/* * FindBugs - Find bugs in Java programs * Copyright (C) 2003-2005, University of Maryland * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package edu.umd.cs.findbugs.detect; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.bcel.Constants; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Field; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.JavaClass; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method; import org.apache.bcel.generic.ConstantPoolGen; import org.apache.bcel.generic.FieldInstruction; import org.apache.bcel.generic.IFNONNULL; import org.apache.bcel.generic.IFNULL; import org.apache.bcel.generic.INVOKESTATIC; import org.apache.bcel.generic.Instruction; import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionHandle; import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList; import org.apache.bcel.generic.MethodGen; import org.apache.bcel.generic.ObjectType; import org.apache.bcel.generic.Type; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.BugInstance; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.BugReporter; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.CallGraph; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.CallGraphEdge; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.CallGraphNode; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.CallSite; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.Detector; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.IntAnnotation; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.SelfCalls; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.SourceLineAnnotation; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.SystemProperties; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.AnalysisContext; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.CFG; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.CFGBuilderException; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.ClassContext; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.DataflowAnalysisException; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.Hierarchy; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.InnerClassAccess; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.InnerClassAccessMap; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.JCIPAnnotationDatabase; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.Location; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.LockChecker; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.LockSet; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.SignatureConverter; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.XFactory; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.XField; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.ch.Subtypes2; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.type.TopType; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.type.TypeDataflow; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.type.TypeFrame; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.vna.ValueNumber; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.vna.ValueNumberDataflow; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.vna.ValueNumberFrame; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.ClassDescriptor; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.DescriptorFactory; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.MethodDescriptor; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.core.Priorities; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.props.WarningPropertySet; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.util.Util; /** * Find instance fields which are sometimes accessed (read or written) with the * receiver lock held and sometimes without. These are candidates to be data * races. * * @author David Hovemeyer * @author Bill Pugh */ public class FindInconsistentSync2 implements Detector { private static final boolean DEBUG = SystemProperties.getBoolean("fis.debug"); private static final boolean SYNC_ACCESS = true; // Boolean.getBoolean("fis.syncAccess"); private static final boolean ADJUST_SUBCLASS_ACCESSES = !SystemProperties.getBoolean("fis.noAdjustSubclass"); private static final boolean EVAL = SystemProperties.getBoolean("fis.eval"); /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Tuning