package it.unito.geosummly; import it.unito.geosummly.clustering.subspace.AGNES; import; import; import; import; import; import it.unito.geosummly.utils.Pair; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord; import; import; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.Database; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result.ResultUtil; public class ClusteringOperator { public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ClusteringOperator.class.toString()); public void execute( ArrayList<Double> coord, String inDens, String inNorm, String inDeltad, String inSingles, String out, double eps, String method ) throws IOException { //Read all the csv files CSVDataIO dataIO=new CSVDataIO(); List<CSVRecord> listDens=dataIO.readCSVFile(inDens); List<CSVRecord> listNorm=dataIO.readCSVFile(inNorm); List<CSVRecord> listDeltad=dataIO.readCSVFile(inDeltad); List<CSVRecord> listSingles=dataIO.readCSVFile(inSingles); //Get the bounding box Double north = new Double(coord.get(0)); Double east = new Double(coord.get(1)); Double south = new Double(coord.get(2)); Double west = new Double(coord.get(3)); BoundingBox bbox=new BoundingBox(north, east, south, west); double area = bbox.getArea(); //get the number of cell //-1 because of the header int cellNum = listDens.size()-1; //get the option -combination //that is the maximum number of categories considered in a combination int comb = 3; ClusteringTools tools=new ClusteringTools(); //fill in the matrix of normalized values //the column timestamp is not included in normMatrix ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> normMatrix=tools.buildNormalizedFromCSV(listNorm); ArrayList<Pair<Double, Double>> boundaries = tools.getFeatureBoundariesFromCSV(listDens); //build db from the normalized matrix Database db=tools.buildDatabaseFromMatrix(normMatrix); //fill in the feature hashmap only with single features HashMap<Integer, String> featuresMap=tools.getFeaturesMapFromDeltad(listDeltad); //fill in the deltad hashmap with that values which are greater than or equal to 0 and whose feature is in the features hashmap HashMap<String, Double> deltadMap=tools.getValuesMapFromDeltad(listDeltad); //get the calendar Calendar cal=tools.getCalendar(listNorm); //90% of cells Double density=normMatrix.size()*0.9; //Get eps value //This means that no eps value has been specified in CLI or the eps specified is negative if(eps <= 0.0) { eps=tools.getEps(normMatrix); } System.out.println("Eps: " + eps); //Run GEOSUBCLU algorithm and get the clustering result Clustering<?> result = tools .runGEOSUBCLU(db, boundaries, featuresMap, deltadMap, density.intValue(), eps, new StringBuilder()); ArrayList<Clustering<?>> cs = ResultUtil.filterResults(result, Clustering.class); ArrayList<Clustering<?>> cs_agnes = new ArrayList<>(); //Run AGNES algorithm in order to optimize the clustering for(Clustering<?> c: cs) { int threshold = (int)(c.getAllClusters().size()*0.05); //How to set this parameter AGNES agnes = new AGNES(c, threshold); cs_agnes.add(; } cs = cs_agnes; HashMap<Integer, String> clustersName=new HashMap<Integer, String>(); //key, cluster name HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>> cellsOfCluster=new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>>(); //key, cell_ids + lat + lng HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>> venuesOfCell=new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>>(); //cell_id, venue_record HashMap<Integer, Double> cDistance = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<Integer, Double> cSSE = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<Integer, Double> cSurface = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<Integer, Double> cHeterogeneity = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<Integer, Double> cDensity = new HashMap<>(); ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> cells; int count = 0; for(Clustering<?> c: cs) { for(Cluster<?