/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.telephony; import com.android.internal.telephony.MccTable; import com.android.internal.telephony.mocks.ConnectivityServiceMock; import com.android.internal.telephony.mocks.SubscriptionControllerMock; import com.android.internal.telephony.mocks.TelephonyRegistryMock; import com.android.internal.telephony.test.SimulatedCommands; import android.content.Context; import android.os.AsyncResult; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.net.ConnectivityManager; import android.net.IConnectivityManager; import android.net.NetworkCapabilities; import android.net.NetworkRequest; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest; import android.telephony.Rlog; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; public class PhoneSwitcherTest extends AndroidTestCase { private final static String LOG_TAG = "PhoneSwitcherTest"; static void failAndStack(String str) { fail(str + "\n" + SubscriptionMonitorTest.stack()); } static String stack() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(StackTraceElement e : Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()) { sb.append(e.toString()).append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } private static class TestHandler extends Handler { public final static int ACTIVE_PHONE_SWITCH = 1; public final static int IN_IDLE = 2; HandlerThread handlerThread; public TestHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); } public void die() { if(handlerThread != null) { handlerThread.quit(); handlerThread = null; } } public void blockTilIdle() { Object lock = new Object(); synchronized (lock) { Message msg = this.obtainMessage(IN_IDLE, lock); msg.sendToTarget(); try { lock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } } public static TestHandler makeHandler() { final HandlerThread handlerThread = new HandlerThread("TestHandler"); handlerThread.start(); final TestHandler result = new TestHandler(handlerThread.getLooper()); result.handlerThread = handlerThread; return result; } private boolean objectEquals(Object o1, Object o2) { if (o1 == null) return (o2 == null); return o1.equals(o2); } private void failAndStack(String str) { SubscriptionMonitorTest.failAndStack(str); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case ACTIVE_PHONE_SWITCH: { AsyncResult ar = (AsyncResult)(msg.obj); if (objectEquals(ar.userObj, mActivePhoneSwitchObject.get()) == false) { failAndStack("Active Phone Switch object is incorrect!"); } int count = mActivePhoneSwitchCount.incrementAndGet(); Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "ACTIVE_PHONE_SWITCH, inc to " + count); break; } case IN_IDLE: { Object lock = msg.obj; synchronized (lock) { lock.notify(); } break; } } } private final AtomicInteger mActivePhoneSwitchCount = new AtomicInteger(0); private final AtomicReference<Object> mActivePhoneSwitchObject = new AtomicReference<Object>(); public void reset() { mActivePhoneSwitchCount.set(0); mActivePhoneSwitchObject.set(null); } public void setActivePhoneSwitchObject(Object o) { mActivePhoneSwitchObject.set(o); } public int getActivePhoneSwitchCount() { return mActivePhoneSwitchCount.get(); } } private void waitABit() { try { Thread.sleep(250); } catch (Exception e) {} } private String mTestName = ""; private void log(String str) { Rlog.d(LOG_TAG + " " + mTestName, str); } private NetworkRequest makeSubSpecificDefaultRequest(ConnectivityServiceMock cs, int subId) { NetworkCapabilities netCap = (new NetworkCapabilities()). addCapability(NetworkCapabilities.NET_CAPABILITY_INTERNET). addCapability(NetworkCapabilities.NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_RESTRICTED). addTransportType(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR); netCap.setNetworkSpecifier(Integer.toString(subId)); return cs.requestNetwork(netCap, null, 0, new Binder(), -1); } private NetworkRequest makeSubSpecificMmsRequest(ConnectivityServiceMock cs, int subId) { NetworkCapabilities netCap = (new NetworkCapabilities()). addCapability(NetworkCapabilities.NET_CAPABILITY_MMS). addCapability(NetworkCapabilities.NET_CAPABILITY_NOT_RESTRICTED). addTransportType(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR); netCap.setNetworkSpecifier(Integer.toString(subId)); return cs.requestNetwork(netCap, null, 0, new Binder(), -1); } private Context makeContext() { final ContextFixture contextFixture = new ContextFixture(); String[] networkConfigString = getContext().getResources().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.networkAttributes); contextFixture.putStringArrayResource(com.android.internal.R.array.networkAttributes, networkConfigString); return contextFixture.getTestDouble(); } /** * Test that a single phone case results in our phone being active and the RIL called */ @SmallTest public void testRegister() throws Exception { mTestName = "testRegister"; final int numPhones = 2; final int maxActivePhones = 1; final HandlerThread handlerThread = new HandlerThread("PhoneSwitcherTestThread"); handlerThread.start(); final ContextFixture contextFixture = new ContextFixture(); String[] networkConfigString = getContext().getResources().