/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Codenvy, S.A. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * <p/> * Contributors: * Codenvy, S.A. - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.everrest.core.impl.integration; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.tngtech.java.junit.dataprovider.DataProvider; import com.tngtech.java.junit.dataprovider.DataProviderRunner; import com.tngtech.java.junit.dataprovider.UseDataProvider; import org.everrest.core.impl.BaseTest; import org.everrest.core.impl.ContainerResponse; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import javax.ws.rs.CookieParam; import javax.ws.rs.DefaultValue; import javax.ws.rs.Encoded; import javax.ws.rs.HeaderParam; import javax.ws.rs.MatrixParam; import javax.ws.rs.POST; import javax.ws.rs.Path; import javax.ws.rs.PathParam; import javax.ws.rs.QueryParam; import javax.ws.rs.core.Application; import javax.ws.rs.core.Context; import javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie; import javax.ws.rs.core.GenericEntity; import javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders; import javax.ws.rs.core.Request; import javax.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext; import javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo; import javax.ws.rs.ext.Providers; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import static com.google.common.collect.Lists.newArrayList; import static com.google.common.collect.Sets.newHashSet; import static com.google.common.collect.Sets.newTreeSet; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; @RunWith(DataProviderRunner.class) public class AnnotatedFieldsInjectionTest extends BaseTest { @UseDataProvider("injectParametersTestData") @Test public void injectsParameters(Class<?> resource, String path, Map<String, List<String>> requestHeaders, Object responseEntity) throws Exception { processor.addApplication(new Application() { @Override public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() { return newHashSet(resource); } }); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", path, "", requestHeaders, null, null); assertEquals(responseEntity, response.getEntity()); } @DataProvider public static Object[][] injectParametersTestData() { return new Object[][]{ {StringPathParamResource.class, "/a/test/1", null, "test"}, {EncodedStringPathParamResource.class, "/a/te%20st/1", null, "te%20st"}, {StringPathParamResource.class, "/a/te%20st/1", null, "te st"}, {ListOfStringsPathParamResource.class, "/a/test/1", null, newArrayList("test")}, {SetOfStringsPathParamResource.class, "/a/test/1", null, newHashSet("test")}, {SortedSetOfStringsPathParamResource.class, "/a/test/1", null, newTreeSet(newArrayList("test"))}, {StringValueOfPathParamResource.class, "/a/123/1", null, 123}, {MultiplePathParamResource.class, "/a/foo/1/bar", null, "foobar"}, {PrimitivePathParamResource.class, "/a/123/1", null, 123}, {StringQueryParamResource.class, "/b/1?x=test", null, "test"}, {EncodedStringQueryParamResource.class, "/b/1?x=te%20st", null, "te%20st"}, {StringQueryParamResource.class, "/b/1?x=te%20st", null, "te st"}, {DefaultValueQueryParamResource.class, "/b/1", null, "default"}, {ListOfStringsQueryParamResource.class, "/b/1?x=foo&x=bar", null, newArrayList("foo", "bar")}, {SetOfStringsQueryParamResource.class, "/b/1?x=foo&x=bar", null, newHashSet("foo", "bar")}, {SortedSetOfStringsQueryParamResource.class, "/b/1?x=foo&x=bar", null, newTreeSet(newArrayList("foo", "bar"))}, {StringValueOfQueryParamResource.class, "/b/1?x=123", null, 123}, {MultipleQueryParamResource.class, "/b/1?x=foo&y=bar", null, "foobar"}, {PrimitiveQueryParamResource.class, "/b/1?x=123", null, 123}, {StringMatrixParamResource.class, "/c/1;x=test", null, "test"}, {EncodedStringMatrixParamResource.class, "/c/1;x=te%20st", null, "te%20st"}, {StringMatrixParamResource.class, "/c/1;x=te%20st", null, "te st"}, {DefaultValueMatrixParamResource.class, "/c/1", null, "default"}, {ListOfStringsMatrixParamResource.class, "/c/1;x=foo;x=bar", null, newArrayList("foo", "bar")}, {SetOfStringsMatrixParamResource.class, "/c/1;x=foo;x=bar", null, newHashSet("foo", "bar")}, {SortedSetOfStringsMatrixParamResource.class, "/c/1;x=foo;x=bar", null, newTreeSet(newArrayList("foo", "bar"))}, {StringValueOfMatrixParamResource.class, "/c/1;x=123", null, 123}, {MultipleMatrixParamResource.class, "/c/1;x=foo;y=bar", null, "foobar"}, {PrimitiveMatrixParamResource.class, "/c/1;x=123", null, 