package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification; import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.AdapterImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; /** * This adapter is supposed to be installed on a {@link Comparison}'s {@link ResourceSet}s and their * {@link Resource}s to react to content changes. Participants can then react to such changes to jointly * decide whether a resource must be marked for deletion. The same instance of adapter should be used for all * the resources of a comparison's {@link ResourceSet}s. EMFCompare installs such an adapter on the comparison * to make it easy to retrieve. * * @author <a href="">Laurent Delaigue</a> */ public class ResourceChangeAdapter extends AdapterImpl { /** The comparison. */ private final Comparison comparison; /** The compaison scope. */ private final IComparisonScope scope; /** * Set of resources to delete on save. These are the resources that are marked for deletion and which will * be deleted when the comparison will be saved. */ private final Set<Resource> resourcesToDelete; /** * Set of added resources. Those are the resources that have been added in a ResourceSet (left or right) * by a merge operation, before the comparison has been saved. */ private final Set<Resource> addedResources; /** The participants to consult when a content change occurs. */ private final List<IResourceChangeParticipant> participants; /** * Constructor. * * @param comparison * The comparison, cannot be <code>null</code>. * @param scope * The scope, cannot be <code>null</code>. Moreover, the left and right notifiers of the scope * must be {@link ResourceSet}s. */ public ResourceChangeAdapter(Comparison comparison, IComparisonScope scope) { this.comparison = checkNotNull(comparison); this.scope = checkNotNull(scope); checkArgument(scope.getLeft() instanceof ResourceSet); checkArgument(scope.getRight() instanceof ResourceSet); resourcesToDelete = newLinkedHashSet(); addedResources = newLinkedHashSet(); participants = newArrayList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void notifyChanged(Notification msg) { if (!msg.isTouch()) { if (msg.getNotifier() instanceof Resource && msg.getFeatureID(Resource.class) == Resource.RESOURCE__CONTENTS) { Resource resource = (Resource)msg.getNotifier(); resourceContentsChanged(resource, msg); } else if (msg.getNotifier() instanceof ResourceSet && msg.getFeatureID(ResourceSet.class) == ResourceSet.RESOURCE_SET__RESOURCES) { switch (msg.getEventType()) { case Notification.ADD: resourceAdded((Resource)msg.getNewValue()); break; case Notification.ADD_MANY: for (Resource r : (List<Resource>)msg.getNewValue()) { resourceAdded(r); } break; default: } } } } @Override public boolean isAdapterForType(Object type) { return type == ResourceChangeAdapter.class; } /** * Register the given participant. * * @param participant * The participant, must not be <code>null</code> */ public void addParticipant(IResourceChangeParticipant participant) { participants.add(checkNotNull(participant)); } /** * Unregister the given participant, has no action if the participant was not previously registered. * * @param participant * The participant to unregister */ public void removeParticipant(IResourceChangeParticipant participant) { participants.remove(participant); } /** * Indicate whether a given Resource needs to be deleted. * * @param r * The resource * @return <code>true</code> if the given resource has been marked for deletion. */ public boolean mustDelete(Resource r) { return resourcesToDelete.contains(r); } /** * Callback invoked when a resource has just been added to a resource set. By default, it walks over the * interested participants and creates all the associated resources that these participants declare as * associated to the given resource. * * @param resource * The newly added resource */ protected void resourceAdded(Resource resource) { addedResources.add(resource); if (EcoreUtil.getAdapter(resource.eAdapters(), ResourceChangeAdapter.class) == null) { resource.eAdapters().add(this); } for (IResourceChangeParticipant participant : filter(participants, interestedIn(resource))) { for (URI relatedURI : participant.associatedResourceURIs(resource)) { if (resource.getResourceSet().getResource(relatedURI, false) == null && getResourceSetOnOtherSide(resource).getResource(relatedURI, false) != null) { resource.getResourceSet().createResource(relatedURI); } } } } /** * Get the resource set on the other side of the given resource. * * @param r * The resource, which must be either on the left or on the right of the comparison. * @return The ResourceSet on the other side, never <code>null</code>. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * If the given resource is neither on the left nor on the right. */ protected ResourceSet getResourceSetOnOtherSide(Resource r) { ResourceSet resourceSet = r.getResourceSet(); if (scope.getLeft() == resourceSet) { return (ResourceSet)scope.getRight(); } else if (scope.getRight() == resourceSet) { return (ResourceSet)scope.getLeft(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given resource is neither on the left nor on the right"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * React to a Resource contents change to determine if this change involves the deletion of one or several * resources. A Resource must be deleted if: * <ol> * <li>Their contents is <code>null</code> or empty;</li> * <li>It is not matched on the other side of the comparison;</li> * <li>Every participant is OK to delete it.