package tests; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import de.tobject.findbugs.FindbugsPlugin; import de.tobject.findbugs.builder.FindBugsWorker; import de.tobject.findbugs.builder.WorkItem; import de.tobject.findbugs.reporter.MarkerUtil; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.DetectorFactory; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.DetectorFactoryCollection; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.Plugin; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.config.UserPreferences; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.plugin.eclipse.quickfix.BugResolutionGenerator; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IncrementalProjectBuilder; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException; import org.eclipse.jdt.testplugin.JavaProjectHelper; import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaUI; import org.eclipse.ui.IMarkerResolution; import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException; import org.junit.Assume; import utils.BugResolutionSource; import utils.QuickFixTestPackage; import utils.TestingUtils; public abstract class TestHarness { public static final String PROJECT_NAME = "fb-contrib-test-quick-fixes"; public static final String BIN_FOLDER_NAME = "bin"; public static final String SRC_FOLDER_NAME = "src"; private static IJavaProject testProject; private static IProject testIProject; private static boolean fb_contribInstalled; private static boolean findSecurityBugsInstalled; private BugResolutionSource resolutionSource; private Set<String> detectorsToReenable = new HashSet<String>(); public static void loadFilesThatNeedFixing() throws CoreException, IOException { makeJavaProject(); TestingUtils.copyBrokenFiles(testIProject.getFolder(SRC_FOLDER_NAME), new File("classesToFix/"), new File("mockLibraries/")); // Compiles the code testIProject.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null);, null); FindbugsPlugin.setProjectSettingsEnabled(testIProject, null, true); UserPreferences userPrefs = FindbugsPlugin.getUserPreferences(testIProject); // enables categories like Security, which are disabled by default userPrefs.getFilterSettings().clearAllCategories(); checkFBContribInstalled(); checkFindSecurityBugsInstalled(); TestingUtils.waitForUiEvents(100); } private static void checkFBContribInstalled() { fb_contribInstalled = Plugin.getByPluginId("com.mebigfatguy.fbcontrib") != null; System.out.printf("fb-contrib (com.mebigfatguy.fbcontrib) is %sinstalled%n", fb_contribInstalled ? "": "not "); } protected void needsFBContrib() { //convenience needsFBContrib(true); } protected void needsFBContrib(boolean isNeeded) { if (isNeeded || fb_contribInstalled) { Assume.assumeTrue(fb_contribInstalled); enablePlugins("com.mebigfatguy.fbcontrib", isNeeded); } } private static void checkFindSecurityBugsInstalled() { findSecurityBugsInstalled = Plugin.getByPluginId("com.h3xstream.findsecbugs") != null; System.out.printf("Find Security Bugs (com.h3xstream.findsecbugs) is %sinstalled%n", findSecurityBugsInstalled ? "": "not "); } protected void needsFindSecurityBugs() { needsFindSecurityBugs(true); } protected void needsFindSecurityBugs(boolean isNeeded) { if (isNeeded || findSecurityBugsInstalled) { Assume.assumeTrue(findSecurityBugsInstalled); enablePlugins("com.h3xstream.findsecbugs", isNeeded); } } private static void clearMarkersAndBugs() throws CoreException { MarkerUtil.removeMarkers(testIProject); FindbugsPlugin.getBugCollection(testIProject, null, false).clearBugInstances(); } private static void makeJavaProject() throws CoreException { testProject = JavaProjectHelper.createJavaProject(PROJECT_NAME, BIN_FOLDER_NAME); JavaProjectHelper.addRTJar17(testProject); JavaProjectHelper.addSourceContainer(testProject, SRC_FOLDER_NAME); testProject.setOption("org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.tabulation.char", JavaCore.SPACE); testIProject = testProject.getProject(); } public void setup() { detectorsToReenable.clear(); final BugResolutionGenerator resolutionGenerator = new BugResolutionGenerator(); // we wrap this in case the underlying generator interface changes. resolutionSource = new BugResolutionSource() { @Override public IMarkerResolution[] getResolutions(IMarker marker) { return resolutionGenerator.getResolutions(marker); } @Override public boolean hasResolutions(IMarker marker) { return resolutionGenerator.hasResolutions(marker); } }; } protected void checkBugsAndPerformResolution(List<QuickFixTestPackage> packages, String