/* * This is part of Geomajas, a GIS framework, http://www.geomajas.org/. * * Copyright 2008-2015 Geosparc nv, http://www.geosparc.com/, Belgium. * * The program is available in open source according to the GNU Affero * General Public License. All contributions in this program are covered * by the Geomajas Contributors License Agreement. For full licensing * details, see LICENSE.txt in the project root. */ package org.geomajas.gwt.client.map.store; import org.geomajas.gwt.client.map.MapViewState; import org.geomajas.gwt.client.map.cache.tile.RasterTile; import org.geomajas.gwt.client.map.cache.tile.TileFunction; import org.geomajas.gwt.client.map.layer.InternalClientWmsLayer; import org.geomajas.gwt.client.map.layer.RasterLayer; import org.geomajas.gwt.client.spatial.Bbox; import org.geomajas.gwt.client.spatial.Matrix; import org.geomajas.layer.tile.TileCode; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * A raster layer store that keeps tiles in cache while panning, only clearing them when a non-panning move occurs, see * {@link org.geomajas.gwt.client.map.MapView}. * * @author Jan De Moerloose * @author Oliver May */ public class ClientWmsRasterLayerStore implements RasterLayerStore { private InternalClientWmsLayer rasterLayer; private Map<TileCode, RasterTile> tiles = new HashMap<TileCode, RasterTile>(); private boolean dirty; private MapViewState lastViewState; private Bbox tileBounds; public ClientWmsRasterLayerStore(InternalClientWmsLayer rasterLayer) { this.rasterLayer = rasterLayer; } public void applyAndSync(Bbox bounds, TileFunction<RasterTile> onDelete, TileFunction<RasterTile> onUpdate) { MapViewState viewState = rasterLayer.getMapModel().getMapView().getViewState(); boolean panning = lastViewState == null || viewState.isPannableFrom(lastViewState); if (!panning || isDirty()) { for (RasterTile tile : tiles.values()) { onDelete.execute(tile); } tiles.clear(); tileBounds = null; dirty = false; } lastViewState = rasterLayer.getMapModel().getMapView().getViewState(); if (tileBounds == null || !tileBounds.contains(bounds)) { fetchAndUpdateTiles(bounds, onUpdate); } else { updateTiles(bounds, onUpdate); } } public RasterLayer getLayer() { return rasterLayer; } public void clear() { if (tiles.size() > 0) { dirty = true; } } public boolean isDirty() { return dirty; } public Collection<RasterTile> getTiles() { return tiles.values(); } private void fetchAndUpdateTiles(Bbox bounds, final TileFunction<RasterTile> onUpdate) { // fetch a bigger area to avoid server requests while panning tileBounds = bounds.scale(3); //Calculate tiles //double scale = lastViewState.getScale(); //addTiles(rasterLayer.getTiles(tileBounds, scale > 1 ? scale : 1 / scale)); addTiles(rasterLayer.getTiles(tileBounds, 1 / lastViewState.getScale())); Bbox panBounds = worldToPan(bounds); // for each tile: for (RasterTile tile : tiles.values()) { if (panBounds.intersects(tile.getBounds())) { onUpdate.execute(tile); } } } /** * Method based on WmsTileServiceImpl in GWT2 client. * */ private List<org.geomajas.layer.tile.RasterTile> calculateTilesForBounds(Bbox bounds) { List<org.geomajas.layer.tile.RasterTile> tiles = new ArrayList<org.geomajas.layer.tile.RasterTile>(); if (bounds.getHeight() == 0 || bounds.getWidth() == 0) { return tiles; } return tiles; } private void updateTiles(Bbox bounds, final TileFunction<RasterTile> onUpdate) { Bbox panBounds = worldToPan(bounds); for (RasterTile tile : tiles.values()) { if (panBounds.intersects(tile.getBounds())) { onUpdate.execute(tile); } } } private Bbox worldToPan(Bbox bounds) { Matrix t = rasterLayer.getMapModel().getMapView().getWorldToPanTransformation(); return bounds.transform(t); } private void addTiles(List<org.geomajas.layer.tile.RasterTile> images) { Matrix t = rasterLayer.getMapModel().getMapView().getWorldToPanTranslation(); Bbox cacheBounds = null; // flag and reference tile to realign the grid when new tiles come in (transformation shift!) boolean newTiles = false; RasterTile referenceTile = null; for (org.geomajas.layer.tile.RasterTile image : images) { TileCode code = image.getCode().clone(); if (!tiles.containsKey(code)) { Bbox panBounds = new Bbox(image.getBounds()); panBounds.translate(Math.round(t.getDx()), Math.round(t.getDy())); if (cacheBounds == null) { cacheBounds = panBounds; } else { cacheBounds = cacheBounds.union(panBounds); } RasterTile tile = new RasterTile(code, panBounds, image.getUrl(), this); tiles.put(code, tile); newTiles = true; referenceTile = tile; } } // This realigns the grid of tiles based on their code if (newTiles) { for (RasterTile tile : tiles.values()) { if (!tile.getCode().equals(referenceTile.getCode())) { Bbox aligned = new Bbox(referenceTile.getBounds()); aligned.setX(referenceTile.getBounds().getX() + (tile.getCode().getX() - referenceTile.getCode().getX()) * aligned.getWidth()); if (tile.getCode().getY() != referenceTile.getCode().getY()) { aligned.setY(referenceTile.getBounds().getY() + getOrientedJDiff(referenceTile, tile) * aligned.getHeight()); } tile.setBounds(aligned); } } } } /** * Returns the difference in j index, taking orientation of y-axis into account. Some layers (WMS 1.8.0) have * different j-index orientation than screen coordinates (lower-left = (0,0) vs upper-left = (0,0)). * * @param tile1 tile * @param tile2 tile * @return +/-(j2-j1) */ private int getOrientedJDiff(RasterTile tile1, RasterTile tile2) { double dy = tile2.getBounds().getY() - tile1.getBounds().getY(); int dj = tile2.getCode().getY() - tile1.getCode().getY(); return (dj * dy) > 0 ? dj : -dj; } }