package mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import org.geotools.feature.SchemaException; import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder; import org.geotools.referencing.CRS; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeDescriptor; import org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException; import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform; import; import; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.index.SecondaryIndexManager; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.plugin.GeoWaveGTDataStore; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.plugin.visibility.VisibilityConfiguration; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.stats.StatsConfigurationCollection.SimpleFeatureStatsConfigurationCollection; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.stats.StatsManager; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.util.FeatureDataUtils; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.utils.SimpleFeatureUserDataConfigurationSet; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.utils.TimeDescriptors; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.utils.TimeDescriptors.TimeDescriptorConfiguration; import; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.index.ByteArrayId; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.index.PersistenceUtils; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.core.index.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.mapreduce.HadoopDataAdapter; import mil.nga.giat.geowave.mapreduce.HadoopWritableSerializer; /** * This data adapter will handle all reading/writing concerns for storing and * retrieving GeoTools SimpleFeature objects to and from a GeoWave persistent * store in Accumulo. <br> * <br> * * If the implementor needs to write rows with particular visibility, this can * be done by providing a FieldVisibilityHandler to a constructor or a * VisibilityManagement to a constructor. When using VisibilityManagement, the * feature attribute to contain the visibility meta-data is, by default, called * GEOWAVE_VISIBILITY. This can be overridden by setting the UserData property * 'visibility' to Boolean.TRUE for the feature attribute that describes the * attribute that contains the visibility meta-data. * persistedType.getDescriptor("someAttributeName").getUserData().put( * "visibility", Boolean.TRUE)<br> * <br> * The adapter will use the SimpleFeature's default geometry for spatial * indexing.<br> * <br> * The adaptor will use the first temporal attribute (a Calendar or Date object) * as the timestamp of a temporal index.<br> * <br> * If the feature type contains a UserData property 'time' for a specific time * attribute with Boolean.TRUE, then the attribute is used as the timestamp of a * temporal index.<br> * <br> * If the feature type contains UserData properties 'start' and 'end' for two * different time attributes with value Boolean.TRUE, then the attributes are * used for a range index.<br> * <br> * If the feature type contains a UserData property 'time' for *all* time * attributes with Boolean.FALSE, then a temporal index is not used.<br> * <br> * Statistics configurations are maintained in UserData. Each attribute may have * a UserData property called 'stats'. The associated value is an instance of * {@link mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.stats.StatsConfigurationCollection} * . The collection maintains a set of * {@link mil.nga.giat.geowave.adapter.vector.stats.StatsConfig}, one for each * type of statistic. The default statistics for geometry and temporal * constraints cannot be changed, as they are critical components to the * efficiency of query processing. * */ public class FeatureDataAdapter extends AbstractDataAdapter<SimpleFeature> implements GeotoolsFeatureDataAdapter, StatisticsProvider<SimpleFeature>, HadoopDataAdapter<SimpleFeature, FeatureWritable>, SecondaryIndexDataAdapter<SimpleFeature> { private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FeatureDataAdapter.class); // the original coordinate system will always be represented internally by // the persisted type private SimpleFeatureType persistedFeatureType; // externally the reprojected type will always be advertised because all // features will be reprojected to EPSG:4326 and the advertised feature type // from the data adapter should match in CRS private SimpleFeatureType reprojectedFeatureType; private MathTransform transform; private StatsManager statsManager; private SecondaryIndexManager secondaryIndexManager; private TimeDescriptors timeDescriptors = null; // should change this