package org.calrissian.flowbox.model.builder; import org.calrissian.flowbox.model.Flow; public class FlowBuilder { private Flow flow = new Flow(); private FlowDefsBuilder flowOpsBuilder = new FlowDefsBuilder(this); public FlowBuilder id(String id) { flow.setId(id); return this; } public FlowBuilder name(String name) { flow.setName(name); return this; } public FlowBuilder description(String description) { flow.setDescription(description); return this; } public FlowDefsBuilder flowDefs() { return flowOpsBuilder; } public Flow createFlow() { if(flow.getId() == null) throw new RuntimeException("A flow needs to have an id"); flow.setStreams(flowOpsBuilder.getStreamList()); if(flow.getStreams() == null || flow.getStreams().size() == 0) throw new RuntimeException("A flow should have at least one flow op"); return flow; } }