testResource) { try { showEditorWindowForFile(testResource); scanUntilMarkers(testResource); assertBugPatternsMatch(packages, testResource); executeResolutions(packages, testResource); assertOutputAndInputFilesMatch(testResource); } catch (CoreException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Exception thrown while performing resolution on " + testResource); } } private void scanUntilMarkers(String testResource) throws CoreException { scanForBugs(testResource); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { IMarker[] markers = TestingUtils.getAllMarkersInResource(testProject, testResource); if (markers.length > 0) { return; } System.out.println("Trying again for bugs..."); clearMarkersAndBugs(); scanForBugs(testResource); TestingUtils.waitForUiEvents(1000); } fail("Did not find any markers... tried 3 times"); } private void showEditorWindowForFile(String testResource) throws JavaModelException, PartInitException { JavaUI.openInEditor(TestingUtils.elementFromProject(testProject, testResource), true, true); } /** * Blocks until FindBugs has finished scanning * * @param className * file in this project to scan * @throws CoreException */ private void scanForBugs(String className) throws CoreException { IJavaElement element = testProject.findElement(new Path(className)); if (element == null) { fail("Could not find java class " + className); return; } final AtomicBoolean isWorking = new AtomicBoolean(true); FindBugsWorker worker = new FindBugsWorker(testProject.getProject(), new NullProgressMonitor() { @Override public void done() { isWorking.set(false); } }); WorkItem(element))); // wait for the findBugsWorker to finish // 500ms reduces the chance that the IMarkers haven't loaded yet and the tests will fail unpredictably // (see JavaProjectHelper discussion about performDummySearch for more info) TestingUtils.waitForUiEvents(800); while (isWorking.get()) { TestingUtils.waitForUiEvents(100); } } private void assertBugPatternsMatch(List<QuickFixTestPackage> packages, String testResource) throws JavaModelException { IMarker[] markers = TestingUtils.getAllMarkersInResource(testProject, testResource); TestingUtils.sortMarkersByPatterns(markers); // packages and markers should now be lined up to match up one to one. assertEquals("The number of markers is wrong, check your turned off detectors?", packages.size(), markers.length); TestingUtils.assertBugPatternsMatch(packages, markers); TestingUtils.assertLabelsAndDescriptionsMatch(packages, markers, resolutionSource); TestingUtils.assertLineNumbersMatch(packages, markers); TestingUtils.assertAllMarkersHaveResolutions(markers, resolutionSource); } private void executeResolutions(List<QuickFixTestPackage> packages, String testResource) throws CoreException { // Some resolutions can be ignored. One example is a detector that has one or more sometimes // applicable quickfixes, but occasionally none apply. These are useful to include in the // test cases (e.g., and need to be properly handled. // we keep a count of the ignored resolutions (QuickFixTestPackage.IGNORE_FIX) and correct // our progress using that int ignoredResolutions = 0; int pendingBogoFixes = 0; boolean skipNextScan = true; for (int resolutionsCompleted = 0; resolutionsCompleted < packages.size(); resolutionsCompleted++) { if (!skipNextScan) { // Refresh, rebuild, and scan for bugs again // We only need to do this after the first time, as we expect the file to have // been scanned and checked for consistency (see checkBugsAndPerformResolution) testIProject.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ONE, null);, null); clearMarkersAndBugs(); scanUntilMarkers(testResource); } skipNextScan = false; System.out.println(resolutionsCompleted); IMarker[] markers = getSortedMarkersFromFile(testResource); assertEquals("Bug marker number was different than anticipated. " + "Check to see if another bug marker was introduced by fixing another.", packages.size() - (resolutionsCompleted), markers.length - ignoredResolutions - pendingBogoFixes); IMarker nextNonIgnoredMarker = markers[ignoredResolutions + pendingBogoFixes]; // Bug markers we ignore float to the "top" of the stack // ignoredResolutions can act as an index for that QuickFixTestPackage p = packages.get(resolutionsCompleted); skipNextScan = !performResolution(p, nextNonIgnoredMarker); if (p.resolutionToExecute == QuickFixTestPackage.IGNORE_FIX) { ignoredResolutions++; } else if (p.resolutionToExecute == QuickFixTestPackage.FIXED_BY_ANOTHER_FIX) { pendingBogoFixes++; } else { pendingBogoFixes = 