parameters * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Minimum percent of unbiased field accesses that must be synchronized in * order to report a field as inconsistently synchronized. This is meant to * distinguish incidental synchronization from intentional synchronization. */ private static final int MIN_SYNC_PERCENT = SystemProperties.getInt("findbugs.fis.minSyncPercent", 50); /** * Bias that writes are given with respect to reads. The idea is that this * should be above 1.0, because unsynchronized writes are more dangerous * than unsynchronized reads. */ private static final double WRITE_BIAS = Double.parseDouble(SystemProperties.getProperty("findbugs.fis.writeBias", "2.0")); /** * Factor which the biased number of unsynchronized accesses is multiplied * by. I.e., for factor <i>f</i>, if <i>nUnsync</i> is the biased number of * unsynchronized accesses, and <i>nSync</i> is the biased number of * synchronized accesses, and * * <pre> * <i>f</i>(<i>nUnsync</i>) > <i>nSync</i> * </pre> * * then we report a bug. Default value is 2.0, which means that we report a * bug if more than 1/3 of accesses are unsynchronized. * <p/> * <p> * Note that <code>MIN_SYNC_PERCENT</code> also influences whether we report * a bug: it specifies the minimum unbiased percentage of synchronized * accesses. */ private static final double UNSYNC_FACTOR = Double.parseDouble(SystemProperties.getProperty("findbugs.fis.unsyncFactor", "1.6")); /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Helper classes * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ private static final int UNLOCKED = 0; private static final int LOCKED = 1; private static final int READ = 0; private static final int WRITE = 2; private static final int NULLCHECK = 4; private static final int READ_UNLOCKED = READ | UNLOCKED; private static final int WRITE_UNLOCKED = WRITE | UNLOCKED; private static final int NULLCHECK_UNLOCKED = NULLCHECK | UNLOCKED; private static final int READ_LOCKED = READ | LOCKED; private static final int WRITE_LOCKED = WRITE | LOCKED; private static final int NULLCHECK_LOCKED = NULLCHECK | LOCKED; private static class FieldAccess { final MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor; final int position; FieldAccess(MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor, int position) { this.methodDescriptor = methodDescriptor; this.position = position; } SourceLineAnnotation asSourceLineAnnotation() { return SourceLineAnnotation.fromVisitedInstruction(methodDescriptor, position); } public static Collection<SourceLineAnnotation> asSourceLineAnnotation(Collection<FieldAccess> c) { ArrayList<SourceLineAnnotation> result = new ArrayList<SourceLineAnnotation>(c.size()); for (FieldAccess f : c) result.add(f.asSourceLineAnnotation()); return result; } } private static ClassDescriptor servlet = DescriptorFactory.createClassDescriptor("javax/servlet/GenericServlet"); private static ClassDescriptor singleThreadedServlet = DescriptorFactory .createClassDescriptor("javax/servlet/SingleThreadModel"); public static boolean isServletField(XField field) { ClassDescriptor classDescriptor = field.getClassDescriptor(); try { Subtypes2 subtypes2 = AnalysisContext.currentAnalysisContext().getSubtypes2(); if (subtypes2.isSubtype(classDescriptor, servlet) && !subtypes2.isSubtype(classDescriptor, singleThreadedServlet)) return true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { assert true; } if (classDescriptor.getClassName().endsWith("Servlet")) return true; return false; } /** * The access statistics for a field. Stores the number of locked and * unlocked reads and writes, as well as the number of accesses made with a * lock held. */ private static class FieldStats { private final XField field; private final int[] countList = new int[6]; private int numLocalLocks = 0; private int numGetterMethodAccesses = 0; private List<FieldAccess> unsyncAccessList = Collections.emptyList(); private List<FieldAccess> syncAccessList = Collections.emptyList(); boolean interesting = true; final boolean servletField; FieldStats(XField field) { this.field = field; servletField = FindInconsistentSync2.isServletField(field); } public void addAccess(int kind) { countList[kind]++; } public int getNumAccesses(int kind) { return countList[kind]; } public void addLocalLock() { numLocalLocks++; } public