package de.uni_luebeck.inb.krabbenhoeft.eQTL.client.scroller; import; import; import de.uni_luebeck.inb.krabbenhoeft.eQTL.client.AutoRetry; import de.uni_luebeck.inb.krabbenhoeft.eQTL.client.ClientMainWindow; import de.uni_luebeck.inb.krabbenhoeft.eQTL.client.scroller.RegisterForAutomation.HasObjectAutomationHandlers; public abstract class GenomeDisplayTrack<T> implements HasObjectAutomationHandlers{ private final String label; private final int maxBpPerPixel; public String chromosome = "1"; int bottomYCacheForScroller; // DO NOT MODIFY !! GenomeDisplayScroller owner; // DO NOT MODIFY !! boolean transpose; String autoId; public static class Block<T> { public int bottomY; public String html; public T[] data; }; public GenomeDisplayTrack(String label, int maxBpPerPixel) { super(); this.label = label; this.maxBpPerPixel = maxBpPerPixel; } public abstract void fetchData(String chromosome, long fromBP, long toBP, AsyncCallback<T[]> callback); public Block<T> renderBlock512px(final long fromBP, long bpPerPixel, int topY, Block<T> b) { if (bpPerPixel >= maxBpPerPixel) { Block<T> block = new Block<T>(); block.html = genBox("zoomInToView", 0, topY, 512, 15, "position: absolute; overflow: visile; font-size: 9px; ", "", "zoom in to view " + label); block.bottomY = topY + 15; = null; return block; } final long toBP = fromBP + 512 * bpPerPixel; if (b == null) { // no cache yet, so initiate download b = new Block<T>(); final Block<T> setme = b; new AutoRetry<T[]>() { public void success(T[] result) { = result; owner.scheduleUpdate(); } public void invoke(AsyncCallback<T[]> callback) { fetchData(chromosome, fromBP, toBP, callback); } }.run(); } if ( == null) { // no data? return b with html = null to notify scroller if (b.html != null) { b.html = genBox("networkFailure", 0, topY, 512, 20, "position: absolute;", "", "network failure"); b.bottomY = topY + 20; } return b; } renderBlockInternal(topY, fromBP, toBP, bpPerPixel, b); return b; } protected abstract void renderBlockInternal(int topY, long fromBP, long toBP, long bpPerPixel, Block<T> b); // this will also be called on startup protected void changedChromosome() { }; protected String genAutomation(long fromBP, int i) { final String click = "onclick=\"" + autoId + ".click('" + fromBP + "'," + i + ");\" "; final String over = "onmouseover=\"" + autoId + ".over('" + fromBP + "'," + i + ");\" "; final String out = "onmouseout=\"" + autoId + ".out('" + fromBP + "'," + i + ");\""; return click + over + out; } protected String genBox(String styleClas, int x, int y, int w, int h, String styleAdd, String auto, String displayLabel) { return genBox(styleClas, x, y, w, h, h, styleAdd, auto, displayLabel); } protected String genBox(String styleClas, int x, int y, int w, int h, int realH, String styleAdd, String auto, String displayLabel) { final String style; if (transpose) style = "-webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); -moz-transform: rotate(90deg); -moz-transform-origin: left bottom; -webkit-transform-origin: left bottom;" + styleAdd + " left: " + y + "px; top: " + (x - realH) + "px; width: " + w + "px; height: " + h + "px;"; else style = styleAdd + " left: " + x + "px; top: " + y + "px; width: " + w + "px; height: " + h + "px;"; return "<div class=\"" + styleClas + "\" style=\"" + style + "\" " + auto + " >" + displayLabel + "</div>"; } protected void updateContentLength(long newLength) { owner.updateContentLength(newLength); } Label currentMouseOver = null; public void onMouseClick(Object object) { } public void onMouseOut(Object object) { if (currentMouseOver == null) return; ClientMainWindow.notifyUserRem(currentMouseOver); currentMouseOver = null; } public void onMouseOver(Object object) { if (currentMouseOver != null) ClientMainWindow.notifyUserRem(currentMouseOver); currentMouseOver = ClientMainWindow.notifyUserAdd("Mouse over: " + object.toString()); } }