/** * Copyright (C) Intersect 2012. * * This module contains Proprietary Information of Intersect, * and should be treated as Confidential. */ package au.org.intersect.exsite9.util; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Provides utilities for Directories. */ public final class DirectoryUtils { private DirectoryUtils() { // No instances please! } /** * Regex to check for illegal characters in directory names. * Illegal characters are: \ / : * " ? < > | */ private static final Pattern ILLEGAL_DIRNAME_REGEX = Pattern.compile("^.*[\\\\/:\\*\"\\?<>\\|].*"); /** * Determines if the provided String is a valid directory name. * It will ensure the dirName is valid on Linux, Mac and Windows. * @param dirName The String to check. * @return {@code true} if the String can be used as a valid directory name. */ public static boolean isValidDirectoryName(final String dirName) { return !ILLEGAL_DIRNAME_REGEX.matcher(dirName).matches(); } }