</li> * </ol> * Otherwise, it must not be deleted. When a resource is detected as 'to be deleted', all interested * participants are asked for associated resources to delete along with it, and all these resources are * marked for deletion without any further test. When a resource is detected as 'not to be deleted', and * it had previously been marked for deletion (in the case of an undo for instance), then all interested * participants are asked for associated resources which are all marked as 'not te be deleted'. * * @param resource * The resource the contents of which have changed * @param msg * The notification of the change */ protected void resourceContentsChanged(Resource resource, Notification msg) { if (resource.getContents() == null || resource.getContents().isEmpty()) { if (isEmptyAndMissingOnOtherSide(resource)) { Iterable<IResourceChangeParticipant> interestedParticipants = filter(participants, interestedIn(resource)); if (all(interestedParticipants, acceptDelete(resource))) { resourcesToDelete.add(resource); for (IResourceChangeParticipant participant : interestedParticipants) { for (URI relatedURI : participant.associatedResourceURIs(resource)) { Resource related = resource.getResourceSet().getResource(relatedURI, false); if (related != null) { resourcesToDelete.add(related); } } } } } } else { if (resourcesToDelete.remove(resource)) { Iterable<IResourceChangeParticipant> interestedParticipants = filter(participants, interestedIn(resource)); for (IResourceChangeParticipant participant : interestedParticipants) { for (URI relatedURI : participant.associatedResourceURIs(resource)) { Resource related = resource.getResourceSet().getResource(relatedURI, false); if (related != null) { resourcesToDelete.remove(related); } } } } } } /** * Indicate whether a resource is empty and is only on its side of the comparison (i.e. if it should be * deleted unless a special restriction prevents it). * * @param resource * The resource * @return <code>true</code> if the resource is empty and is not matched on the other side of the * comparison. */ public boolean isEmptyAndMissingOnOtherSide(Resource resource) { if (resource.getContents().isEmpty()) { ResourceMatch match = getResourceMatch(resource); if (addedResources.contains(resource) || (match != null && match.isMissingOnOtherSide())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the MatchResource corresponding to the given <code>resource</code>. * * @param resource * Resource for which we need a MatchResource. * @return The MatchResource corresponding to the given <code>resource</code>, <code>null</code> if the * resource is not in any side of this comparison (package, profiles, ...). */ protected ResourceMatch getResourceMatch(Resource resource) { for (MatchResource matchRes : comparison.getMatchedResources()) { if (matchRes.getLeft() == resource) { return new ResourceMatch(matchRes, LEFT); } else if (matchRes.getRight() == resource) { return new ResourceMatch(matchRes, RIGHT); } } return null; } /** * A predicate for participants interested in a given resource. * * @param r * The resource * @return A predicate that returns <code>true</code> for participants interested in the given resource. */ private Predicate<IResourceChangeParticipant> interestedIn(final Resource r) { return new Predicate<IResourceChangeParticipant>() { public boolean apply(IResourceChangeParticipant input) { return input.interestedIn(r); } }; } /** * A predicate for participants that accept the delete of a given resource. * * @param r * The resource * @return A predicate that returns <code>true</code> for participants that accept the delete of the * resource. */ private Predicate<IResourceChangeParticipant> acceptDelete(final Resource r) { return new Predicate<IResourceChangeParticipant>() { public boolean apply(IResourceChangeParticipant input) { return input.acceptDelete(r); } }; } /** * The match of a given Resource on a given side. * * @author <a href="">Laurent Delaigue</a> */ private static final class ResourceMatch { /** The Matchresource. */ private final MatchResource matchResource; /** The side. */ private final DifferenceSource side; /** * Constructor. * * @param matchResource * The MatchResource, not <code>null</code> * @param side * The side, not <code>null</code> */ private ResourceMatch(MatchResource matchResource, DifferenceSource side) { this.matchResource = checkNotNull(matchResource); this.side = checkNotNull(side); } /** * Indicate whether the resource is missing on the other side. * * @return <code>true</code> if the matched resource not matched on the other side. */ public boolean isMissingOnOtherSide() { switch (side) { case LEFT: return matchResource.getRight() == null; case RIGHT: return matchResource.getLeft() == null; default: } throw new IllegalStateException(); } } /** * A participant in a Resource content change, useful to indicate whether an empty resource must actually * be deleted or not, and which other resources need to be deleted/undeleted along. * * @author <a href="">Laurent Delaigue</a> */ public interface IResourceChangeParticipant { /** * Whether the participant is interested in the given resource. * * @param r * The resource * @return <code>true</code> if the participant is interested in (relevant for) the given resource. */ boolean interestedIn(Resource r); /** * Whether the participant accepts the delete of the given resource. * * @param r * The resource * @return <code>true</code> if the participant is OK to delete the resource, <code>false</code> * otherwise, which will block the deletion. */ boolean acceptDelete(Resource r); /** * Provide the resources to (un)delete along with the given resource. This allows tools that want to * atomically create/delete several resources at a time (for example, one sematin + one graphical * resource) to deal with this atomicity. * * @param r * The resource to (un)delete * @return A collection of associated resources URI, must never be <code>null</code> but can be empty. */ Collection<URI> associatedResourceURIs(Resource r); } }