123}, {CookieCookieParamResource.class, "/d/1", ImmutableMap.of("Cookie", newArrayList("x=test")), new Cookie("x", "test")}, {StringCookieParamResource.class, "/d/1", ImmutableMap.of("Cookie", newArrayList("x=test")), "test"}, {DefaultValueCookieParamResource.class, "/d/1", null, "default"}, {ListOfStringsCookieParamResource.class, "/d/1", ImmutableMap.of("Cookie", newArrayList("x=test")), newArrayList("test")}, {SetOfStringsCookieParamResource.class, "/d/1", ImmutableMap.of("Cookie", newArrayList("x=test")), newHashSet("test")}, {SortedSetOfStringsCookieParamResource.class, "/d/1", ImmutableMap.of("Cookie", newArrayList("x=test")), newTreeSet(newArrayList("test"))}, {StringValueOfCookieParamResource.class, "/d/1", ImmutableMap.of("Cookie", newArrayList("x=123")), 123}, {MultipleCookieParamResource.class, "/d/1", ImmutableMap.of("Cookie", newArrayList("x=foo,y=bar")), "foobar"}, {PrimitiveCookieParamResource.class, "/d/1", ImmutableMap.of("Cookie", newArrayList("x=123")), 123}, {StringHeaderParamResource.class, "/e/1", ImmutableMap.of("x", newArrayList("test")), "test"}, {DefaultValueHeaderParamResource.class, "/e/1", null, "default"}, {ListOfStringsHeaderParamResource.class, "/e/1", ImmutableMap.of("x", newArrayList("foo", "bar")), newArrayList("foo", "bar")}, {SetOfStringsHeaderParamResource.class, "/e/1", ImmutableMap.of("x", newArrayList("foo", "bar")), newHashSet("foo", "bar")}, {SortedSetOfStringsHeaderParamResource.class, "/e/1", ImmutableMap.of("x", newArrayList("foo", "bar")), newTreeSet(newArrayList("foo", "bar"))}, {StringValueOfHeaderParamResource.class, "/e/1", ImmutableMap.of("x", newArrayList("123")), 123}, {MultipleHeaderParamResource.class, "/e/1", ImmutableMap.of("x", newArrayList("foo"), "y", newArrayList("bar")), "foobar"}, {PrimitiveHeaderParamResource.class, "/e/1", ImmutableMap.of("x", newArrayList("123")), 123}, }; } @Test public void injectsUriInfo() throws Exception { processor.addApplication(new Application() { @Override public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() { return newHashSet(UriInfoResource.class); } }); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", "/f/1", "", null, null, null); assertTrue(String.format("Expected %s injected", UriInfo.class), response.getEntity() instanceof UriInfo); } @Test public void injectsRequest() throws Exception { processor.addApplication(new Application() { @Override public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() { return newHashSet(RequestResource.class); } }); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", "/g/1", "", null, null, null); assertTrue(String.format("Expected %s injected", Request.class), response.getEntity() instanceof Request); } @Test public void injectsHttpHeaders() throws Exception { processor.addApplication(new Application() { @Override public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() { return newHashSet(HttpHeadersResource.class); } }); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", "/h/1", "", null, null, null); assertTrue(String.format("Expected %s injected", HttpHeaders.class), response.getEntity() instanceof HttpHeaders); } @Test public void injectsSecurityContext() throws Exception { processor.addApplication(new Application() { @Override public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() { return newHashSet(SecurityContextResource.class); } }); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", "/i/1", "", null, null, null); assertTrue(String.format("Expected %s injected", SecurityContext.class), response.getEntity() instanceof SecurityContext); } @Test public void injectsProviders() throws Exception { processor.addApplication(new Application() { @Override public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() { return newHashSet(ProvidersResource.class); } }); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", "/j/1", "", null, null, null); assertTrue(String.format("Expected %s injected", Providers.class), response.getEntity() instanceof Providers); } @Test public void injectsApplication() throws Exception { processor.addApplication(new Application() { @Override public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() { return newHashSet(ApplicationResource.class); } }); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", "/k/1", "", null, null, null); assertTrue(String.format("Expected %s injected", Application.class), response.getEntity() instanceof