package org.feature.transform.splot2fm; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.MatchResult; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; import org.feature.model.utilities.FeatureModelInit; import org.feature.transform.splot2fm.utils.SXFMUtil; import org.js.model.feature.Constraint; import org.js.model.feature.Feature; import org.js.model.feature.FeatureModel; import org.js.model.feature.Group; import org.js.model.feature.edit.FeatureModelHelper; import constraints.BooleanVariable; import constraints.PropositionalFormula; import fm.FeatureGroup; import fm.FeatureModelException; import fm.FeatureTreeNode; import fm.GroupedFeature; import fm.SolitaireFeature; public class SXFM2FMTransformator { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SXFM2FMTransformator.class); private static String groupIdPrefix = "group_"; private static String sxfmModelExtension = "xml"; public static String efm_fileextension = "eft"; public static void parseFiles(List<IFile> files, String featureModelExtension) { for (IFile iFile : files) { IPath filePath = iFile.getRawLocation(); String xmlExtension = filePath.getFileExtension(); if (filePath != null && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(sxfmModelExtension, xmlExtension)) { String sxfmFile = filePath.toOSString(); IPath fmFilePath = filePath.removeFileExtension(); fmFilePath = fmFilePath.addFileExtension(featureModelExtension); String fmFile = fmFilePath.toOSString(); transform(sxfmFile, fmFile); } } } public static void transform(String sxfmFile, String fmFile) { try { fm.FeatureModel sxfmModel = SXFMUtil.initSXFMFeatureModel(sxfmFile); FeatureModel fmModel = FeatureModelInit.initFeatureModel(); String modelName = sxfmModel.getName(); fmModel.setName(modelName);"----------------------------------------------------");"Start Transformation--------------------------------");"----------------------------------------------------");"Input: '" + sxfmFile + "'");"----------------------------------------------------"); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); transform(sxfmModel, fmModel); postprocess(fmModel); // persist Model before transforming constraints FeatureModelInit.persistFMFeatureModel(fmModel, fmFile); transformConstraints(sxfmModel, fmModel); FeatureModelInit.persistFMFeatureModel(fmModel, fmFile); long end = System.currentTimeMillis();"----------------------------------------------------");"Output: '" + fmFile + "'");"----------------------------------------------------");"Stopp Transformation--------------------------------");"----------------------------------------------------");"Transformation took " + (end - start) + " ms."); analyseModel(fmModel, sxfmModel); } catch (FeatureModelException e) { log.error("The selected file '" + sxfmFile + "' is not a SXFM feature model and cannot be transformed."); } } private static void transformConstraints(fm.FeatureModel sxfmModel, FeatureModel fmModel) { transformConstraintsintoExpression(sxfmModel, fmModel); } private static void postprocess(FeatureModel fmModel) { // correct feature names and ids FeatureModelHelper helper = new FeatureModelHelper(fmModel); Set<Feature> allFeatures = helper.getAllFeatures(); for (Feature feature : allFeatures) { String name = feature.getName(); feature.setName(normalizeIdentifier(name)); String id = feature.getId(); feature.setId(normalizeIdentifier(id)); } Set<Group> allGroups = helper.getAllGroups(); for (Group group : allGroups) { String id = group.getId(); group.setId(normalizeIdentifier(id)); } } private static String normalizeIdentifier(String element) { element = StringUtils.replace(element, "/", "-"); return element; } private static void analyseModel(FeatureModel fmModel, fm.FeatureModel sxfmModel) { FeatureModelHelper featureModelHelper = new FeatureModelHelper(fmModel); int newFeatures = featureModelHelper.getAllFeatures().size(); int oldFeatures = sxfmModel.countFeatures(); log.debug("Features parsed : " + oldFeatures); log.debug("Features created : " + newFeatures); log.debug("----------------------------------------------------"); int oldConstraints = sxfmModel.countConstraints(); int newConstraints = fmModel.getConstraints().size(); log.debug("Constraints parsed : " + oldConstraints); log.debug("Constraints created : " + newConstraints); log.debug("----------------------------------------------------"); log.debug("----------------------------------------------------"); } private static void transform(fm.FeatureModel sxfmModel, FeatureModel fmModel) { Assert.isNotNull(sxfmModel); Assert.isNotNull(fmModel);"Transformation of Featuremodel '" + sxfmModel.getName() + "'."); FeatureTreeNode sxfmRoot = sxfmModel.getRoot(); String rootName = sxfmRoot.getName(); String id = sxfmRoot.getID(); Feature fmRootFeature = FeatureModelInit.createRootFeature(fmModel, rootName, id);"Root Node '" + rootName + "' created."); // transformMetadata(sxfmModel, fmRootFeature); for (int i = 0; i < sxfmRoot.getChildCount(); i++) { FeatureTreeNode node = (FeatureTreeNode) sxfmRoot.getChildAt(i); transformFeatures(node, fmRootFeature); } Set<Feature> allFeatures = FeatureModelInit.getAllFeatures(fmModel); FeatureModelInit.makeFeatureIdsUnique(allFeatures); } private static void transformFeatures(FeatureTreeNode featureNode, Feature fmParent) { // feature is direct child of parent feature -> create single feature // group if (featureNode instanceof SolitaireFeature) { log.debug("SolitaireFeature '" + featureNode.getName() + "' found."); SolitaireFeature solitaireFeature = (SolitaireFeature) featureNode; Feature fmFeature = transformSolitaireFeature(solitaireFeature, fmParent); for (int i = 0; i < featureNode.getChildCount(); i++) { FeatureTreeNode node = (FeatureTreeNode) featureNode.getChildAt(i); transformFeatures(node, fmFeature); } // feature is child of feature group -> 1. create group, 2. add // further feature to this group } else if (featureNode instanceof GroupedFeature) { log.debug("GroupedFeature '" + featureNode.getName() + "' found."); GroupedFeature groupedFeature = (GroupedFeature) featureNode; String groupId = groupedFeature.getGroup().getID(); Feature newFeature = transformGroupedFeature(groupedFeature, fmParent, groupId); for (int i = 0; i < groupedFeature.getChildCount(); i++) { FeatureTreeNode node = (FeatureTreeNode) featureNode.getChildAt(i); transformFeatures(node, newFeature); } } else if (featureNode instanceof FeatureGroup) { FeatureGroup fGroup = (FeatureGroup) featureNode; log.debug("FeatureGroup " + fGroup.getName() + "[" + fGroup.getMin() + "," + fGroup.getMax() + "]" + " found."); transformGroupNode(fGroup, fmParent); } } private static void transformGroupNode(FeatureGroup featureGroup, Feature parentFeature) { int max = featureGroup.getMax(); int min = featureGroup.getMin(); String id = featureGroup.getID(); FeatureModelInit.createFeatureGroup(parentFeature, min, max, id); for (int i = 0; i < featureGroup.getChildCount(); i++) { FeatureTreeNode node = (FeatureTreeNode) featureGroup.getChildAt(i); transformFeatures(node, parentFeature); } } private static Feature transformSolitaireFeature(SolitaireFeature sxfmNode, Feature fmParent) { String name = sxfmNode.getName(); String id = sxfmNode.getID(); boolean optional = sxfmNode.isOptional(); String groupId = groupIdPrefix + id; Feature fmSolitairefeature = FeatureModelInit.createSingleFeature(fmParent, name, id, optional, groupId); return fmSolitairefeature; } private static Feature transformGroupedFeature(GroupedFeature sxfmNode, Feature fmParent, String groupId) { String name = sxfmNode.getName(); String id = sxfmNode.getID(); Feature fmFeature = FeatureModelInit.createGroupFeature(fmParent, name, id, groupId); return fmFeature; } private static void transformConstraintsintoExpression(fm.FeatureModel sxfmModel, FeatureModel fmModel) { Assert.isNotNull(sxfmModel); Assert.isNotNull(fmModel); URI uri = EcoreUtil.getURI(fmModel); Collection<PropositionalFormula> constraints = sxfmModel.getConstraints(); EList<Constraint> fmConstraints = fmModel.getConstraints(); FeatureModelHelper helper = new FeatureModelHelper(fmModel); Set<Feature> allFeatures = helper.getAllFeatures(); for (PropositionalFormula propositionalFormula : constraints) { String formula = propositionalFormula.getFormula(); log.debug("Propositional Formula: " + formula); Collection<BooleanVariable> variables = propositionalFormula.getVariables(); // find ~ and replace formula = StringUtils.replace(formula, "~", "not "); // // // find ids and replace by featurename // for (BooleanVariable booleanVariable : variables) { // String id = booleanVariable.getID(); // boolean replaced = false; // // for (Feature feature : allFeatures) { // String featureId = feature.getId(); // // if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(id, featureId)) { // String featureName = feature.getName(); // String regex = "^" + id + "[\\s|)]|[~|\\s|(]" + id + "[\\s|)]|[~|\\s|(]" + id + "$|^id$"; // Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); // Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(formula); // while (matcher.find()) { // MatchResult result = matcher.toMatchResult(); // int start = result.start(); // int end = result.end(); // formula = replace(formula, id, featureName, start, end); // } // replaced = true; // break; // } // } // if (!replaced) { // log.error("Could not replace the feature id '" + id + "' in the model constraints."); // } // } log.debug("Transformed Formula: " + formula); Constraint newConstraint = transformConstraint(formula, uri); if (newConstraint != null) { fmConstraints.add(newConstraint); } } } private static Constraint transformConstraint(String formula, URI uri) { Constraint constraint = TextExpressionParser.createFeatureConstraint(formula, uri); return constraint; } private static String replace(String input, String searchString, String replacement, int minPosition, int maxPosition) { String substring = StringUtils.substring(input, minPosition, maxPosition); String replacedSubstring = StringUtils.replace(substring, searchString, replacement); String begin = StringUtils.substring(input, 0, minPosition); String end = StringUtils.substring(input, maxPosition); String result = begin + replacedSubstring + end; return result; } }