anytime the serialized image changes. Stay negative. // so 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2 etc. final static byte VERSION = (byte) 0xa2; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected FeatureDataAdapter() {} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor<br> * Creates a FeatureDataAdapter for the specified SimpleFeatureType * * @param featureType * - feature type for this object */ public FeatureDataAdapter( final SimpleFeatureType featureType ) { this( featureType, new ArrayList<PersistentIndexFieldHandler<SimpleFeature, ? extends CommonIndexValue, Object>>(), null, null); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor<br> * Creates a FeatureDataAdapter for the specified SimpleFeatureType with the * provided customIndexHandlers * * @param featureType * - feature type for this object * @param customIndexHandlers * - l */ public FeatureDataAdapter( final SimpleFeatureType featureType, final List<PersistentIndexFieldHandler<SimpleFeature, ? extends CommonIndexValue, Object>> customIndexHandlers ) { this( featureType, customIndexHandlers, null, null); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor<br> * Creates a FeatureDataAdapter for the specified SimpleFeatureType with the * provided visibilityManagement * * @param featureType * - feature type for this object * @param visibilityManagement */ public FeatureDataAdapter( final SimpleFeatureType featureType, final VisibilityManagement<SimpleFeature> visibilityManagement ) { this( featureType, new ArrayList<PersistentIndexFieldHandler<SimpleFeature, ? extends CommonIndexValue, Object>>(), null, visibilityManagement); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor<br> * Creates a FeatureDataAdapter for the specified SimpleFeatureType with the * provided fieldVisiblityHandler * * @param featureType * - feature type for this object * @param fieldVisiblityHandler */ public FeatureDataAdapter( final SimpleFeatureType featureType, final FieldVisibilityHandler<SimpleFeature, Object> fieldVisiblityHandler ) { this( featureType, new ArrayList<PersistentIndexFieldHandler<SimpleFeature, ? extends CommonIndexValue, Object>>(), fieldVisiblityHandler, null); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor<br> * Creates a FeatureDataAdapter for the specified SimpleFeatureType with the * provided customIndexHandlers, fieldVisibilityHandler and * defaultVisibilityManagement * * @param featureType * - feature type for this object * @param customIndexHandlers * @param fieldVisiblityHandler * @param defaultVisibilityManagement */ public FeatureDataAdapter( final SimpleFeatureType featureType, final List<PersistentIndexFieldHandler<SimpleFeature, ? extends CommonIndexValue, Object>> customIndexHandlers, final FieldVisibilityHandler<SimpleFeature, Object> fieldVisiblityHandler, final VisibilityManagement<SimpleFeature> defaultVisibilityManagement ) { super( customIndexHandlers, new ArrayList<NativeFieldHandler<SimpleFeature, Object>>(), fieldVisiblityHandler, updateVisibility( featureType, defaultVisibilityManagement)); setFeatureType(featureType); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Helper method for establishing a visibility manager in the constructor */ private static SimpleFeatureType updateVisibility( final SimpleFeatureType featureType, final VisibilityManagement<SimpleFeature> defaultVisibilityManagement ) { final VisibilityConfiguration config = new VisibilityConfiguration( featureType); config.updateWithDefaultIfNeeded( featureType, defaultVisibilityManagement); return featureType; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set the FeatureType for this Data Adapter. * * @param featureType * - new feature type */ private void setFeatureType( final SimpleFeatureType featureType ) { persistedFeatureType = featureType; // If the CRS for the new FeatureType is the DEFAULT_CRS, then setup the // reprojected type based on the persisted type if (GeoWaveGTDataStore.DEFAULT_CRS.equals(featureType.getCoordinateReferenceSystem())) { reprojectedFeatureType = persistedFeatureType; } else { reprojectedFeatureType = SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder.retype( featureType, GeoWaveGTDataStore.DEFAULT_CRS); if (featureType.getCoordinateReferenceSystem() != null) { try { transform = CRS.findMathTransform( featureType.