/** * Copyright (C) 2002-2012 The FreeCol Team * * This file is part of FreeCol. * * FreeCol is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FreeCol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with FreeCol. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package net.sf.freecol.client.gui.panel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.freecolandroid.repackaged.java.awt.Color; import org.freecolandroid.repackaged.java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import org.freecolandroid.repackaged.javax.swing.JButton; import org.freecolandroid.repackaged.javax.swing.JLabel; import org.freecolandroid.repackaged.javax.swing.JPanel; import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout; import net.sf.freecol.client.FreeColClient; import net.sf.freecol.client.gui.GUI; import net.sf.freecol.client.gui.i18n.Messages; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Ability; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Colony; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Location; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.TypeCountMap; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Unit; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Unit.Role; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.UnitType; /** * This panel displays the Labour Report. */ public final class ReportLabourPanel extends ReportPanel { private Map<UnitType, Map<Location, Integer>> data; private TypeCountMap<UnitType> unitCount; private List<Colony> colonies; /** * The constructor that will add the items to this panel. * @param gui The parent of this panel. */ public ReportLabourPanel(FreeColClient freeColClient, GUI gui) { super(freeColClient, gui, Messages.message("reportLabourAction.name")); colonies = getSortedColonies(); gatherData(); displayData(); } public void gatherData() { data = new HashMap<UnitType, Map<Location, Integer>>(); unitCount = new TypeCountMap<UnitType>(); for (Unit unit : getMyPlayer().getUnits()) { UnitType type = unit.getType(); unitCount.incrementCount(type, 1); Map<Location, Integer> unitMap = data.get(type); if (unitMap == null) { unitMap = new HashMap<Location, Integer>(); data.put(type, unitMap); } Location location = unit.getLocation(); if (location == null) { logger.warning("Unit has null location: " + unit.toString()); } else if (location.getSettlement() != null) { location = location.getSettlement(); } else if (unit.isInEurope()) { location = getMyPlayer().getEurope(); } else if (location.getTile() != null) { location = location.getTile(); } Integer count = unitMap.get(location); if (count == null) { unitMap.put(location, 1); } else { unitMap.put(location, count + 1); } } } public void displayData() { List<UnitType> unitTypes = getSpecification().getUnitTypeList(); ArrayList<UnitType> colonists = new ArrayList<UnitType>(); for (UnitType unitType : unitTypes) { if (unitType.hasSkill()) { colonists.add(unitType); } } reportPanel.setLayout(new MigLayout("wrap 9", "[]10[]10[]30[]10[]10[]30[]10[]10[]", "")); for (UnitType unitType : colonists) { if(!unitType.isAvailableTo(getMyPlayer())) { continue; } Role role = Role.DEFAULT; if (unitType.hasAbility(Ability.EXPERT_PIONEER)) { role = Role.PIONEER; } else if (unitType.hasAbility(Ability.EXPERT_MISSIONARY)) { role = Role.MISSIONARY; } int unitTypeCount = unitCount.getCount(unitType); if (unitTypeCount == 0) { JLabel unitIcon = new JLabel(getLibrary().getUnitImageIcon(unitType, role, true, 0.8)); JLabel unitCount = new JLabel("0"); JLabel unitName = localizedLabel(unitType.getNameKey()); unitCount.setForeground(Color.GRAY); unitName.setForeground(Color.GRAY); reportPanel.add(unitIcon); reportPanel.add(unitCount); reportPanel.add(unitName); } else { JLabel unitIcon = new JLabel(getLibrary().getUnitImageIcon(unitType, role, false, 0.8)); JLabel unitCount = new JLabel("" + unitTypeCount); JButton linkButton = getLinkButton(Messages.message(unitType.getNameKey()), null, unitType.getId()); linkButton.addActionListener(this); reportPanel.add(unitIcon); reportPanel.add(unitCount); reportPanel.add(linkButton); } } } private JPanel createUnitDetails(UnitType unitType, ReportLabourDetailPanel report) { JPanel detailPanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("wrap 7", "[]30[][]30[][]30[][]", "")); detailPanel.setOpaque(false); Role role = Role.DEFAULT; if (unitType.hasAbility(Ability.EXPERT_PIONEER)) { role = Role.PIONEER; } else if (unitType.hasAbility(Ability.EXPERT_MISSIONARY)) { role = Role.MISSIONARY; } // summary detailPanel.add(new JLabel(getLibrary().getUnitImageIcon(unitType, role)), "spany"); detailPanel.add(localizedLabel(unitType.getNameKey())); detailPanel.add(new JLabel(String.valueOf(unitCount.getCount(unitType))), "wrap 10"); boolean canTrain = false; Map<Location, Integer> unitLocations = data.get(unitType); for (Colony colony : colonies) { if (unitLocations.get(colony) != null) { String colonyName = colony.getName(); if (colony.canTrain(unitType)) { canTrain = true; colonyName += "*"; } JButton colonyButton = getLinkButton(colonyName, null, colony.getId()); colonyButton.addActionListener(report); detailPanel.add(colonyButton); JLabel countLabel = new JLabel(unitLocations.get(colony).toString()); countLabel.setForeground(LINK_COLOR); detailPanel.add(countLabel); } } for (Entry<Location, Integer> entry : unitLocations.entrySet()) { if (!(entry.getKey() instanceof Colony)) { String locationName = Messages.message(entry.getKey().getLocationName()); JButton linkButton = getLinkButton(locationName, null, entry.getKey().getId()); linkButton.addActionListener(report); detailPanel.add(linkButton); JLabel countLabel = new JLabel(entry.getValue().toString()); countLabel.setForeground(LINK_COLOR); detailPanel.add(countLabel); } } if (canTrain) { detailPanel.add(new JLabel(Messages.message("report.labour.canTrain")), "newline 20, span"); } return detailPanel; } /** * This function analyzes an event and calls the right methods to take care * of the user's requests. * * @param event The incoming ActionEvent. */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { String command = event.getActionCommand(); if (OK.equals(command)) { super.actionPerformed(event); } else { UnitType unitType = getSpecification().getUnitType(command); ReportLabourDetailPanel details = new ReportLabourDetailPanel(getFreeColClient(), getGUI()); details.setDetailPanel(createUnitDetails(unitType, details)); getCanvas().addAsFrame(details); details.requestFocus(); } } }