int getNumLocalLocks() { return numLocalLocks; } public void addGetterMethodAccess() { numGetterMethodAccesses++; } public int getNumGetterMethodAccesses() { return numGetterMethodAccesses; } public boolean isInteresting() { return interesting; } public boolean isServletField() { return servletField; } public boolean hasAnySynchronizedAccesses() { return interesting && !syncAccessList.isEmpty(); } public void addAccess(MethodDescriptor method, InstructionHandle handle, boolean isLocked) { if (!interesting) return; if (!SYNC_ACCESS && isLocked) return; if (!servletField && !isLocked && syncAccessList.size() == 0 && unsyncAccessList.size() > 6) { interesting = false; syncAccessList = null; unsyncAccessList = null; return; } FieldAccess fa = new FieldAccess(method, handle.getPosition()); if (isLocked) syncAccessList = Util.addTo(syncAccessList, fa); else unsyncAccessList = Util.addTo(unsyncAccessList, fa); } public Iterator<SourceLineAnnotation> unsyncAccessIterator() { if (!interesting) throw new IllegalStateException("Not interesting"); return FieldAccess.asSourceLineAnnotation(unsyncAccessList).iterator(); } public Iterator<SourceLineAnnotation> syncAccessIterator() { if (!interesting) throw new IllegalStateException("Not interesting"); return FieldAccess.asSourceLineAnnotation(syncAccessList).iterator(); } } /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fields * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ private final BugReporter bugReporter; private final Map<XField, FieldStats> statMap = new HashMap<XField, FieldStats>(); /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Public methods * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ public FindInconsistentSync2(BugReporter bugReporter) { this.bugReporter = bugReporter; } public void visitClassContext(ClassContext classContext) { JavaClass javaClass = classContext.getJavaClass(); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("******** Analyzing class " + javaClass.getClassName()); // Build self-call graph SelfCalls selfCalls = new SelfCalls(classContext) { @Override public boolean wantCallsFor(Method method) { return !method.isPublic(); } }; Set<Method> lockedMethodSet; // Set<Method> publicReachableMethods; Set<Method> allMethods = new HashSet<Method>(Arrays.asList(javaClass.getMethods())); try { selfCalls.execute(); CallGraph callGraph = selfCalls.getCallGraph(); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Call graph (not unlocked methods): " + callGraph.getNumVertices() + " nodes, " + callGraph.getNumEdges() + " edges"); // Find call edges that are obviously locked Set<CallSite> obviouslyLockedSites = findObviouslyLockedCallSites(classContext, selfCalls); lockedMethodSet = findNotUnlockedMethods(classContext, selfCalls, obviouslyLockedSites); lockedMethodSet.retainAll(findLockedMethods(classContext, selfCalls, obviouslyLockedSites)); // publicReachableMethods = findPublicReachableMethods(classContext, // selfCalls); } catch (CFGBuilderException e) { bugReporter.logError("Error finding locked call sites", e); return; } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { bugReporter.logError("Error finding locked call sites", e); return; } for (Method method : allMethods) { if (classContext.getMethodGen(method) == null) continue; if (method.getName().startsWith("access$")) // Ignore inner class access methods; // we will treat calls to them as field accesses continue; String name = method.getName(); boolean inConstructor = name.equals("<init>") || name.equals("<clinit>") || name.equals("readObject") || name.equals("clone") || name.equals("close") || name.equals("finalize"); if (inConstructor) return; if (DEBUG) System.out.println("******** Analyzing method " + method.getName()); try { analyzeMethod(classContext, method, lockedMethodSet); } catch (CFGBuilderException e) { bugReporter.logError("Error analyzing method", e); } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { bugReporter.logError("Error analyzing method", e); } } for (Field f : javaClass.getFields()) if (f.isPrivate()) { XField xf = XFactory.getExactXField(classContext.getClassDescriptor().getClassName(), f); FieldStats stats = statMap.get(xf); if (stats == null) continue; if (!stats.isServletField() && !stats.hasAnySynchronizedAccesses()) statMap.remove(xf); } } public