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), GeoWaveGTDataStore.DEFAULT_CRS, true); } catch (final FactoryException e) { LOGGER.warn( "Unable to create coordinate reference system transform", e); } } } resetTimeDescriptors(); statsManager = new StatsManager( this, persistedFeatureType, reprojectedFeatureType, transform); secondaryIndexManager = new SecondaryIndexManager( this, persistedFeatureType, statsManager); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Create List of NativeFieldHandlers based on the SimpleFeature type passed * as parameter. * * @param featureType * - SFT to be used to determine handlers * * @return List of NativeFieldHandlers that correspond to attributes in * featureType */ protected List<NativeFieldHandler<SimpleFeature, Object>> getFieldHandlersFromFeatureType( final SimpleFeatureType featureType ) { final List<NativeFieldHandler<SimpleFeature, Object>> nativeHandlers = new ArrayList<NativeFieldHandler<SimpleFeature, Object>>( featureType.getAttributeCount()); for (final AttributeDescriptor attrDesc : featureType.getAttributeDescriptors()) { nativeHandlers.add(new FeatureAttributeHandler( attrDesc)); } return nativeHandlers; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Attempts to find a time descriptor (range or timestamp) within provided * featureType and return index field handler for it. * * @param featureType * - feature type to be scanned. * * @return Index Field Handler for the time descriptor found in featureType */ protected IndexFieldHandler<SimpleFeature, Time, Object> getTimeRangeHandler( final SimpleFeatureType featureType ) { final VisibilityConfiguration config = new VisibilityConfiguration( featureType); final TimeDescriptors timeDescriptors = inferTimeAttributeDescriptor(featureType); if ((timeDescriptors.getStartRange() != null) && (timeDescriptors.getEndRange() != null)) { FeatureAttributeHandler fah_startRange = new FeatureAttributeHandler( timeDescriptors.getStartRange()); FeatureAttributeHandler fah_endRange = new FeatureAttributeHandler( timeDescriptors.getEndRange()); FieldVisibilityHandler<SimpleFeature, Object> visibilityHandler = config .getManager() .createVisibilityHandler( timeDescriptors.getStartRange().getLocalName(), fieldVisiblityHandler, config.getAttributeName()); FeatureTimeRangeHandler ftrh = new FeatureTimeRangeHandler( fah_startRange, fah_endRange, visibilityHandler); return (ftrh); } else if (timeDescriptors.getTime() != null) { // if we didn't succeed in identifying a start and end time, // just grab the first attribute and use it as a timestamp FieldVisibilityHandler<SimpleFeature, Object> visibilityHandler = config .getManager() .createVisibilityHandler( timeDescriptors.getTime().getLocalName(), fieldVisiblityHandler, config.getAttributeName()); FeatureTimestampHandler fth = new FeatureTimestampHandler( timeDescriptors.getTime(), visibilityHandler); return fth; } return null; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get a List<> of the default index field handlers from the Simple Feature * Type provided * * @param typeObj * - Simple Feature Type object * @return - List of the default Index Field Handlers */ @Override protected List<IndexFieldHandler<SimpleFeature, ? extends CommonIndexValue, Object>> getDefaultTypeMatchingHandlers( final Object typeObj ) { if ((typeObj != null) && (typeObj instanceof SimpleFeatureType)) { final SimpleFeatureType internalType = (SimpleFeatureType) typeObj; final List<IndexFieldHandler<SimpleFeature, ? extends CommonIndexValue, Object>> defaultHandlers = new ArrayList<IndexFieldHandler<SimpleFeature, ? extends CommonIndexValue, Object>>(); nativeFieldHandlers = getFieldHandlersFromFeatureType(internalType); // Add default handler for Time final IndexFieldHandler<SimpleFeature, Time, Object> timeHandler = getTimeRangeHandler(internalType); if (timeHandler != null) { defaultHandlers.add(timeHandler); } // Add default handler for Geometry final AttributeDescriptor descriptor = internalType.getGeometryDescriptor(); final VisibilityConfiguration visConfig = new VisibilityConfiguration( internalType); defaultHandlers.add(new FeatureGeometryHandler( descriptor, visConfig.getManager().createVisibilityHandler( descriptor.getLocalName(), fieldVisiblityHandler, visConfig.getAttributeName()))); return defaultHandlers; } LOGGER.warn("Simple Feature Type could not be used for handling the indexed data"); return super.getDefaultTypeMatchingHandlers(reprojectedFeatureType); } /** * Sets the namespace of the reprojected feature type associated with this * data adapter * * @param namespaceURI * - new namespace URI */ public void setNamespace( final String namespaceURI ) { final SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); builder.init(reprojectedFeatureType); builder.setNamespaceURI(namespaceURI); reprojectedFeatureType = builder.buildFeatureType(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Map of Field Readers associated with a Field ID */ private final Map<ByteArrayId, FieldReader<Object>> mapOfFieldIdToReaders = new HashMap<ByteArrayId, FieldReader<Object>>(); /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return Field Reader for the given Field ID */ @Override public FieldReader<Object> getReader( final ByteArrayId fieldId ) { // Go to the map to get a reader for given fieldId FieldReader<Object> reader = mapOfFieldIdToReaders.get(fieldId); // Check the map to see if a reader has already been found. if (reader == null) { // Reader not in Map, go to the reprojected feature type and get the // default reader final AttributeDescriptor descriptor = reprojectedFeatureType.getDescriptor(fieldId.getString()); final Class<?