/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Lockheed Martin Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.eurekastreams.web.client.ui.common.pagedlist; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.eurekastreams.server.action.request.PageableRequest; import org.eurekastreams.server.domain.PagedSet; import org.eurekastreams.web.client.events.Observer; import org.eurekastreams.web.client.events.PagerUpdatedEvent; import org.eurekastreams.web.client.events.SwitchToFilterOnPagedFilterPanelEvent; import org.eurekastreams.web.client.events.UpdateHistoryEvent; import org.eurekastreams.web.client.events.UpdatedHistoryParametersEvent; import org.eurekastreams.web.client.history.CreateUrlRequest; import org.eurekastreams.web.client.model.Fetchable; import org.eurekastreams.web.client.ui.Session; import org.eurekastreams.web.client.ui.common.Pager; import org.eurekastreams.web.client.ui.pages.master.StaticResourceBundle; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickHandler; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Anchor; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.FlowPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Label; /** * This is a fairly complex control. Basically, it supports a series of * StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().filters() (which can be though of as data sets. These's data sets can be * sorted and/or paged. Add sets by feeding it Fetchable models and a renderer for the individual items, and this * control should take care of all the logic. * */ public class PagedListPanel extends FlowPanel { /** URL parameter for the list ID. */ public static final String URL_PARAM_LIST_ID = "listId"; /** URL parameter for the filter name. */ public static final String URL_PARAM_FILTER = "listFilter"; /** URL parameter for the sort. */ public static final String URL_PARAM_SORT = "listSort"; /** List id (so we can have >1 on a page). */ private String listId = "list"; /** The current filter. */ private String currentFilter = ""; /** The current sort. */ private String currentSortKey = ""; /** Current pager start index. */ private Integer currentStartIndex = null; /** Current pager end index. */ private Integer currentEndIndex = null; /** An initial state is being stored awaiting the tabs to be added. */ private boolean storingInitialState = false; /** The initial filter. */ private String initialFilter; /** The initial sort. */ private String initialSortKey; /** initial pager start index. */ private String initialStartIndex; /** The renderers keyed by filter. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private final Map<String, ItemRenderer> renderers = new HashMap<String, ItemRenderer>(); /** Requests keyed by filter. */ private final Map<String, HashMap<String, PageableRequest>> requests = // \n new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, PageableRequest>>(); /** Links keyed by filter. */ private final Map<String, Anchor> filterLinks = new HashMap<String, Anchor>(); /** Fetchers keyed by filter. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private final Map<String, Fetchable> fetchers = new HashMap<String, Fetchable>(); /** Sorters keyed by filter. */ private final Map<String, FlowPanel> sortPanels = new HashMap<String, FlowPanel>(); /** Sort Links keyed by filter and sort. */ private final Map<String, HashMap<String, Anchor>> sortLinks = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Anchor>>(); /** Collection of filters that have been loaded and the available sorts for each filter. */ private final Map<String, List<String>> loadedFilters = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); /** Used to lay out the page; default is two columns. */ private PagedListRenderer pageRenderer = new TwoColumnPagedListRenderer(); /** The bottom pager. Pass in true to show the buttons. */ private final Pager bottomPager; /** Navigation panel. */ private final FlowPanel navPanel; /** Contains the items. */ private final FlowPanel renderContainer = new FlowPanel(); /** Contains the filter switchers. */ private final FlowPanel filterContainer = new FlowPanel(); /** Contains the sort switchers. */ private final FlowPanel sortContainer = new FlowPanel(); /** Waiting spinner. */ FlowPanel waitSpinner = new FlowPanel(); /** * Default constructor. * * @param inListId * the list id. */ public PagedListPanel(final String inListId) { this(inListId, null, null); } /** * Constructor. * * @param inListId * the list id. * @param inContextParam * Parameter to look for in the URL to determine if URL change events apply to this list. * @param inContextParamValue * Value of parameter to look for in the URL to determine if URL change events apply to this list. */ public PagedListPanel(final String inListId, final String inContextParam, final String inContextParamValue) { listId = inListId; bottomPager = new Pager("filteredPager" + listId, true); waitSpinner.addStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().waitSpinner()); renderContainer.addStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().renderContainer()); addStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().connectionMaster()); filterContainer.add(new Label("View:")); navPanel = new FlowPanel(); navPanel.addStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().navpanel()); this.add(filterContainer); navPanel.add(sortContainer); this.add(navPanel); filterContainer.addStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().options()); filterContainer.addStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().views()); sortContainer.addStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().options()); bottomPager.addStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().bottomPager()); this.add(waitSpinner); this.add(renderContainer); Session.getInstance().getEventBus().addObserver(PagerUpdatedEvent.class, new Observer<PagerUpdatedEvent>() { public void update(final PagerUpdatedEvent event) { if (event.getPager().getPagerId().equals("filteredPager" + listId) && event.getPager().getStartIndex() != currentStartIndex) { currentStartIndex = event.getPager().getStartIndex(); currentEndIndex = event.getPager().getEndIndex(); reload(); } } }); Session.getInstance() .getEventBus() .addObserver(SwitchToFilterOnPagedFilterPanelEvent.class, new Observer<SwitchToFilterOnPagedFilterPanelEvent>() { public void update(final SwitchToFilterOnPagedFilterPanelEvent event) { // ignore events for other lists if (!listId.equals(event.getListId())) { return; } updateStateIfChanged(event.getFilterName(), event.getSortKey(), null, null, !event.isFromUrlChange()); } }); Session.getInstance().getEventBus() .addObserver(UpdatedHistoryParametersEvent.class, new Observer<UpdatedHistoryParametersEvent>() { public void update(final UpdatedHistoryParametersEvent event) { // determine if the history update pertains to this list // If there's a list id, and it not ours, bail out. If there's no list id, then check for the // "context parameter" (basically snoop on the URL to see if the tab we're on is showing); if // present and it's not ours, bail out. Otherwise, we can't be sure if the update pertains to us // or not, so we have to try to process it. Map<String, String> parms = event.getParameters(); String eventListId = parms.get(URL_PARAM_LIST_ID); if (eventListId == null) { if (inContextParam != null && inContextParamValue != null && !inContextParamValue.equals(parms.get(inContextParam))) { return; } } else if (!listId.equals(eventListId)) { return; } // store state if tabs not added yet if (loadedFilters.isEmpty()) { storingInitialState = true; initialFilter = parms.get(URL_PARAM_FILTER); initialSortKey = parms.get(URL_PARAM_SORT); initialStartIndex = parms.get(Pager.URL_PARAM_START_INDEX); } // only handle event if initialized else { updateStateIfChanged(parms.get(URL_PARAM_FILTER), parms.get(URL_PARAM_SORT), parms.get(Pager.URL_PARAM_START_INDEX), parms.get(Pager.URL_PARAM_END_INDEX), // \n false); } } }, true); this.add(bottomPager); FlowPanel clear = new FlowPanel(); clear.addStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().clear()); this.add(clear); } /** * Constructor. * * @param inListId * the list id. * @param inPageRenderer * page layout renderer. */ public PagedListPanel(final String inListId, final PagedListRenderer inPageRenderer) { this(inListId, null, null); pageRenderer = inPageRenderer; } /** * Constructor. * * @param inListId * the list id. * @param inPageRenderer * page layout renderer. * @param inContextParam * Parameter to look for in the URL to determine if URL change events apply to this list. * @param inContextParamValue * Value of parameter to look for in the URL to determine if URL change events apply to this list. */ public PagedListPanel(final String inListId, final PagedListRenderer inPageRenderer, final String inContextParam, final String inContextParamValue) { this(inListId, inContextParam, inContextParamValue); pageRenderer = inPageRenderer; } /** * Updates the state of the widget (loading data, etc.) if the current state does not match the desired state. * * @param inFilter * Requested filter name. * @param inSort * Requested sort key. * @param inStartIndex * Requested start index. * @param inEndIndex * Requested end index. * @param mayUpdateUrl * If the URL is allowed to be updated (e.g. don't update URL in response to a URL change, etc.). * @return Whether the state was updated. */ private boolean updateStateIfChanged(final String inFilter, final String inSort, final String inStartIndex, final String inEndIndex, final boolean mayUpdateUrl) { String filter = inFilter; String sort = inSort; Integer start = normalizeIndex(inStartIndex); // For missing parameters, replace with the default values if (filter == null) { filter = (String) loadedFilters.keySet().toArray()[0]; // treat sort as a child of filter, so if filter is missing, ignore any sort specified sort = null; } // reject unknown filters (maybe extraneous URL parameters or we caught an event that wasn't for us) else if (!loadedFilters.containsKey(filter)) { return false; } if (sort == null) { sort = loadedFilters.get(filter).get(0); } // reject unknown sorts (maybe extraneous URL parameters or we caught an event that wasn't for us) else if (!loadedFilters.get(filter).contains(sort)) { return false; } if (start == null) { start = 0; } // determine if state is different if (currentFilter == null || !currentFilter.equals(filter)) { currentFilter = filter; currentSortKey = sort; currentStartIndex = start; } else if (!currentSortKey.equals(sort)) { currentSortKey = sort; currentStartIndex = start; } else if (!currentStartIndex.equals(start)) { currentStartIndex = start; } else { return false; } currentStartIndex = start; currentEndIndex = start + bottomPager.getPageSize() - 1; bottomPager.setStartIndex(currentStartIndex); bottomPager.setEndIndex(currentEndIndex); Session.getInstance().getEventBus().notifyObservers(new PagerUpdatedEvent(bottomPager)); reload(); // update the URL when allowed (if from user action on a link, but not if from a history/URL change (otherwise // we'd be re-updating the URL which really messes up the back button). if (mayUpdateUrl) { HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put(URL_PARAM_LIST_ID, listId); params.put(URL_PARAM_FILTER, currentFilter); params.put(URL_PARAM_SORT, currentSortKey); params.put(Pager.URL_PARAM_START_INDEX, currentStartIndex.toString()); params.put(Pager.URL_PARAM_END_INDEX, currentEndIndex.toString()); Session.getInstance().getEventBus() .notifyObservers(new UpdateHistoryEvent(new CreateUrlRequest(params, false))); } return true; } /** * Invalidates the current state of the control so the next parameter update will force a refresh. */ public void invalidateState() { currentFilter = null; } /** * Normalizes a start/end index value. * * @param value * String form. * @return Numeric form (null if not present/valid). */ private Integer normalizeIndex(final String value) { if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) { return null; } try { return Integer.valueOf(value); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { return null; } } /** * Reload the panel to a default filter. * * @param filter * The default filter to use after reset. */ public void reload(final String filter) { currentFilter = filter; reload(); } /** * Reload the panel. */ public void reload() { for (Anchor filterLink : filterLinks.values()) { filterLink.removeStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().active()); } if (sortLinks.get(currentFilter) != null) { for (Anchor sortLink : sortLinks.get(currentFilter).values()) { sortLink.removeStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().active()); } if (sortLinks.get(currentFilter).get(currentSortKey) != null) { sortLinks.get(currentFilter).get(currentSortKey) .addStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().active()); } } if (sortPanels.get(currentFilter) != null) { sortContainer.clear(); sortContainer.add(sortPanels.get(currentFilter)); } else { sortContainer.clear(); } filterLinks.get(currentFilter).addStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().active()); refreshData(); } /** * Causes the data for the current filter and sort to be refreshed (via fetching from the model). */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void refreshData() { waitSpinner.setVisible(true); PageableRequest request = requests.get(currentFilter).get(currentSortKey); request.setStartIndex(currentStartIndex); request.setEndIndex(currentEndIndex); fetchers.get(currentFilter).fetch(request, false); } /** * Add a filter w/o a sort. * * @param name * name of the filter. * @param fetchable * the fetchable model. * @param renderer * the renderer. * @param request * the request. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void addSet(final String name, final Fetchable fetchable, final ItemRenderer renderer, final PageableRequest request) { addSet(name, fetchable, renderer, request, ""); } /** * Add a filter w/o a sort. * * @param name * name of the filter. * @param fetchable * the fetchable model. * @param renderer * the renderer. * @param request * the request. * @param sortKey * the sort key. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void addSet(final String name, final Fetchable fetchable, final ItemRenderer renderer, final PageableRequest request, final String sortKey) { if (requests.get(name) == null) { requests.put(name, new HashMap<String, PageableRequest>()); renderers.put(name, renderer); fetchers.put(name, fetchable); Anchor filterLink = new Anchor(name); filterLink.addStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().connectionFilterButton()); filterLink.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { updateStateIfChanged(name, sortKey, null, null, true); } }); filterLinks.put(name, filterLink); filterContainer.add(filterLink); sortLinks.put(name, new HashMap<String, Anchor>()); } requests.get(name).put(sortKey, request); if (!sortKey.equals("")) { if (sortPanels.get(name) == null) { FlowPanel sortPanel = new FlowPanel(); sortPanel.add(new Label("Sort: ")); sortPanels.put(name, sortPanel); } Anchor sortLink = new Anchor(sortKey); sortLink.addStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().connectionFilterButton()); sortLink.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { updateStateIfChanged(name, sortKey, null, null, true); } }); sortPanels.get(name).add(sortLink); sortLinks.get(name).put(sortKey, sortLink); } if (loadedFilters.containsKey(name)) { loadedFilters.get(name).add(sortKey); } else { List sorts = new ArrayList(); sorts.add(sortKey); loadedFilters.put(name, sorts); } // attempt to apply the initial state // This tab may be the one that satisfies the stored initial state. So we try to apply the state; if it doesn't // fit, then nothing happens and the initial state will still be stored for the next tab added. If it worked, // then we clear the initial state. if (storingInitialState) { if (updateStateIfChanged(initialFilter, initialSortKey, initialStartIndex, null, false)) { storingInitialState = false; } } } /** * Updates the request for a given set that has no sort key. * * @param name * The name of the set to update. * @param request * The updated request. */ public void updateSetRequest(final String name, final PageableRequest request) { updateSetRequest(name, request, ""); } /** * Updates the request for a given set. * * @param name * The name of the set to update. * @param request * The updated request. * @param sortKey * The sort key of the set to update. */ public void updateSetRequest(final String name, final PageableRequest request, final String sortKey) { if (requests.get(name) != null) { requests.get(name).remove(sortKey); requests.get(name).put(sortKey, request); } } /** * Render the panel. * * @param <T> * the type of item. * @param items * the items. * @param noItemsMessage * the message to display when nothing is there. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends Serializable> void render(final PagedSet<T> items, final String noItemsMessage) { ItemRenderer render = renderers.get(currentFilter); renderContainer.clear(); if (items.getTotal() > 0) { removeStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().emptyList()); } else { addStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().emptyList()); } pageRenderer.render(renderContainer, render, items, noItemsMessage); bottomPager.setTotal(items.getTotal()); waitSpinner.setVisible(false); } /** * @return The current filter being displayed. */ public String getCurrentFilter() { return currentFilter; } /** * Sets the text displayed on the filter link. * * @param name * The name of the filter. * @param title * The text to display. */ public void setFilterTitle(final String name, final String title) { filterLinks.get(name).setText(title); } }