package org.drools.chance.reteoo.nodes; import; import org.drools.chance.evaluation.MockEvaluation; import org.drools.chance.reteoo.tuples.ImperfectRuleTerminalNodeLeftTuple; import org.drools.chance.rule.constraint.core.connectives.ConnectiveCore; import; import org.drools.chance.evaluation.CompositeEvaluation; import org.drools.chance.evaluation.Evaluation; import org.drools.chance.reteoo.ChanceFactHandle; import org.drools.chance.reteoo.tuples.ImperfectLeftTuple; import org.drools.chance.reteoo.tuples.ImperfectTuple; import org.drools.common.*; import org.drools.reteoo.*; import org.drools.reteoo.builder.BuildContext; import org.drools.spi.PropagationContext; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; public class LogicalBetaOperatorNode extends LeftTupleSource implements LeftTupleSinkNode { private ConnectiveCore connective; private int arity; private int[] argIndexes; private String label; /** The left input <code>TupleSource</code>. */ protected LeftTupleSource leftInput; private LeftTupleSinkNode previousLeftTupleSinkNode; private LeftTupleSinkNode nextLeftTupleSinkNode; private boolean tupleMemoryEnabled; private boolean fromLIA; public LogicalBetaOperatorNode( int id, String label, ConnectiveCore conn, int arity, int[] indexes, LeftTupleSource tupleSource, BuildContext context ) { super( id, context.getPartitionId(), context.getRuleBase().getConfiguration().isMultithreadEvaluation() ); this.connective = conn; this.arity = arity; this.argIndexes = indexes; this.label = label; this.leftInput = tupleSource; this.fromLIA = tupleSource instanceof LeftInputAdapterNode; this.tupleMemoryEnabled = context.isTupleMemoryEnabled(); initMasks( context, leftInput ); } public int getArity() { return arity; } public ConnectiveCore getConnective() { return connective; } public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { super.readExternal( in ); connective = (ConnectiveCore) in.readObject(); arity = in.readInt(); argIndexes = (int[]) in.readObject(); } public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeExternal(out); out.writeObject( connective ); out.writeInt( arity ); out.writeObject( argIndexes ); } public void attach() { this.leftInput.addTupleSink(this); } public void networkUpdated(UpdateContext updateContext) { updateContext.startVisitNode(leftInput); updateContext.endVisit(); if ( !updateContext.isVisiting( leftInput ) ) { leftInput.networkUpdated( updateContext ); } } @Override protected void doCollectAncestors( NodeSet baseNodes ) { this.leftInput.collectAncestors( baseNodes ); } @Override protected void doRemove( RuleRemovalContext ruleRemovalContext, ReteooBuilder reteooBuilder, InternalWorkingMemory[] internalWorkingMemories ) { this.leftInput.remove( ruleRemovalContext, reteooBuilder, internalWorkingMemories ); } public void attach( BuildContext context ) { attach(); } @Override public void updateSinkOnAttach( BuildContext context, PropagationContext propagationContext, InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory ) { this.leftInput.updateSink( this, propagationContext, workingMemory ); } protected void doRemove(final RuleRemovalContext context, final ReteooBuilder builder, final BaseNode node, final InternalWorkingMemory[] workingMemories) { if ( !node.isInUse() ) { removeTupleSink( (LeftTupleSink) node ); } if ( !this.isInUse() || context.getCleanupAdapter() != null ) { context.setCleanupAdapter( null ); } this.leftInput.remove( context, builder, workingMemories ); } public LeftTupleSinkNode getPreviousLeftTupleSinkNode() { return previousLeftTupleSinkNode; } public void setPreviousLeftTupleSinkNode(LeftTupleSinkNode previousLeftTupleSinkNode) { this.previousLeftTupleSinkNode = previousLeftTupleSinkNode; } public LeftTupleSinkNode getNextLeftTupleSinkNode() { return nextLeftTupleSinkNode; } public void setNextLeftTupleSinkNode(LeftTupleSinkNode nextLeftTupleSinkNode) { this.nextLeftTupleSinkNode = nextLeftTupleSinkNode; } public String toString() { return "[" + getId() +"] Operator " + connective; } public int hashCode() { return id; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; LogicalBetaOperatorNode that = (LogicalBetaOperatorNode) o; if (connective != that.connective) return false; if (arity != that.arity) return false; return true; } @Override public void updateSink( LeftTupleSink sink, PropagationContext context, InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Logical Beta Operator Node Pass-through, not implemented yet!" ); } protected ObjectTypeNode