package net.frontlinesms.ui.handler.phones; import java.util.Enumeration; import net.frontlinesms.CommUtils; import net.frontlinesms.FrontlineUtils; import net.frontlinesms.messaging.FrontlineMessagingService; import net.frontlinesms.messaging.sms.SmsServiceManager; import net.frontlinesms.messaging.sms.modem.SmsModem; import net.frontlinesms.ui.ThinletUiEventHandler; import net.frontlinesms.ui.UiGeneratorController; import net.frontlinesms.ui.i18n.InternationalisationUtils; import net.frontlinesms.ui.i18n.TextResourceKeyOwner; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.smslib.AbstractATHandler; import org.smslib.handler.CATHandler; import serial.CommPortIdentifier; import serial.NoSuchPortException; /** * @author Morgan Belkadi <> * @author Alex Anderson <> */ @TextResourceKeyOwner public class DeviceManualConfigDialogHandler implements ThinletUiEventHandler { //> STATIC CONSTANTS /** The fully-qualified name of the default {@link CATHandler} class. */ private static final String DEFAULT_CAT_HANDLER_CLASS_NAME = CATHandler.class.getName(); //> UI LAYOUT FILES /** UI XML File Path: phone config dialog TODO what is this dialog for? */ private static final String UI_FILE_MODEM_MANUAL_CONFIG_DIALOG = "/ui/core/phones/dgModemManualConfig.xml"; //> UI COMPONENT NAMES /** UI component: panel containing manual settings. */ private static final String COMPONENT_MANUAL_SETTINGS_PANEL = "pnManualSettings"; /** UI component: radio checkbox specifying that config should be detected rather than specified. */ private static final String COMPONENT_DETECT_CONFIG_CHECKBOX = "cbDetectConfig"; /** UI component: Textfield containing the PIN to use for the connection. */ private static final String COMPONENT_PIN_TEXTFIELD = "tfPin"; /** UI component: Combobox containing the name of the port to connect to. */ private static final String COMPONENT_PORT_NAME_COMBOBOX = "cbPortName"; /** UI component: Combobox containing the baud rate for manual connection */ private static final String COMPONENT_BAUD_RATE_COMBOBOX = "cbBaudRate"; /** UI component: Combobox containing the name of the CAT Handler to connect with. */ private static final String COMPONENT_CAT_HANDLER_COMBOBOX = "cbCatHandler"; //> I18N KEYS /** I18n Text Key: TODO */ private static final String MESSAGE_INVALID_BAUD_RATE = "message.invalid.baud.rate"; /** I18n Text Key: TODO */ private static final String MESSAGE_PORT_NOT_FOUND = "message.port.not.found"; /** I18n Text Key: TODO */ private static final String MESSAGE_PORT_ALREADY_CONNECTED = "message.port.already.connected"; /** I18n Text Key: The requested port is already in use. */ private static final String I18N_PORT_IN_USE = "com.port.inuse"; //> INSTANCE PROPERTIES /** Logger */ private Logger log = FrontlineUtils.getLogger(this.getClass()); private UiGeneratorController ui; /** The manager of {@link FrontlineMessagingService}s */ private final SmsServiceManager phoneManager; /** The dialog that this class handles events for */ private Object dialogComponent; /** The device that we are trying to connect to. */ private SmsModem device; /** * @param ui * @param device an instance of {@link SmsModem}, or <code>null</code> if none is specified. FIXME i think this should just be a {@link String} specifying the port */ public DeviceManualConfigDialogHandler(UiGeneratorController ui, SmsModem device) { this.ui = ui; this.phoneManager = ui.getPhoneManager(); assert(device == null || device instanceof SmsModem) : "This class should only be created for handling connections to an SMS Modem."; this.device = device; } /** * Initialize the statistics dialog */ private void initDialog() { log.trace("INIT DEVICE MANUAL CONFIG DIALOG"); this.dialogComponent = ui.loadComponentFromFile(UI_FILE_MODEM_MANUAL_CONFIG_DIALOG, this); Object