void report() { for (XField xfield : statMap.keySet()) { FieldStats stats = statMap.get(xfield); if (!stats.interesting) continue; JCIPAnnotationDatabase jcipAnotationDatabase = AnalysisContext.currentAnalysisContext().getJCIPAnnotationDatabase(); boolean guardedByThis = "this".equals(jcipAnotationDatabase.getFieldAnnotation(xfield, "GuardedBy")); boolean notThreadSafe = jcipAnotationDatabase.hasClassAnnotation(xfield.getClassName(), "NotThreadSafe"); boolean threadSafe = jcipAnotationDatabase.hasClassAnnotation(xfield.getClassName().replace('/', '.'), "ThreadSafe"); if (notThreadSafe) continue; WarningPropertySet<InconsistentSyncWarningProperty> propertySet = new WarningPropertySet<InconsistentSyncWarningProperty>(); int numReadUnlocked = stats.getNumAccesses(READ_UNLOCKED); int numWriteUnlocked = stats.getNumAccesses(WRITE_UNLOCKED); int numNullCheckUnlocked = stats.getNumAccesses(NULLCHECK_UNLOCKED); int numReadLocked = stats.getNumAccesses(READ_LOCKED); int numWriteLocked = stats.getNumAccesses(WRITE_LOCKED); int numNullCheckLocked = stats.getNumAccesses(NULLCHECK_LOCKED); int extra = 0; if (numWriteUnlocked > 0) extra = numNullCheckLocked; int locked = numReadLocked + numWriteLocked + numNullCheckLocked; int biasedLocked = numReadLocked + (int) (WRITE_BIAS * (numWriteLocked + numNullCheckLocked + extra)); int unlocked = numReadUnlocked + numWriteUnlocked + numNullCheckUnlocked; int biasedUnlocked = numReadUnlocked + (int) (WRITE_BIAS * (numWriteUnlocked)); // int writes = numWriteLocked + numWriteUnlocked; if (unlocked == 0) { continue; // propertySet.addProperty(InconsistentSyncWarningProperty.NEVER_UNLOCKED); } if (guardedByThis) { propertySet.addProperty(InconsistentSyncWarningProperty.ANNOTATED_AS_GUARDED_BY_THIS); } if (threadSafe) { propertySet.addProperty(InconsistentSyncWarningProperty.ANNOTATED_AS_THREAD_SAFE); } if (!guardedByThis && locked == 0 && !stats.isServletField()) { continue; // propertySet.addProperty(InconsistentSyncWarningProperty.NEVER_LOCKED); } if (stats.isServletField() && numWriteLocked == 0 && numWriteUnlocked == 0) continue; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("IS2: " + xfield); if (guardedByThis) System.out.println("Guarded by this"); System.out.println(" RL: " + numReadLocked); System.out.println(" WL: " + numWriteLocked); System.out.println(" NL: " + numNullCheckLocked); System.out.println(" RU: " + numReadUnlocked); System.out.println(" WU: " + numWriteUnlocked); System.out.println(" NU: " + numNullCheckUnlocked); } if (!EVAL && numReadUnlocked > 0 && ((int) (UNSYNC_FACTOR * (biasedUnlocked - 1))) > biasedLocked && !stats.isServletField()) { // continue; propertySet.addProperty(InconsistentSyncWarningProperty.MANY_BIASED_UNLOCKED); } // NOTE: we ignore access to public, volatile, and final fields if (numWriteUnlocked + numWriteLocked == 0) { // No writes outside of constructor if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" No writes outside of constructor"); propertySet.addProperty(InconsistentSyncWarningProperty.NEVER_WRITTEN); // continue; } if (numReadUnlocked + numReadLocked == 0) { // No reads outside of constructor if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" No reads outside of constructor"); // continue; propertySet.addProperty(InconsistentSyncWarningProperty.NEVER_READ); } if (stats.getNumLocalLocks() == 0) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" No local locks"); // continue; propertySet.addProperty(InconsistentSyncWarningProperty.NO_LOCAL_LOCKS); } int freq, printFreq; if (locked + unlocked > 0) { freq = (100 * locked) / (locked + unlocked); printFreq = (100 * locked) / (locked + unlocked + numNullCheckUnlocked); } else { printFreq = freq = 0; } if (freq < MIN_SYNC_PERCENT) { // continue; propertySet.addProperty(InconsistentSyncWarningProperty.BELOW_MIN_SYNC_PERCENT); } if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" Sync %: " + freq); if (stats.getNumGetterMethodAccesses() >= unlocked) { // Unlocked accesses are only in getter method(s). propertySet.addProperty(InconsistentSyncWarningProperty.ONLY_UNSYNC_IN_GETTERS); } // At this point, we report the field as being inconsistently // synchronized if (stats.isServletField()) propertySet.addProperty(InconsistentSyncWarningProperty.MUTABLE_SERVLET_FIELD); BugInstance bugInstance; if (stats.isServletField()) bugInstance = new BugInstance(this, "MSF_MUTABLE_SERVLET_FIELD", Priorities.NORMAL_PRIORITY).addClass( xfield.getClassName()).addField(xfield); else bugInstance = new BugInstance(this, guardedByThis ? "IS_FIELD_NOT_GUARDED" : "IS2_INCONSISTENT_SYNC", Priorities.NORMAL_PRIORITY).addClass(xfield.getClassName()).addField(xfield).addInt(printFreq) .describe(IntAnnotation.INT_SYNC_PERCENT); propertySet.decorateBugInstance(bugInstance); // Add source lines for unsynchronized accesses for (Iterator<SourceLineAnnotation> j = stats.unsyncAccessIterator(); j.hasNext();) { SourceLineAnnotation accessSourceLine = j.next(); bugInstance.addSourceLine(accessSourceLine).describe("SOURCE_LINE_UNSYNC_ACCESS"); } if (SYNC_ACCESS) { // Add source line for synchronized accesses; // useful for figuring out what the detector is doing for (Iterator<SourceLineAnnotation> j = stats.syncAccessIterator(); j.hasNext();) { SourceLineAnnotation accessSourceLine = j.next(); bugInstance.addSourceLine(accessSourceLine).describe("SOURCE_LINE_SYNC_ACCESS"); } } if (EVAL) { bugInstance.addInt(biasedLocked).describe("INT_BIASED_LOCKED"); bugInstance.addInt(biasedUnlocked).describe("INT_BIASED_UNLOCKED"); } bugReporter.reportBug(bugInstance); } } /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Implementation * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ private static boolean isConstructor(String methodName) { return methodName.equals("<init>") || methodName.equals("<clinit>") || methodName.equals("readObject") || methodName.equals("clone") || methodName.equals("close") || methodName.equals("writeObject") || methodName.equals("toString") || methodName.equals("init") || methodName.equals("initialize") || methodName.equals("dispose") || methodName.equals("finalize") || methodName.equals("this") || methodName.equals("_jspInit") || methodName.equals("_jspDestroy"); } private void analyzeMethod(ClassContext classContext, Method method, Set<Method> lockedMethodSet) throws CFGBuilderException, DataflowAnalysisException { InnerClassAccessMap icam = AnalysisContext.currentAnalysisContext().getInnerClassAccessMap(); ConstantPoolGen cpg = classContext.getConstantPoolGen(); MethodGen methodGen = classContext.getMethodGen(method); if (methodGen == null) return; CFG cfg = classContext.getCFG(method); LockChecker lockChecker = classContext.getLockChecker(method); ValueNumberDataflow vnaDataflow = classContext.getValueNumberDataflow(method); boolean isGetterMethod = isGetterMethod(classContext, method); MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor = DescriptorFactory.instance().getMethodDescriptor(classContext.getJavaClass(), method); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("**** Analyzing method " + SignatureConverter.convertMethodSignature(methodGen)); for (Iterator<Location> i = cfg.locationIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Location location = i.next(); try { Instruction ins = location.getHandle().getInstruction(); XField xfield = null; boolean isWrite = false; boolean isLocal = false; boolean isNullCheck = false; if (ins instanceof FieldInstruction) { InstructionHandle n = location.getHandle().getNext(); isNullCheck = n.getInstruction() instanceof IFNONNULL || n.getInstruction() instanceof IFNULL; if (DEBUG && isNullCheck) System.out.println("is null check"); FieldInstruction fins = (FieldInstruction) ins; xfield = Hierarchy.findXField(fins, cpg); isWrite = ins.getOpcode() == Constants.PUTFIELD; isLocal = fins.getClassName(cpg).equals(classContext.getJavaClass().getClassName()); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Handling field access: " + location.getHandle() + " (frame=" + vnaDataflow.getFactAtLocation(location) + ") :" + n); } else if (ins instanceof INVOKESTATIC) { INVOKESTATIC inv = (INVOKESTATIC) ins; InnerClassAccess access = icam.getInnerClassAccess(inv, cpg); if (access != null && access.getMethodSignature().equals(inv.getSignature(cpg))) { xfield = access.getField(); isWrite = !access.isLoad(); isLocal = false; if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Handling inner class access: " + location.getHandle() + " (frame=" + vnaDataflow.getFactAtLocation(location) + ")"); } } if (xfield == null) continue; // We only care about mutable nonvolatile nonpublic instance // fields. if (xfield.isStatic() || xfield.isPublic() || xfield.isVolatile() || xfield.isFinal()) continue; // The value number frame could be invalid if the basic // block became unreachable due to edge pruning (dead code). ValueNumberFrame frame = vnaDataflow.getFactAtLocation(location); if (!frame.isValid()) continue; // Get lock set and instance value ValueNumber thisValue = !method.isStatic() ? vnaDataflow.getAnalysis().getThisValue() : null; LockSet lockSet = lockChecker.getFactAtLocation(location); InstructionHandle handle = location.getHandle(); ValueNumber instance = frame.getInstance(handle.getInstruction(), cpg); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Lock set: " + lockSet); System.out.println("value number: " + instance.getNumber()); System.out.println("Lock count: " + lockSet.getLockCount(instance.getNumber())); } // Is the instance locked? // We consider the access to be locked if either // - the object is explicitly locked, or // - the field is accessed through the "this" reference, // and the method is in the locked method set, or // - any value returned by a called method is locked; // the (conservative) assumption is that the return lock object // is correct for synchronizing the access boolean isExplicitlyLocked = lockSet.getLockCount(instance.getNumber()) > 0; boolean isAccessedThroughThis = thisValue != null && thisValue.equals(instance); boolean isLocked = isExplicitlyLocked || ((isConstructor(method.getName()) || lockedMethodSet.contains(method)) && isAccessedThroughThis) || lockSet.containsReturnValue(vnaDataflow.getAnalysis().getFactory()); // Adjust the field so its class name is the same // as the type of reference it is accessed through. // This helps fix false positives produced when a // threadsafe class is extended by a subclass that // doesn't care about thread safety. if (ADJUST_SUBCLASS_ACCESSES) { // Find the type of the object instance TypeDataflow typeDataflow = classContext.getTypeDataflow(method); TypeFrame typeFrame = typeDataflow.getFactAtLocation(location); if (!typeFrame.isValid()) continue; Type instanceType = typeFrame.getInstance(handle.getInstruction(), cpg); if (instanceType instanceof TopType) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Freaky: typeFrame is " + typeFrame); continue; } // Note: instance type can be Null, // in which case we won't adjust the field type. if (instanceType != TypeFrame.getNullType() && instanceType != TypeFrame.getBottomType()) { if (!(instanceType instanceof ObjectType)) { throw new DataflowAnalysisException("Field accessed through non-object reference " + instanceType, methodGen, handle); } ObjectType objType = (ObjectType) instanceType; // If instance class name is not the same as that of the // field, // make it so String instanceClassName = objType.getClassName(); if (!instanceClassName.equals(xfield.getClassName())) { xfield = XFactory.getExactXField(instanceClassName, xfield.getName(), xfield.getSignature(), xfield.isStatic()); } } } int kind = 0; kind |= isLocked ? LOCKED : UNLOCKED; kind |= isWrite ? WRITE : isNullCheck ? NULLCHECK : READ; // if (isLocked || !isConstructor(method.getName())) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("IS2:\t" + SignatureConverter.convertMethodSignature(methodGen) + "\t" + xfield + "\t" + ((isWrite ? "W" : "R") + "/" + (isLocked ? "L" : "U"))); if (!isLocked && methodDescriptor.getClassDescriptor().isAnonymousClass()) continue; FieldStats stats = getStats(xfield); // Don't count a contructor's synchronized access // toward the field statistics because it's // trivially true and doesn't really represent the // programmer's intention if (!(isLocked && isConstructor(method.getName()))) { stats.addAccess(kind); } if (isExplicitlyLocked && isLocal) stats.addLocalLock(); if (isGetterMethod && !isLocked) stats.addGetterMethodAccess(); stats.addAccess(methodDescriptor, handle, isLocked); // } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { bugReporter.reportMissingClass(e); } } } /** * Determine whether or not the the given method is a getter method. I.e., * if it just returns the value of an instance field. * * @param classContext * the ClassContext for the class containing the method * @param method * the method */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static boolean isGetterMethod(ClassContext classContext, Method method) { MethodGen methodGen = classContext.getMethodGen(method); if (methodGen == null) return false; InstructionList il = methodGen.getInstructionList(); // System.out.println("Checking getter method: " + method.getName()); if (il.getLength() > 60) return false; int count = 0; Iterator<InstructionHandle> it = il.