/* * Copyright 2012 Cedric Hauber * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jboss.errai.mvp.client.googleanalytics; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Document; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.ScriptElement; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window; /** * Default {@link GoogleAnalytics} implementation that uses JSNI to * expose Google Analytics javascript methods. * * @author Christian Goudreau */ public class GoogleAnalyticsImpl implements GoogleAnalytics { @Override public void init(String userAccount) { Element firstScript = Document.get().getElementsByTagName("script").getItem( 0); ScriptElement config = Document.get().createScriptElement( "var _gaq = _gaq || [];_gaq.push(['_setAccount', '" + userAccount + "']);_gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);"); firstScript.getParentNode().insertBefore(config, firstScript); ScriptElement script = Document.get().createScriptElement(); // Add the google analytics script. script.setSrc(("https:".equals(Window.Location.getProtocol()) ? "https://ssl" : "http://www") + ".google-analytics.com/ga.js"); script.setType("text/javascript"); script.setAttribute("async", "true"); firstScript.getParentNode().insertBefore(script, firstScript); } @Override public native void addAccount(String trackerName, String userAccount) /*-{ $wnd._gaq.push([ '" + trackerName + "._setAccount', '" + userAccount + "' ]); }-*/; public native void trackPageview(String pageName) /*-{ if (!pageName.match("^/") == "/") { pageName = "/" + pageName; } $wnd._gaq.push([ '_trackPageview', pageName ]); }-*/; @Override public native void trackPageview() /*-{ $wnd._gaq.push([ '_trackPageview' ]); }-*/; @Override public native void trackPageview(String trackerName, String pageName) /*-{ if (!pageName.match("^/") == "/") { pageName = "/" + pageName; } $wnd._gaq.push([ '" + trackerName + "._trackPageview', pageName ]); }-*/; @Override public native void trackEvent(String category, String action) /*-{ $wnd._gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', category, action ]); }-*/; @Override public native void trackEvent(String category, String action, String optLabel) /*-{ $wnd._gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', category, action, optLabel ]); }-*/; @Override public native void trackEvent(String category, String action, String optLabel, int optValue) /*-{ $wnd._gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', category, action, optLabel, optValue ]); }-*/; @Override public native void trackEvent(String category, String action, String optLabel, int optValue, boolean optNonInteraction) /*-{ $wnd._gaq.push([ '_trackEvent', category, action, optLabel, optValue, optNonInteraction ]); }-*/; @Override public native void trackEventWithTracker(String trackerName, String category, String action) /*-{ $wnd._gaq.push([ '" + trackerName + "._trackEvent', category, action ]); }-*/; @Override public native void trackEventWithTracker(String trackerName, String category, String action, String optLabel) /*-{ $wnd._gaq.push([ '" + trackerName + "._trackEvent', category, action, optLabel ]); }-*/; @Override public native void trackEventWithTracker(String trackerName, String category, String action, String optLabel, int optValue) /*-{ $wnd._gaq.push([ '" + trackerName + "._trackEvent', category, action, optLabel, optValue ]); }-*/; @Override public native void trackEventWithTracker(String trackerName, String category, String action, String optLabel, int optValue, boolean optNonInteraction) /*-{ $wnd._gaq.push([ '" + trackerName + "._trackEvent', category, action, optLabel, optValue, optNonInteraction ]); }-*/; }