package enterpriseapp.ui.crud; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.event.ItemClickEvent.ItemClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSplitPanel; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent; import com.vaadin.ui.DateField; import com.vaadin.ui.DefaultFieldFactory; import com.vaadin.ui.Field; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalSplitPanel; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; import com.vaadin.ui.Panel; import com.vaadin.ui.Table; import com.vaadin.ui.Table.ColumnGenerator; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalSplitPanel; import com.vaadin.ui.Window; import com.vaadin.ui.Window.CloseEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ChameleonTheme; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.Reindeer; import enterpriseapp.EnterpriseApplication; import enterpriseapp.Utils; import enterpriseapp.hibernate.ContainerFactory; import enterpriseapp.hibernate.DefaultHbnContainer; import enterpriseapp.hibernate.dto.Dto; import enterpriseapp.ui.Constants; /** * Full CRUD Vaadin component for Entity classes. * You can instanciate directly or use CrudBuilder. * * @author Alejandro Duarte * * @param <T> Entity type. */ public class CrudComponent<T extends Dto> extends CustomComponent { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CrudComponent.class); protected final Class<T> type; protected CrudTable<T> table; protected CrudForm<T> form; protected Container container; protected VerticalLayout filterLayout; protected CrudListener<T> listener; protected boolean isHbnContainer; protected VerticalLayout tableLayout; protected VerticalLayout formLayout; protected HorizontalLayout navigatorLayout; protected AbstractSplitPanel split; protected int filterLayoutRows; /** * Creates a new instance using a default configuration. * @param type Entity type. */ public CrudComponent(Class<T> type) { this(type, null, null, null, null, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, 0); } /** * Creates a new instance using the specified DefaultFieldFactory. * @param type Entity type. * @param fieldFactory DefaultFieldFactory to use. */ public CrudComponent(Class<T> type, DefaultFieldFactory fieldFactory) { this(type, null, fieldFactory, null, null, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, 0); } /** * Creates a new instance using the specified Container. * @param type Entity type. * @param container Container to use. */ public CrudComponent(Class<T> type, Container container) { this(type, container, null, null, null, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, 0); } /** * Creates a new instance using the specified DefaultFieldFactory and Container. * @param type Entity type. * @param fieldFactory DefaultFieldFactory to use. * @param container Container to use. */ public CrudComponent(Class<T> type, DefaultFieldFactory fieldFactory, Container container) { this(type, container, fieldFactory, null, null, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, 0); } /** * Creates a new instance using the specified DefaultFieldFactory and vertical layout configuration. * @param type Entity type. * @param fieldFactory FieldFactory to use. * @param verticalLayout true to use a vertical split (table top, form below), false to use horizontal * split (table on the left, form on the right). */ public CrudComponent(Class<T> type, DefaultFieldFactory fieldFactory, boolean verticalLayout) { this(type, null, fieldFactory, null, null, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, verticalLayout, 0); } /** * Creates a new instance specifying full creation options. * @param type Entity type. * @param container Container to use. * @param fieldFactory DefaultFieldFactory to use. * @param crudTable CrudTable to use. * @param crudForm CrudForm to use. * @param showForm Show or hide form. * @param showTable Show or hide table. * @param showNewButton Show or hide new button. * @param showUpdateButton Show or hide update button. * @param showDeleteButton Show or hide delete button. * @param editableTable * Make the CRUD table editable/no editable. If you want to make the table editable, it's very likely that you will need * to use a custom Container or a custom CrudTable / EntityTable. Just making the table editable, normally won't allow * you to add new entities to a DefaultHbnContainer unless all of your entity's fields are nullable. * @param showTableButtons Show or hide table buttons (when using an editable table). * @param verticalLayout Use vertical / horizontal split layout. * @param filtersPerRow Number of filters to show per row in the layout. */ public CrudComponent( Class<T> type, Container container, DefaultFieldFactory fieldFactory, CrudTable<T> crudTable, CrudForm<T> crudForm, boolean showForm, boolean showTable, boolean