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.networkAttributes); contextFixture.putStringArrayResource(com.android.internal.R.array.networkAttributes, networkConfigString); final Context contextMock = contextFixture.getTestDouble(); final ConnectivityServiceMock connectivityServiceMock = new ConnectivityServiceMock(contextMock); final ConnectivityManager cm = new ConnectivityManager(contextMock, connectivityServiceMock); contextFixture.setSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE, cm); final ITelephonyRegistry.Stub telRegistryMock = new TelephonyRegistryMock(); final SubscriptionControllerMock subControllerMock = new SubscriptionControllerMock(contextMock, telRegistryMock, numPhones); final SimulatedCommands[] commandsInterfaces = new SimulatedCommands[numPhones]; final PhoneMock[] phones = new PhoneMock[numPhones]; for (int i = 0; i < numPhones; i++) { commandsInterfaces[i] = new SimulatedCommands(); // phones[i] = new PhoneMock(contextMock, commandsInterfaces[i]); } PhoneSwitcher phoneSwitcher = new PhoneSwitcher(maxActivePhones, numPhones, contextMock, subControllerMock, handlerThread.getLooper(), telRegistryMock, commandsInterfaces, phones); // verify nothing has been done while there are no inputs if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed initially"); if (phoneSwitcher.isPhoneActive(0)) fail("phone active initially"); connectivityServiceMock.addDefaultRequest(); waitABit(); if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed after request"); if (phoneSwitcher.isPhoneActive(0)) fail("phone active after request"); TestHandler testHandler = TestHandler.makeHandler(); Object activePhoneSwitchObject = new Object(); testHandler.setActivePhoneSwitchObject(activePhoneSwitchObject); testHandler.blockTilIdle(); // not registered yet - shouldn't inc if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 0) { fail("pretest of ActivePhoneSwitchCount"); } boolean threw = false; try { // should throw phoneSwitcher.registerForActivePhoneSwitch(2, testHandler, TestHandler.ACTIVE_PHONE_SWITCH, activePhoneSwitchObject); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { threw = true; } if (threw == false) fail("register with bad phoneId didn't throw"); phoneSwitcher.registerForActivePhoneSwitch(0, testHandler, TestHandler.ACTIVE_PHONE_SWITCH, activePhoneSwitchObject); testHandler.blockTilIdle(); if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 1) { fail("post register of ActivePhoneSwitchCount not 1!"); } subControllerMock.setDefaultDataSubId(0); testHandler.blockTilIdle(); if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 1) { fail("after set of default to 0, ActivePhoneSwitchCount not 1!"); } if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); subControllerMock.setSlotSubId(0, 0); waitABit(); if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 2) { fail("after mapping of 0 to 0, ActivePhoneSwitchCount not 2!"); } if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed() == false) fail("data not allowed"); // now try various things that should cause the active phone to switch: // 1 lose default via default sub change // 2 gain default via default sub change // 3 lose default via sub->phone change // 4 gain default via sub->phone change // 5 lose default network request // 6 gain subscription-specific request // 7 lose via sub->phone change // 8 gain via sub->phone change // 9 lose subscription-specific request // 10 don't switch phones when in emergency mode // 1 lose default via default sub change subControllerMock.setDefaultDataSubId(1); waitABit(); if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 3) { fail("after set of default to 1, ActivePhoneSwitchCount not 3!"); } if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); subControllerMock.setSlotSubId(1, 1); waitABit(); if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 3) { fail("after mapping of 1 to 1, ActivePhoneSwitchCount not 3!"); } if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); if (commandsInterfaces[1].isDataAllowed() == false) fail("data not allowed"); // 2 gain default via default sub change subControllerMock.setDefaultDataSubId(0); waitABit(); if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 4) { fail("after set of default to 0, ActivePhoneSwitchCount not 4!"); } if (commandsInterfaces[1].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed() == false) fail("data not allowed"); // 3 lose default via sub->phone change subControllerMock.setSlotSubId(0, 2); waitABit(); if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 5) { fail("after mapping of 0 to 2, ActivePhoneSwitchCount not 5!"); } if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); if (commandsInterfaces[1].