Application); } @Path("a/{x}") public static class StringPathParamResource { @PathParam("x") private String x; @Path("1") @POST public String m1() { return x; } } @Path("a/{x}") public static class EncodedStringPathParamResource { @PathParam("x") @Encoded private String x; @Path("1") @POST public String m1() { return x; } } @Path("a/{x}") public static class ListOfStringsPathParamResource { @PathParam("x") private List<String> x; @Path("1") @POST public GenericEntity<List<String>> m1() { return new GenericEntity<List<String>>(x) { }; } } @Path("a/{x}") public static class SetOfStringsPathParamResource { @PathParam("x") private Set<String> x; @Path("1") @POST public GenericEntity<Set<String>> m1() { return new GenericEntity<Set<String>>(x) { }; } } @Path("a/{x}") public static class SortedSetOfStringsPathParamResource { @PathParam("x") private SortedSet<String> x; @Path("1") @POST public GenericEntity<SortedSet<String>> m1() { return new GenericEntity<SortedSet<String>>(x) { }; } } @Path("a/{x}") public static class StringValueOfPathParamResource { @PathParam("x") private Integer x; @Path("1") @POST public Integer m1() { return x; } } @Path("a/{x}/1/{y}") public static class MultiplePathParamResource { @PathParam("x") private String x; @PathParam("y") private String y; @POST public String m1() { return x + y; } } @Path("a/{x}") public static class PrimitivePathParamResource { @PathParam("x") private int x; @Path("1") @POST public int m1() { return x; } } @Path("b") public static class StringQueryParamResource { @QueryParam("x") private String x; @Path("1") @POST public String m1() { return x; } } @Path("b") public static class EncodedStringQueryParamResource { @QueryParam("x") @Encoded private String x; @Path("1") @POST public String m1() { return x; } } @Path("b") public static class DefaultValueQueryParamResource { @QueryParam("x") @DefaultValue("default") private String x; @Path("1") @POST public String m1() { return x; } } @Path("b") public static class ListOfStringsQueryParamResource { @QueryParam("x") private List<String> x; @Path("1") @POST public GenericEntity<List<String>> m1() { return new GenericEntity<List<String>>(x) { }; } } @Path("b") public static class SetOfStringsQueryParamResource { @QueryParam("x") private Set<String> x; @Path("1") @POST public GenericEntity<Set<String>> m1() { return new GenericEntity<Set<String>>(x) { }; } } @Path("b") public static class SortedSetOfStringsQueryParamResource { @QueryParam("x") private SortedSet<String> x; @Path("1") @POST public GenericEntity<SortedSet<String>> m1() { return new GenericEntity<SortedSet<String>>(x) { }; } } @Path("b") public static class StringValueOfQueryParamResource { @QueryParam("x") private Integer x; @Path("1") @POST public Integer m1() { return x; } } @Path("b") public static class MultipleQueryParamResource { @QueryParam("x") private String x; @QueryParam("y") private String y; @Path("1") @POST public String m1() { return x + y; } } @Path("b") public static class PrimitiveQueryParamResource { @QueryParam("x") private int x; @Path("1") @POST public int m1() { return x; } } @Path("c") public static class StringMatrixParamResource { @MatrixParam("x") private String x; @Path("1") @POST public String m1() { return x; } } @Path("c") public static class EncodedStringMatrixParamResource { @MatrixParam("x") @Encoded private String x; @Path("1") @POST public String m1() { return x; } } @Path("c") public static class DefaultValueMatrixParamResource { @MatrixParam("x") @DefaultValue("default") private String x; @Path("1") @POST public String m1() { return x; } } @Path("c") public static class ListOfStringsMatrixParamResource { @MatrixParam("x") private List<String> x; @Path("1") @POST public GenericEntity<List<String>> m1() { return new GenericEntity<List<String>>(x) { }; } } @Path("c") public static class SetOfStringsMatrixParamResource { @MatrixParam("x") private Set<String> x; @Path("1") @POST public GenericEntity<Set<String>> m1() { return new GenericEntity<Set<String>>(x) { }; } } @Path("c") public static class SortedSetOfStringsMatrixParamResource { @MatrixParam("x") private SortedSet<String> x; @Path("1") @POST public GenericEntity<SortedSet<String>> m1() { return new GenericEntity<SortedSet<String>>(x) { }; } } @Path("c") public static class StringValueOfMatrixParamResource { @MatrixParam("x") private Integer x; @Path("1") @POST public Integer m1() { return x; } } @Path("c") public