showNewButton, boolean showUpdateButton, boolean showDeleteButton, boolean editableTable, boolean showTableButtons, boolean verticalLayout, int filtersPerRow ) { this.type = type; this.filterLayoutRows = filtersPerRow; if(container == null) { container = ContainerFactory.getInstance().getContainer(type); } this.container = container; isHbnContainer = container instanceof DefaultHbnContainer; filterLayout = new VerticalLayout(); if(fieldFactory == null) { fieldFactory = new DefaultCrudFieldFactory(); } if(crudTable == null) { table = new CrudTable<T>(type, container, fieldFactory); } else { table = crudTable; } if(crudForm == null) { form = new CrudForm<T>(type, fieldFactory); } else { form = crudForm; } listener = new CrudListener<T>(this); table.addListener((ValueChangeListener) listener); table.addListener((ItemClickListener) listener); table.addActionHandler(listener); form.newButton.addListener((ClickListener) listener); form.updateButton.addListener((ClickListener) listener); form.deleteButton.addListener((ClickListener) listener); form.saveButton.addListener((ClickListener) listener); form.cancelButton.addListener((ClickListener) listener); form.firstButton.addListener((ClickListener) listener); form.previousButton.addListener((ClickListener) listener); form.nextButton.addListener((ClickListener) listener); form.lastButton.addListener((ClickListener) listener); table.newButton.addListener((ClickListener) listener); table.deleteButton.addListener((ClickListener) listener); initLayout(showForm, showTable, showNewButton, showUpdateButton, showDeleteButton, editableTable, showTableButtons, verticalLayout); } protected void initLayout(boolean showForm, boolean showTable, boolean showNewButton, boolean showUpdateButton, boolean showDeleteButton, boolean editableTable, boolean showTableButtons, boolean verticalLayout) { table.setEditable(editableTable); form.setSizeFull(); if(!showNewButton) { form.hideNewButton(); } if(!showUpdateButton) { form.hideUpdateButton(); } if(!showDeleteButton) { form.hideDeleteButton(); } VerticalLayout formLayout = new VerticalLayout(); formLayout.setMargin(true); formLayout.addComponent(form); Panel formPanel = new Panel(); formPanel.setContent(formLayout); formPanel.setStyleName(Reindeer.LAYOUT_BLUE); form.firstButton.setStyleName(Reindeer.BUTTON_SMALL); form.previousButton.setStyleName(Reindeer.BUTTON_SMALL); form.nextButton.setStyleName(Reindeer.BUTTON_SMALL); form.lastButton.setStyleName(Reindeer.BUTTON_SMALL); navigatorLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); navigatorLayout.addComponent(form.firstButton); navigatorLayout.addComponent(form.previousButton); navigatorLayout.addComponent(form.nextButton); navigatorLayout.addComponent(form.lastButton); formLayout = new VerticalLayout(); formLayout.setMargin(true); formLayout.addComponent(navigatorLayout); formLayout.addComponent(formPanel); filterLayout.setWidth("100%"); tableLayout = new VerticalLayout(); tableLayout.setSizeFull(); if(showForm) { if(showTable) { if(verticalLayout) { split = new VerticalSplitPanel(); split.setSplitPosition(60); } else { split = new HorizontalSplitPanel(); split.setSplitPosition(66); } setCompositionRoot(split); split.setFirstComponent(tableLayout); split.setSecondComponent(formLayout); } else { setCompositionRoot(formPanel); } } else { if(showTableButtons) { HorizontalLayout buttons = new HorizontalLayout(); buttons.setStyleName(Reindeer.BUTTON_SMALL); if(showNewButton) { buttons.addComponent(table.newButton); } if(showDeleteButton) { buttons.addComponent(table.deleteButton); } tableLayout.addComponent(buttons); } setCompositionRoot(tableLayout); } tableLayout.addComponent(table); tableLayout.setExpandRatio(table, 1); tableLayout.setMargin(true); configureTableColumns(); if(isHbnContainer) { tableLayout.addComponent(filterLayout); if(filterLayoutRows > 1) { filterLayout.setVisible(false); Button toggleFilterButton = new Button(Constants.uiShowFilter); toggleFilterButton.setStyleName(ChameleonTheme.BUTTON_LINK); toggleFilterButton.addListener(new ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { filterLayout.setVisible(!filterLayout.isVisible()); event.getButton().setCaption(filterLayout.isVisible() ? Constants.uiHideFilter : Constants.uiShowFilter); } }); tableLayout.addComponent(toggleFilterButton); tableLayout.setComponentAlignment(toggleFilterButton, Alignment.TOP_RIGHT); } } } /** * Shows the user the total amount of entityes in the container. */ public void showCount() {"" + table.getContainerDataSource().size() + " " + Constants.uiMatchesFound); } /** * Removes the speciyied BeanItem from the container. * @param item */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void remove(BeanItem<T> item) { if(item != null) { getContainer().removeItem(item.getItemProperty("id").getValue()); form.setItemDataSource(null); } else