/* * Encog(tm) Workbench v3.4 * http://www.heatonresearch.com/encog/ * https://github.com/encog/encog-java-workbench * * Copyright 2008-2016 Heaton Research, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * For more information on Heaton Research copyrights, licenses * and trademarks visit: * http://www.heatonresearch.com/copyright */ package org.encog.workbench.dialogs.createnetwork; import java.awt.Frame; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import org.encog.ml.svm.KernelType; import org.encog.ml.svm.SVMType; import org.encog.workbench.dialogs.common.ComboBoxField; import org.encog.workbench.dialogs.common.EncogPropertiesDialog; import org.encog.workbench.dialogs.common.IntegerField; public class CreateSVMDialog extends EncogPropertiesDialog { private final IntegerField inputCount; private final IntegerField outputCount; private final List<String> svmTypeNames; private final List<String> kernelTypeNames; private final ComboBoxField svmType; private final ComboBoxField kernelType; public CreateSVMDialog(Frame owner) { super(owner); svmTypeNames = new ArrayList<String>(); kernelTypeNames = new ArrayList<String>(); svmTypeNames.add("Support Vector (Classification)"); svmTypeNames.add("New Support Vector (Classification)"); svmTypeNames.add("Support Vector (One Class)"); svmTypeNames.add("Epsilon Support Vector (Regression)"); svmTypeNames.add("New Support Vector (Regression)"); kernelTypeNames.add("Linear"); kernelTypeNames.add("Poly"); kernelTypeNames.add("RadialBasisFunction"); kernelTypeNames.add("Sigmoid"); kernelTypeNames.add("Precomputed"); setTitle("Create SVM Network"); setSize(400, 400); setLocation(200, 200); addProperty(this.inputCount = new IntegerField("input-count", "Input Count", true, 1, 100000)); addProperty(this.outputCount = new IntegerField("output-count", "Output Count", true, 1, 100000)); addProperty(this.svmType = new ComboBoxField("SVM type", "SVM Type", true, svmTypeNames)); addProperty(this.kernelType = new ComboBoxField("Kernel type", "Kernel Type", true, kernelTypeNames)); render(); } public IntegerField getInputCount() { return inputCount; } public IntegerField getOutputCount() { return outputCount; } public SVMType getSVMType() { switch (((JComboBox) this.svmType.getField()).getSelectedIndex()) { case 0: return SVMType.SupportVectorClassification; case 1: return SVMType.NewSupportVectorClassification; case 2: return SVMType.SupportVectorOneClass; case 3: return SVMType.EpsilonSupportVectorRegression; case 4: return SVMType.NewSupportVectorRegression; default: return null; } } public void setSVMType(SVMType type) { JComboBox combo = (JComboBox) this.svmType.getField(); switch (type) { case SupportVectorClassification: combo.setSelectedIndex(0); break; case NewSupportVectorClassification: combo.setSelectedIndex(1); break; case SupportVectorOneClass: combo.setSelectedIndex(2); break; case EpsilonSupportVectorRegression: combo.setSelectedIndex(3); break; case NewSupportVectorRegression: combo.setSelectedIndex(4); break; } } public KernelType getKernelType() { switch (((JComboBox) this.kernelType.getField()).getSelectedIndex()) { case 0: return KernelType.Linear; case 1: return KernelType.Poly; case 2: return KernelType.RadialBasisFunction; case 3: return KernelType.Sigmoid; case 4: return KernelType.Precomputed; default: return null; } } public void setKernelType(KernelType type) { JComboBox combo = (JComboBox) this.kernelType.getField(); switch (type) { case Linear: combo.setSelectedIndex(0); break; case Poly: combo.setSelectedIndex(1); break; case RadialBasisFunction: combo.setSelectedIndex(2); break; case Sigmoid: combo.setSelectedIndex(3); break; case Precomputed: combo.setSelectedIndex(4); break; } } }