> cluster: c.getAllClusters()) { count++; System.out.println(count);//Make acount about clusters' num int index=clustersName.size(); //at first clustersName.size()=0 clustersName.put(index, cluster.getName()); //put the cluster name in the map (clustersName.size()++) cellsOfCluster=tools.putCompleteCellsOfCluster(cellsOfCluster, cluster, index, listDens); //get all the cell_ids for the selected cluster cells=cellsOfCluster.get(index); venuesOfCell=tools.putVenuesOfCells(cluster.getName(), index, venuesOfCell, cells, listSingles); cDistance.put(index, new Double(tools.getDistance(db, cluster, featuresMap, listDens))); cSSE.put(index, tools.getClusterSSE(db, cluster, featuresMap)); cSurface.put(index, tools.getClusterSurface(cluster, normMatrix.size())); cHeterogeneity.put(index, tools.getClusterHeterogeneity(cluster, featuresMap)); cDensity.put(index, tools.getClusterDensity(venuesOfCell.size(), area, cSurface.get(index))); } } //Get the SSE double sse=tools.getClusteringSSE(db, cs, featuresMap); //serialize the log LogDataIO lWriter=new LogDataIO(); StringBuilder sb=tools.getLog(); lWriter.writeClusteringLog(sb, eps, sse, north, east, south, west, cellNum, out); //serialize the clustering output to geojson and turtle files GeoJSONWriter jWriter=new GeoJSONWriter(); jWriter.writeStream(bbox, clustersName, cellsOfCluster, venuesOfCell, cDistance, cSSE, cSurface, cHeterogeneity, cDensity, eps, out, cal); GeoTurtleWriter tWriter=new GeoTurtleWriter(); tWriter.writeStream(bbox, clustersName, cellsOfCluster, venuesOfCell, cDistance, cSSE, cSurface, cHeterogeneity, cDensity, eps, out, cal); } public HashMap<String, Vector<Integer>> executeForValidation( String inDens, ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> normalized, int length, ArrayList<String> labels, ArrayList<String> minpts, double eps ) throws IOException { ClusteringTools tools=new ClusteringTools(); //build the database from the normalized matrix without considering timestamp values ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> normMatrix=tools.buildNormalizedFromList(normalized); Database db=tools.buildDatabaseFromMatrix(normMatrix); //fill in the feature hashmap only with single features HashMap<Integer, String> featuresMap=tools.getFeaturesMap(labels); //fill in the deltad hashmap HashMap<String, Double> deltadMap=tools.getDeltadMap(labels, minpts); //% of cells Double density=normMatrix.size()*0.9; CSVDataIO dataIO=new CSVDataIO(); List<CSVRecord> listDens=dataIO.readCSVFile(inDens); ArrayList<Pair<Double, Double>> boundaries = tools.getFeatureBoundariesFromCSV(listDens); //Run GEOSUBCLU algorithm and get the clustering result Clustering<?> result = tools.runGEOSUBCLU(db, boundaries, featuresMap, deltadMap, density.intValue(), eps, new StringBuilder()); ArrayList<Clustering<?>> cs = ResultUtil.filterResults(result, Clustering.class); HashMap<Integer, String> clustersName=new HashMap<Integer, String>(); //key, cluster name HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> cellsOfCluster=new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>(); //key, cell_ids for(Clustering<?> c: cs) { for(Cluster<?> cluster: c.getAllClusters()) { int index=clustersName.size(); //put the cluster name in the map clustersName.put(index, cluster.getName()); //get all the cell_ids for the selected cluster cellsOfCluster=tools.putIdCellsOfCluster(cellsOfCluster, cluster, index); } } //Get the distinct cluster labels TreeSet<String> distinctLabels =tools.getClusterLabels(clustersName); //Associate cells to cluster ArrayList<TreeSet<Integer>> allCells=tools.getCellsOfClusters(clustersName, cellsOfCluster, distinctLabels); //Create holdout map HashMap<String, Vector<Integer>> holdout=tools.buildHoldoutMap(distinctLabels, allCells, length); return holdout; } public double executeForCorrectness( String inDens, ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> normalized, ArrayList<String> labels, ArrayList<String> minpts, double eps ) throws IOException { ClusteringTools tools=new ClusteringTools(); //build the database from the normalized matrix //the column of timestamp values is not present in the variable "normalized" Database db=tools.buildDatabaseFromMatrix(normalized); //fill in the feature hashmap only with single features HashMap<Integer, String> featuresMap=tools.getFeaturesMap(labels); //fill in the deltad hashmap HashMap<String, Double> deltadMap=tools.getDeltadMap(labels, minpts); //% of cells Double density=normalized.size()*0.9; CSVDataIO dataIO=new CSVDataIO(); List<CSVRecord> listDens=dataIO.readCSVFile(inDens); ArrayList<Pair<Double, Double>> boundaries = tools.getFeatureBoundariesFromCSV(listDens); //Run GEOSUBCLU algorithm and get the clustering result Clustering<?> result = tools.runGEOSUBCLU(db, boundaries, featuresMap, deltadMap, density.intValue(), eps, new StringBuilder()); ArrayList<Clustering<?>> cs = ResultUtil.filterResults(result, Clustering.class); //Get the SSE double sse=tools.getClusteringSSE(db, cs, featuresMap); return sse; } }