if(table.getValue() != null) { Set<T> set = (Set<T>) table.getValue(); if(!set.isEmpty()) { for(Object id: set) { table.removeFields(table.getItem(id)); getContainer().removeItem(id); } } } table.updateTable(); } /** * Saves (if doesn't exists) or updates (if exists) the specified entity. * @param dto Dto to save or update. */ public void saveOrUpdate(T dto) { getContainer().addItem(dto); table.updateTable(); HashSet<Object> set = new HashSet<Object>(); set.add(((Dto) dto).getId()); table.setValue(set); } /** * Sets up the visible table columns. */ public void configureTableColumns() { generateIdColumn(); table.setColumnWidth("id", getIdColumnWidth()); ArrayList<Object> visibleColumns = getTableVisibleColumns(); int currentFilter = 0; int currentRow = 0; int filtersPerRow; if(filterLayoutRows == 0) { filterLayoutRows = (int) Math.ceil((double) visibleColumns.size() / 10.0); } filtersPerRow = (int) Math.ceil((double) visibleColumns.size() / filterLayoutRows); for(Object column : visibleColumns) { addFilter(column, currentRow); currentFilter++; if(currentFilter >= filtersPerRow) { currentRow++; currentFilter = 0; } } table.setVisibleColumns(visibleColumns.toArray()); } /** * Generates the ID column */ protected void generateIdColumn() { table.addGeneratedColumn("id", new ColumnGenerator() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Component generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { Label label = new Label(itemId.toString()); return label; } }); } /** * @return visible table columns accordingly to the CRUD configuration. */ public ArrayList<Object> getTableVisibleColumns() { Object[] allColumns = Utils.getVisibleTableProperties(type); if(allColumns == null) { allColumns = table.getVisibleColumns(); } ArrayList<Object> visibleColumns = new ArrayList<Object>(); for(Object column : allColumns) { if(table.isVisibleColumn(column)) { visibleColumns.add(column); } } return visibleColumns; } /** * @return visible form fields accordingly to the CRUD configuration. */ public ArrayList<Object> getFormVisibleFields() { Object[] allFields = Utils.getVisibleFormProperties(type); if(allFields == null) { allFields = container.getContainerPropertyIds().toArray(); } ArrayList<Object> visibleFields = new ArrayList<Object>(); for(Object c : allFields) { if(!c.equals("id") || !form.isAutogeneratedId()) { visibleFields.add(c); } } return visibleFields; } /** * Override this to provide a custom "id" table column width. * @return the width of the "id" table column. */ public int getIdColumnWidth() { return -1; } /** * Adds a new filter to the CRUD. * @param column column to add the filter for. * @param row filter layout row to add the filter fields in. */ public void addFilter(final Object column, int row) { VerticalLayout fieldFilterLayout = new VerticalLayout(); HorizontalLayout fieldsLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); HorizontalLayout optionsLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); final TextField tf = new TextField(); final TextField tf2 = new TextField(); final CheckBox caseSensitiveCheckBox = new CheckBox(Constants.uiCaseSensitive, false); final CheckBox onlyMatchPrefixCheckBox = new CheckBox(Constants.uiOnlyMatchPrefix, false); caseSensitiveCheckBox.setImmediate(true); onlyMatchPrefixCheckBox.setImmediate(true); caseSensitiveCheckBox.setTabIndex(-1); onlyMatchPrefixCheckBox.setTabIndex(-1); String prompt = table.getColumnHeader(column); tf.setInputPrompt(prompt.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + prompt.substring(1, prompt.length())); tf.setWidth("100%"); tf.setImmediate(true); tf.setNullRepresentation(""); tf.setValue(""); fieldsLayout.addComponent(tf); fieldsLayout.setWidth("100%"); fieldFilterLayout.addComponent(fieldsLayout); fieldFilterLayout.addComponent(optionsLayout); fieldFilterLayout.setWidth("100%"); HorizontalLayout horizontalLayout = null; if(row < filterLayout.getComponentCount()) { horizontalLayout = (HorizontalLayout) filterLayout.getComponent(row); } if(horizontalLayout == null) { horizontalLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); horizontalLayout.setWidth("100%"); filterLayout.addComponent(horizontalLayout); } horizontalLayout.addComponent(fieldFilterLayout); horizontalLayout.setExpandRatio(fieldFilterLayout, 1); ValueChangeListener valueChangeListener = new Property.ValueChangeListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { filter(column, tf, tf2, caseSensitiveCheckBox, onlyMatchPrefixCheckBox); } }; Class<?