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { InstructionHandle ih = it.next(); switch (ih.getInstruction().getOpcode()) { case Constants.GETFIELD: count++; if (count > 1) return false; break; case Constants.PUTFIELD: case Constants.BALOAD: case Constants.CALOAD: case Constants.DALOAD: case Constants.FALOAD: case Constants.IALOAD: case Constants.LALOAD: case Constants.SALOAD: case Constants.AALOAD: case Constants.BASTORE: case Constants.CASTORE: case Constants.DASTORE: case Constants.FASTORE: case Constants.IASTORE: case Constants.LASTORE: case Constants.SASTORE: case Constants.AASTORE: case Constants.PUTSTATIC: return false; case Constants.INVOKESTATIC: case Constants.INVOKEVIRTUAL: case Constants.INVOKEINTERFACE: case Constants.INVOKESPECIAL: case Constants.GETSTATIC: // no-op } } // System.out.println("Found getter method: " + method.getName()); return true; } /** * Get the access statistics for given field. */ private FieldStats getStats(XField field) { FieldStats stats = statMap.get(field); if (stats == null) { stats = new FieldStats(field); statMap.put(field, stats); } return stats; } /** * Find methods that appear to never be called from an unlocked context We * assume that nonpublic methods will only be called from within the class, * which is not really a valid assumption. */ private Set<Method> findNotUnlockedMethods(ClassContext classContext, SelfCalls selfCalls, Set<CallSite> obviouslyLockedSites) throws CFGBuilderException, DataflowAnalysisException { JavaClass javaClass = classContext.getJavaClass(); Method[] methodList = javaClass.getMethods(); CallGraph callGraph = selfCalls.getCallGraph(); // Initially, assume no methods are called from an // unlocked context Set<Method> lockedMethodSet = new HashSet<Method>(); lockedMethodSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(methodList)); // Assume all public methods are called from // unlocked context for (Method method : methodList) { if (method.isPublic() && !isConstructor(method.getName())) { lockedMethodSet.remove(method); } } // Explore the self-call graph to find nonpublic methods // that can be called from an unlocked context. boolean change; do { change = false; for (Iterator<CallGraphEdge> i = callGraph.edgeIterator(); i.hasNext();) { CallGraphEdge edge = i.next(); CallSite callSite = edge.getCallSite(); // Ignore obviously locked edges if (obviouslyLockedSites.contains(callSite)) continue; // If the calling method is locked, ignore the edge if (lockedMethodSet.contains(callSite.getMethod())) continue; // Calling method is unlocked, so the called method // is also unlocked. CallGraphNode target = edge.getTarget(); if (lockedMethodSet.remove(target.getMethod())) change = true; } } while (change); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Apparently not unlocked methods:"); for (Method method : lockedMethodSet) { System.out.println("\t" + method.getName()); } } // We assume that any methods left in the locked set // are called only from a locked context. return lockedMethodSet; } /** * Find methods that appear to always be called from a locked context. We * assume that nonpublic methods will only be called from within the class, * which is not really a valid assumption. */ private Set<Method> findLockedMethods(ClassContext classContext, SelfCalls selfCalls, Set<CallSite> obviouslyLockedSites) throws CFGBuilderException, DataflowAnalysisException { JavaClass javaClass = classContext.getJavaClass(); Method[] methodList = javaClass.getMethods(); CallGraph callGraph = selfCalls.getCallGraph(); // Initially, assume all methods are locked Set<Method> lockedMethodSet = new HashSet<Method>(); // Assume all public methods are unlocked for (Method method : methodList) { if (method.isSynchronized()) { lockedMethodSet.add(method); } } // Explore the self-call graph to find nonpublic methods // that can be called from an unlocked context. boolean change; do { change = false; for (Iterator<CallGraphEdge> i = callGraph.edgeIterator(); i.hasNext();) { CallGraphEdge