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); // 4 gain default via sub->phone change subControllerMock.setSlotSubId(0, 0); waitABit(); if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 6) { fail("after mapping of 0 to 0, ActivePhoneSwitchCount not 6!"); } if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed() == false) fail("data not allowed"); if (commandsInterfaces[1].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); // 5 lose default network request connectivityServiceMock.removeDefaultRequest(); waitABit(); if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 7) { fail("after loss of network request, ActivePhoneSwitchCount not 7!"); } if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); if (commandsInterfaces[1].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); // 6 gain subscription-specific request NetworkRequest request = makeSubSpecificDefaultRequest(connectivityServiceMock, 0); waitABit(); if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 8) { fail("after gain of network request, ActivePhoneSwitchCount not 8!"); } if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed() == false) fail("data not allowed"); if (commandsInterfaces[1].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); // 7 lose via sub->phone change subControllerMock.setSlotSubId(0, 1); waitABit(); if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 9) { fail("after loss of request due to subId map change, ActivePhoneSwitchCount not 9!"); } if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); if (commandsInterfaces[1].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); // 8 gain via sub->phone change subControllerMock.setSlotSubId(0, 0); waitABit(); if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 10) { fail("after gain of request due to subId map change, ActivePhoneSwitchCount not 10!"); } if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed() == false) fail("data not allowed"); if (commandsInterfaces[1].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); // 9 lose subscription-specific request connectivityServiceMock.releaseNetworkRequest(request); waitABit(); if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 11) { fail("after release of request, ActivePhoneSwitchCount not 11!"); } if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); if (commandsInterfaces[1].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); // 10 don't switch phones when in emergency mode // not ready yet - Phone turns out to be hard to stub out // phones[0].setInEmergencyCall(true); // connectivityServiceMock.addDefaultRequest(); // waitABit(); // if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 11) { // fail("after release of request, ActivePhoneSwitchCount not 11!"); // } // if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); // if (commandsInterfaces[1].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); // // phones[0].setInEmergencyCall(false); // connectivityServiceMock.addDefaultRequest(); // waitABit(); // if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 12) { // fail("after release of request, ActivePhoneSwitchCount not 11!"); // } // if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); // if (commandsInterfaces[1].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); testHandler.die(); handlerThread.quit(); } /** * Test a multi-sim case with limited active phones: * - lose default via default sub change * - lose default via sub->phone change * - gain default via sub->phone change * - gain default via default sub change * - lose default network request * - gain subscription-specific request * - lose via sub->phone change * - gain via sub->phone change * - lose subscription-specific request * - tear down low priority phone when new request comes in * - tear down low priority phone when sub change causes split * - bring up low priority phone when sub change causes join * - don't switch phones when in emergency mode */ @SmallTest public void testPrioritization() throws Exception { mTestName = "testPrioritization"; final int numPhones = 2; final int maxActivePhones = 1; final HandlerThread handlerThread = new HandlerThread("PhoneSwitcherTestThread"); handlerThread.start(); final ContextFixture contextFixture = new ContextFixture(); String[] networkConfigString = getContext().getResources().