/** * Copyright © 2002 Instituto Superior Técnico * * This file is part of FenixEdu Academic. * * FenixEdu Academic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FenixEdu Academic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with FenixEdu Academic. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.fenixedu.academic.domain.accessControl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.stream.Stream; import org.fenixedu.academic.domain.Coordinator; import org.fenixedu.academic.domain.Degree; import org.fenixedu.academic.domain.ExecutionDegree; import org.fenixedu.academic.domain.ExecutionYear; import org.fenixedu.academic.domain.degree.DegreeType; import org.fenixedu.academic.util.Bundle; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.annotation.GroupArgument; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.annotation.GroupOperator; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.domain.User; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.domain.groups.PersistentGroup; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.i18n.BundleUtil; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import com.google.common.base.Objects; @GroupOperator("coordinator") public class CoordinatorGroup extends FenixGroup { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2016819143184891118L; @GroupArgument private DegreeType degreeType; @GroupArgument private Degree degree; @GroupArgument private Boolean responsible; private CoordinatorGroup() { super(); } private CoordinatorGroup(DegreeType degreeType, Degree degree, Boolean isResponsible) { this(); this.degreeType = degreeType; this.degree = degree; this.responsible = isResponsible; } public static CoordinatorGroup get() { return new CoordinatorGroup(null, null, null); } public static CoordinatorGroup get(DegreeType degreeType) { return new CoordinatorGroup(degreeType, null, null); } public static CoordinatorGroup get(Degree degree) { return new CoordinatorGroup(null, degree, null); } public static CoordinatorGroup get(DegreeType degreeType, Degree degree) { return new CoordinatorGroup(degreeType, degree, null); } public static CoordinatorGroup get(DegreeType degreeType, Degree degree, Boolean isResponsible) { return new CoordinatorGroup(degreeType, degree, isResponsible); } @Override public String[] getPresentationNameKeyArgs() { List<String> parts = new ArrayList<>(); String connector = ""; if (degreeType != null) { parts.add(degreeType.getName().getContent()); } if (degree != null) { parts.add(degree.getPresentationName()); } if (responsible != null) { parts.add(responsible.toString()); } if (!parts.isEmpty()) { connector = BundleUtil.getString(Bundle.GROUP, "label.name.connector.default"); } return new String[] { connector, Joiner.on(", ").join(parts) }; } @Override public Stream<User> getMembers() { Set<User> users = new HashSet<>(); if (degreeType != null) { ExecutionYear year = ExecutionYear.readCurrentExecutionYear(); for (final ExecutionDegree executionDegree : year.getExecutionDegreesSet()) { if (degreeType.equals(executionDegree.getDegreeType())) { for (final Coordinator coordinator : executionDegree.getCoordinatorsListSet()) { if (responsible == null || responsible.equals(coordinator.isResponsible())) { User user = coordinator.getPerson().getUser(); if (user != null) { users.add(user); } } } } } } if (degree != null) { users.addAll(getCoordinators(degree, responsible)); } if (degree == null && degreeType == null) { final ExecutionYear executionYear = ExecutionYear.readCurrentExecutionYear(); for (final ExecutionDegree executionDegree : executionYear.getExecutionDegreesSet()) { for (final Coordinator coordinator : executionDegree.getCoordinatorsListSet()) { if (responsible == null || responsible.equals(coordinator.isResponsible())) { User user = coordinator.getPerson().getUser(); if (user != null) { users.add(user); } } } } } return users.stream(); } @Override public Stream<User> getMembers(DateTime when) { return getMembers(); } private static Set<User> getCoordinators(Degree degree, Boolean isResponsible) { Set<User> users = new HashSet<>(); for (Coordinator coordinator : degree.getCurrentCoordinators()) { if (isResponsible == null || isResponsible.equals(coordinator.isResponsible())) { User user = coordinator.getPerson().getUser(); if (user != null) { users.add(user); } } } return users; } @Override public boolean isMember(User user) { if (user == null || user.getPerson().getCoordinatorsSet().isEmpty()) { return false; } for (Coordinator coordinator : user.getPerson().getCoordinatorsSet()) { ExecutionDegree executionDegree = coordinator.getExecutionDegree(); if (executionDegree.getExecutionYear().isCurrent()) { if (degreeType != null && degreeType != executionDegree.getDegree().getDegreeType()) { continue; } if (degree != null && !executionDegree.getDegree().equals(degree)) { continue; } if (responsible != null && !responsible.equals(coordinator.isResponsible())) { continue; } return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean isMember(User user, DateTime when) { return isMember(user); } @Override public PersistentGroup toPersistentGroup() { return PersistentCoordinatorGroup.getInstance(degreeType, degree, responsible); } @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { if (object instanceof CoordinatorGroup) { CoordinatorGroup other = (CoordinatorGroup) object; return Objects.equal(degreeType, other.degreeType) && Objects.equal(degree, other.degree) && Objects.equal(responsible, other.responsible); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(degreeType, degree, responsible); } }