0; } } } private IMarker[] getSortedMarkersFromFile(String fileName) throws JavaModelException { IJavaElement fileToScan = TestingUtils.elementFromProject(testProject, fileName); IMarker[] markers = TestingUtils.getAllMarkersInResource(fileToScan.getCorrespondingResource()); // the markers get sorted first by bug name, then by line number, just like // the QuickFixTestPackages, so we have a reliable way to fix them // so we can assert properties more accurately. TestingUtils.sortMarkersByPatterns(markers); return markers; } private boolean performResolution(QuickFixTestPackage qfPackage, IMarker marker) { if (qfPackage.resolutionToExecute < 0) { return false; // false means the marker should be ignored. } // This doesn't actually click on the bug marker, but it programmatically // gets the same resolutions. IMarkerResolution[] resolutions = resolutionSource.getResolutions(marker); assertTrue("I wanted to execute resolution #" + qfPackage.resolutionToExecute + " of " + qfPackage + " but there were only " + resolutions.length + " to choose from." , resolutions.length > qfPackage.resolutionToExecute); // the order isn't guaranteed, so we have to check the labels. @SuppressFBWarnings("NP_UNWRITTEN_PUBLIC_OR_PROTECTED_FIELD") String resolutionToDo = qfPackage.expectedLabels.get(qfPackage.resolutionToExecute); for (IMarkerResolution resolution : resolutions) { if (resolution.getLabel().equals(resolutionToDo)) {; } } return true; // a resolution was performed and we expect the bug marker to disappear. } private void assertOutputAndInputFilesMatch(String testResource) throws JavaModelException, IOException { URL expectedFile = getClass().getResource("/fixedClasses/"+testResource); IJavaElement actualFile = TestingUtils.elementFromProject(testProject, testResource); TestingUtils.assertOutputAndInputFilesMatch(expectedFile, actualFile); } /** * Enables or disables a FindBugs plugin. * * @param plugins * @param enabled */ protected void enablePlugins(String pluginId, boolean enabled) { Plugin plugin = Plugin.getByPluginId(pluginId); if (plugin != null) { if (!enabled && plugin.cannotDisable()) { fail("Cannot disable plugin: " + plugin.getPluginId() + '\n' + plugin.getShortDescription()); } else { plugin.setGloballyEnabled(enabled); } } } /** * Enables or disables a detector. This can only disable an entire detector (class-level), * not just one bug pattern. * * @param dotSeperatedDetectorClass * A string with the dot-separated-class of the detector to enable/disable * @param enabled */ protected void setDetector(String dotSeperatedDetectorClass, boolean enabled) { DetectorFactory factory = DetectorFactoryCollection.instance().getFactoryByClassName(dotSeperatedDetectorClass); if (factory == null) { if (enabled) { fail("Could not find a detector with class " + dotSeperatedDetectorClass); } else { System.err.println("Could not find a detector with class " + dotSeperatedDetectorClass); } return; } if (!enabled) { detectorsToReenable.add(dotSeperatedDetectorClass); } FindbugsPlugin.getUserPreferences(testIProject).enableDetector(factory, enabled); } private void restoreDisabledDetectors() { for (String detector : detectorsToReenable) { setDetector(detector, true); } } /** * Set minimum warning priority threshold to be used for scanning * * Project defaults to "Medium" * * @param minPriority * the priority threshold: one of "High", "Medium", or "Low" */ protected void setPriority(String minPriority) { // short hand for seeing if minPriority is one of High, Medium or Low // Each of the three valid strings are padded to be 6 chars long with spaces // if minPriority is one of the valid strings, the index will be 0, 6 or 12 // it's about 40% slower than either doing a set or an explicit 3- case, but takes // less than 1ms for 1000 iterations (in any event) if ("High MediumLow ".indexOf(minPriority.trim()) % 6 == 0) { FindbugsPlugin.getProjectPreferences(testIProject, false).getFilterSettings().setMinPriority(minPriority); return; } fail("minPriority [" + minPriority + "] must be one of \"High\", \"Medium\", or \"Low\""); } /** * Set minimum bugRank to show up for scanning * * Project defaults to 15 * * @param minPriority * the priority threshold: one of "High", "Medium", or "Low" */ protected void setRank(int minRank) { if (minRank >= 1 && minRank <= 20) { FindbugsPlugin.getProjectPreferences(testIProject, false).getFilterSettings().setMinRank(minRank); return; } fail("minRank [" + minRank + "] must be between 1 and 20 inclusively"); } public void tearDown() { restoreDisabledDetectors(); } }