> columnType = table.getContainerDataSource().getType(column); if(columnType.equals(Date.class)) { tf.setInputPrompt(table.getColumnHeader(column) + " (" + Constants.uiStarting + ")"); tf2.setInputPrompt(table.getColumnHeader(column) + " (" + Constants.uiEnding + ")"); tf2.setWidth("100%"); tf2.setImmediate(true); tf2.setNullRepresentation(""); tf2.setValue(null); fieldsLayout.addComponent(tf2); fieldsLayout.setExpandRatio(tf, 1f); fieldsLayout.setExpandRatio(tf2, 1f); tf2.addListener(valueChangeListener); } else if(String.class.isAssignableFrom(columnType) || Dto.class.isAssignableFrom(columnType)) { optionsLayout.addComponent(caseSensitiveCheckBox); optionsLayout.addComponent(onlyMatchPrefixCheckBox); optionsLayout.setSizeUndefined(); } tf.addListener(valueChangeListener); caseSensitiveCheckBox.addListener(valueChangeListener); onlyMatchPrefixCheckBox.addListener(valueChangeListener); } /** * Performs filtering. * @param column Column to be filtered * @param tf first TextField in the filter * @param tf2 second TextField in the filter (for dates) * @param caseSensitiveCheckBox * @param onlyMatchPrefixCheckBox */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void filter(Object column, TextField tf, TextField tf2, CheckBox caseSensitiveCheckBox, CheckBox onlyMatchPrefixCheckBox) { DefaultHbnContainer<T> container = ((DefaultHbnContainer<T>) table.getContainerDataSource()); container.removeContainerFilters(column); if(tf != null && tf.toString() != null && !tf.toString().isEmpty() && !tf.toString().equals(column.toString())) { boolean ignoreCase = ! (Boolean) caseSensitiveCheckBox.getValue(); boolean onlyMatchPrefix = (Boolean) onlyMatchPrefixCheckBox.getValue(); container.addContainerFilter(column, tf.getValue().toString(), tf2.getValue() == null ? "" : tf2.getValue().toString(), ignoreCase, onlyMatchPrefix); } showCount(); } /** * Creates and shows the ImportFromClipboardWindow. */ public void showImportFromClipboardWindow() { final ImportFromClipboardWindow importWindow = new ImportFromClipboardWindow(type.getSimpleName(), getImportPropertiesLabel(type.getSimpleName())); importWindow.setModal(true); EnterpriseApplication.getInstance().getMainWindow().addWindow(importWindow); importWindow.addListener(new Window.CloseListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void windowClose(CloseEvent e) { importFromClipboard(importWindow.getClipboardContent(), true); } }); } /** * Exports shown tabla data to Excel. */ public void exportToExcel() { CrudExcelExport excelExport = new CrudExcelExport(table); excelExport.excludeCollapsedColumns(); excelExport.setDisplayTotals(false); excelExport.setReportTitle(type.getSimpleName()); excelExport.setExportFileName(type.getSimpleName().toLowerCase() + "-" + Utils.getCurrentTimeAndDate()); excelExport.export(); } /** * Override this to provide your custom available import properties. * @return the properties which the user can specify when importing data. */ public List<Object> getImportProperties() { return getFormVisibleFields(); } /** * Override this to provide your custom available import properties list. * @return the properties which the user can specify when importing data. */ public int getShownImportPropertiesCount(String typeName) { return getImportPropertiesLabel(typeName).split(",").length; } /** * Override this to provide your custom label with the available import properties. * @return the help string which will to show in the ImportFromClipboardWindow. */ public String getImportPropertiesLabel(String typeName) { ArrayList<Object> formVisibleFields = getFormVisibleFields(); String columnsString = ""; listener.formNewButtonClicked(); for(Object property : formVisibleFields) { Field field = form.getField(property); if(EntityTable.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getClass())) { EntityTable<?> entityTable = (EntityTable<?>) field; List<Object> entityTableImportProperties = entityTable.getCrudComponent().getImportProperties(); String tableEntityTypeName = entityTable.getType().getSimpleName(); for(Object p : entityTableImportProperties) { columnsString += Utils.getPropertyLabel(tableEntityTypeName, p) + ", "; } } else { columnsString += Utils.getPropertyLabel(typeName, property) + ", "; } } listener.cancelButtonClicked(); return columnsString.substring(0, columnsString.length() - 2); } /** * Override this to provide your custom values to import. * @param property Property to get the value for. * @param field Corresponding form field. * @param stringValue Value introduced by the user. * @param lineNumber Line number being imported. * @param line Line being imported. * @return Value to import. */ public Object getValueToImport(Object property, Field field, String stringValue, int lineNumber, String line) { Object value = null; try { if(field instanceof DateField) { value = Utils.stringToDate(stringValue); } else if(EntityField.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getClass())) { EntityField entityField = (EntityField) field; value = entityField.getType().newInstance(); if(stringValue != null && !stringValue.isEmpty()) { Class<?