> bindingClass = descriptor.getType().getBinding(); reader = (FieldReader<Object>) FieldUtils.getDefaultReaderForClass(bindingClass); // Add it to map for the next time mapOfFieldIdToReaders.put( fieldId, reader); } return reader; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Map of Field Writers associated with a Field ID */ private final Map<ByteArrayId, FieldWriter<SimpleFeature, Object>> mapOfFieldIdToWriters = new HashMap<ByteArrayId, FieldWriter<SimpleFeature, Object>>(); /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return Field Writer for the given Field ID */ @Override public FieldWriter<SimpleFeature, Object> getWriter( final ByteArrayId fieldId ) { // Go to the map to get a writer for given fieldId FieldWriter<SimpleFeature, Object> writer = mapOfFieldIdToWriters.get(fieldId); // Check the map to see if a writer has already been found. if (writer == null) { final FieldVisibilityHandler<SimpleFeature, Object> handler = getLocalVisibilityHandler(fieldId); final AttributeDescriptor descriptor = reprojectedFeatureType.getDescriptor(fieldId.getString()); final Class<?> bindingClass = descriptor.getType().getBinding(); if (handler != null) { writer = (FieldWriter<SimpleFeature, Object>) FieldUtils.getDefaultWriterForClass( bindingClass, handler); } else { writer = (FieldWriter<SimpleFeature, Object>) FieldUtils.getDefaultWriterForClass(bindingClass); } if (writer == null) { LOGGER.error("BasicWriter not found for binding type:" + bindingClass.getName().toString()); } mapOfFieldIdToWriters.put( fieldId, writer); } return writer; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private FieldVisibilityHandler<SimpleFeature, Object> getLocalVisibilityHandler( final ByteArrayId fieldId ) { final VisibilityConfiguration visConfig = new VisibilityConfiguration( reprojectedFeatureType); // See if there is a visibility config stored in the reprojected feature // type if (reprojectedFeatureType.getDescriptor(visConfig.getAttributeName()) == null) { // No, so return the default field visibility handler return fieldVisiblityHandler; } // Yes, then get the descriptor for the given field ID final AttributeDescriptor descriptor = reprojectedFeatureType.getDescriptor(fieldId.getString()); return visConfig.getManager().createVisibilityHandler( descriptor.getLocalName(), fieldVisiblityHandler, visConfig.getAttributeName()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get feature type default data contained in the reprojected SFT and * serialize to a binary stream * * @return byte array with binary data */ @Override protected byte[] defaultTypeDataToBinary() { // serialize the persisted/reprojected feature type by using default // fields and // data types final String encodedType = DataUtilities.encodeType(persistedFeatureType); final String axis = FeatureDataUtils.getAxis(persistedFeatureType.getCoordinateReferenceSystem()); final String typeName = reprojectedFeatureType.getTypeName(); final byte[] typeNameBytes = StringUtils.stringToBinary(typeName); final byte[] axisBytes = StringUtils.stringToBinary(axis); byte[] attrBytes = new byte[0]; // final SimpleFeatureUserDataConfigurationSet userDataConfiguration = new SimpleFeatureUserDataConfigurationSet(); userDataConfiguration.addConfigurations( typeName, new TimeDescriptorConfiguration( persistedFeatureType)); userDataConfiguration.addConfigurations( typeName, new SimpleFeatureStatsConfigurationCollection( persistedFeatureType)); userDataConfiguration.addConfigurations( typeName, new VisibilityConfiguration( persistedFeatureType)); try { attrBytes = StringUtils.stringToBinary(userDataConfiguration.asJsonString()); } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.error( "Failure to encode simple feature user data configuration", e); } final String namespace = reprojectedFeatureType.getName().getNamespaceURI(); byte[] namespaceBytes; if ((namespace != null) && (namespace.length() > 0)) { namespaceBytes = StringUtils.stringToBinary(namespace); } else { namespaceBytes = new byte[0]; } final byte[] encodedTypeBytes = StringUtils.stringToBinary(encodedType); final byte[] secondaryIndexBytes = PersistenceUtils.toBinary(secondaryIndexManager); // 21 bytes is the 7 four byte length fields and one byte for the // version final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(encodedTypeBytes.length + typeNameBytes.length + namespaceBytes.length + attrBytes.length + axisBytes.length + secondaryIndexBytes.length + 21); buf.put(VERSION); buf.putInt(typeNameBytes.length); buf.putInt(namespaceBytes.length); buf.putInt(attrBytes.length); buf.putInt(axisBytes.length); buf.putInt(encodedTypeBytes.length); buf.put(typeNameBytes); buf.put(namespaceBytes); buf.put(attrBytes); buf.put(axisBytes); buf.put(encodedTypeBytes); buf.put(secondaryIndexBytes); return buf.array(); } /** * Extract the feature type default data from the binary stream passed in * and place in the reprojected SFT for this feature data adapter * * @return if successful, the reprojected feature type created from the * serialized stream */ @Override protected Object defaultTypeDataFromBinary( final byte[] bytes ) { try { FeatureDataUtils.initClassLoader(); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { LOGGER.warn( "Unable to initialize GeoTools classloader", e); } // deserialize the feature type final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); // for a gentle migration final byte versionId = buf.get(); if (versionId != VERSION) { LOGGER.warn("Mismatched Feature Data Adapter version"); } final byte[] typeNameBytes = new byte[buf.getInt()]; final byte[] namespaceBytes = new byte[buf.getInt()]; final byte[] attrBytes = new byte[buf.getInt()]; final byte[] axisBytes = new byte[buf.getInt()]; final byte[] encodedTypeBytes = new byte[buf.getInt()]; buf.get(typeNameBytes); buf.get(namespaceBytes); buf.get(attrBytes); buf.get(axisBytes); buf.get(encodedTypeBytes); final String typeName = StringUtils.stringFromBinary(typeNameBytes); String namespace = StringUtils.stringFromBinary(namespaceBytes); if (namespace.length() == 0) { namespace = null; } // 24 bytes is the 6 four byte length fields and one byte for the // version final byte[] secondaryIndexBytes = new byte[bytes.length - axisBytes.length - typeNameBytes.length - namespaceBytes.length - attrBytes.length - encodedTypeBytes.length - 29]; buf.get(secondaryIndexBytes); final String encodedType = StringUtils.stringFromBinary(encodedTypeBytes); try { final SimpleFeatureType myType = FeatureDataUtils.decodeType( namespace, typeName, encodedType, StringUtils.stringFromBinary(axisBytes)); final SimpleFeatureUserDataConfigurationSet userDataConfiguration = new SimpleFeatureUserDataConfigurationSet(); userDataConfiguration.addConfigurations( typeName, new TimeDescriptorConfiguration( myType)); userDataConfiguration.addConfigurations( typeName, new SimpleFeatureStatsConfigurationCollection( myType)); userDataConfiguration.addConfigurations( typeName, new VisibilityConfiguration( myType)); try { userDataConfiguration.fromJsonString( StringUtils.stringFromBinary(attrBytes), myType); } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.error( "Failure to decode simple feature user data configuration", e); } setFeatureType(myType); // advertise the reprojected type externally return reprojectedFeatureType; } catch (final SchemaException e) { LOGGER.error( "Unable to deserialized feature type", e); } secondaryIndexManager = PersistenceUtils.fromBinary( secondaryIndexBytes, SecondaryIndexManager.class); return null; } @Override public ByteArrayId getAdapterId() { return new ByteArrayId( StringUtils.stringToBinary(reprojectedFeatureType.getTypeName())); } @Override public boolean isSupported( final SimpleFeature entry ) { return reprojectedFeatureType.getName().getURI().equals( entry.getType().getName().getURI()); } @Override public ByteArrayId getDataId( final SimpleFeature entry ) { return new ByteArrayId( StringUtils.stringToBinary(entry.getID())); } private FeatureRowBuilder builder; @Override protected RowBuilder<SimpleFeature, Object> newBuilder() { if (builder == null) { builder = new FeatureRowBuilder( reprojectedFeatureType); } return builder; } @Override public SimpleFeatureType getFeatureType() { return reprojectedFeatureType; } @Override public AdapterPersistenceEncoding encode( final SimpleFeature entry, final CommonIndexModel indexModel ) { return super.encode( FeatureDataUtils.defaultCRSTransform( entry, persistedFeatureType, reprojectedFeatureType, transform), indexModel); } @Override public ByteArrayId[] getSupportedStatisticsTypes() { return