edge = i.next(); CallSite callSite = edge.getCallSite(); if (obviouslyLockedSites.contains(callSite) || lockedMethodSet.contains(callSite.getMethod())) { // Calling method is locked, so the called method // is also locked. CallGraphNode target = edge.getTarget(); if (lockedMethodSet.add(target.getMethod())) change = true; } } } while (change); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Apparently locked methods:"); for (Method method : lockedMethodSet) { System.out.println("\t" + method.getName()); } } // We assume that any methods left in the locked set // are called only from a locked context. return lockedMethodSet; } /** * Find methods that do not appear to be reachable from public methods. Such * methods will not be analyzed. */ /* * private Set<Method> findPublicReachableMethods(ClassContext classContext, * SelfCalls selfCalls) throws CFGBuilderException, * DataflowAnalysisException { * * JavaClass javaClass = classContext.getJavaClass(); Method[] methodList = * javaClass.getMethods(); * * CallGraph callGraph = selfCalls.getCallGraph(); * * // Initially, assume all methods are locked Set<Method> * publicReachableMethodSet = new HashSet<Method>(); * * // Assume all public methods are unlocked for (Method method : * methodList) { if (method.isPublic() && !isConstructor(method.getName())) * { publicReachableMethodSet.add(method); } } * * // Explore the self-call graph to find nonpublic methods // that can be * called from an unlocked context. boolean change; do { change = false; * * for (Iterator<CallGraphEdge> i = callGraph.edgeIterator(); i.hasNext();) * { CallGraphEdge edge = i.next(); CallSite callSite = edge.getCallSite(); * * // Ignore obviously locked edges // If the calling method is locked, * ignore the edge if * (publicReachableMethodSet.contains(callSite.getMethod())) { // Calling * method is reachable, so the called method // is also reachable. * CallGraphNode target = edge.getTarget(); if * (publicReachableMethodSet.add(target.getMethod())) change = true; } } } * while (change); * * if (DEBUG) { System.out.println( * "Methods apparently reachable from public non-constructor methods:"); for * (Method method : publicReachableMethodSet) { System.out.println("\t" + * method.getName()); } } * * return publicReachableMethodSet; } */ /** * Find all self-call sites that are obviously locked. */ private Set<CallSite> findObviouslyLockedCallSites(ClassContext classContext, SelfCalls selfCalls) throws CFGBuilderException, DataflowAnalysisException { ConstantPoolGen cpg = classContext.getConstantPoolGen(); // Find all obviously locked call sites Set<CallSite> obviouslyLockedSites = new HashSet<CallSite>(); for (Iterator<CallSite> i = selfCalls.callSiteIterator(); i.hasNext();) { CallSite callSite = i.next(); Method method = callSite.getMethod(); Location location = callSite.getLocation(); InstructionHandle handle = location.getHandle(); // Only instance method calls qualify as candidates for // "obviously locked" Instruction ins = handle.getInstruction(); if (ins.getOpcode() == Constants.INVOKESTATIC) continue; // Get lock set for site LockChecker lockChecker = classContext.getLockChecker(method); LockSet lockSet = lockChecker.getFactAtLocation(location); // Get value number frame for site ValueNumberDataflow vnaDataflow = classContext.getValueNumberDataflow(method); ValueNumberFrame frame = vnaDataflow.getFactAtLocation(location); // NOTE: if the CFG on which the value number analysis was performed // was pruned, there may be unreachable instructions. Therefore, // we can't assume the frame is valid. if (!frame.isValid()) continue; // Find the ValueNumber of the receiver object int numConsumed = ins.consumeStack(cpg); MethodGen methodGen = classContext.getMethodGen(method); assert methodGen != null; if (numConsumed == Constants.UNPREDICTABLE) throw new DataflowAnalysisException("Unpredictable stack consumption", methodGen, handle); // if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Getting receiver for frame: " + // frame); ValueNumber instance = frame.getStackValue(numConsumed - 1); // Is the instance locked? int lockCount = lockSet.getLockCount(instance.getNumber()); if (lockCount > 0) { // This is a locked call site obviouslyLockedSites.add(callSite); } } return obviouslyLockedSites; } } // vim:ts=3