package net.johnewart.gearman.engine; import net.johnewart.gearman.common.Job; import net.johnewart.gearman.engine.core.QueuedJob; import net.johnewart.gearman.engine.factories.JobFactory; import net.johnewart.gearman.engine.queue.persistence.MemoryPersistenceEngine; import org.hamcrest.core.Is; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Set; public class MemoryQueueTest { private MemoryPersistenceEngine memoryPersistenceEngine; private final String[] jobQueues = { "delayedJobs", "immediateJobs", "gearmanJobs" }; private final int jobsCount = 100; private Set<String> jobHandles; private Set<Job> allJobs; @Before public void initialize() { memoryPersistenceEngine = new MemoryPersistenceEngine(); jobHandles = new HashSet<>(); allJobs = new HashSet<>(); Job currentJob; for(String jobQueue : jobQueues) { for(int i = 0; i < jobsCount; i++) { currentJob = JobFactory.generateBackgroundJob(jobQueue); memoryPersistenceEngine.write(currentJob); jobHandles.add(currentJob.getJobHandle()); allJobs.add(currentJob); } } } @Test public void allJobsAreInQueue() throws Exception { Assert.assertThat("There are 300 jobs in the job set", allJobs.size(),; } @Test public void eachQueueIsTheRightSize() throws Exception { for(String jobQueue : jobQueues) { Assert.assertThat("There are " + jobsCount + " jobs in the '" + jobQueue + "' queue", memoryPersistenceEngine.getAllForFunction(jobQueue).size(),; } } /* @Test public void fetchesAllJobsByJobHandle() throws Exception { for(String jobHandle : jobHandles) { Job job = memoryPersistenceEngine.findJobByHandle(jobHandle); allJobs.remove(job); } Assert.assertThat("All jobs have been removed from the job set", allJobs.size(),; } */ @Test public void returnsNullWhenUnknownQueueFetched() throws Exception { Assert.assertThat("Unknown queue has no jobs", memoryPersistenceEngine.getAllForFunction("nonExistentQueue").size(),; } @Test public void readAllHasAllJobs() throws Exception { Assert.assertThat("Read all has 300 jobs even though it doesn't actually persist", memoryPersistenceEngine.readAll().size(),; } @Test public void deleteAllJobs() throws Exception { memoryPersistenceEngine.deleteAll(); for(String jobQueue : jobQueues) { Assert.assertThat("There are 0 jobs in the '" + jobQueue + "' queue", memoryPersistenceEngine.getAllForFunction(jobQueue).size(),; } } @Test public void deleteJobsIndividuallyByUniqueID() throws Exception { for(Job job : allJobs) { memoryPersistenceEngine.delete(job.getFunctionName(), job.getUniqueID()); } for(String jobQueue : jobQueues) { Assert.assertThat("There are 0 jobs in the '" + jobQueue + "' queue", memoryPersistenceEngine.getAllForFunction(jobQueue).size(),; } } @Test public void deleteJobsIndividually() throws Exception { for(Job job : allJobs) { memoryPersistenceEngine.delete(job); } for(String jobQueue : jobQueues) { Assert.assertThat("There are 0 jobs in the '" + jobQueue + "' queue", memoryPersistenceEngine.getAllForFunction(jobQueue).size(),; } } @Test public void dataThatGoesInComesBackOut() throws Exception { String jobQueue = jobQueues[0]; byte[] jobData = {'b','a','r'}; QueuedJob queuedJob = new LinkedList<>(memoryPersistenceEngine.getAllForFunction(jobQueue)).get(0); Job job = memoryPersistenceEngine.findJob(queuedJob.getFunctionName(), queuedJob.getUniqueID()); Assert.assertThat("Job data is {'b','a','r'}", job.getData(),; } /* @Test public void loadQueuedJobsFromPersistenceEngine() throws Exception { final String[] jobQueueNames = { "delayedJobs", "immediateJobs", "gearmanJobs" }; final int jobsCount = 100; final Set<QueuedJob> allJobs = new HashSet<>(); Job currentJob; for(String jobQueueName : jobQueueNames) { for(int i = 0; i < jobsCount; i++) { currentJob = JobFactory.generateBackgroundJob(jobQueueName); memoryPersistenceEngine.write(currentJob); allJobs.add(new QueuedJob(currentJob)); } } Set<QueuedJob> jobsInPersistentStorage = new HashSet(memoryPersistenceEngine.readAll()); assertThat("The jobs in the persistent engine match what was put in", allJobs.equals(jobsInPersistentStorage), is(true)); assertThat("There were 300 jobs put in the storage engine", allJobs.size(), is(300)); assertThat("There are 300 jobs read from the storage engine", jobsInPersistentStorage.size(), is(300)); jobManager; Map<String, JobQueue> jobQueueMap = jobManager.getJobQueues(); assertThat("There are three job queues in the storage", jobQueueMap.keySet().size(), is(3)); for(String jobQueueName : jobQueueNames) { assertThat("The job queues contains a queue named '" + jobQueueName + "'", jobQueueMap.containsKey(jobQueueName), is(true)); } assertThat("There are 300 jobs pending in the job store", jobManager.getPendingJobsCounter().count(), is(300L)); }*/ }