getObjectTypeNode() { ObjectTypeNode objectTypeNode = null; ObjectSource source = ((LeftInputAdapterNode) this.getLeftTupleSource()).getParentObjectSource(); while ( source != null ) { if ( source instanceof ObjectTypeNode ) { objectTypeNode = (ObjectTypeNode) source; break; } source = source.getParentObjectSource(); } return objectTypeNode; } public short getType() { return NodeTypeEnums.OperatorNode; } public void assertLeftTuple( LeftTuple leftTuple, PropagationContext context, InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory ) { //TODO Fixme Until all nodes have been made imperfect, tuples might come without evaluations if ( ((ImperfectTuple)leftTuple).getEvaluation() != null && ! ((ImperfectTuple)leftTuple).getDegree().toBoolean()) { return; } this.sink.propagateAssertLeftTuple( leftTuple, context, workingMemory, isLeftTupleMemoryEnabled() ); } public void retractLeftTuple(LeftTuple leftTuple, PropagationContext context, InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory) { this.sink.propagateRetractLeftTuple( leftTuple, context, workingMemory ); } public boolean isLeftTupleMemoryEnabled() { return tupleMemoryEnabled; } public void setLeftTupleMemoryEnabled( boolean tupleMemoryEnabled ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Logical Beta Operator Node Pass-through, not implemented yet!" ); } public LeftTupleSource getLeftTupleSource() { return leftInput; } public void modifyLeftTuple( LeftTuple leftTuple, PropagationContext context, InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory ) { if ( leftTuple.getFirstChild() == null ) { return; } if ( ! fromLIA ) { //TODO FIXME if ( leftTuple.getParent() instanceof ImperfectTuple ) { Evaluation eval = reevaluate( (ImperfectTuple) leftTuple.getParent(), (ImperfectTuple) leftTuple.getRightParent() ); if ( ! eval.getDegree().toBoolean() ) { return; } if ( leftTuple.getFirstChild() != null ) { ((ImperfectTuple) leftTuple.getFirstChild()).addEvaluation( eval ); } } } this.sink.propagateModifyChildLeftTuple( leftTuple, context, workingMemory, isLeftTupleMemoryEnabled() ); } public LeftTuple createLeftTuple( InternalFactHandle factHandle, LeftTupleSink sink, boolean leftTupleMemoryEnabled ) { ImperfectTuple tuple = new ImperfectLeftTuple( factHandle, sink, leftTupleMemoryEnabled ); tuple.setEvaluation( ((ChanceFactHandle) factHandle ).getCachedEvaluation( argIndexes[0] ) ); return (LeftTuple) tuple; } public LeftTuple createLeftTuple( LeftTuple leftTuple, LeftTupleSink sink, boolean leftTupleMemoryEnabled ) { ImperfectRuleTerminalNodeLeftTuple tuple = new ImperfectRuleTerminalNodeLeftTuple( leftTuple, sink, leftTupleMemoryEnabled ); // //TODO FIXME if ( leftTuple instanceof ImperfectTuple ) { tuple.setEvaluation( ((ImperfectTuple) leftTuple ).getEvaluation( ) ); } // return tuple; // throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Not impl yet" ); } public LeftTuple createLeftTuple( LeftTuple leftTuple, RightTuple rightTuple, LeftTupleSink sink ) { ImperfectTuple tuple = new ImperfectLeftTuple( leftTuple, rightTuple, sink ); Evaluation eval = reevaluate( (ImperfectTuple) leftTuple, (ImperfectTuple) rightTuple ); tuple.setEvaluation( eval ); return (LeftTuple) tuple; } public LeftTuple createLeftTuple(LeftTuple leftTuple, RightTuple rightTuple, LeftTuple currentLeftChild, LeftTuple currentRightChild, LeftTupleSink sink, boolean leftTupleMemoryEnabled) { ImperfectTuple tuple = new ImperfectLeftTuple( leftTuple, rightTuple, currentLeftChild, currentRightChild, sink, leftTupleMemoryEnabled ); //TODO FIXME if ( leftTuple instanceof ImperfectTuple) { tuple.setEvaluation( reevaluate( (ImperfectTuple) leftTuple, (ImperfectTuple) rightTuple ) ); } return (LeftTuple) tuple; } private Evaluation reevaluate( ImperfectTuple left, ImperfectTuple right ) { Degree[] bits = new Degree[arity]; Evaluation[] children = new Evaluation[arity]; for ( int j = 0; j < arity - 1; j ++ ) { //TODO FIXME NULL CHECKS Evaluation arg = left.getCachedEvaluation( this.argIndexes[j] ); children[ j ] = arg != null ? arg : new MockEvaluation( -1, SimpleDegree.TRUE ); bits[ j ] = arg != null ? arg.getDegree() : SimpleDegree.TRUE; } Evaluation rightEval = right.getCachedEvaluation( this.argIndexes[ arity - 1 ] ); children[ arity - 1 ] = rightEval; bits[ arity - 1 ] = rightEval.getDegree(); Degree res = this.connective.eval( bits ); // System.err.println( "LOP" + res ); return new CompositeEvaluation(, connective.toString() + Arrays.toString( children ), res, connective, children, label ); } }