package org.shanbo.feluca.node.job; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.shanbo.feluca.common.Constants; import org.shanbo.feluca.node.http.HttpClientUtil; import org.shanbo.feluca.node.job.JobState; import org.shanbo.feluca.node.job.local.LocalOneStepJob; import org.shanbo.feluca.node.job.remote.DataBalanceJob; import org.shanbo.feluca.node.job.remote.RemoteAllOneStepJob; import org.shanbo.feluca.util.concurrent.ConcurrentExecutor; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; /** * task is a special kind of job, i.e. , leaf of the leader's job-tree; * @Description TODO * @author shanbo.liang */ public abstract class FelucaSubJob{ final static int CHECK_TASK_INTERVAL_MS = 200; public final static String DISTRIBUTE_ADDRESS_KEY = "address"; private static Map<String, SubJobAllocator> SUBJOBS = new HashMap<String, SubJobAllocator>(); private static void addJob(SubJobAllocator job){ SUBJOBS.put(job.getJobName(), job); } public static String getTaskClass(String abbrTaskName){ return SUBJOBS.get(abbrTaskName).getClass().getName(); } static{ addJob(new LocalOneStepJob("ldelete", "filedelete")); //delete files in leader_repo addJob(new LocalOneStepJob("lsleep", "sleep")); // simple sleep test addJob(new LocalOneStepJob("lruntime", "runtime")); // //--------------------- addJob(new RemoteAllOneStepJob("dsleep", "sleep")); addJob(new RemoteAllOneStepJob("rruntime", "runtime")); addJob(new RemoteAllOneStepJob("file", "file")); addJob(new RemoteAllOneStepJob("ddelete", "filedelete")); addJob(new DataBalanceJob()); } public static JSONArray allocateSubJobs(JSONObject udConf){ if (isSubJobLocal(udConf)){ JSONArray subJobSteps = new JSONArray(1);//only 1 step JSONArray concurrentLevel = new JSONArray(1);// needs only 1 thread concurrentLevel.add(udConf); subJobSteps.add(concurrentLevel); return subJobSteps; }else{ return SUBJOBS.get(udConf.get("task")).allocateSubJobs(udConf); } } protected TaskExecutor taskExecutor; protected volatile JobState state ; protected Logger log ; protected JSONObject properties = new JSONObject(); protected FelucaJob parentJob; protected boolean canSubJobGo = false; /** * input conf format -> {task:xxxx , type:xxxx, param:{xxxx}} * @param prop */ public FelucaSubJob(JSONObject prop) { state = JobState.PENDING; log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());; init(); //init taskExecutor } public void setParent(FelucaJob parent){ this.parentJob = parent; } public JobState getJobState(){ return state; } public synchronized void logInfo(String content){ parentJob.logInfo(content); } public synchronized void logError(String content, Throwable e){ parentJob.logError(content,e); } /** * through reflection */ abstract protected void init(); /** * you must include taskrun and supervision * @return */ protected abstract Runnable createStoppableTask(); public void stopJob(){ if (state == JobState.RUNNING || state == JobState.PENDING) state = JobState.STOPPING; } public void startJob(){ state = JobState.RUNNING; ConcurrentExecutor.submit(createStoppableTask()); } public static Set<String> showJobList(){ return ImmutableSet.copyOf(SUBJOBS.keySet()); } /** * only invoke by <b>local-type</b> SubjobAllocators * @param parsedConf */ public static void toLeaderBeforeDecide(JSONObject parsedConf){ parsedConf.remove(DISTRIBUTE_ADDRESS_KEY); parsedConf.put("type", "local"); //change 'local' type job for worker, worker uses it to start local tasks parsedConf.getJSONObject("param").put("repo", Constants.Base.getLeaderRepository()); //change repo for workers } public static boolean isSubJobLocal(JSONObject udConf){ if ("local".equals(udConf.getString("type"))){ return true; }else{ return false; } } /** * * @param parsedConf * @return */ public static FelucaSubJob decideSubJob(JSONObject parsedConf){ if (isSubJobLocal(parsedConf)){ return new LocalSubJob(parsedConf); }else{ return new DistributeSubJob(parsedConf); } } //TODO public static class LocalSubJob extends FelucaSubJob{ public LocalSubJob(JSONObject prop) { super(prop); } @Override public Runnable createStoppableTask() { return new Runnable() { public void run() { if (taskExecutor == null){ //initialization failed!!!! state = JobState.FAILED; return; } System.out.println("local taskExecutor----------run (say by LocalSubJob)" ); taskExecutor.execute(); // boolean killed = false; while(true){ if (killed == false && state == JobState.STOPPING){ taskExecutor.kill(); //send a signal killed = true; }else{ JobState s = taskExecutor.currentState(); if (s == JobState.FAILED || s== JobState.INTERRUPTED || s == JobState.FINISHED){ state = s; break; } } try { Thread.sleep(CHECK_TASK_INTERVAL_MS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { state = JobState.INTERRUPTED; break; } } logInfo(taskExecutor.getTaskFinalMessage()); } }; } @Override protected void init() { String taskClass = SubJobAllocator.getTask("task")).getClass().getName(); try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<? extends TaskExecutor> clz = (Class<? extends TaskExecutor>) Class.forName(taskClass); Constructor<? extends TaskExecutor> constructor = clz.getConstructor(JSONObject.class); taskExecutor = constructor.newInstance(; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("init class error??????????" + e.getMessage()); log.error("init class error??????????", e); } } } //TODO public static class DistributeSubJob extends FelucaSubJob{ final static String WORKER_JOB_PATH = "/job"; String address; String remoteJobName ; int retries = 2; static void ticketToWorker(JSONObject parsedConf){ parsedConf.remove(DISTRIBUTE_ADDRESS_KEY); parsedConf.put("type", "local"); //change 'local' type job for worker, worker uses it to start local tasks parsedConf.getJSONObject("param").put("repo", Constants.Base.getWorkerRepository()); //change repo for workers } private void startRemoteTask() throws Exception{ String url = address + WORKER_JOB_PATH + "?action=submit"; try{ ticketToWorker(properties); remoteJobName = JSONObject.parseObject(HttpClientUtil.get().doPost(url, properties.toString())).getString("response"); }catch (Exception e){ Thread.sleep(2000); remoteJobName = JSONObject.parseObject(HttpClientUtil.get().doPost(url, properties.toString())).getString("response"); } } private String fetchRemoteTaskMessage(){ try{ String remoteTaskResponse = HttpClientUtil.get().doGet(address + WORKER_JOB_PATH + "?action=info&jobName=" + remoteJobName); JSONObject resp = JSONObject.parseObject(remoteTaskResponse).getJSONObject("response"); return resp.getString("jobLog"); }catch (Exception e){ try{ Thread.sleep(2000); String remoteTaskResponse = HttpClientUtil.get().doGet(address + WORKER_JOB_PATH + "?action=info&jobName=" + remoteJobName); JSONObject resp = JSONObject.parseObject(remoteTaskResponse).getJSONObject("response"); return resp.getString("jobLog"); }catch( Exception e2){ return "lost remote task messge"; } } } private void killRemoteTask() throws Exception{ try{ HttpClientUtil.get().doGet(address + WORKER_JOB_PATH + "?action=kill&jobName=" + remoteJobName); }catch (Exception e){ Thread.sleep(2000); HttpClientUtil.get().doGet(address + WORKER_JOB_PATH + "?action=kill&jobName=" + remoteJobName); } } private JobState retryStatus(){ retries -= 1; if (retries < 0){ return JobState.FAILED; }else{ return JobState.RUNNING; } } private JobState getRemoteTaskStatus(){ try { JSONObject remoteResult = JSONObject.parseObject(HttpClientUtil.get().doGet(address + WORKER_JOB_PATH + "?action=info&jobName=" + remoteJobName)); if (remoteResult.containsValue("null")){ //remote task is not started yet return retryStatus(); } String jobStateString = remoteResult.getJSONObject("response").getString("jobState"); JobState state = FelucaJob.parseStateText(jobStateString); if (state == null ){ return retryStatus(); }else{ retries = 2; } return state; } catch (Exception e) { return retryStatus(); } } public DistributeSubJob(JSONObject prop) { super(prop); this.address = "http://" + prop.getString(DISTRIBUTE_ADDRESS_KEY); } @Override public Runnable createStoppableTask() { return new Runnable() { public void run() { state = JobState.PENDING; System.out.println("DistributeSubJob ....send job to worker:" + address ); try { startRemoteTask(); logInfo("remoteTask:" + remoteJobName); } catch (Exception e1) { logError("send job to worker error! ", e1); state = JobState.FAILED; return; } state = JobState.RUNNING; boolean killed = false; while(true){ try { Thread.sleep(CHECK_TASK_INTERVAL_MS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { try { killRemoteTask(); state = JobState.INTERRUPTED; } catch (Exception e2) { logError("killRemoteTask error ", e); state = JobState.FAILED; return; } break; } if (killed == false && state == JobState.STOPPING){ try { killRemoteTask(); state = JobState.INTERRUPTED; } catch (Exception e) { logError("loss connection with worker ", e); state = JobState.FAILED; return; } killed = true; }else{ JobState s = getRemoteTaskStatus(); log.debug("~~~~rpc~~~~ state => " + s); if (s == JobState.FAILED || s== JobState.INTERRUPTED || s == JobState.FINISHED){ logInfo(fetchRemoteTaskMessage()); state = s; break; } } } } }; } @Override protected void init() { } } }