statsManager.getSupportedStatisticsIds(); } @Override public DataStatistics<SimpleFeature> createDataStatistics( final ByteArrayId statisticsId ) { return statsManager.createDataStatistics( this, statisticsId); } @Override public EntryVisibilityHandler<SimpleFeature> getVisibilityHandler( final ByteArrayId statisticsId ) { return statsManager.getVisibilityHandler(statisticsId); } @Override public boolean hasTemporalConstraints() { return getTimeDescriptors().hasTime(); } public synchronized void resetTimeDescriptors() { timeDescriptors = inferTimeAttributeDescriptor(persistedFeatureType); } @Override public synchronized TimeDescriptors getTimeDescriptors() { if (timeDescriptors == null) { timeDescriptors = inferTimeAttributeDescriptor(persistedFeatureType); } return timeDescriptors; } /** * Determine if a time or range descriptor is set. If so, then use it, * otherwise infer. * * @param persistType * - FeatureType that will be scanned for TimeAttributes * @return */ protected static final TimeDescriptors inferTimeAttributeDescriptor( final SimpleFeatureType persistType ) { final TimeDescriptorConfiguration config = new TimeDescriptorConfiguration( persistType); final TimeDescriptors timeDescriptors = new TimeDescriptors( persistType, config); // Up the meta-data so that it is clear and visible any inference that // has occurred here. Also, this is critical to // serialization/deserialization config.updateType(persistType); return timeDescriptors; } @Override public HadoopWritableSerializer<SimpleFeature, FeatureWritable> createWritableSerializer() { return new FeatureWritableSerializer( reprojectedFeatureType); } private static class FeatureWritableSerializer implements HadoopWritableSerializer<SimpleFeature, FeatureWritable> { private final FeatureWritable writable; FeatureWritableSerializer( final SimpleFeatureType type ) { writable = new FeatureWritable( type); } @Override public FeatureWritable toWritable( final SimpleFeature entry ) { writable.setFeature(entry); return writable; } @Override public SimpleFeature fromWritable( final FeatureWritable writable ) { return writable.getFeature(); } } @Override public List<SecondaryIndex<SimpleFeature>> getSupportedSecondaryIndices() { return secondaryIndexManager.getSupportedSecondaryIndices(); } private transient final BiMap<ByteArrayId, Integer> fieldToPositionMap = HashBiMap.create(); private transient BiMap<Integer, ByteArrayId> positionToFieldMap = null; private transient final Map<String, List<ByteArrayId>> modelToDimensionsMap = new HashMap<>(); @Override public int getPositionOfOrderedField( final CommonIndexModel model, final ByteArrayId fieldId ) { final List<ByteArrayId> dimensionFieldIds = getDimensionFieldIds(model); // first check CommonIndexModel dimensions if (dimensionFieldIds.contains(fieldId)) { return dimensionFieldIds.indexOf(fieldId); } if (fieldToPositionMap.isEmpty()) { initializePositionMaps(); } // next check other fields // dimension fields must be first, add padding Integer position = fieldToPositionMap.get(fieldId); if (position == null) { return -1; } return position.intValue() + model.getDimensions().length; } @Override public ByteArrayId getFieldIdForPosition( final CommonIndexModel model, final int position ) { if (position >= model.getDimensions().length) { if (fieldToPositionMap.isEmpty()) { initializePositionMaps(); } final int adjustedPosition = position - model.getDimensions().length; // check other fields return positionToFieldMap.get(adjustedPosition); } final List<ByteArrayId> dimensionFieldIds = getDimensionFieldIds(model); // otherwise check CommonIndexModel dimensions return dimensionFieldIds.get(position); } private void initializePositionMaps() { try { for (int i = 0; i < reprojectedFeatureType.getAttributeCount(); i++) { final AttributeDescriptor ad = reprojectedFeatureType.getDescriptor(i); final ByteArrayId currFieldId = new ByteArrayId( ad.getLocalName()); fieldToPositionMap.forcePut( currFieldId, i); } positionToFieldMap = fieldToPositionMap.inverse(); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "Unable to initialize position map, continuing anyways", e); } } private List<ByteArrayId> getDimensionFieldIds( final CommonIndexModel model ) { final List<ByteArrayId> retVal = modelToDimensionsMap.get(model.getId()); if (retVal != null) { return retVal; } final List<ByteArrayId> dimensionFieldIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (final NumericDimensionField<? extends CommonIndexValue> dimension : model.getDimensions()) { dimensionFieldIds.add(dimension.getFieldId()); } modelToDimensionsMap.put( model.getId(), dimensionFieldIds); return dimensionFieldIds; } }