static class MultipleMatrixParamResource { @MatrixParam("x") private String x; @MatrixParam("y") private String y; @Path("1") @POST public String m1() { return x + y; } } @Path("c") public static class PrimitiveMatrixParamResource { @MatrixParam("x") private int x; @Path("1") @POST public int m1() { return x; } } @Path("d") public static class CookieCookieParamResource { @CookieParam("x") private Cookie x; @Path("1") @POST public Cookie m1() { return x; } } @Path("d") public static class StringCookieParamResource { @CookieParam("x") private String x; @Path("1") @POST public String m1() { return x; } } @Path("d") public static class DefaultValueCookieParamResource { @CookieParam("x") @DefaultValue("default") private String x; @Path("1") @POST public String m1() { return x; } } @Path("d") public static class ListOfStringsCookieParamResource { @CookieParam("x") private List<String> x; @Path("1") @POST public GenericEntity<List<String>> m1() { return new GenericEntity<List<String>>(x) { }; } } @Path("d") public static class SetOfStringsCookieParamResource { @CookieParam("x") private Set<String> x; @Path("1") @POST public GenericEntity<Set<String>> m1() { return new GenericEntity<Set<String>>(x) { }; } } @Path("d") public static class SortedSetOfStringsCookieParamResource { @CookieParam("x") private SortedSet<String> x; @Path("1") @POST public GenericEntity<SortedSet<String>> m1() { return new GenericEntity<SortedSet<String>>(x) { }; } } @Path("d") public static class StringValueOfCookieParamResource { @CookieParam("x") private Integer x; @Path("1") @POST public Integer m1() { return x; } } @Path("d") public static class MultipleCookieParamResource { @CookieParam("x") private String x; @CookieParam("y") private String y; @Path("1") @POST public String m1() { return x + y; } } @Path("d") public static class PrimitiveCookieParamResource { @CookieParam("x") private int x; @Path("1") @POST public int m1() { return x; } } @Path("e") public static class StringHeaderParamResource { @HeaderParam("x") private String x; public StringHeaderParamResource(@HeaderParam("x") String x) { this.x = x; } @Path("1") @POST public String m1() { return x; } } @Path("e") public static class DefaultValueHeaderParamResource { @HeaderParam("x") @DefaultValue("default") private String x; @Path("1") @POST public String m1() { return x; } } @Path("e") public static class ListOfStringsHeaderParamResource { @HeaderParam("x") private List<String> x; @Path("1") @POST public GenericEntity<List<String>> m1() { return new GenericEntity<List<String>>(x) { }; } } @Path("e") public static class SetOfStringsHeaderParamResource { @HeaderParam("x") private Set<String> x; @Path("1") @POST public GenericEntity<Set<String>> m1() { return new GenericEntity<Set<String>>(x) { }; } } @Path("e") public static class SortedSetOfStringsHeaderParamResource { @HeaderParam("x") private SortedSet<String> x; @Path("1") @POST public GenericEntity<SortedSet<String>> m1() { return new GenericEntity<SortedSet<String>>(x) { }; } } @Path("e") public static class StringValueOfHeaderParamResource { @HeaderParam("x") private Integer x; @Path("1") @POST public Integer m1() { return x; } } @Path("e") public static class MultipleHeaderParamResource { @HeaderParam("x") private String x; @HeaderParam("y") private String y; @Path("1") @POST public String m1() { return x + y; } } @Path("e") public static class PrimitiveHeaderParamResource { @HeaderParam("x") private int x; @Path("1") @POST public int m1() { return x; } } @Path("f") public static class UriInfoResource { @Context private UriInfo uriInfo; @Path("1") @POST public UriInfo m1() { return uriInfo; } } @Path("g") public static class RequestResource { @Context private Request request; @Path("1") @POST public Request m1() { return request; } } @Path("h") public static class HttpHeadersResource { @Context private HttpHeaders httpHeaders; @Path("1") @POST public HttpHeaders m1() { return httpHeaders; } } @Path("i") public static class SecurityContextResource { @Context private SecurityContext securityContext; @Path("1") @POST public SecurityContext m1() { return securityContext; } } @Path("j") public static class ProvidersResource { @Context private Providers providers; @Path("1") @POST public Providers m1() { return providers; } } @Path("k") public static class ApplicationResource { @Context private Application application; @Path("1") @POST public Application m1() { return application; } } }