portList = find(COMPONENT_PORT_NAME_COMBOBOX); Enumeration<CommPortIdentifier> commPortEnumeration = CommUtils.getPortIdentifiers(); while (commPortEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) { CommPortIdentifier commPortIdentifier = commPortEnumeration.nextElement(); ui.add(portList, ui.createComboboxChoice(commPortIdentifier.getName(), null)); } Object handlerList = find(COMPONENT_CAT_HANDLER_COMBOBOX); int trimLength = DEFAULT_CAT_HANDLER_CLASS_NAME.length() + 1; for (Class<? extends AbstractATHandler> handler : AbstractATHandler.getHandlers()) { String handlerName = handler.getName(); if(handlerName.equals(DEFAULT_CAT_HANDLER_CLASS_NAME)) handlerName = "<default>"; else handlerName = handlerName.substring(trimLength); ui.add(handlerList, ui.createComboboxChoice(handlerName, handler)); } if (device instanceof SmsModem) { SmsModem modem = (SmsModem) device; ui.setText(find(COMPONENT_PORT_NAME_COMBOBOX), modem.getPort()); ui.setText(find(COMPONENT_BAUD_RATE_COMBOBOX), String.valueOf(modem.getBaudRate())); } ui.setSelected(find(COMPONENT_DETECT_CONFIG_CHECKBOX), true); setDetectManual(false); log.trace("EXIT"); } //> PUBLIC ACCESSORS public Object getDialog() { initDialog(); return this.dialogComponent; } //> UI EVENT METHODS /** Event method fired when the radio button selection for manual vs automatic detection is changed. */ public void setDetectManual(String detectManual) { assert (detectManual.equals("true") || detectManual.equals("false")) : "detectManual value must be 'true' or 'false'"; setDetectManual(detectManual.equals("true")); } /** Event method fired when the radio button selection for manual vs automatic detection is changed. */ private void setDetectManual(boolean detectManual) { // Enable/disable the manual settings boxes depending on the supplied setting ui.setEnabledRecursively(find(COMPONENT_MANUAL_SETTINGS_PANEL), detectManual); } /** * Event: "connect" button clicked. * Validate the form, and if it is OK, initiate the connection. */ public void doConnect() { boolean detectConfig = ui.isSelected(find(COMPONENT_DETECT_CONFIG_CHECKBOX)); // check the port is free String requestedPortName = ui.getText(find(COMPONENT_PORT_NAME_COMBOBOX)); if(phoneManager.hasPhoneConnected(requestedPortName)) { ui.alert(InternationalisationUtils.getI18nString(MESSAGE_PORT_ALREADY_CONNECTED, requestedPortName)); } else { String pin = ui.getText(find(COMPONENT_PIN_TEXTFIELD)).trim(); if(pin.length() == 0) pin = null; try { boolean connectingOk; if(detectConfig) { connectingOk = phoneManager.requestConnect(requestedPortName, pin); } else { String baudRateAsString = ui.getText(find(COMPONENT_BAUD_RATE_COMBOBOX)); String preferredCATHandler = ui.getText(find(COMPONENT_CAT_HANDLER_COMBOBOX)); try { connectingOk = phoneManager.requestConnect(requestedPortName, pin, Integer.parseInt(baudRateAsString), preferredCATHandler); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // The specified baud is not a valid number ui.alert(InternationalisationUtils.getI18nString(MESSAGE_INVALID_BAUD_RATE, baudRateAsString)); connectingOk = false; } } if(connectingOk) { removeDialog(); } else { ui.alert(InternationalisationUtils.getI18nString(I18N_PORT_IN_USE)); } } catch (NoSuchPortException e) { ui.alert(InternationalisationUtils.getI18nString(MESSAGE_PORT_NOT_FOUND, requestedPortName)); } } } /** @see UiGeneratorController#removeDialog(Object) */ public void removeDialog() { this.ui.removeDialog(this.dialogComponent); } public void showHelpPage(String page) { ui.showHelpPage(page); } //> UI HELPER METHODS /** @return UI component with the supplied name, or <code>null</code> if none could be found */ private Object find(String componentName) { return ui.find(this.dialogComponent, componentName); } }