelBorder border) { textFont(border.getLabel().getFont()); noStroke(); fill(border.getColor().getRed(), border.getColor().getGreen(), border.getColor().getBlue()); rect(border.getPosition().getX(), border.getPosition().getY(), textWidth(border.getLabel().getValue()), (textAscent() + textDescent())); } public void renderSelfLoop(SelfLoop selfLoop) { CubicBezierCurve curve = selfLoop.getCurve(); strokeWeight(selfLoop.getThickness() * selfLoop.getScale()); stroke(selfLoop.getColor().getRed(), selfLoop.getColor().getGreen(), selfLoop.getColor().getBlue()); noFill(); bezier(curve.getPt1().getX(), curve.getPt1().getY(), curve.getPt2().getX(), curve.getPt2().getY(), curve.getPt3().getX(), curve.getPt3().getY(), curve.getPt4().getX(), curve.getPt4().getY()); } public void renderDirectedEdge(DirectedEdge edge) { renderEdge(edge); if (!edge.isCurved() && edge.showArrows()) { renderEdgeArrows(edge); } } public void renderEdge(Edge edge) { strokeWeight(edge.getThickness() * edge.getScale()); stroke(edge.getColor().getRed(), edge.getColor().getGreen(), edge.getColor().getBlue()); noFill(); if (edge.isCurved()) { renderCurvedEdge(edge); } else { renderStraightEdge(edge); } } public void renderEdgeArrows(DirectedEdge edge) { noStroke(); for (EdgeArrow a : edge.getArrows()) { renderEdgeArrow(a); } } public void renderEdgeMiniLabels(DirectedEdge edge) { for (EdgeMiniLabel ml : edge.getMiniLabels()) { renderEdgeMiniLabel(ml); } } public void renderStraightEdge(Edge edge) { Point boundary1 = edge.getNode1().getPosition(); Point boundary2 = edge.getNode2().getPosition(); line(boundary1.getX(), boundary1.getY(), boundary2.getX(), boundary2.getY()); } public void renderCurvedEdge(Edge edge) { for (CubicBezierCurve curve : edge.getCurves()) { bezier(curve.getPt1().getX(), curve.getPt1().getY(), curve.getPt2().getX(), curve.getPt2().getY(), curve.getPt3().getX(), curve.getPt3().getY(), curve.getPt4().getX(), curve.getPt4().getY()); } } public void renderEdgeArrow(EdgeArrow arrow) { fill(arrow.getColor().getRed(), arrow.getColor().getGreen(), arrow.getColor().getBlue()); triangle(arrow.getPt1().getX(), arrow.getPt1().getY(), arrow.getPt2().getX(), arrow.getPt2().getY(), arrow.getPt3().getX(), arrow.getPt3().getY()); } public void renderEdgeLabel(EdgeLabel label) { textFont(label.getFont()); textAlign(CENTER, BASELINE); pushMatrix(); fill(label.getColor().getRed(), label.getColor().getGreen(), label.getColor().getBlue()); translate(label.getPosition().getX(), label.getPosition().getY()); rotate(label.getAngle()); text(label.getValue(), 0, 0); popMatrix(); } public void renderEdgeMiniLabel(EdgeMiniLabel miniLabel) { pushMatrix(); fill(miniLabel.getColor().getRed(), miniLabel.getColor().getGreen(), miniLabel.getColor().getBlue()); textAlign(miniLabel.getHAlign().toProcessing(), BASELINE); translate(miniLabel.getPosition().getX(), miniLabel.getPosition().getY()); rotate(miniLabel.getAngle()); text(miniLabel.getValue(), 0, 0); popMatrix(); } private void textFont(Font font) { PFont pFont = getPFont(font); textFont(pFont, font.getSize()); } /** * Creates a Processing font from a classic font. * * @param font a font to transform * @return a Processing font */ private PFont createFont(Font font) { return createFont(font.getName(), 1); } /** * Returns the Processing font related to the given classic font. * * @param font a classic font * @return the related Processing font */ private PFont getPFont(Font font) { String fontName = font.getName(); if (fontMap.containsKey(fontName)) { return fontMap.get(fontName); } PFont pFont = createFont(font); fontMap.put(fontName, pFont); return pFont; } //======================================================== // grid of given width/height void gridWHC(int x0, int y0, int w, int h, int cellw, java.awt.Color c) { stroke(c.getRGB()); for (int iy = y0; iy <= y0 + h; iy += cellw) { line(x0, iy, x0 + w, iy); } for (int ix = x0; ix <= x0 + w; ix += cellw) { line(ix, y0, ix, y0 + h); } }//gridWHC() void gridWHC(int w, int h, int cellw, java.awt.Color c) { gridWHC(0, 0, w, h, cellw, c); }//gridWHC() void gridWHC(int x0, int y0, int w, int h, java.awt.Color c) { gridWHC(x0, y0, w, h, 10, c); }//gridWHC() void gridWHC(int w, int h, java.awt.Color c) { gridWHC(0, 0, w, h, 10, c); }//gridWHC() void gridWH(int x0, int y0, int w, int h, int cellw) { gridWHC(x0, y0, w, h, cellw, new java.awt.Color(20, 100, 100, 80)); }//gridWH() void gridWH(int w, int h, int cellw) { gridWHC(0, 0, w, h, cellw, new java.awt.Color(20, 100, 100, 80)); }//gridWH() void gridWH(int x0, int y0, int w, int h) { gridWHC(x0, y0, w, h, 10, new java.awt.Color(20, 100, 100, 80)); }//gridWH() void gridWH(int w, int h) { gridWHC(0, 0, w, h, 10, new java.awt.Color(20, 100, 100, 80)); }//gridWH() //======================================================== // grid of given #row/#column void gridMNC(int x0, int y0, int mrow, int ncol, int cellw, java.awt.Color c) { stroke(c.getRGB()); int x1 = x0 + ncol * cellw; int y1 = y0 + mrow * cellw; for (int i = 0, iy = y0; i <= mrow; i++, iy += cellw) { line(x0, iy, x1, iy); } for (int i = 0, ix = x0; i <= ncol; i++, ix += cellw) { line(ix, y0, ix, y1); } }//gridMNC() void gridMNC(int mrow, int ncol, int cellw, java.awt.Color c) { gridMNC(0, 0, mrow, ncol, cellw, c); }//gridMNC() void gridMNC(int x0, int y0, int mrow, int ncol, java.awt.Color c) { gridMNC(x0, y0, mrow, ncol, 10, c); }//gridMNC() void gridMNC(int mrow, int ncol, java.awt.Color c) { gridMNC(0, 0, mrow, ncol, 10, c); }//gridMNC() void gridMN(int x0, int y0, int mrow, int ncol, int cellw) { gridMNC(x0, y0, mrow, ncol, cellw, new java.awt.Color(20, 100, 100, 80)); }//gridMN() void gridMN(int mrow, int ncol, int cellw) { gridMNC(0, 0, mrow, ncol, cellw, new java.awt.Color(20, 100, 100, 80)); }//gridMN() void gridMN(int x0, int y0, int mrow, int ncol) { gridMNC(x0, y0, mrow, ncol, 10, new java.awt.Color(20, 100, 100, 80)); }//gridMN() void gridMN(int mrow, int ncol) { gridMNC(0, 0, mrow, ncol, 10, new java.awt.Color(20, 100, 100, 80)); }//gridMN() }