> idType = entityField.getType().getDeclaredField("id").getType(); if(Long.class.isAssignableFrom(idType)) { entityField.getType().getDeclaredMethod("setId", Object.class).invoke(value, Long.parseLong(stringValue)); } else { entityField.getType().getDeclaredMethod("setId", Object.class).invoke(value, stringValue); } } } else if(field.getClass().isAssignableFrom(EntitySetField.class)) { EntitySetField entitySetField = (EntitySetField) field; Object entity = entitySetField.getType().newInstance(); if(stringValue != null && !stringValue.isEmpty()) { Class<?> idType = entitySetField.getType().getDeclaredField("id").getType(); if(Long.class.isAssignableFrom(idType)) { entitySetField.getType().getDeclaredMethod("setId", Object.class).invoke(entity, Long.parseLong(stringValue)); } else { entitySetField.getType().getDeclaredMethod("setId", Object.class).invoke(entity, stringValue); } HashSet<Object> set = new HashSet<Object>(); set.add(entity); value = set; } } else if(Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getPropertyDataSource().getType())) { if(stringValue != null) { stringValue = Utils.toAscii(stringValue.toLowerCase()); if(stringValue.equals(Utils.toAscii(Constants.uiYes.toLowerCase())) || stringValue.equals("1") || stringValue.equals("true")) { value = true; } else if(stringValue.equals(Constants.uiNo.toLowerCase()) || stringValue.equals("0") || stringValue.equals("false")) { value = false; } } } else { Constructor<?> constructor = field.getPropertyDataSource().getType().getConstructor(String.class); value = constructor.newInstance(stringValue); } } catch(Exception e) { logger.error("Error getting value to import." , e); value = stringValue; } return value; } /** * Imports data from string. * @param clipboardContent One register per line. Tab delimited values for properties. */ public void importFromClipboard(String clipboardContent, boolean showNotification) { if(clipboardContent == null || clipboardContent.isEmpty() || table.isReadOnly()) { return; } int shownImportPropertiesCount = getShownImportPropertiesCount(type.getSimpleName()); List<Object> properties = getImportProperties(); int lineNumber = 0; for(String line : clipboardContent.split("\n")) { try { line = line.trim(); lineNumber++; if(line != null && !line.isEmpty()) { String[] values = line.split("\t"); if(values.length != shownImportPropertiesCount) {, Constants.uiImportFailedWrongColumnCount + " " + lineNumber + " (" + line + ").", Notification.TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } listener.formNewButtonClicked(); int iValue = 0; for(Object property : properties) { Field field = form.getField(property); if(EntityTable.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getClass())) { EntityTable<?> entityTable = (EntityTable<?>) field; List<Object> entityTableImportProperties = entityTable.getCrudComponent().getImportProperties(); String entityTableClipBoardTable = ""; for(int i = 0; i < entityTableImportProperties.size(); i++) { entityTableClipBoardTable += values[iValue] + "\t"; iValue++; } entityTable.getCrudComponent().importFromClipboard(entityTableClipBoardTable, false); } else { String stringValue = values[iValue].trim(); if(!stringValue.isEmpty()) { field.setValue(getValueToImport(property, field, stringValue, lineNumber, line)); } iValue++; } } form.validate(); if(!listener.formSaveButtonClicked(false)) { throw new InvalidValueException(form.getErrorMessage().toString()); } listener.cancelButtonClicked(); } } catch (InvalidValueException e) {, Constants.uiImportFailed + " " + lineNumber + " (" + line + ")" + (e.getMessage() == null ? "." : ": " + e.getMessage()), Notification.TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error processing value to import." , e);, Constants.uiImportFailed + " " + lineNumber + " (" + line + ").", Notification.TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } } if(showNotification) {; } } /** * @return the container used by the CrudComponent. */ public Container getContainer() { return container; } /** * Returns a new Container instance, using the ContainerFactory. * @return a new instance of the container. */ public Container getNewInstanceOfContainer() { if(isHbnContainer) { return ContainerFactory.getInstance().getContainer(type); } return container; } /** * @return CrudTable being used. */ public CrudTable<T> getTable() { return table; } /** * @return CrudForm being used. */ public CrudForm<T> getForm() { return form; } /** * @return Layout where the table has been added. */ public VerticalLayout getTableLayout() { return tableLayout; } /** * @return Layout where the form has been added. */ public VerticalLayout getFormLayout() { return formLayout; } /** * @return CRUD split panel. */ public AbstractSplitPanel getSplit() { return split; } public Class<T> getType() { return type; } }