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.networkAttributes); contextFixture.putStringArrayResource(com.android.internal.R.array.networkAttributes, networkConfigString); final Context contextMock = contextFixture.getTestDouble(); final ConnectivityServiceMock connectivityServiceMock = new ConnectivityServiceMock(contextMock); final ConnectivityManager cm = new ConnectivityManager(contextMock, connectivityServiceMock); contextFixture.setSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE, cm); final ITelephonyRegistry.Stub telRegistryMock = new TelephonyRegistryMock(); final SubscriptionControllerMock subControllerMock = new SubscriptionControllerMock(contextMock, telRegistryMock, numPhones); final SimulatedCommands[] commandsInterfaces = new SimulatedCommands[numPhones]; final PhoneMock[] phones = new PhoneMock[numPhones]; for (int i = 0; i < numPhones; i++) { commandsInterfaces[i] = new SimulatedCommands(); } PhoneSwitcher phoneSwitcher = new PhoneSwitcher(maxActivePhones, numPhones, contextMock, subControllerMock, handlerThread.getLooper(), telRegistryMock, commandsInterfaces, phones); TestHandler testHandler = TestHandler.makeHandler(); Object activePhoneSwitchObject = new Object(); testHandler.setActivePhoneSwitchObject(activePhoneSwitchObject); connectivityServiceMock.addDefaultRequest(); subControllerMock.setSlotSubId(0, 0); subControllerMock.setSlotSubId(1, 1); subControllerMock.setDefaultDataSubId(0); waitABit(); phoneSwitcher.registerForActivePhoneSwitch(0, testHandler, TestHandler.ACTIVE_PHONE_SWITCH, activePhoneSwitchObject); waitABit(); // verify initial conditions if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 1) { fail("Initial conditions not met: ActivePhoneSwitchCount not 1! " + testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount()); } if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed() == false) fail("data not allowed"); if (commandsInterfaces[1].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); // now start a higher priority conneciton on the other sub NetworkRequest request = makeSubSpecificMmsRequest(connectivityServiceMock, 1); waitABit(); if (testHandler.getActivePhoneSwitchCount() != 2) { fail("after gain of network request, ActivePhoneSwitchCount not 2!"); } if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); if (commandsInterfaces[1].isDataAllowed() == false) fail("data not allowed"); testHandler.die(); handlerThread.quit(); } /** * Verify we don't send spurious DATA_ALLOWED calls when another NetworkFactory * wins (ie, switch to wifi). */ @SmallTest public void testHigherPriorityDefault() throws Exception { mTestName = "testPrioritization"; final int numPhones = 2; final int maxActivePhones = 1; final HandlerThread handlerThread = new HandlerThread("PhoneSwitcherTestThread"); handlerThread.start(); final ContextFixture contextFixture = new ContextFixture(); String[] networkConfigString = getContext().getResources().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.networkAttributes); contextFixture.putStringArrayResource(com.android.internal.R.array.networkAttributes, networkConfigString); final Context contextMock = contextFixture.getTestDouble(); final ConnectivityServiceMock connectivityServiceMock = new ConnectivityServiceMock(contextMock); final ConnectivityManager cm = new ConnectivityManager(contextMock, connectivityServiceMock); contextFixture.setSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE, cm); final ITelephonyRegistry.Stub telRegistryMock = new TelephonyRegistryMock(); final SubscriptionControllerMock subControllerMock = new SubscriptionControllerMock(contextMock, telRegistryMock, numPhones); final SimulatedCommands[] commandsInterfaces = new SimulatedCommands[numPhones]; final PhoneMock[] phones = new PhoneMock[numPhones]; for (int i = 0; i < numPhones; i++) { commandsInterfaces[i] = new SimulatedCommands(); } PhoneSwitcher phoneSwitcher = new PhoneSwitcher(maxActivePhones, numPhones, contextMock, subControllerMock, handlerThread.getLooper(), telRegistryMock, commandsInterfaces, phones); TestHandler testHandler = TestHandler.makeHandler(); Object activePhoneSwitchObject = new Object(); testHandler.setActivePhoneSwitchObject(activePhoneSwitchObject); connectivityServiceMock.addDefaultRequest(); subControllerMock.setSlotSubId(0, 0); subControllerMock.setSlotSubId(1, 1); subControllerMock.setDefaultDataSubId(0); waitABit(); // Phone 0 should be active if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed() == false) fail("data not allowed"); if (commandsInterfaces[1].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); connectivityServiceMock.setCurrentScoreForRequest(connectivityServiceMock.defaultRequest, 100); waitABit(); // should be no change if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed() == false) fail("data not allowed"); if (commandsInterfaces[1].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); connectivityServiceMock.setCurrentScoreForRequest(connectivityServiceMock.defaultRequest, 0); waitABit(); // should be no change if (commandsInterfaces[0].isDataAllowed() == false) fail("data not allowed"); if (commandsInterfaces[1].isDataAllowed()) fail("data allowed"); testHandler.die(); handlerThread.quit(); } /** * Test MSMA testing prioritiziation * - leave multiple on (up to the limit) * - tear down lowest priority phone when new request comes in * - tear down low priority phone when sub change causes split * - bring up low priority phone when sub change causes join * - don't switch phones when in emergency mode */ }